Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3145: Justice will be late but not absent


Klein beat the door of the bathroom with his head again and again, his mouth kept smashing, tears running across his eyes.

I'm so stupid, really...

Then with this resentment, Klein left the room and went to buy some disguised items.

Although Xu Yue gave him a fake beard, even acquaintances cannot recognize him at a glance.

But he still has to do more preparation...


On Klein's side, because of the move, some small objects were accumulated everywhere like a hamster.

Xu Yue started to get in touch with Forsi and Xiu.

And it was discovered that Miss Justice had secretly informed the two of them of Mr. Fool's honorable name by using the book to insert pages.

It's just that the two of them are very vigilant in this regard, worrying about the existence of evil gods and the like, so they have not prayed, just planted the foreshadowing of their use.

And because of the relationship that Lawrence Nord has to report from time to time, Xu Yue also under the guise of investigating Lawrence Nord,'understood' the news of his brother’s death, and learned that the last person who took care of Lawrence Nord’s younger sister-in-law was Fors.

Then came directly to understand.

"Good evening, Miss writer."

Xu Yue knocked on them politely. After waiting for the invisible majesty to open the door, he went through the top of Xio's head and looked at the salted fish Forsi in the house.

"Good evening, Mr. Franklin. If you haven't used dinner, you can go together if you don't mind."

They are not middle class who pay attention to petty bourgeoisie, and they all know that their neighbors get along well with each other.

"No, I've already eaten it. This time I came here mainly because Miss Fors wanted to know something about it before.

"Well, to be honest, my coaching job occasionally trains some pastors of the Dark Night Church."

Of course Xu Yue could not directly reveal the extraordinary world to them, that would be too deliberate.

Instead, start with your own work.

The reason why Klein left the vicinity of Xu Yue's residence in tears, found another residence in another district, and even moved things like a hamster these days, and did not come for a tooth sacrifice.

It was mainly because of Xu Yue's work and identity, and worried that he was unprepared to be discovered by the Church of the Dark Night.

After Xu Yue left Tingen and came to Backlund, he also took a part-time job as an instructor in Backlund because of the contribution of the handed in training manual.

In addition to training night watchers, he will also train Red Gloves. His small manual has been listed as a compulsory textbook for extraordinary people in the Dark Night Church.

Even formal invitations have been received several times, and they were all rejected by Xu Yue because they like it and are unconstrained. But even so, Xu Yue has already changed from being a non-staff person who was half of his own in the Dark Night Church to almost his entire person.

Under this circumstance, he found the Extraordinary, and then used the name of the Dark Night Church to investigate without any problems at all. He really had this authority and even had the corresponding certificates.

After Forsi and the neglected Xio mentioned Xu Yue's strange introduction, there was a glimmer of understanding in their hearts.

Mr. Franklin is from the Church of the Night? Maybe even an extraordinary?

It's just that the salted fish Forsi has always been better hidden, so there is nothing exposed, and it is not right at this time.

Speaking of exposure, the possibility of Xio being exposed is much greater. Since the other party is looking for herself instead of Xiu, the problem shouldn't be big.

Sure enough, Xu Yue then asked Lawrence Nord's question and began to ask if Fors had gotten anything strange.

Although the chat seemed casual, Forsi was alert quickly.

Maybe he was testing whether he was an extraordinary.

After this made Forsi hesitated a little, he decided to go over it temporarily.

Even if she has a clear conscience, she doesn't want to be stared at by officials, especially her neighbors.

And if you move right now, it is also showing that you have a problem.

Therefore, a roundabout plan was adopted, which was the same as when dealing with Lawrence Nord, knowing nothing about what should be said and what should not be said.

Successfully made this Mr. Franklin no longer entangled in this matter.

Similarly, because of Xu Yue’s horror, even if Forsi was not invited by Mr. Fool for a while, I am afraid that when meeting Lawrence Nord, he would adopt similar remarks and would not rashly expose the identity of the Extraordinary, which may lead to the possibility The variables...


On Thursday, Klein's doorbell was rang, and his small advertisement brought him the first order of business.

Because he was already a mature clown, Klein didn't need to pass the cat's eyes, and the image of the outside visitor naturally appeared in his mind:

The visitor was dressed in an outdated overcoat and a dome hat. He was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

There was alertness and a little fear in his eyes.

Obviously, it may be involved in some trouble.

However, as the first business to open, Klein naturally did not let it go.

Most of the detective's tasks are tied to trouble.

Moreover, a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old was still underage in the previous society, which made Klein a little sympathetic.

Well, because of time issues, Klein missed the first meeting with Ian on the subway, did not see his old and hot gang members fighting wits and courage, at this time he was just treated as a normal customer.

"Good morning, young sir."

"Hello, are you a detective Sherlock Moriarty?"

"Yes, please come in."

Klein simply learned that the boy was called Ian.

According to his self-introduction, he was previously employed by another detective Zaire to assist that detective in collecting some information and materials.

However, a few days ago, Ian found out that he was being followed and suspected that it might be related to his employer...

"...I went to visit him at his residence and found that it seemed normal there, but many of the small organs that hinted that someone had sneaked into it were touched.

"Since that day, I have never seen Mr. Zaire again. I suspect that something has happened to him."

"I tried to call the police, but the number of days he was missing has not yet reached the required number. I tried to ask other detectives I knew for help, but they all refused me. The reason was that they had just met Mr. Zaire, at a colleague party. superior."

"This surprised me very much, because I contacted Mr. Zaire by the agreed method but didn't get any response."

"I still insist on my judgment and plan to ask detectives whom Mr. Zaire does not know to help. Well, in this way, I don't know either. I don't know who to call. I can only find out through the newspaper. So I found you, Sherlock. Mr. Moriarty."

After listening to Ian's description, Klein felt that the word'trouble' was written on the opponent's face even without divination.

Being able to perfectly pretend to be a detective at a detective party without being noticed by others, obviously, this can only be an extraordinary method.

However, Klein considered that the other party is a professional who collects intelligence.

Xu Yue arrived in Backlund not long ago.

Under this circumstance, Klein also wanted to have a good relationship with this intelligence person.

"Then you should be very clear about how much you plan to pay. This matter may be very dangerous."

Ian looked down at the pocket of his old coat in a concealed motion, and said carefully.

"There are two ways. One is that I will directly give you enough rewards to make you satisfied. Afterwards, no matter whether the task is simple or difficult, it will be the same amount, unless you have suffered a relatively serious injury."

"The second is that I will pay 5 pounds in advance, and wait for you to complete the commission, and then add additional fees depending on the difficulty of the matter, but this is likely to cause disputes, even if there is a contractual agreement."

Klein pretended to be thinking, and said in a low voice after nearly thirty seconds.

"Perhaps you can pay 5 pounds in advance, wait for the end of the task, and then help me to do three things, rest assured, there will not be any difficult things, all within your ability, and will not make you feel too difficult. This can be agreed in the contract."


Two or three points in the next chapter...

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