In central Africa in the 1930s, there were indeed very few traces of humanity.

The British and French colonists only focused on harvesting those prosperous and wealthy areas. For remote places, the situation is basically to adopt a free-stocking and tax-included approach. Although the vast African savannah is rich in water and grass, it is not suitable for ethnic groups to settle permanently.

Too vast, too flat. There is a lack of shelter, and the water source changes with the rainy and dry seasons.

Of course, the most important thing. There are places that are better, more comfortable, and richer in products than the prairie.

Modern people always talk about African refugees, as if Africa is such a barren and impoverished place - this is wrong. Africans may be poor, but Africa itself is not. The land in Africa is the most fertile in the world. Africa never lacks rain and sunshine. Africa has so many products that those who have truly come out of the bitter cold land can hardly imagine. Before the establishment of the modern economic system, the word poverty had never been associated with Africa.

They are poor because, except for the Nile River Basin, the people here have no tradition of farming or even herding. Because there is no need, because this land has been too rich for the past few thousand years. So rich that a hungry person can see small animals when he goes out, and a thirsty person can see fruit trees when he raises his head. There is no shortage of food and water, so there is no need to fight for a better tomorrow. And this has caused most of the residents on this land to be...lazy.

Of course, this is a one-sided conclusion. Poverty in modern Africa has many causes - but reincarnators don't need to worry about those. All the reincarnations need to know is the fact that most of Africa is too rich to break away from tribalism and have a complete civilization system.

Without civilization, there is no inheritance.

Without inheritance, there is no story.

Without stories, there would naturally be no myths and the spread of supernatural power systems.

And this means safety.

Jiang Yu opened her eyes - the slight heat of Africa rushed towards her face along with the smell of green grass. What comes into view is a vast expanse of grassland - unlike Lv426's deserted wilderness where there are only stones and sand, this novel resort has a quite abundant atmosphere of life.

This is Sub-Sahara, or to be more precise - Central Africa, the Congo region. Of course, there is still no independent French colony in this place. Even if it takes another hundred years, the land here will not be developed much, and it has the unique vitality of no man's land.

A group of wildebeests shouted loudly and looked at the reincarnations of Central Continent who suddenly appeared on this prairie with confusion. In the distance, herds of bison were heading toward the nearest river. A few lazy lions were leisurely basking in the sun a few hundred meters away, turning a blind eye to the reincarnations, a group of uninvited guests who were still far away.

They should be more alert.

"I have had a dream since I was a child. I...want to wrestle a lion!" Cheng Xiao screamed strangely. After changing into casual clothes, he jumped hundreds of meters and crashed into a piece of soft mud, startling the nearby herbivores. And he didn't care about the dirt on his body, he just climbed out with a muddy face, opened his teeth and claws, and pounced on the lions who were also stunned.

The guy who has changed his mind after seeing something new... He obviously just said not long ago that he was going to ride an elephant.

Jiang Yu was too lazy to pay attention to him, just turned her head and glanced at Zheng Zha.

The latter shrugged - it was obvious that he didn't really want to control this thing.

"Okay, everyone." So Jiang Yu followed suit. "It seems that our landing point is quite safe, so we will establish a temporary stronghold here. After that, everyone can move freely."

A signal, a cheer. The reincarnators acted separately, and Jiang Yu nodded to Zhan Lan.

——"Explore the surroundings."

He said in his heart.

——"Leave it to me."

She answered in her mind.

There is no dangerous smell in the air, and there is no trace of pollution from industry or even human settlement on this land. Zhan Lan closed his eyes and stretched his mental power toward the outside of the earth's surface. And Jiang Yu raised her foot and stepped lightly on the ground.

Biological force field, unfold. Powerful shock waves, blessed by the power of the God of Thunder, spread to land hundreds of meters in radius. There are no mineral deposits or overly large underground undercurrents. The mud pit Cheng Xiao stepped on was the only 'trap' connected to the underground water system within a radius of 200 meters. The rock layer is tens of meters below the surface.

It's a great place to set up camp. Chu Xuan waved his hand, and several golden multi-legged intelligent robots that looked like terrifying robots but were more delicate and dexterous jumped out of the storage equipment. Gather resources, measure, and transform nearby ground.

They are wind and dustproof.

Therefore, Zheng Zha turned over the Black Book of the Dead and recited a spell. A storm accompanied by the incantation instantly smoothed out the slightly uneven ground beneath the reincarnator's feet, and scared away the large group of animals wandering around. Except for the unlucky group of lions that were entangled by Cheng Xiao, the other bison and wildebeests all ran away quickly in fright.

The ground became tidy. Mou Gang transformed into an aerospace fighter and flew high into the sky with the orbiting satellite. And Jiang Yu also walked to the mud pit that Cheng Xiao fell into. Driven by the force field, it then floated and slid silently to the center of the pit. Then, make a fist.

‘Crack-! ’

Thunder flashes and gathers. Jiang Yu's raised right arm turned into a blue nail. Resonance, spiral. Then... it fell with one blow!

'boom--! ’

The tremors of the earth can be transmitted hundreds of meters. A river in the distance turned into a rising waterfall due to the connection of underground water veins.

And a vertical well nearly thirty meters deep was drilled through.

The sound of rushing water started, and Jiang Yu turned around to avoid the spring that erupted on the spot a few seconds later. The turbid muddy water sprayed several meters high, and it would probably take some time for it to become clear again... maybe even longer.

A water source is made.

And it will soon be cleared into a pond.

Jiang Yu's feet landed on the dry ground a little further away, and as expected, he heard unnecessary noise.

"Too rough." Zheng Zha complained. Although the punch did not bring dust to his body - he just glanced at Jiang Yu with a slightly showy look, and the next moment, a large area of ​​dark red flames Then it separated from his body - without spreading out, or spreading to the surrounding areas. Instead, it solidified and gathered, and there were vague signs of materialization!

The dark fire that separated from the body turned into two floating giant objects with vague outlines of palms. The outline of the palm gradually became clear, and Zheng Zha's eyes widened slightly. They pounced on the puddle created by Jiang Yu and dug around!

Evaporate the water vapor and ablate the mud. The palms that turned into entities actually produced some physical collision force effects. Although the work was not very precise, it didn't take long for the mud pit to be burned into a pond, and the soil in the pond was baked into porcelain and pottery. .

The difference between destruction and construction is clearly reflected here.

And how long has it been?

In just two hours, he mastered this gifted power so finely?

"How about it?"

Zheng Zha snorted and raised his chin.

Jiang Yu pretended not to see the bloodshot eyes and the heat from the sweat on his back. He only briefly reflected on whether he had lived a little too indulgently during the first two hours of preparation - but he quickly rejected this idea and discovered another small sign of the incident in his memory.

——After I redeemed the intelligence upgrade, this guy still hadn’t left... and asked me what enhancements I was buying.


"How much intelligence did you buy?" Jiang Yu hit the nail on the head.

"It's just a few purchases." Zheng Zha said with firm eyes.

However, a number quietly appeared in Jiang Yu's thoughts.

"So you bought a thousand points?" Jiang Yu said in a certain tone. "It seems that you have finally spent your resources in the most correct place."

"...Jiang Yu, has anyone ever told you that you really can't speak?"

"My education is low, blame me."

The air became stagnant for a moment. Tiny blades of grass peeled off by sandstorms, automatically in the absence of wind.

Until Mou Gang, who physically flew through the atmosphere, returned to the surface.

"The liftoff was not hindered, and the placement of the satellite was also very smooth..." Mou Gang returned the human form, and he felt a subtle change in the atmosphere after only half a sentence. "...Hmm, maybe I should check again?"

"No need." It was Chu Xuan who stopped him. This man without glasses ignored the delicate situation dozens of seconds ago. "The system is connected and the timing is working just fine. Based on geomagnetic and star orbit calculations, I can confirm that we have been away for eight years - it is now 1933, the year of the Scorpion, which happens to be the year of the Scorpion."

"Then it looks like we'll have something to do soon." Zheng Zha turned his gaze away and nodded. "But it doesn't look like autumn or winter now, so we still have time to prepare."

——"I will deal with you when I have mastered my magic skills."

"The air is very humid and the temperature is good. It should be summer...the turn of summer and autumn. But we also have to arrange some necessary precautions to prevent unexpected situations." Jiang Yu agreed, and many of the previous worries became unnecessary at this moment. . The three major forces that appeared before the end of World III still seem to have useless backgrounds.

And when Zheng Zha looked over, he returned a challenging look.

——"Let's see who has achieved great success then."

The two of them turned their heads at the same time and looked at different places.

At the same time, Cheng Xiao, who had bullied the poor lions to their fullest, also returned to the temporary camp - strong wind filled the air around him, and all the mud and grass blades that had stained his casual clothes were expelled from his body. Even the dyed cotton structure is clean again, with no trace of stain remaining.

"The animals here are very wild, and they haven't seen many people. At least not in the short term." Serious words came out of the mouth of this not-so-serious guy.

"There are no large-scale settlements within a hundred kilometers." And Zhan Lan also opened his eyes. "The nearest large settlement is two hundred and seven kilometers away from us. The nearest city is more than three hundred kilometers away. At the same time, seventy-five kilometers away, there is a volcano with signs of activity. If I am good at geography, then It should be the Nyiragongo volcano, the most dangerous volcano in Africa. In this era, no matter what we do here, it will probably be regarded as a by-product of volcanic activity."

The safety factor has been greatly improved.


"It seems we can prepare our dinner with peace of mind..." Zheng Zha nodded, and then suddenly thought of something. "Jiang Yu, are you interested in going fishing? It is said that river fresh food and seafood in Africa are very abundant and delicious."

"I'll forget it, I don't have the patience." Jiang Yu waved her hand, and then her bad intentions gradually emerged.

"But you can get Chu Xuan. He must be good at fishing."

"I've never fished before." Chu Xuan stated the facts.

"..." Zheng Zha subconsciously looked at Ling Dian, who was his fishing partner last time, and found that the other party was also looking at him.

"Oh, then you must give it a try. Fishing is a good activity. It's not much better than staying in the laboratory every day." A hearty smile came from his throat, and Zheng Zha appeared next to Chu Xuan in the blink of an eye. Then, they hooked up their shoulders, and their brows and eyes could hardly hide the excited smile that wanted to abuse the food.

"This is not in my schedule." Chu Xuan frowned slightly and faced Zheng Zha's hand on his shoulder. He was a little... uncomfortable.

And Zero Point also completed the double-teaming quietly. And like magic, he took out three sets of fishing gear.

"We have a lot of time today." Today at midnight, we have a lot to talk.

"Let's go, let's go." Zheng Zha just grabbed Chu Xuan and ran away, shouting to the others as he ran. "We will be back in three hours at most. Everyone is waiting for a fish feast. I am the little fishing prince, haha!"

Poor baby.

Jiang Yu believes that the whole fish feast exists because he knows how strong Chu Xuan’s fishing ability is. It's just that whether the self-esteem of a self-proclaimed fishing prince is worthy of this fishing power... it's hard to say.

"Bring me a crab! I want it from the river!" And he still remembered the plan he made before traveling.

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