Jiuying Star is located in the core territory of the Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory, not far from the Imperial Capital Star of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. It took Wang Cheng about half a month to arrive at Jiuying Star from Jusha Star.

Jiuying Star is a very large planet, with a volume approximately equivalent to one hundred Earths. However, the density of this planet is not high, and its gravity is only a little over three times that of the Earth.

Jiuying Planet is sparsely populated. When Wang Cheng landed in the spaceship, he saw empty manors.

After he came here to report, he quickly got a separate manor. If Wang Cheng intended to live in Jiuying Star, then this manor would be his residence.


Of course, when Wang Cheng joins the genius training camp at the Giant Ax Arena, this manor only comes with gifts. What he can really get are many resources and channels, such as channels for redeeming cheats and treasures, channels for selling treasures, etc.

Of course, these things are very attractive to other cosmic levels, but they are just so-so to Wang Cheng. He has no shortage of secrets or treasures now. He just wants to find a place to grow stronger safely!

However, the immortal named "Golden Moon" valued Wang Cheng very much. After Wang Cheng joined the genius training camp, he immediately recommended Wang Cheng to redeem several secret books that contained the law of time and the law of following the wind.

Wang Cheng is very obedient. He came to this "Genius Training Camp" just to hang out, and he is not really practicing, so naturally he does not need to have his own opinions. Whatever the immortal "Golden Moon" says, Wang Cheng will do it. , everything is focused on stability.

. . .

In the universe, Wang Cheng is temporarily one of those people who has no place to go, so after acquiring many cultivation resources, he directly chose to live in Jiuying Star.

Wang Cheng, who finally settled down, came directly to the virtual universe and asked No. 1 to contact Jiang Mingyue.

Not long after, the two met in a place similar to a cafe on Earth on the Black Dragon Mountain Island. At this time, Jiang Mingyue was wearing white casual clothes, and her long shawl hair had been trimmed to ear length. hair.

However, even though this was in a virtual universe, and even though Jiang Mingyue was dressed casually, Wang Cheng still saw a hint of hidden blood from the depths of her eyes.

Wang Cheng has been to foreign battlefields many times. He has seen this kind of blood in the eyes of many people, and these people have all slaughtered countless people!

Wang Cheng also didn't expect that Jiang Mingyue had not changed much in the three years since he left. He would change his identity now, and Jiang Mingyue suddenly changed.

Of course, although he saw Jiang Mingyue's change, Wang Cheng didn't say it directly. He still told his own affairs first.

"It turns out that Brother Cheng, you have changed your identity and even your virtual universe account. I asked you why I haven't seen you log into the virtual universe during this time!" Jiang Mingyue drank the amber drink in her hand, her tone inexplicably relaxed. .

"Anyway, Yun Nixing, don't go back!" Wang Cheng said directly.

"Then I want to see Brother Cheng, where should I find you?" Jiang Mingyue asked.

"We'll talk about this later. Maybe I'll get out of where I am now!" Wang Cheng smiled and asked:

"How is your experience outside?"

"It's okay!" Jiang Mingyue seemed a little unwilling to talk about this matter. She changed the subject and said, "Brother Cheng, do you know about the 'Cosmic Genius Battle'?"

"Of course I know!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly and said directly: "Qing wants you to participate in the competition?"

"Yes, I am preparing for the Universe Genius Battle now!" Jiang Mingyue nodded.

"He's right. If you can stand out in the cosmic genius battle, then your future will be truly bright and infinite!" Wang Cheng didn't say much. Although he felt that Jiang Mingyue's talent was not very good, the important thing was to participate!

"Brother Cheng, you..." Jiang Mingyue hesitated for a moment before she asked, "Have you ever participated in a genius battle?"

"Me? I haven't participated before, but I will participate in the next genius competition!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"Brother Cheng, are you participating?" Jiang Mingyue was a little confused. She then asked: "Isn't it true that only stellar-level beings can participate?"

"Have I ever said that I'm not a star?" Wang Cheng asked.

"But there was also Yunni Star on the Horned Dragon Star before..."

Jiang Mingyue's voice stopped suddenly. If you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem surprising that Wang Cheng even disguised his identity and strength.

In the process of her contact with Wang Cheng, Wang Cheng's aura was covered most of the time. She really didn't know what realm Wang Cheng was.

Wang Cheng's active exposure of his aura twice on Qiulongxing and Yunnixing didn't seem to mean anything!

Of course, Jiang Mingyue was still confused, because she was also a star at this time, so she still understood how strong a star should be. According to Wang Cheng's usual performance, he didn't look like a star at all.

Moreover, according to "Qing", Wang Cheng must be a universe-level, and a deep-thinking universe-level...

However, Jiang Mingyue did not ask her doubts, and she had no intention of delving into the matter. In Jiang Mingyue's mind, since Wang Cheng said he would participate, he would definitely participate.

"Brother Cheng is really unfathomable. If he really participates in the genius competition, he will definitely achieve amazing results!"

This thought flashed through Jiang Mingyue's mind, and unknowingly, she became more eager to stand out from the genius battle.

. . .

Wang Cheng chatted with Jiang Mingyue for a while, and he also reminded Jiang Mingyue to pay attention to moderation in practice and not to be too eager for success. Jiang Mingyue seemed to realize something, and she nodded in agreement.

The two of them did not go anywhere else. After chatting this time, they quickly went offline.


Wang Cheng practiced peacefully on Jiuying Star and became stronger, and more than half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

This period of time seems to have passed by in a flash for Wang Cheng, and his strength has not changed much!

Although Wang Cheng is talented enough and has no shortage of resources, at his level, if he wants to make big progress, it will definitely not be enough in this small amount of time.

But Wang Cheng is not in a hurry. Although he has some competition in the talent training camp, these competitions are like a joke to Wang Cheng, and he just deals with it casually...

Apart from these competitions, the environment of this genius training camp is really stable. Wang Cheng practices here step by step. Under the influence of water and stone, his strength will change dramatically sooner or later.


However, it was during Wang Cheng's stable practice that a spaceship from the universe arrived quietly above the distant earth.

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