Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 6 Rapid progress (please support!)

Time passed slowly, and 990 clones absorbed the energy of the universe at the same time. Wang Cheng himself never felt the bottleneck of his body, so the speed of his evolution was like a rocket.

In addition, thanks to the ten clones who are constantly looking for opponents in Base City 003, Wang Cheng's own actual combat experience is also increasing rapidly.

On the first day of actual combat, Wang Cheng's ten clones fought a total of fifteen monsters. These monsters were all beast-general level, and one of them was even a senior warrior-level.

Wang Cheng won fourteen of the fifteen battles, but that was when he faced a high-level warrior-level monster. Wang Cheng didn't have much power to fight back, and even his clone was killed directly.

After this clone died, it turned into countless light points and disappeared, and Wang Cheng himself, who was far away in a residential building, also absorbed some light points.

It was precisely because of this experience that Wang Cheng had a deeper understanding of his natural talent.

If the clone dies outside, the energy distributed by the clone will not return to Wang Cheng, but some souls will come back.

However, Wang Cheng doesn’t know the maximum distance that the soul can return to the original body. This will have to be tried later!

In addition, if the clone and the soul are killed, the soul will definitely not come back.

However, some apprentice-level monsters certainly do not have the ability to kill souls, so after one clone died, Wang Cheng immediately created another clone.

The death of the clone is not terrible, it is just a loss of energy. At this moment, Wang Cheng's nine hundred and ninety clones are rapidly absorbing the energy of the universe, and some of the energy loss is easily replenished!


On the second day of the actual battle, none of Wang Cheng's clones died, but one of the monsters he fought with died. This became the first monster Wang Cheng killed!

After the other party died, Wang Cheng threw him outside.

Although many of the materials on the monster are valuable, with Wang Cheng's current strength, money on earth is no longer attractive to him. That is to say, he doesn't want it. If he wants it, he can easily get it. of earth coins.

It was just a bit of material, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

On the third day of actual combat, Wang Cheng figured out some of the secrets of movement skills.

On earth, the existence of these technical skills such as martial arts and body movements is divided into five levels: ordinary, subtle, perfect, artistic conception, and domain!

In the universe, martial arts and body skills are divided into four realms: foundation, artistic conception, domain, and world (law)!

Ordinary, subtle, and perfect on earth all correspond to the foundation in the universe, and artistic conception and realm correspond to each other one by one. As for the final law... No one on earth can understand the law, so naturally. There is no such boundary division.

Wang Cheng has understood the domain. He relied on the domain to fly before, which can be regarded as using domain-level movement.

However, now that he is using an apprentice-level clone, Wang Cheng cannot expand his domain, so his movement skills have immediately become worthless.

In other words, Wang Cheng's foundation is very weak, and it can even be said that he has no foundation!

After Wang Cheng noticed this, he quickly paid attention to it. The reason is very simple. The more basic things are, the more important they are. If you want to improve yourself, your foundation must be solid.

In fact, given that Wang Cheng understood the talent in the field in a very short period of time, and he divided ten avatars to fight and practice outside at the same time, his rate of progress is naturally quite terrifying!

On just the third day, Wang Cheng's basic body skills were honed to the extreme. To describe it as a state on earth, it was the perfect level.

After that, with the help of his understanding of the field, Wang Cheng quickly integrated the thunder and lightning artistic conception into his body technique, and the level of his movement technique reached the artistic conception level.

In this way of training himself, Wang Cheng soon stayed in City 003 for a month.

At this time, Wang Cheng could easily kill some high-level warrior-level monsters with the help of his apprentice's third-level clone. Wang Cheng didn't dare to say how strong this foundation was. At the very least, it wasn't too weak!

. . .

One month later——


Wang Cheng himself was sitting cross-legged on a sofa in a residential building. Dots of white light that appeared after nearly a thousand clones dissipated floated out from all directions of the residential building and quickly penetrated into Wang Cheng's body.

Normally, Wang Cheng restrained his aura, but when the white light penetrated Wang Cheng's body, the aura in Wang Cheng's body couldn't help but bloom.

"You get stronger so fast!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Wang Cheng's mouth. In just one month, in addition to making up for his technical foundation, his physical foundation also made rapid changes!

By now, Wang Cheng is already at the eighth level of planetary level. According to Wang Cheng's estimation, if he continues to get stronger like this, he will be able to reach the limit of the ninth level of planetary level in another month, as long as his will is not too stretched. , he should be able to break through the stellar level soon!

This speed is obviously much faster than the golden-horned giant beast that can become stronger by swallowing metal.

The reason for this is that firstly, Wang Cheng's natural talent is a great advantage in cultivation, and also because Wang Cheng himself has no bottleneck in evolution.

By combining the two, he can absorb the energy of the universe crazily and continue to promote his own evolution!

"I wonder if I can reach the peak of the realm master without any bottlenecks!" Wang Cheng secretly guessed in his heart. Of course, compared to the bottlenecks in his own body's evolution, Wang Cheng is more willing to believe that he can evolve to the realm without bottlenecks. The main peak.

After all, the original embryo is really incredible. The original body brought by the original embryo cannot be as talented in the direction of evolution as some peak bloodlines, right?

Without thinking much, Wang Cheng then created a large number of clones again and asked them to continue absorbing the energy of the universe!

As for Wang Cheng himself, he continued to sense the law with his eyes closed.

Although Wang Cheng's progress in the past month has been terrifying, Wang Cheng has no intention of stopping. He still plans to continue practicing in the wilderness area for a while!

However, before Wang Cheng could close his eyes for long, he suddenly opened his eyes in surprise, and a strange look appeared on his face.

Outside an abandoned supermarket in City 003, a clone of Wang Cheng walked out of the ruins.

At this time, in the open space in front of Wang Cheng, five or six somewhat surprised eyes were cast on him.

These glances came from the two sides who were confronting each other. One side was a mysterious man with messy camouflage on his face.

Apart from the fact that she is a woman from her figure, it is difficult to get other information from her body.

But the other side is obviously a complete team. There are melee fighters, hidden snipers, and even a mentalist in the team!

However, judging from their skin color and appearance, they are obviously a team from other countries.

"Hey, are you her companion?" The only female and mentalist in the foreign team looked at Wang Cheng who came out of the ruins and asked.

"I'm just passing by!" Wang Cheng shook his head with a calm expression, and then he took out a flying knife.

"Is this your thing?" Wang Cheng said, and the next moment -


The flying knife was thrown violently by Wang Cheng and went straight towards the female mentalist.

The speed of the flying knife was so fast that a sonic boom appeared in the air. However, the flying knife was obviously ineffective. When it was still about one meter away from the female spiritual master, it suddenly stopped. Come down.

The flying knife fell slowly, and finally fell into the hands of the female spiritual master.

"Not bad power!" The female spiritual master winked at his companions and praised them with a smile.

"you flatter me!"

Wang Cheng didn't say much, he was really just passing by here.

He saw someone fighting here, so he approached quietly with the mentality of watching the fun. Unexpectedly, there was a spiritual master on one of the parties, and after the other party heard the noise, he shot a flying knife directly at him, but the other party There was no killing intention, the flying knife was aimed at his feet.

As for what the two sides were fighting for...if Wang Cheng guessed correctly, it should be a dying shadow wolf between them.

The adult Shadow Wolf is a high-level beast general level monster, and the value of the materials of the shadow wolf is also worthy of the high-level beast general level!

If this monster were sold, it would probably fetch three to four billion Chinese coins.

Except for Wang Cheng, who came to City 003 to hunt monsters, there were probably very few people who could care less about the corpse of a shadow wolf.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the two sides have disputes over this.


Wang Cheng knew that the two sides might fight later, and it was very taboo for others to watch this situation.

So after making it clear that he was just passing by, Wang Cheng left quickly.

After it was confirmed that Wang Cheng had really left, the two sides of the confrontation began to communicate. At first, both sides were restrained, but when neither one was willing to give in, the smell of gunpowder between them soon became stronger.

The sniper from the foreign team who was hiding in the dark even fired and threatened, but unfortunately, the other side was also very stubborn. Although she was alone, she still insisted and refused to back down.

Because of this, the two sides soon started fighting.

At this time, Wang Cheng himself was standing on a building in the distance, watching the battle with interest.

"That woman dared to conflict with a team with a spiritual master on her own. Sure enough, she has two brushes. Her body skills are probably close to perfect, and her strength and speed are also top-notch among high-level warriors... tsk tsk!" Wang Cheng commented while watching.

Just now, Wang Cheng's clone did leave, but his true self came here quietly.

Both absorbing cosmic energy and sensing the law, Wang Cheng was actually extremely bored in this wilderness area. How could he let it go if he finally caught someone having fun?

The spiritual master can discover Wang Cheng's clone, but it is absolutely impossible to discover Wang Cheng's true form. The strength of the two parties is not in the same dimension at all.

PS: The signing contract has been sent out. Invest now and you will definitely make money without losing money. If you pass by, don’t miss it!

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