Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 5 Base City No. 003 (please support!)

After thinking for a long time, Wang Cheng immediately discovered that his best choice now was to take a look inside the wilderness area.

Whether it is absorbing genetic energy, comprehending laws, or accumulating practical experience, it can all be done easily in the wilderness area.

"Forget it, I've been staying at home for three months, it's time to go out for a walk!" Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart.

Wang Cheng is actually quite a homebody, otherwise he would have hardly left the house for three months after traveling through time.

However, since it is very necessary to go out now, Wang Cheng has no idea of ​​continuing to stay at home!

. . .

After making the decision, Wang Cheng did not hesitate. He directly brought a bunch of simple supplies and prepared to go to the wilderness area. However, before leaving, Wang Cheng still used his natural talent to separate three apprentices. Gao's clone stayed at home.

Wang Cheng decided to keep the identity of senior warrior Wang Cheng for the time being. He was going to the wilderness area this time and planned to go quietly, so naturally he had to have "Wang Cheng" at home.

And Wang Cheng happened to have the natural talent of clone technique, so this matter was just a trivial matter to him.


After taking care of everything, Wang Cheng quickly left Mingyue Community quietly and arrived at the edge of Yangzhou City.

Yangzhou City is an urban area on the outskirts of Jiangnan Base City, so after leaving Yangzhou City, it is directly in the wilderness area.

Of course, normally, Yangzhou City does not provide warriors with a way to leave the Jiangnan base city. All around Yangzhou City are defenses set up by the military to prevent monsters from invading the base city.

However, Wang Cheng was not planning to go to the wilderness area through formal channels at this time, so it didn't matter where he left. Moreover, Wang Cheng didn't think the military near Yangzhou City could stop him.


After arriving in the no-man's land of Yangzhou City, Wang Cheng then flew into the sky. For a planet-level player, flying is like an innate instinct, so easy!

"Try it at full speed!"

Wang Cheng was thinking in his mind, and then, wisps of lightning appeared hundreds of meters around him.


In an instant, Wang Cheng rushed out suddenly.

After about ten seconds, Wang Cheng suddenly stopped.

"Good guy!"

Wang Cheng stood among the clouds. He looked at a supply base below and was slightly shocked.

He knew that this supply base was about a hundred kilometers away from the Jiangnan base city. He actually only flew over such a long distance for more than ten seconds.

"The speed is nearly ten kilometers per second, which is almost comparable to a normal ninth-level planet-level life!" Wang Cheng thought secretly in his heart, but he was not surprised.

A normal planet-level ninth-level life should be able to fly at a maximum speed of ten kilometers per second. Although Wang Cheng is only a planet-level first-level being, his genetic level is ten times that of an ordinary life and is higher than a normal planet-level one. The level is much stronger, and it is estimated to be comparable to the ordinary fourth and fifth planetary levels.

The key is that Wang Cheng also has bonuses in the thunder and lightning field.

Without the thunder and lightning field, Wang Cheng would probably be able to fly less than three kilometers in one second, but with the thunder and lightning field, his speed has directly changed qualitatively.

"This is just a domain. If I can understand the law, I will probably become stronger!" Wang Cheng knew that the reason why he could fly at this speed is related to the fact that he is better at flying in the thunder and lightning domain. If he understood the gold domain, Those in the realm of fire probably won’t have this effect.

But even so, it can fully reflect the power of the field!

With such a terrifying bonus, no wonder Hong immediately claimed to be planet-level invincible after comprehending the "Light Domain"!

"At this speed, as long as I am not prepared in advance, the satellites in the sky will not notice me!"

Wang Cheng raised his head and glanced at the sky. He still wanted to keep a low profile at the moment. Although it would be okay if he was discovered, it was better not to be discovered if he could avoid being discovered!


Wang Cheng didn't think much, he found the direction and quickly moved away from this place.

After about a minute, Wang Cheng saw the ocean in the distance. After adjusting the direction several times, Wang Cheng quickly arrived at his destination this time.

This is City 003, the SH City before the catastrophe.

The former Demonic City has now become a Demonic Cave, because there are simply countless monsters gathered here. If a warrior with no skills dares to come here, he is basically seeking death.

Of course, that is for ordinary warriors. With Wang Cheng's current strength, if he is willing, he should be able to kill all the monsters in this city very quickly!

But, that’s not necessary!


Wang Cheng landed on an abandoned building on the edge of City 003.

"It's a residential building, just right!" Wang Cheng walked to the floor. He easily broke a locked door and walked in.

"let's start!"

Wang Cheng thought, and then his body lit up with a rich white light.

Soon, clones appeared around him one after another. It was not until a long time later that Wang Cheng stopped. At this time, Wang Cheng had already divided into thousands of clones, and all of them were third-level apprentices!

After these clones appeared, 990 of them were scattered throughout the residential building. They sat down cross-legged directly on the spot and began to absorb the energy of the universe using the five-heart-to-the-sky posture, while the remaining ten Then he left this residential building and officially entered Base City No. 003.

As for Wang Cheng himself, he found a bed and directly chose to lie down.

enmm, of course, this is not Wang Cheng's laziness. After all, he created thousands of clones at once to train himself. No matter what, he can't be said to be lazy. The reason why he lies down now is actually to understand the law of thunder and lightning.

Without the guidance of secret books, although Wang Cheng could clearly feel the existence of the laws of thunder and lightning, he had no idea how to master them, so he could only choose to lie down and feel it quietly. This stupid method.

As the saying goes, if you read a book a hundred times, you will see its meaning. The more you experience this law, the more naturally you should be able to master it!

Furthermore, there were no secret books when the universe was first born. Couldn't countless beings in the universe at that time still master the laws?

Just because it's slow doesn't mean there's nothing you can do!

. . .

In the residential building, Wang Cheng's clone and the other 990 clones were working hard, while outside, not long after Wang Cheng's ten clones left, one of them encountered a monster.

It was a shadow lying on the corpse of another monster, feasting on it. It was not very big, only about one meter long except for its tail.

The hair all over the body is black and shiny, and there is a faint feeling of reflection in the sun.

"Adult Shadowcat!"

Wang Cheng quickly recognized the true identity of this monster. It should be a junior beast general level monster.

"I met a beast general when I went out, not bad!" Wang Cheng felt that he was lucky.

Even though Wang Cheng's clone was only a third-level apprentice equivalent to a high-level warrior, he was not afraid of this beast general-level shadow cat at all.

The domain is a perfect combination of original energy, will, and body. The apprentice-level clone cannot release its own original energy, so it cannot expand the domain. However, this does not mean that Wang Cheng's clone is weak in combat effectiveness. After all, he has learned all the skills before. "Nine Layers of Thunder Knife"!

Dacheng's "Nine Layers of Thunder Sword" is nothing in the universe, but at any rate it can amplify seven times the strength.

In terms of strength, there is only eight times the gap between high-level warriors and high-level generals. In other words, if Wang Cheng's clone attacks with all his strength, he will be close to the strength of high-level generals, so he is naturally not afraid of this shadow cat. .

Of course, a real battle is not just a competition of strength and speed, there are many factors that influence it. This is actually the reason why Wang Cheng comes out to fight now.

After all, no matter how strong your strength is, it will be useless if you cannot display it. Only through a lot of battles can you truly accumulate practical experience.


"As my first opponent, let me see what you are capable of!" Wang Cheng approached the eating shadow cat step by step. The other party was obviously aware of Wang Cheng's approach, so his mouth Zhong soon let out a series of piercing screams as a threat.

But unfortunately, Wang Cheng was unmoved, and his progress was slow but determined.

Finally, the shadow cat was completely angered. In an instant, it turned into an afterimage and disappeared from the place.

Although angry, the shadow cat was very cunning. It did not attack Wang Cheng from the front. Instead, it went around Wang Cheng's blind spot and then suddenly charged forward.

In an instant, Wang Cheng rolled on the spot, narrowly avoiding the shadow cat's attack.

"The "Nine-layered Thunder Blade" can increase the power and speed, but it cannot increase the reaction speed. I rely on the "Nine-layered Thunder Knife" to have an advantage in strength and speed, but the reaction speed is not as good as that of this shadow cat. It can even be said to be far worse. Far inferior!" Wang Cheng thought about the strength of the enemy and ourselves, and at the same time he quickly stood up, his eyes searching everywhere for the shadow cat that had disappeared again.

I don't know if it's because of his extraordinary talent, but although this is Wang Cheng's first actual combat, he is quite calm.


Suddenly, Wang Cheng felt a slight movement behind him. For a moment, he turned around without thinking.


This kick obviously hit the spot, and at the same time, a black shadow flew directly backwards.

There is no doubt that Wang Cheng attacked the shadow cat.

However, Wang Cheng was not sure whether he had hurt it. In Wang Cheng's opinion, the shadow cat's body was very soft, and his foot felt like he had stepped on cotton.

"Why don't you come out?"

Wang Cheng was alert for a moment, and then he was a little shocked to find that the shadow cat seemed to have run away!


Wang Cheng carefully stepped forward to check, and soon he was sure that the shadow cat had indeed run away.

All I can say is that it is indeed a monster that survived in this "devil's cave". Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately ran away...

"I hope I can meet you again!"

Wang Cheng didn't care too much. He didn't come here with the purpose of hunting monsters, otherwise he wouldn't have brought weapons.

This shadow cat has run away now, and there may not be a chance of meeting him again in the future!

It can even be said that the possibility of meeting him again in the future is quite high.

After all, Base City No. 003 is so big. Wang Cheng has sent ten avatars to look for opponents in it. It is normal for him to encounter this shadow cat again in the future.

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