In the killing field, there is a space for individual training and a space for duels.

In the duel space, warriors can also display their normal strength and fight with other warriors to their heart's content.

At this time, Wang Cheng and Nuo Lanshan came to the duel space at the same time.

"I don't know what to call this brother?" Nuo Lanshan asked with a smile.


Wang Cheng didn't say anything, he just raised his hand towards Nuo Lanshan.

This provocative action instantly froze the smile on Nuo Lanshan's face. At the same time, anger rose in his heart. He saw that Wang Cheng's identity might be extraordinary, so he started to think about making friends. Who would have thought that this guy would directly provoke him? .

As a giant ax warrior, Nuo Lanshan was naturally arrogant. At this moment, his smile disappeared, and at the same time, a short sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

Nuo Lanshan held the knife in his backhand and approached Wang Cheng step by step.

Nuo Lanshan's speed is not very fast, but his momentum is gathering rapidly. This is obviously a way to build up momentum. With this momentum-building posture, if Wang Cheng takes the initiative to attack, it will be easy for Nuo Lanshan, who is just waiting for work, to be killed. Lanshan counterattacked, and if he waited for Nuo Lanshan to attack finally, he would probably be greeted by a thunderous strike.

Nuo Lanshan was actually very good at becoming a giant axe warrior, but these methods were too ridiculous in Wang Cheng's eyes.

There was no fluctuation in his heart, and he just watched Nuo Lanshan walking towards him.

Soon, Wang Cheng entered Nuo Lanshan's attack range. In an instant, Nuo Lanshan turned his wrist, and a bright sword light suddenly appeared, like a ray of sunshine blooming in the dark night, it instantly cut through the space and came to Wang Cheng's neck. at.

However, when the knife passed across Wang Cheng's neck, the strange feeling made Nuo Lanshan's expression change slightly. His rich experience made him subconsciously slash the knife behind him.


The blade struck the air again.

"Law of light? But unfortunately, the understanding is too shallow..." The misty voice came from all directions like a breeze, quietly filling Nuo Lanshan's heart with a hint of haze.

"Does your Excellency only know how to hide?" Nuo Lanshan shouted loudly.

"I hid to give you a chance to show off, but unfortunately, you couldn't grasp it!" Wang Cheng's voice was no longer vague. Nuo Lanshan turned his head, and he immediately saw the person standing less than a hundred meters away from him. Wang Cheng.


Wang Cheng spoke softly, but before his voice reached Nuo Lanshan's ears, his figure blurred for a while, and the distance of a hundred meters seemed not to exist. In the blink of an eye, Wang Cheng and Nuo Lan were Mountains pass by.

"go to hell!"

Wang Cheng's voice finally sounded in Nuo Lanshan's ears, and at the same time, Nuo Lanshan's head rose directly into the sky.

. . .

As long as the people who enter the duel space and killing field in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory of the virtual universe do not actively turn on the private mode, Manluo, as the general person in charge of the Black Dragon Mountain Killing Space, has the right to watch at any time.

At this time, Manluo was using his authority to watch the battle between Wang Cheng and Nuo Lanshan in the decisive battle space.

Of course, the man in white "Jin Yue" who came to recruit Wang Cheng this time was also watching the battle.

"Unexpectedly, this wind is stronger than what I have seen before. Fortunately, Nuo Lanshan is not weak either, so he has been forced to use more strength!" Jin Yue's face was full of joy, and he looked through the virtual screen Looking at Wang Cheng, the smile on his face could not be hidden.

"Where did you find this guy? His application of the Law of Wind is not at all cosmic level!" Man Luo also looked shocked.

Wang Cheng's understanding of the Law of Wind is actually not too high, which is equivalent to the second to third levels of "Wind God Shadow", but his use of the Law of Wind is too powerful.

Man Luo is sure that most realm masters who are good at the law of wind cannot do this!

It was an artistic use, with body techniques, attacks, etc. all coming at your fingertips. In this case, Wang Cheng must have a deep understanding of the nature of the law of wind!

"He participated in the 'fighting' in our giant axe fighting arena, and he showed great strength in the first game, so I took a fancy to him!" Jin Yue explained:

"As for where he came from, I don't know!"


Manluo was slightly confused.

"I asked someone to investigate him. His identity is a citizen of Black Dragon Mountain. However, he just registered his identity a month ago, including his virtual universe account, etc., everything is new!" Jin Yue said.

"I see!"

Man Luo nodded, but he didn't take it to heart, because there were too many people like this in the universe due to all kinds of grudges and hatreds. As an immortal, he didn't care about this!

No matter what the reason is, it doesn't matter, all he values ​​is talent.

Man Luo knew that Jin Yue had the same idea, otherwise he wouldn't have come to recruit Wang Cheng in person!

"It's a pity that judging from his performance, he doesn't have much understanding of time and space. Otherwise, it would be very promising to join the core layer of your giant axe fighting arena in the future!" Man Luo said suddenly.

"If he doesn't realize it now, it may not mean he's not good at it. Maybe he hasn't come across any secrets in this area before!" Jin Yue said with a smile:

"I will train him carefully!"



While Man Luo was talking to Jin Yue, Wang Cheng and Nuo Lanshan walked out of the duel.

Of course, a duel in the virtual universe is not a real life-and-death duel, and Nuo Lanshan does not really die.

However, after all, he was defeated by Wang Cheng. Nuo Lanshan could not see anything on the surface, but in fact he was still a little embarrassed in his heart. Therefore, he did not say much after coming out. After a few words with Man Luo, he hurriedly said , and then left.

No one, including Man Luo, cared about Nuo Lanshan's departure. After all, he was just a tool man.

"Feng, you did a great job this time. Just go back and wait. I will have someone sign a contract with you soon!" Jin Yue looked at Wang Cheng and said.

"Lord Jinyue, farewell!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then he logged off from the virtual universe!

. . .

After Wang Cheng left the virtual universe, he waited for ten days on the Giant Evil Star. After that, a domain lord came here with a contract.

Wang Cheng didn't hesitate. He signed the contract directly and officially became a member of the "Genius Training Camp" at the Giant Ax Arena in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory.

"Feng, according to the rules, you need to report to Jiuying Star within one year. If you are late, then this contract will be invalid!" the domain master reminded.

"I understand!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.


After that territory lord left, Wang Cheng went to see the three-eyed territory lord who had arranged a "fighting" for him before, and told him that he would never accept a "fighting" again.

Faced with Wang Cheng's request, the three-eyed domain master had no choice but to agree. Although he was reluctant to leave Wang Cheng, the "golden egg" that could help him easily complete his achievements, he also understood that he had become a member of the "Genius Training Camp" Wang Cheng is a member of the Communist Party of China, and Wang Cheng, who is suspected of being favored by big shots, is already above him in status.

Although Wang Cheng and he did not belong to the same system, we were all members of the Giant Ax Arena, so he still had to give Wang Cheng some face.

The most important thing is that Wang Cheng is free and he doesn't want to. Even if he insists on arranging a "fight" for Wang Cheng, there is nothing he can do if Wang Cheng refuses to accept it.

Therefore, it is better not to arrange it!

ps: Two updates.

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