Four years ago, after Wang Cheng's clone returned to Earth with Luo Feng, he lived a reclusive life at home. To be honest, he was really like a hermit.

However, in the past four years, although Wang Cheng has lived in seclusion, earth-shaking changes have taken place on the earth.

The reason is simple. Luo Feng went out before and brought back a large amount of "Purple Light Dew" that can help humans quickly become warriors. Now, the number of warriors who were originally scarce on the earth has increased.

As the number of warriors increases, many privileges originally belonging to warriors will naturally be divided. Monsters in the wilderness area are also hunted in large numbers. Marine monsters are not counted. Land monsters are almost becoming rare resources!

Of course, sea monsters are actually quite miserable.

Not long after Luo Feng returned to Earth, he married Xu Xin. Not long after, he took away the golden-horned beast that had just emerged from its shell!

This cannot be concealed. Luo Feng disappeared for nearly two years because of the body-stealing golden-horned beast. After that, there was a trace of murderous aura in his aura. Wang Cheng was sure that what he saw next Luo Feng is definitely the earthly clone created by Luo Feng with the help of the Golden Horned Behemoth's natal talent "Clone".

And after taking away the body of the golden-horned giant beast, Luo Feng became stronger even faster!

As he became stronger, he naturally had to use someone to test his moves. Therefore, several beast kings who originally took advantage of the sea, leaving Hong and Thunder God helpless, became victims.

After Luo Feng killed several Beast Kings one after another, he naturally became famous, and suddenly became the third person comparable to Hong and Thunder God in the eyes of the people on earth.

. . .

Wang Cheng didn't care about the earth-shaking changes. At this time, he was living in seclusion on the earth, just waiting for the battle of geniuses in the universe to begin, and then he would use it to enter the core layer of the human race.

However, Wang Cheng doesn't care about external things, but external things will come to him.

One day in November 2062, Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen, the current three strongest men on earth, came to the door at the same time.

"Brother Wang!"

"Mr. Wang!"


After the three of them said hello, they sat down in front of Wang Cheng.

Over the past few years, because of Luo Feng's relationship, Hong and Lei Shen have now become familiar with Wang Cheng, and they are no longer cautious about meeting Wang Cheng for the first time.

"Luo Feng, I haven't seen you since your family moved last year... It's been such a long time!" Wang Cheng sighed slightly.

"Brother Wang, I also built a castle for you by the West Lake. It's near my home. Why don't you move there too?" Luo Feng asked.

"No need, this Mingyue Community is very good, I'm used to living there!" Wang Cheng shook his head, and then said: "Besides, I won't be able to stay on Earth for long, I just have a place to live!"

"Mr. Wang, are you leaving the earth?" Hong and Lei Shen were slightly surprised.

"You will know then!" Wang Cheng didn't say much, he asked directly: "If you don't talk about this anymore, if you three come together, you will definitely go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. Tell me, what is it?"

"Brother Wang, I wonder if you have paid attention to what happened by the West Lake before..." After Luo Feng talked about what just happened, he finally said:

"The three of us are really helpless. Brother Wang, can you lend us some money?"

"That's it!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

He was just a clone, and No. 1 was not around, so he had not noticed before that a space adventure spacecraft had arrived on Earth not long ago!

After the adventurers in the space adventure spacecraft realized that the surface of the earth was very weak, they directly wanted to kidnap the three giants of the earth, Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen!

Unfortunately, they did not expect that Luo Feng had previously bought a large number of stellar slaves on the Horned Dragon Planet, and these slaves directly took action and captured these people.

After that, Luo Feng learned about the existence of the Nuo Lanshan family from these people. At the same time, they also knew that the Nuo Lanshan family's spaceship would arrive on Earth soon!


For the Nuolanshan family, the earth is a piece of fat, and if given the chance, they will definitely take a bite!

For Luo Feng and others, the Nuolanshan family is a behemoth that they currently find difficult to resist.

The only thing they can do is to use the laws of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. Only Luo Feng can become the Lord of the Earth, which can deter the Nuolan family and prevent them from messing around on the territory of the Earth.

However, if you want to become an earth lord, you need a lot of money. With this money, if Luo Feng's earthling clone breaks through to the star level and gets the first deposit left by Hu Yanbo, he will still have a chance.

But unfortunately, Luo Feng spent too much time seizing the body of the golden-horned giant beast before. Even now, his golden-horned giant beast has broken through the star level, but his earthly clone is still far away from the star level. a short distance.


At this time, Luo Feng and the other three people all thought of Wang Cheng.

At the critical moment of life and death for the earth, the three of them didn't care too much, so they came directly to Wang Cheng to borrow money!

Hong and Lei Shen didn't know Wang Cheng very well, but Luo Feng knew that Wang Cheng would definitely be able to come up with the money. After all, Wang Cheng even gave up the inheritance of his teacher Hu Yanbo and even the eggs of the golden-horned giant beast. They are all "sent" directly to his people!

Yes, in Luo Feng's eyes, the egg of the golden-horned beast was given to him by Wang Chengbai. The more he learned about it, the more Luo Feng knew that the value of the two secret books he produced was beyond what Wang Cheng could imagine. The value of the eggs paid for by the Golden Horned Behemoth is comparable!


"I can indeed easily come up with the money to buy the earth!" Wang Cheng said directly after thinking for a moment: "But instead of asking me to borrow it, you might as well find someone else!"

"Someone else?" Luo Feng was slightly startled.

"Jiang Mingyue!" Wang Cheng reminded.

"Sister Mingyue, can she come up with this money?" Luo Feng asked with some confusion.

"She is very rich now!" Wang Cheng smiled and said: "I will give you her virtual universe account. You can go to the virtual universe to talk to her. If it doesn't work, come back to me!"

"Okay!" Luo Feng nodded directly.



Luo Feng and the others left quickly, and Wang Cheng didn't pay much attention to this matter. The Nuolanshan family was just a small role to him, so this kind of thing was naturally not worthy of his attention.

The reason why Wang Cheng asked Luo Feng to borrow money from Jiang Mingyue was actually because his clone didn't bring much money or treasures at all!

If Wang Cheng really wanted to lend money to Luo Feng, he would have to transfer it from his own side.

But Wang Cheng is hiding his identity right now, for no reason. Naturally, it is difficult to have anything to do with the clone, let alone a transfer that will definitely leave a record!

That's why Wang Cheng asked Luo Feng to find Jiang Mingyue.

Jiang Mingyue is indeed very rich, and she is essentially an Earthling. As long as Luo Feng explains the reason, I believe Jiang Mingyue will not refuse!

PS: Two updates.

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