Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 154 ·Advent ·2

——Men are always bored and act childish for trivial matters.

Zhan Lan's eyes turned slightly when Zheng Zha and Ling Dian pulled Chu Xuan away. She keenly caught a certain sense of schadenfreude in Jiang Yu's body.

On the body, not on the face.

It's the color, not the look.

Since exchanging his mind's eye, Zhan Lan's vision is no longer limited to reality or the spiritual side. Rather, at any time, a double vision is reflected on her perception.

Illusion and reality overlap, truth and falsehood are indistinguishable. Many things that I knew in the past can be seen more clearly at this moment. And more things that have never been touched in the past are revealed to the eyes at this moment.

She knew a lot of things - Zhang Jie's hidden power was like a mountain hanging in the air, and Chu Xuan's hidden heart was as deep as mechanical steel. What Jiang Yu hides is a secret abyss as deep as the starless night sky. Compared with these, the nostalgia and sorrow deep in Cheng Xiao's thoughts, the confusion and helplessness floating in Zhao Yingkong's heart, and the regret and self-blame that entrenched deep in the zero-point consciousness that tortured him all the time... are all on the contrary. Little things that don't matter.

The entire Zhongzhou team, only Zheng Zha, who had given up thinking, and Mou Gang, who had looked away, could live relatively easily. Li Shuaixi is an exception. He has completely closed himself off and is more like a machine than a human being. Zhan Lan was not sure whether he could be regarded as a member of the Zhongzhou team, and he himself had no desire to ask for help.

Everyone is tired - that's a fact. Who can come to the world of reincarnation who has not been tortured physically and mentally, thus touching the door of being called by the Lord God?

But even though everyone was very tired, they still worked hard to be active. Help each other and support each other. Then they go back to back and fight to the end against a common crisis.

——In this team, at least for now, there are few people who will really talk to others.

——But among us, more than half of us will die for others if necessary.

That's fine.

After all, there is a difference between a close friend and a life-or-death acquaintance. Even among loved ones, there are some secrets that should not be pried into.

And amid the overt and covert fights between Jiang Yu and Zheng Zha, she was actually more optimistic about Zheng Zha.

——Jiang Yu is always calculating, scrupulous, and wary of something. He's actually not as smart as he lets on. But he always makes the right decision at the right time. He is like thunder in the clouds, elusive but able to bring victory.

——And Zheng Zha is not as stupid as he appears... He just trusts his companions and believes that they will not harm him. He was always a beat or half a beat behind Jiang Yu. But even if it was a little slower, he could still handle the unexpected variables that Jiang Yu couldn't calculate. Like a ray of warm sunshine, even if it cannot be the final word, it will make those who follow it feel at ease.

Someone who can bring victory, and someone who can bring peace of mind.

Historically, the former was the general and the latter was the prime minister. If the two can be combined into one, then they will be the undoubted emperor. Unfortunately, the Zhongzhou team is currently not satisfied with this situation.

——Chu Xuan?

——No, Chu Xuan cannot become the captain. He is indeed very strong, but he... forget it, anyway, he has already shown his attitude of breaking away from the competition between captains. There is no need for me to go overboard and do unnecessary things, which will make the situation worse.

——I'd better wait for the results quietly.

Zhan Lan's thoughts were flowing. Indeed, she was more optimistic about Zheng Zha. But it doesn't mean that she will support Zheng Zha unequivocally. Without the overwhelming ‘100’, the gap between 96 and 97 is not big. She would only wait for the results, instead of taking the initiative to adjust the balance that was already tilted towards Jiang Yu. And whether it was before or after the decision was made, she would follow the guidance of these people.

For example, now.

"Zhan Lan." Jiang Yu seemed to be thinking - he was always thinking about secrets that others didn't know and that he was unwilling to disclose directly or actively. "Try to contact the leader of the tombkeepers. We need to understand the changes in the world. But be careful not to have direct contact with the hero and heroine. Since it is the Year of the Scorpion, even scanning them may directly trigger The side plot of the second part. By the way, take a look at Hamna Tower and see if there is any unexpected situation there."

"Understood." Zhan Lan nodded and accepted the commission.

——Excuse, you don’t care much about the changes in the current situation.

——What you care more about is that ‘by the way’. Do you care about Hamna Tower... Yes, when you used Hamna Tower as a tactical target, you paid special attention to the resurrection altar... But the function of that altar was just to allow Immorton to resurrect Anzu. Na, at most, it only includes the content of the second part, which can give a glimpse of Ansuna's fate during her lifetime.

——Does it really have a great effect on us... Do you think that we need to cooperate with the Sun Golden Sutra that can only be used to cast spells in order to have the effect of resurrecting the dead? But in the original work, when Immorton resurrected Ansuna, he clearly used the Black Book of the Dead.

Thoughts swirl.

Even if he could clearly see the doubtful point, Zhan Lan had no intention of getting to the bottom of it or going against it. Jiang Yu's decision made sense, but as for his rubbish words... that was a problem between himself and his Chinese teacher.

Zhan Lan's mental power extends in all directions.

While redeeming her mind's eye, her abundant reward points from team battles also found a suitable destination - most of them were turned into her mental attributes, pushing one of her six dimensions to A full fifteen hundred points.

Not a lot, based on mental power conversion. The limit of her mental scanning is about 1,500 kilometers.

But after opening her inner eye, her mental quality was greatly improved. Even if she is still unable to fully utilize it, the breadth of her mental power scan has doubled.

One thousand five hundred kilometers turned into three thousand kilometers. This distance still does not cover Africa, but if only North Africa is included, there is basically no difficulty.

——Let’s go see what Jiang Yu is concerned about first.

The first location that the mental power locked was Hamna Tower - Zhan Lan remembered it, so he also arrived at it. And when her eyes dropped from the height of Hamna Tower. She noticed some subtle changes.

Around Hamna Tower, there are traces of battles - not the city where the reincarnations fought, but the desert outside this city of the dead. There have been powerful forces that have clashed here. They turned several kilometers of desert into Gobi, and opened up a not-so-small earth-fissured canyon.

It's a very powerful force, and the reincarnators might not be able to do it without relying on props.

But the final victory should be the tombkeeper's side - because the outer shielding barrier of Hamna Tower has been re-deployed. In a hidden mountain not far away, she saw a group of black-clothed tomb-keepers stationed there.

Similar to the beginning of the second part.

——Sometimes, I really can’t understand... At the opening of the second part, the tombkeeper clearly discovered the excavation of Hamunna Tower by Ansuna and his party. But they still allowed them to dig out Immorton, resurrect the Scorpion Emperor, and then sacrifice countless companions in the confrontation with the Death Army...Are their heads beaten? Or do they have long forgotten that they are the tombkeepers of Hamunata instead of the executioners and jailers of Immorton?

——Or is there some kind of secret external force at play?

Zhan Lan glanced at the traces of war outside the City of the Dead. I feel that my guess is very reliable. It seems that the three background forces didn't do nothing after the reincarnations left. And if the speculation is true, then the reincarnators may not be alone during this trip to the Scorpion King.

——More information is needed.

She glanced at the interior of Hamna Tower, and as always could not see the place where the Resurrection Altar was placed in the deepest part. But since the shielding zone of mental power still exists here. That means the treasures hidden inside the temple have not been lost.

Just get here first.

Zhan Lan's mental power jumped, and soon she located the tombkeeper's stronghold. After a short search, Eddie, the leader of the tombkeepers who happened to be out, came into her eyes.

She knocked politely on the door to Eddie's heart.

In the reality of the tombkeeper leader, Zhan Lan's form, which only existed in his cognition, appeared inside the heavily defended fortress. The door to the chief's office.

"Long time no see, Mr. Eddie." Zhan Lan's phantom walked across from him and sat elegantly on the guest chair. "From the look on your face, you don't seem to be surprised by my visit."

"I'm really not surprised." The leader of the tombkeepers nodded and showed a friendly smile. "This is the Year of the Scorpion. And you took away the Spear of Osiris eight years ago and inherited the destiny of the spear bearer - destiny will guide you to face the right test at the right time. And I am very happy, You didn’t choose to escape.”

"We have a lot of things we want to know." Zhan Lan leaned forward slightly. "Besides, we may not really face the Scorpion Emperor."

"But you are already paying attention to it, aren't you." The tombkeeper smiled and poured a cup of tea for Zhan Lan. "I can tell you all the information you want to know."

"After all, you already have the mission of the gods on your shoulders."


Jiang Yu looked at the roughly formed temporary camp in front of her and felt very satisfied. The project is still in progress, but the use of Thunder God's power has become more proficient. As long as you work hard, it's not impossible to do things like out-of-body body shaping.

——As expected, I am gifted in the field of superpowers.

——Then, next, you just need to practice a little bit in this side mission...

And there was some movement. Jiang Yu turned her head and saw Zhan Lan's face was gloomy and uncertain - it didn't look like something bad had happened. On the contrary, it seemed that he had encountered some kind of major problem and it was difficult to decide for a while.

"Zhan Lan?" he asked subconsciously. "On your side……"

"...Well, I'm here." The gloom on Zhan Lan's face disappeared. "I found the tombkeeper. The communication went very smoothly. It's just... it seems a little unexpected."

She raised her head and looked at Jiang Yu. "We might want to participate in a divine war in this world."

"What!?" Jiang Yu's eyes suddenly widened and she looked at Zhan Lan in shock!

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