At this time, at the top of the battlefield between the two sides, a man with wings on his back and a faint smile on his face was crossing his arms and admiring the battle below.

This man is the Realm Lord who leads this Iron Wing Clan army, and it was he who killed General Meteor just now!

"Kill, kill, all humans should be killed!"

The world lord was extremely happy, and as many human races below were being killed, the smile on his face became more and more intense.

Suddenly, the voice of one of his subordinates came from the World Lord's communicator.

"General, I found a human race here that masters the original laws of space!"

"What? A human race that masters the original laws of space?" The world leader was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

Following the location sent to him by his subordinates, the Realm Lord's eyes were focused on a certain place on the battlefield.

At this time, the world leader saw that two of his tribesmen were entangled with a human race. One of his two tribesmen was a fifth-level domain master and an eighth-level domain master. The human race was...

"First-order universe level?" The world leader was slightly confused, but soon he was sure that he was right.

Others on the battlefield might have thought that Wang Cheng was pretending to be in a realm, but the Iron Wing Clan Realm Master had truly sensed Wang Cheng's realm through his world realm.

He knew it couldn't go wrong!

"This, this, this... the first level of the universe is entangled with the eighth level of the domain lord?" The leader of the Iron Wing clan couldn't believe it. At this moment, the first thing he felt was not surprise, but It's fear.

What is the concept of being able to tangle with the first level of the universe level and the eighth level of the domain lord level?

This kind of monster may not have been born in their entire Iron Wing tribe in endless years! Even if the human race is the pinnacle race, this kind of genius is definitely the core of the core.

With such a core, the human race would arrange for strong people to protect it, right?

Is it possible that the human race would allow such a genius to die on such a battlefield casually? If that were the case, then the human race would probably have been removed from the peak race long ago!

"Being able to separate hundreds of incarnations in battle, this person's understanding of the original laws of space is already extremely profound!" The world leader looked at Wang Cheng's battle, and he gradually saw more things:

"Wherever this person passes, the flow rate of time changes. Even where his incarnation passes, the flow rate of time also changes... This is definitely the original law of time! Moreover, the two laws are perfectly combined. use!"


The more things this World Master sees, the more frightened he feels. He is a universe-level genius who masters the laws of time and space at the same time, and has a profound understanding of both laws!

When such a genius comes to the battlefield, and is equipped with an immortal king to follow him, even the world lord thinks it is not too much!

"Someone is watching me?" The Iron Wing Clan leader carefully sensed his surroundings, but unfortunately, he sensed nothing.

"Gotta test it!"

The Realm Lord felt that this was not the way to go, so he directly sent a message to another of his ninth-level Territory Lord level subordinates, asking him to deal with Wang Cheng.

The Iron Wing clan member of the ninth level of Territory Lord did not dare to neglect after receiving the order. He rushed directly and quickly to somewhere in the battlefield.

A moment later, the ninth-level Domain Lord saw the three people fighting. What puzzled him was that the human race was clearly at a disadvantage, so why would the general let him come to support them?

"Wind Hammer, hurry up, catch him!" The leader of the Iron Wing Clan urged him again with a message.

"He turned out to be a genius who mastered the original laws of space. No wonder the general wanted to capture me alive!" The ninth-level Iron Wing clan leader felt that he understood his general's thoughts. He did not hesitate and simply flapped his wings. He pounced on Wang Cheng like a wolf and a tiger.

"Ninth level domain lord?"

Wang Cheng also immediately sensed the arrival of this person. He knew in his heart that he could only rely on the "Ten Thousand Lines of Flow" to create avatars to fight against the eighth-level Domain Lord. But if he were to fight against the ninth-level Domain Lord, he would be instantly killed. Not surprisingly!


Wang Cheng used his avatar to deceive the eighth-level Domain Lord who was entangled with him, and then ran away from the battlefield without looking back.

"Want to run?"

The domain master, the ninth-level Iron Wing Tribe, sneered, and his speed soared as he flapped his wings wildly.

A normal ninth-level Territory Lord, after a period of acceleration, can even reach speeds of tens of thousands of kilometers per second. At this time, this ninth-level Territory Lord is obviously better at speed. There is a faint green light when his wings are flapping. Flashing past, this made him go faster. After a period of acceleration, his speed reached an exaggerated speed of more than 20,000 kilometers per second.

As for Wang Cheng, his "Wind God Shadow", "Ten Thousand Lines of Flow", etc. are all short-range explosive secret techniques. He is not good at long-distance attacks!

When Wang Cheng really flew, he accelerated to the limit. His basic speed was less than a thousand kilometers per second.

Even with the blessing of wind, space laws, and even "Eternal Sky" to accelerate time, Wang Cheng could not reach a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per second, let alone that he was being chased by a guy traveling at a speed of 20,000 kilometers per second.

In just a few breaths, the ninth level Domain Lord came to Wang Cheng and blocked his way.

"Stay here!" The ninth-level Domain Lord stretched out his hands and grabbed Wang Cheng.

"Keep you a hammer!"

Naturally, Wang Cheng would not give up. After realizing that he was definitely no match, he instantly put the two fifth-level force weapons in his hands into the space connected to his consciousness.

The next moment, Wang Cheng thought directly, and the temporarily condensed body dissipated directly.


There was another feeling of consciousness traveling through space. On the earth, within the world ring, Wang Cheng quickly opened his eyes and stood up from the grassland at the same time.

"At least I killed a second-level Domain Lord, and held back an eighth-level Domain Lord for a while. Finally, the ninth-level Domain Lord wasted some time because he wanted to catch me. This is the limit!" Wang Cheng Sighed slightly.

His strength is still not strong enough, otherwise facing this kind of thing today, he would not have to return in embarrassment in the end.

"I hope a few can escape..." Wang Cheng shook his head and did not think about it any further.

Wang Cheng actually understood that what happened today was just normal!

There is no doubt that the battlefield outside the territory is extremely cruel. Even the world lord has a mortality rate of 95%. From this, it can be seen that there is nothing surprising about what happened today. His emotions were agitated just because he was there. In this situation, I personally felt the cruelty!

However, Wang Cheng didn't know that his role was actually far more than he imagined!


At this time, in a certain starry sky in the Titan galaxy——


The ninth level Domain Lord was thrown into the air, and he looked around in confusion.

Immediately afterwards, something happened that he couldn't understand even more!

"Retreat the whole army, immediately!" The voice of the Iron Wing Clan's Realm Master sounded in the communicator of each Iron Wing Clan.

On the battlefield outside the territory, military orders are like mountains.

With this order from the Iron Wing Clan Realm Master, all Territory Lords and Universe Levels had no choice but to stop even if they felt puzzled.

call! call! call!

A large number of Iron Wing warriors quickly returned to their spaceship. The spacecraft started quickly and soon left the starry sky.

"What's going on?" Many of the human warriors who were still alive were confused at this time. Just now, the Iron Wings clearly had the upper hand, so why did they suddenly run away?

There are no reinforcements coming near here!

In fact, not only the human warriors were confused, but also the Territory Lords and Universe Levels of the Iron Wing Clan were puzzled.

However, even if most people were confused, no one dared to ask. Only a few ninth-level Domain Lords couldn't help but ask the Iron Wing Clan Realm Lord why!

"Wind Hammer, if you go after that human cosmic level, don't you have nothing to say?" The Iron Wing clan leader instead looked at one of the ninth level Domain Lords.

"General, is that human being really at the cosmic level?" the ninth-level Domain Lord named Feng Hammer asked in disbelief.

"You can't be wrong!" The Iron Wing clan leader nodded directly, and he continued: "And, it is the first level of the universe!"


The Iron Wing Clan named Feng Chui fell into deep thought. Thinking of the last scene where Wang Cheng suddenly disappeared without warning, a coldness gradually rose in his heart. He seemed to have walked away from the gate of hell!

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