Killing a sixth-level Territory Lord-level enemy greatly boosted Wang Cheng's confidence. Without hesitation, he scanned the entire battlefield and began to search for the next opponent.

But Wang Cheng only searched for a moment. The next moment, he turned his head in disbelief and looked at the center of the battlefield.

At this time, in his senses, the aura of their human race's "Meteor General" was passing away rapidly. It seemed that only one of the two realm lords who were originally equally magnificent was left.

The terrible thing is that the remaining one is the leader of the Iron Wing clan!

"The human realm master is dead. Anyone who refuses to surrender will be killed!"

The ensuing sound resounded throughout the battlefield, causing the entire battlefield to become silent for an instant. Following this, the morale of all the Iron Wing warriors was greatly boosted, while the human race's side instantly fell into a slump.

Almost everyone has no intention of continuing to fight. They understand that they have lost this encounter. Next, how to save their lives is the key!

call! call! call!

An invisible shadow quickly shuttled across the battlefield, and in the blink of an eye, the few ninth-level Domain Lords on the human race exploded into a ball of blood mist.

Obviously, it was the Realm Lord of the Iron Wing Clan who took action!

However, he only took action against the ninth-level Territory Lord-level ones, and he obviously had no interest in taking action against the remaining weaker ones. But even so, after losing all the ninth-level Territory Lord-level ones in a row, the human race The children instantly began to collapse!


Wang Cheng was frightened by the sudden change of situation. He finally understood why the mortality rate of the universe class and domain lord class was high in battlefields outside the domain.

Whether the World Lord will die or not is up to him to decide. The life and death of the Universe and Territory Lords are not decided by him at all!

Once the Realm Lord who leads them dies, how many of the remaining Universe level and Domain Lord level will survive?

"I just realized this, it's nothing, but others are..." Wang Cheng looked at the defeated human army around him, his heart felt a little heavy.

After all, everyone had fought together, and it was really hard for him to just watch everyone die.

However, although Wang Cheng is not an ordinary first-level cosmic level, he is still only a first-level cosmic level. The gap between the world master and the cosmic level is millions of times greater in terms of physical basis alone. Even if his enlightenment goes against the will of heaven, It is far from being the opponent of the Realm Lord!

"Try your best, it's up to people to plan things, and it's up to God to make things happen!" Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart.


Wang Cheng observed the battlefield. At this time, the disadvantage of all the ninth-level human domain lords dying was obvious.

Several ninth-level Territory Lord-level warriors from the Iron Wing clan joined forces to frantically pursue some seventh- and eighth-level Domain Lord-level warriors from the human race, while the rest of the human warriors were either chased by high-level Iron Wing clan or He was attacked by a group of Iron Wing tribesmen.

The entire battlefield is extremely chaotic, but one thing is very clear. If this continues, not a single human warrior will be able to escape!



Wang Cheng saw Mosisuo and his party, who were being chased by a first- and second-level Territory Lord-level Iron Wing warrior. There were only seven or eight people left in the team that originally had more than ten people.


Wang Cheng didn't hesitate at all, he rushed forward as fast as he could.

"Iron Wing Clan!!"

Wang Cheng yelled angrily, and he went straight towards the Territory Lord who was chasing Mosiso and his party.

"So fast!"

When the Territory Lord saw Wang Cheng, he was instantly shocked. Without hesitation, the Territory Lord chose to ask for help.

Unlike the Iron Wing Tribe Territory Lord who died before, the Iron Wing Tribe's combat power was very spare at the moment. As soon as this Iron Wing Tribe Territory Lord asked for help, many Territory Lords responded to him in an instant.

There is even an eighth-level domain lord among them!

But unfortunately, it takes time for reinforcements to arrive, and Wang Cheng is almost catching up with the domain lord at this time.

In desperation, the domain lord had to stop and prepare to fight.

"It has to be delayed for at least thirty seconds!" The domain master calculated the time in his mind, but at the next moment, his pupils suddenly dilated.

There was not one Wang Cheng chasing after him, but at some point, there were hundreds of them!

Hundreds of Wang Cheng's words seemed to be real, making it impossible for the Territory Lord to tell the difference between true and false!

"This is...the origin law of space?!"

This thought flashed through the mind of the Territory Lord. At this time, Wang Cheng was approaching.

In a panic, the domain master attacked Wang Cheng's figure crazily, but unfortunately, all his attacks were fake.

Until a sharp claw fell from the sky and scratched his head open instantly.

The Domain Lord's life core was also not in his head, but as soon as his head was shattered, his reaction immediately slowed down.

call! call! call!

Wang Cheng launched a crazy attack and quickly killed the domain lord completely!


Wang Cheng only killed the domain lord in an instant. At this time, Mo Xisuo and others who were being chased by him reacted.

"Brother Xin!" Mosiso looked at Wang Cheng with some surprise.

"You go first!" Wang Cheng said without hesitation.

"Aren't you coming with us?" Mosiso asked.


Wang Cheng didn't say anything. He rushed forward, where two Territory Lords were coming quickly. Obviously, this was the support invited by the Territory Lord who died just now.

"Brother Mosiso, what should we do?" Looking at Wang Cheng who was rushing towards the enemy, the remaining cosmic levels were all a little unbelievable. They had only just met, and this man was actually willing to intercept the enemy for them.

"What kind of loyalty is this!" A man with a scale on his face had an excited expression on his face. He immediately wanted to follow Wang Cheng and rush over.

However, as soon as he flew out, he was caught by Mosiso!

"Idiot, if you go up to help, can you bring any help to Brother Xin?" Mosiso shouted coldly, and then said: "In any case, the matter is irreversible, don't let down Brother Xin's kindness!"

"Are we leaving like this?" the man with the scales on his face asked.

"I'll stop you just once. If you don't want to leave, just go and die. If you want to leave, follow me!" Mosiso didn't say much, he flew directly towards the outside of the battlefield.

In fact, although Wang Cheng helped them block the pursuit of a domain lord, it was still unknown whether a few cosmic-level ones could escape.

If they fly away now, they are just fighting for their slim chance of survival!

Wang Cheng didn't know whether these cosmic-level ones could escape in the end. All he could do was do his best.

At this time, Wang Cheng and the two territorial lords who came to help were facing each other, and the two sides soon met.

As soon as the two sides made a move, Wang Cheng did not hide it, but directly used the two secret techniques of "Eternal Sky" and "Ten Thousand Lines of Flow".

"It is indeed the original law of space!"

When the two domain lords saw Wang Cheng, who was instantly separated into hundreds of incarnations, their expressions instantly became solemn. Their companions had just been killed. They were far apart and could not see clearly, but now they were up close. After seeing so many incarnations of Wang Cheng, they no longer had any doubts.

This is definitely the original law of space!

"General, I have found a human race here who controls the original laws of space!" One of the domain lords quickly reported the matter to the general of the Iron Wing army, who was also the only domain lord of this team.

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