In front of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire Office, there were two six-meter-tall stellar guards. When the two men saw Wang Cheng and Jiang Mingyue walking over, a look of respect immediately appeared on their faces.

"My lord, please come inside!" The two of them bowed respectfully and took the initiative to open the door and invite Wang Cheng in.

These two guards are working here, and they still have good eyesight!

There was no need to deliberately detect the two iron tower-like figures following Wang Cheng and Jiang Mingyue. Just their vague auras let the two guards know that their strength was definitely at the cosmic level. It is even considered extremely strong at the cosmic level.

The identity of a person who can be a cosmic-level guard is definitely extraordinary.

Of course, the two guards now respect Wang Cheng, not Jiang Mingyue!

After all, Jiang Mingyue followed Wang Cheng step by step, and she looked like a follower at first glance. Considering Jiang Mingyue's appearance, she might just be a plaything of a big shot...

Wang Cheng naturally didn't understand the complicated thoughts of the two guards. He just walked over as usual. The two guards opened the door for him, and he walked in.

"Sir, what service do you need?" A sweet-looking woman came forward with a smile.

"I need to apply for identity. The two of us need to join the Black Dragon Mountain nationality!" Wang Cheng said directly.

"Join nationality?" The female receptionist was slightly stunned, but then she smiled and said: "Okay, please come with me!"


Wang Cheng nodded, and he followed Jiang Mingyue directly.

As long as you have the strength, it is not difficult to apply for nationality in the universe.

In other words, it is easy for a stateless person to apply for nationality. They only need to pay a registration fee!

It is not complicated to verify whether one has a nationality. There is a virtual universe and the connectivity of human information is far greater than that of other races. It is easy to investigate whether a person has joined other countries.

Of course, this kind of investigation has its limits. For example, for the office here on Qiulongxing, it would be good if they could have data about the entire Qianwu Universe Kingdom. Things outside the Qianwu Universe Kingdom are too far away from them!

In fact, no one thinks about this matter. Realm owners rarely leave the higher universe country to which they belong. These planet-level and star-level countries do not need to consider the affairs of that world at all!

The person who applied for nationality was a planet-level man with red hair and blue eyes. After scanning Wang Cheng and Jiang Mingyue with an instrument, he directly confirmed that they were indeed stateless before.

"Sir, you have instruments on you that block my detection. I need to know your evolutionary level!" The red-haired and blue-eyed man looked at Wang Cheng and said.

"Yes!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and he directly ordered No. 1 to release the shield.

"Cosmic Level 4!" In an instant, the red-haired and blue-eyed man became more respectful.

The man in front of him not only had two cosmic-level bodyguards, he was also a cosmic-level person himself. According to his experience, he was definitely a great man.

"What are your names?" the red-haired and blue-eyed man asked again.

"Jiang Mingyue!" Jiang Mingyue said her name without thinking much.

"I, Ming Jia!" Wang Cheng said lightly.

"Okay, Mr. Mingjia!" The red-haired and blue-eyed man nodded immediately. There were all kinds of strange names in the universe, but the red-haired and blue-eyed man didn't think much about it.

However, Jiang Mingyue certainly knew that Wang Cheng used a pseudonym, and if "Ming Jia" was pronounced the other way around, wouldn't that be a pseudonym?

In an instant, Jiang Mingyue understood why Wang Cheng had changed his appearance before. It turned out that he was planning to use a fake identity. Not only was his face fake, but his name was also fake!


After recording some basic information including evolution level, name, appearance, spiritual imprint, etc., this simple registration was quickly completed!

"Sir, the total handling fee for this transaction is one thousand black dragon coins!" said the red-haired and blue-eyed man.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then he threw something that looked like a coin that was rich in energy.

"Cosmic crystal?" The blond man with blue eyes was instantly startled. He glanced at Wang Cheng, and then hurriedly took the cosmic crystal to find change.


Wang Cheng didn't have any witch coins or black dragon coins on him, but he had been killing people on the battlefield outside the territory for a long time, and he had accumulated a lot of cosmic crystals.

After all, cosmic crystals are hard currency. Not only the human race uses them, but other races basically use cosmic crystals as currency!

One cosmic crystal is roughly equivalent to more than three million black dragon coins. Although this amount of money is considered a huge sum of money in this office, the receptionist acted very quickly. It didn't take long for him to bring an anonymous bank note. Get stuck.

"Sir, this is your change. Do you want to check it?" The blond man with blue eyes asked anxiously after handing the bank card to Wang Cheng.


Wang Cheng shook his head. Of course he knew that exchanging cosmic crystals for black dragon coins would be a big loss, but with his strength, he still cares about this little money?

He has already taken out the cosmic crystal, so naturally he doesn't care whether the people here are giving him witch coins or black dragon coins!

. . .

Without staying long, Wang Cheng and Jiang Mingyue quickly left the office.

"How do you feel?" Wang Cheng turned around and asked as he walked on the road.

"The humans in the universe are quite polite!" Jiang Mingyue said.

"That's because we are strong enough. Otherwise, how would we get this treatment?" Wang Cheng smiled.

"I understand!" Jiang Mingyue nodded seriously. Although it was a short contact, she had already felt that in the universe, the status of the strong was higher than that of the strong on earth.

In other words, the rules here are even more naked.

"Brother Cheng, is the Black Dragon Mountain Empire we joined very powerful?" Jiang Mingyue asked.

"The Black Dragon Mountain Empire is not weak!" Wang Cheng explained: "The universe countries in the universe are basically divided into three levels, namely the low universe country, the medium universe country, the high universe country..."

Wang Cheng explained to Jiang Mingyue, and Jiang Mingyue listened attentively. From time to time, she asked some questions. However, Jiang Mingyue simply didn't ask about Wang Cheng's previous use of a false identity. She just pretended that she didn't know about it. .

In fact, Jiang Mingyue was very wise, because Wang Cheng would not tell her the reason if she asked.

The reason why Wang Cheng did not use his true identity to register his identity in the universe was because "Wang Cheng" was not yet at the universe level.

In the human race, the shortcut to reaching the top is to join the five major forces!

The five major forces have abundant resources. These resources can make anyone transform quickly. Even people like Wang Cheng who have an "opportunity grabbing system" do not want to give up this opportunity!

The most convenient way to join the five major forces is to participate in the genius battle or the strong battle.

Wang Cheng is already at the cosmic level, so of course he cannot participate in the genius war, but now the human race is about to hold a genius war instead of a strong man war.

If you don't participate in the battle of the strong, you will have to wait five thousand years.

Five thousand years is too long. It is impossible for Wang Cheng to wait at the cosmic level for so long. He has already reached the fourth level of the cosmic level just over a year after breaking through the cosmic level. According to his estimation, even if he does not use any treasures, he will be able to become a cosmic level within ten years. Territory Lord!

If you use treasures that can nourish your body, the speed will be even faster!

In fact, Wang Cheng had no scruples when he broke through to the cosmic level. Naturally, he was not worried about this matter. After all, his innate talent of clone technique can create clones at will, and make a star-level clone to participate in the genius battle. Isn't it simple?

Although it is a star-level clone, Wang Cheng hopes that the clone can use his true identity!

After all, the five major forces are the real official forces of the human race. It will definitely be much more convenient to enter the official forces with your true identity in the future.

Now, Wang Cheng is just planning to hang around in the universe for a while. In addition to continuing to become stronger and continue to capture treasures, he has no clear goals. Therefore, choosing to use a false identity does not hinder him much.

PS: Two updates, please support!

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