Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 62 Entering the virtual universe

After applying for the official identity, Wang Cheng took Jiang Mingyue to the Virtual Universe Company branch on Qiulong Planet. With the citizenship of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, it was easy to open a virtual universe account. Just pay money.

In addition, while opening accounts under his real name, Wang Cheng also handled tens of thousands of anonymous accounts in one go.

Tens of thousands of anonymous accounts may seem like a lot, but in fact they are nothing at all. After all, many planet lords sometimes apply for such "experience cards" for the people of their planets, and thousands of them are not registered at one time. Rare.

Afterwards, Wang Cheng went to the branch of the "Universal Galaxy Bank" in Qiulong Planet. He opened an account here and deposited 30 million Universe coins in one go.

In fact, as a hard currency, cosmic crystals have miraculous effects in both cultivation and quick energy replenishment. Everyone will reserve a lot of them on extraterrestrial battlefields. Wang Cheng has been to hundreds of extraterrestrial battlefields and killed hundreds of domain lords. , the cosmic crystals on his body are far more than that.

What's more, he still has a bunch of treasures on him. If he sells them all, the price will be astronomical.

However, Wang Cheng was in no hurry to do this!

Without a reliable channel, selling treasures in large quantities can easily lead to trouble!

Although the ordinary domain lord Wang Cheng doesn't look down on him, in the final analysis, he is only a fourth-level cosmic-level person. If he sells a large amount of treasures casually, it can be said that he will almost 100% be targeted by others!

If it is really needed, Wang Cheng is not afraid of trouble. With his true strength, there is nothing to be afraid of!

But the problem is that he doesn’t need much money!

The deposit of 30 million cosmic coins is not too much, but it is still a lot. It is just right for Wang Cheng.

After all, he doesn't need much money to buy treasures, and he can't afford real treasures. It's enough to have the chance to grab the system.

Under such circumstances, Wang Cheng would certainly not be in a hurry to sell the treasure! When he really needs it, it won't be too late to take out the treasure and sell it!

. . .

"Sir, this is your bank card, please keep it!" At Universe Galaxy Bank, a female receptionist with pointed ears handed Wang Cheng his new bank card.

In this account, there are 30 million cosmic coins deposited by Wang Chengxin.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly and put away the bank card directly.

In the universe, the security of bank cards has gone beyond the scope of passwords. Each bank card corresponds to a spiritual imprint. Only with the corresponding spiritual imprint can the deposits in it be used.

The spiritual mark used by Wang Cheng to apply for this bank card is actually a spiritual mark that has been changed by the mask he is currently wearing on his face. In other words, this bank card can only be used by "Ming Jia". "Wang Cheng" is useless!

If Wang Cheng accidentally throws away the mask Qibao on his face one day, then he will not be able to take out the 30 million cosmic crystals in the bank card!


"You have become a distinguished one-star customer, and it is my honor to serve you!" The female receptionist smiled slightly, and at the same time she secretly sighed that she hadn't met such a polite one-star customer in a long time!

"As a star customer, I should have many privileges, right?" Wang Cheng asked.

"I wonder what you need, sir?"

"I want to buy a D-class spacecraft, a living planet!" Wang Cheng said directly.

"Our Universe Galaxy Bank has rich customer resources. When purchasing a spaceship, we can contact the seller for you!" the female receptionist continued:

"Purchasing a living planet is more troublesome, but we will pay attention to the corresponding auction for you. Once there is an auction, we will send the time and place of the auction to your virtual universe account!"

"Okay, then I'll bother you!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"Please go back and wait a moment. We will be able to contact the seller of the spaceship for you within one day!" the female receptionist said with a smile.


Wang Cheng didn't say anything else. He stood up and left the Universe Galaxy Bank with Jiang Mingyue.

. . .

"about there....."

After coming out of the Universe Galaxy Bank, Wang Cheng stretched and silently thought about what he should do on the Horned Dragon Planet. After thinking for a while, Wang Cheng turned to Jiang Mingyue and said:

"I'm going to find a place to rest next. What about you? Do you want to come with me, or do you want to wander around?"

"Of course I will follow you, Brother Cheng!" Jiang Mingyue said without hesitation.

"Finally come out once, don't want to look around?" Wang Cheng smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about the money problem, I will help you solve it. If you want to go, just go!"

"No need, Brother Cheng, I'll still follow you!" Jiang Mingyue still shook her head.

"Okay!" Wang Cheng smiled, and he didn't force it.


A moment later, Wang Cheng and Jiang Mingyue found a local real estate office. Without hesitation, Wang Cheng bought a manor in Qiulongxing with a wave of his hand.

This manor is tens of thousands of miles away from Qiulong City where they were just now. However, to Wang Cheng, thousands of miles is like being at the doorstep of home. Qiulong City can be reached in just one minute after leaving the house.


"Brother Cheng, I see that you have only lived in a small villa on Earth. I thought you didn't like luxury, but I didn't expect to buy such a big manor now!" Jiang Mingyue walked around the manor.

The land in Qiulongxing was not cheap, and the interior decoration of this manor was extremely luxurious, so Wang Cheng spent 50 billion black dragon coins to acquire this manor.

Of course, 50 billion black dragon coins, which is more than 10,000 universe crystals, is simply a drop in the bucket for Wang Cheng. He bought this manor and only used it as a temporary residence. He had no intention of living here permanently.

"The villa on Earth has a different meaning, you don't understand!" Wang Cheng said, and then he said:

"There are many servants in this manor, go and arrange them!"

"Servant..." Jiang Mingyue nodded slightly.


Wang Cheng didn't say anything else, and then left here.

. . .

Wang Cheng quickly arrived at a castle in the manor. After making sure that there was no one around, he created a clone with double the genetic level of the ninth-level stellar level.

"Try it!"

Wang Cheng handed over an anonymous virtual universe account to this clone, and he himself contacted No. 1 and asked him to help him log into the virtual universe.


"The virtual universe is connecting..."

A loud and unadulterated voice sounded, and then Wang Cheng's consciousness came to a retro street. On the side of the street, there were all kinds of pedestrians.

On Wang Cheng's shoulder, an elf wearing a green dress, with snow-white skin and big shining eyes appeared.

"No. 1?" Wang Cheng asked with some confusion.

"Yes, Master!" The elf agreed immediately.

"Is this what you look like?" Wang Cheng asked.

"The master has not set an image. According to the search, the master's favorite appearance is selected!" The elf answered somewhat mechanically, but the content left Wang Cheng speechless.

How did this auxiliary intelligence come to the conclusion that this was his favorite look?

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