Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 690: Everything that has happened should happen again

Chapter 690 · Everything that has happened should happen again

--Some enemies are unpredictable.

--Because once you start predicting, once you start planning, even if it only exists in the mind of the estimator, the other party will definitely know it.

--But beyond that, some common sense issues can be considered.

--Take you as an example, you are not obsessed with the honor of fighting, but more inclined to win--When an opponent worth a look finally appears among the group of fish in front of you, will you be wary of him?

--Will you, before properly annihilating him, safely handle those additional variables that may bring variables?

--Even if this 'extra variable' works on both the enemy and us at the same time, if you leave it alone, it may not cause more serious interference to your opponent in front of you?

--You should know what you will choose, right? After all, you are like a machine.


A machine.

The Great Heavenly Venerable is like a machine.

The slough of the silver snake wrapped around him, obscuring his eyes, ears and mobility.

He fell into stillness as a result, no longer affecting or interfering with any external environment. Even if he was still in operation, he could be considered to be forcibly shut down.


"Now is the time when even people like us can take the throne."

The snake's mouth bit down, that was the end and the ending. As long as you get hit, you will die. There is no difference between the Holy Emperor and the inner universe under this blow.

Zheng Zha will die - he can't escape, and there is no way to escape. The brilliance of pure silver has filled his vision and body and mind. He even clearly feels his own death, and now it is just filling a process to ensure the ending that has already arrived.

The realm of the inner universe has been achieved. He may be the most faceless ultimate since the birth of this multiverse. Without the congratulations of the world, he has not been able to declare his own ideas and order to the inside and outside of the multiverse. Without the power to reverse everything in front of him, he cannot enjoy the treatment that comes from the supreme status - he arrives, and then he will die.

He stared at the silver pouring down. At this moment, he saw countless unknown powerful people die under this blow.

Whether it was the ultimate life in the distant outer multiverse, or the terrifying predator wandering in the vast blue. Or other, activated multiverses that were similar to infinite multiverses and had guardians holding the flag for them - they all died under this pouring silver.

This blow was a unique skill, and it was once named "Eat the Sky" by the Universe Serpent. However, when it was truly swallowed by it that day, and the ultimate was just food under its teeth, it was renamed "Multiverse Devouring". And when more than one multiverse became the food of the Silver Snake, this unique skill also lost its name.

The infinite multiverse was not the first multiverse that the Silver Snake tried to get involved in. Long before, countless multiverses had been filled into the body of the Silver Snake.

The original Pangu was not the first ultimate killed by the Silver Snake. Long before, countless inner universes existed under this pouring silver without any remnants.

So this move has no name - what words, what phrases can properly and accurately describe this great power of swallowing everything? Description and comparison are just a devaluation of this skill. It is better to discard all external appearances and describe this ability with simple behavior.

'Snake bite' - this is the only way to accurately define this skill at the moment.

Because no matter what, at least now, or in the past. This thing that swallows the universe still maintains the appearance of this snake.

There is no moment when it is more like a snake than now.

Only when it is in the most real battle, the snake's attributes are the most huge.


"Just at this moment." Outside the cemetery, Chu Xuan walked into a building, and in the depths of the building, a research and development institution that has been operating for countless years finally obtained the final results at this moment.

The researcher named Alexia is here.

Alexia Ashford, who is regarded as the strongest researcher by Jiang Yu and naturally obtained the judgment of the Great Heavenly Venerable, is here. In front of her is a pure and clean container, and a dazzling silver snake imitation is swimming in the container.

Wa's plan finally came to an end at this moment.

The researchers finally produced a replica that was infinitely close to the essence of the Silver Snake, but was stuck at the last step before the assimilation effect occurred. The silver glow silently emerged around the eye sockets of the replica. Perhaps in the next moment, the transformation would be accomplished.

But that was only the next moment after all.

The next moment meant a long eternity.

And at this moment when the snake was most like a snake, the promised opportunity could be fulfilled.

Because someone died.

She had died long ago, and had long since disappeared as one of the ascensionists. And her death was quite special. In addition to Xiao Honglu, who really posed a little threat to the Silver Snake, there were only her and the Holy Emperor who accompanied her in disguise. She died in the mouth of the snake because of provoking the Silver Snake.

Her name was Zhao Yingkong, Zhao Yingkong, whose name no one remembered. Zhao Zhuikong went crazy because of her disappearance and tried to avenge this sister who had never existed from the beginning.

She had long been swallowed by the Silver Snake and became a tiny structure inside the Silver Snake. Everything about her was cleansed and erased. Even if thousands of years passed, there was no way she would be born again on her own in any part of the sky.

Unless...she gets help from outside.

The interior of the Silver Serpent, a corner in the structure of the infinite universe. A confused and confused snake citizen opened his eyes. She was awakened, and a voice echoed in her will.

【Can I fly? 】——That voice originated from Luo Wei.

Another part of the world's snake, a part that has been annihilated. It comes from Kunpeng, from the rising Peng.

Peng is dead, but Peng's way of rising up is still spread throughout every corner of Silver Snake's body. This is of course the characteristic of the Holy Emperor, being able to tell her own path to the multiverse where she lives, even if the influence she creates is completely unable to compete with a single thought of the Silver Snake.

After all, this is the universe of snakes, the diversity of snakes, and the interior of snakes. The snake can control everything here, as long as everything that needs to be controlled exists within the snake's observation.

Including Zhao Yingkong.

Including this newly born snake people.

She was no different from all her kind here. Her past had been completely forgotten, and her thoughts and will were completely controlled by the pure silver snake at this moment.

However, she still opened her eyes.

"I have to do something." She said, everything she had to do was for the benefit of the Silver Snake. "The Snake of the World has an uncontrollable clone, and I should bring it under control."

All foreign objects that are similar to the Silver Snake will naturally transform into the Silver Snake when the similarity limit crosses the threshold. This is a natural phenomenon that is taken for granted. And this transformed individual will naturally be controlled by the snake of the world.

The Serpent of the Universe would have mastery of this similar imitation.

A part of the Serpent of the World will master this similar imitation.

The most suitable part of the World Snake will master this part that was suddenly born within its sphere of influence when it is not actively controlling it.

So, who is more suitable than Zhao Yingkong?

Who is more suitable than the successor of Wa to master the highest achievements that Wa's legacy touches?

The answer is no, obviously no.

The snake people known as Zhao Yingkong still have no intention of rebellion. She still acts with the Silver Snake's best interests at heart. And she was originally the Holy Emperor, but at this moment she inherited some of the remnants that were spread into the body of the Serpent of the Universe after Kunpeng was devoured, along with the final announcement.

Therefore, it can only be her, it is destined to be her. As long as the snake of the world regards Zheng Zha as a target that needs to be killed, he pays attention to it. Then this final imitation of the Silver Snake will eventually be controlled by the part named Zhao Yingkong!

The phenomenon of channel erosion is generated.

The replica of the Silver Snake in the laboratory transformed into a part of the Silver Snake at this moment. It still belongs to it completely until this moment, and its vision suddenly appears in this secret base!


'boom--! ’ The gate of the base shattered, and Mou Gang suddenly burst in driving a large truck!

[...actually played the same trick twice? 】

"I am here to ascend to heaven as the Emperor of Decadence! The way I rule is decadence and laziness, and I want to spread my principles to every corner of diversity!" The truck crashed into the training warehouse. The Holy Emperor named Mou Gang, at this moment, directed all his ways towards the imitation of the Silver Snake!

That imitation is Zhao Yingkong, and it must be Zhao Yingkong. Because only Zhao Yingkong's essence is determined to be the medium, only she has become this key node. Only then can we ensure the maintenance of connectivity between the multiverses on both sides!

But, it's not enough!

"I ascend to heaven here as the emperor of revelation. The way I teach is revealed by the revelation, and my principles are spread. All living things need to know my achievements."

Zhan Lan appeared from behind the container and embraced the transformed Silver Snake imitation into his arms. Sloth relied on the Apocalypse to connect the media, and the Holy Emperor who achieved success in the infinite multiverse finally transmitted the principles they possessed to the inside of the Silver Snake for the first time!

Sloth and decadence burst out from every corner of the Silver Snake's body. Relying on Zhan Lan's announcement, all the snake people in the snake genus diversity fell into world-weary laziness at this moment. They have lost all fighting spirit and ambition, and countless civilizations have fallen because of this, and even turned into definite ideological trends to counter the will of the Serpent of the Universe itself!

Therefore, the strategy worked, and the Snake of the World's original fatal blow to Zheng Zha was mixed with a little laziness. Even the sharpest weapons from the outside can't resist the invasion from within, so the snake's bite no longer has the absolute advantage!

So what if you play the same trick twice? It works best as long as it remains undetected. The quality of the battle situation will always have a chain reaction due to changes in the front line.

'boom--! ’

The giant ax cuts open the snake's fangs. Zheng Zha, who was destined to die, escaped from death. The Great Heavenly Lord, who should have immediately launched an emperor-destroying strike against the infinite multiverse, turned a deaf ear at this moment because he had temporarily stopped operating!

"Now, I remember." He waved the battle ax and continued to rise. He wanted to take advantage of this small advantage. "You call this the end? Then it will only be your end!"

The snake's scales peeled off, and pure silver blood burst out. The snake's roar was filled with pain, but its will was focused on another place!

There are two possible actions the snake may take. Maybe give priority to killing Zheng Zha and kill the opponent right in front of you. Perhaps Zhao Yingkong should be dealt with first and the hidden dangers in the body should be eliminated.

However, one of the snake's intelligence has long been confirmed. It is destined to prioritize the easier, higher priority, and more threatening target as it tends to be mechanical. And Zhao Yingkong, who is in its body, obviously needs to be eliminated first than Zheng Zha, who can only cut off a few scales with a battle axe!

Inside the secret R\u0026D base, the replica of the Silver Snake suddenly collapsed into a mass of nothingness. The connection of the medium was cut off by the snake without hesitation. And the will of self-destruction reached the snake universe where Zhao Yingkong was in an instant.

One side of the universe turned into nothingness. No matter what Zhao Yingkong arranged there, it will disappear in an instant.

Zhao Yingkong ushered in death - another death.

However, it happened to be death itself, which best met Zhao Yingkong's needs.

"Because I have two." Another Zhao Yingkong awakened in another snake universe that had not yet been destroyed. She was a twin from the beginning, whether it was now or in the distant historical source. One of them is a medium, and the other is annihilation.

Annihilation is death, and her will and Tao are activated by death. She still couldn't and couldn't pose any threat to the snake. However, the revelation transmitted by Zhan Lan had already spoken the words of delusion in her ear.

"Become the emperor, this is what you should do." Zhan Lan's will is the phantom of the spirit. And how can a snake people who have not become an emperor resist the delusion of a holy emperor who specializes in intelligence?

This is also helpless. The bewitched snake people have to be forced to take this step. At this moment, her philosophy is declared to every corner of the snake's diversity, and a new concept is engraved in the snake's interior.

"I ascend to heaven here, and I am the emperor of annihilation. The principle I govern is death, and all things have acquired death because of this."

Death is thus cast.

The most important piece of information that the light corpse of the past gave Jiang Yu was to show him how a person who transcends all phenomena fell. Forcefully shape the core that no longer exists and break it. And this is the means to cut off immortality, that is, to give the concept of death to this immortal individual before killing.

And now, the cosmic snake has death again.

And a bullet with enough accumulation has been waiting at the destined position.

The sword hidden in the box has been hidden for seven million eras. Zero's lurking is only for this moment, and the cosmic snake, which has no concept of death, finally has a weak point called the dead point at this moment, which appears in his death-sight magic eye that has reached its limit!

[You! ? ]

'Da——' The trigger was pulled.

The dead point, broken.

Only this time, death came to the body of the cosmic snake.

The pure silver snake body lost its luster, and it fell into the realm of death from then on.

It died.

But death is just a state, just a form, a step. Even the dead point that was broken is not enough to really knock it down. This can only gain a momentary advantage at most, and when it crosses the dead realm and returns, all the results will be gone.

"But, that is also a moment later." Deep in the cursed city, Jiang Yu raised the hammer head. The fourth blow of the Hammer of Forging the World has not yet fallen. Because he still doesn't know what he wants to forge, and what he lacks.

But now, he already knows what he lacks.

"The materials are not enough." He said, he looked at the light corpse that was caught by the snake and the imprisoned Great Heavenly Venerable. Only at this moment, the dead snake cannot completely control them all.


The precious green key appeared in his hand. It appeared in the treasure house with the relic called the original text in the past. It doesn't matter what the so-called original text is, but he remembered his mobile phone because of it, and then contacted the remaining will of the light corpse.

This key plays this role. It is the will of the light corpse, which was handed over to Jiang Yu as a backup.

Passing through the non-existent door with the key, the remains that were eaten by the snake and could only be digested after countless epochs were driven towards the cauldron built by Jiang Yu. Even if it takes countless epochs to devour, if the materials actively cooperate, it will be another matter!

The next moment, Jiang Yu arrived at the place where the Great Heavenly Venerable was. The Great Heavenly Venerable, who had stopped moving, actually looked up at him at this moment!

This was the moment of decision, the only moment of destiny that could determine victory or defeat. Only at this moment, the snake could not interfere with the battle between him and the Great Heavenly Venerable!

Then, since everything in the infinite multiverse could not compete with the snake of the universe. What he needed to do was naturally to pile up more materials for shaping the end!

The final forging began.

At the moment when the fourth hammer fell, Jiang Yu looked directly into the eyes of the Great Heavenly Venerable.

And pure gold immediately covered everything.

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