Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 691 Types of Transcendence

Chapter 691 ·Types of Transcendence


Pure gold, pure gold.

Block the vision and cover everything.

Everything was covered in gold, and in the deepest part of the gold, Jiang Yu was able to know the true meaning of 'self'.

There is no collision of forces.

There is no conceptual argument.

The crown was always there, and the only thing left to consider was...

It is whether he, the holder, is qualified to take it into his hands.



Consciousness falls towards the depths of thinking.

The depth of the mind is an endless sea. It was originally pitch black, but now it is gold.

The long-lost tiredness came in waves, accompanied by tiny and slight pains, which seemed to come from the severe pain in the limbs and bones, and also seemed like something was being destroyed and collapsed deep in the soul.

"...Hurry! He is conscious-"

There was a sound coming from far away. Plural, and urgent sounds.

"——Inject immediately, 20 units...hemostatic forceps!"

The sound was approaching sharply and getting denser. There seemed to be some liquid flowing into his body, and then a cool touch slowly and gently penetrated his body and mind.

"Pulse is dropping... working... pacemaker!"

The body is being felt, and the touch of hands and feet changes from a vague state to a clear state. It was accompanied by more pain. And the painful feeling is clearer than every moment in the past.

really weird.

Mingming has already adapted to this level of pain - Mingming has already surpassed all the pain that mortals can recognize. It is obvious that all changes in his body are completely controlled by his own will. It is obvious that external thoughts and emotions have long been unable to produce any effect on oneself.

But why...


It feels like an electric shock.

The thunder and lightning that had been completely controlled by itself a long time ago seemed particularly wild and violent at this moment. It attacks every nerve that should be indestructible. As a result, his brain went blank, and the pain spread further.

"Come again!"

Another, bigger thunderbolt.

It destroys will, shatters ideas, turns pure gold into snow-white, and reveals reality in the eyes of the immersed.

Jiang Yu suddenly opened her eyes.

He felt that he should open his eyes suddenly, but his vision swept through his mind at a slow speed.

He saw a bright but not dazzling shadowless lamp, and large tracts of clean white. I saw fragments of light and shadow floating on the white ceiling, and they seemed to belong to some kind of operating instrument part.

Pain... Pain spread throughout the limbs and bones. They deserve expression, but they seem to be slightly cut off from something. That might be the gauze called 'narcotic', which bound his pain and consciousness. And his eyes moved slightly downward, and the strangers wearing masks and white coats surrounding him all showed the joy of relaxation in their eyes.

"Hold on, your operation was successful!"

He saw the stranger closest to him pointing a syringe at his neck.

"Get some sleep. When you wake up, everything will be fine."

Darkness came silently, swallowing up the gold and cleaning everything in sight.


Time moved forward three days.

The Awakened learned the name of this building. This is the first public hospital in the urban area where he is located. His school is only one kilometer away from here. Before he regained consciousness for the first time, he had been in a coma for five days.

"You are so lucky, classmate Jiang. The car did not hit you directly, and the impact you suffered was not great. Although five ribs were broken, your heart and lungs were also slightly damaged. But the problem is not big, you Still young and growing well.”

"Of course, you did have some concussions before. It has generally healed, but there will still be some sequelae in a short period of time. You may see some visions, hear some voices, and have some weird dreams. But Don’t worry, these are all treatable diseases. As long as you take your medicine on time and take good care of yourself in the future, they won’t affect you for a long time.”

The doctor was wearing a white coat and looked at the young man lying on the bed. The young man's hand was holding a mobile phone tightly, and it seemed that not a word of what he had just said had fallen into the young man's ears.

He shrugged it off, which was very common. He just nodded, stood up, patted the young man on the shoulder, then turned and left.

"There's someone who's been dying to see you, maybe you guys need some private space."

The doctor opened the door.

As the door opened and rushed in, there were two urgent figures.


The young man on the bed suddenly raised his head, his eyes brightened, and then dimmed slightly. The two figures seemed to want to hug him tightly, but they tried hard to restrain their emotions before touching him.

"It's mom and dad! Ayu, I'm so sorry for you!" The faces of the two figures gradually became clear in the young man's eyes.

The young man's lips trembled, his eyes twitched, and some ancient and unfamiliar emotions seemed to be flowing deep in his mind. That seemed unbelievable, but also seemed like an escape.

"Dad...Mom..." He opened his mouth and spat out this unfamiliar and awkward pronunciation. An invisible burden was collapsing on him, and perhaps something called responsibility was collapsing with the burden.

The cell phone he clenched fell onto the hospital bed.

Before he reached out to his parents, some words jumped on the page of his mobile phone.

It was a novel, an online novel called "Infinite Horror". And at the end of the novel, there were a large number of sequels and derivative works.

Among them, there was an author named [Jiuyuan], whose works have been repeatedly followed by the young man in the past few days.

But now, it is useless.


Three months later.

"You are very good at studying, Jiang Xuedi." The student union member wearing glasses looked at the thin young man sitting opposite the desk. His eyes were full of admiration. "I can't believe that you have made up all the progress in such a short time. In this final exam, you have no opponent at all. Unfortunately, if you can recover earlier, you must have a chance to shine in this school sports meeting. I heard that you played an important role in the student union in high school. Maybe you plan to continue this tradition in college?"

"Can I regard this as an invitation?" The young man in front of him smiled. "I like order and construction. It seems that we will have a good cooperation in the future."

"You talk very interestingly. Have you been reading online articles recently?" The recruiter of the student union smiled and shook hands with the young man. He did not say too much about the personal hobbies of the junior in front of him, because he knew that this outstanding junior was hit by a car in the school after the military training. Although the perpetrator was soon held accountable and compensated, the victim's injuries recovered quickly. But before the junior could get out of bed and use his brain properly, reading online articles might be his only pastime to kill time.

"I am indeed reading." The young man in front of him just smiled. "Does the student union have any arrangements for me?"

"It depends on what you want to do." The recruiter said. "The student union needs people in many places and needs enough capable people. Capable people can shine no matter where they are, but the student union is not a company after all. It depends on which direction you want to move in."

"For example, a part-time president of the literature club?"

"Well, there is no rule that says you can't do this." The recruiter smiled and nodded. "But let me ask, do you like online novels so much?"

"Yes." The young man did not deny it. "I do have some interest, and..."

"...I also want to verify something."


Three years later.

Jiang Yu, president of the Student Union, stretched out his hand and raised the drink cup in front of him.

"All good things must come to an end. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Student Union will be handed over to you in the future. You are all young talents here, and I believe you will be able to make it bigger and stronger and create more glory. I won't say much about other things. Let's use tea instead of wine to celebrate the upcoming success!"

He raised his glass and drank it all.

In front of him, many members of the Student Union also blushed and drank the wine in the glass-he waved his hand to refuse the compliments and approach of these younger generations in front of him. He walked out of the hotel quietly, and his successors were tactful and did not hinder his actions.

Three years have passed.

Almost four years.

His college career is about to end, and he has already started a business and achieved something. In fact, he has been called "General Jiang" by many people.

He walked forward, alone into the night wind. A beautiful woman passing by approached him, and he just smiled and responded casually.

All the past was over.

He did not disappoint his parents, but he also put his free energy into exploring the past to the maximum. He still remembered the wars and fights one after another. The sacrifices that lasted for seven million eras, and the final step of defeating the serpent of the universe that was about to be completed.

However, he could not do anything.

He became a real ordinary person, without strength or skills. He used countless methods to verify the authenticity of the current world. However, in the end, he got a very unfriendly result.

Everything seemed like a dream, and everything he saw was like delirium and delusion induced by concussion. The psychiatrist judged that he had read too many infinite flow online articles and spontaneously filled these contents into his brain when he lost too much blood. And all the evidence supports the results of the doctor's test.

His parents did not hold him back. They supported him to do anything he wanted to do without any hesitation.

With their support and his own efforts, he successfully contacted the infinite flow fan fiction author named Jiuyuan and became friends with him.

He saw with his own eyes that the author got inspiration after listening to his story. He watched that person start a book from scratch. He saw that the protagonist with the same name as him dominate the infinite multiverse. Then, he saw with his own eyes that the author gave up commercial writing at the end in order to respect this friendship.

[There is no great celestial master, no outer multiverse flying stone. Everything is just a fantasy of a dying boy in a pool of blood. He immersed his last life in a dream. ]

[However, this is not the end. He was saved after all, and he was intact after all. And even if it was all just a dream, he was no longer as mediocre as before when he woke up - even if he was not mediocre. ]

[A brand new future awaits him, and everything has to be opened up by his own hands. ]

An ending that can be described as a literary youth's disease. The author was criticized for this. However, Jiang Yu, who witnessed all this, had a complicated change of thoughts in his heart that was difficult to describe.

Everything ended just like that.

This is the final result.

Jiang Yu stood in the night wind. He and the author had rarely contacted each other.

He raised his head and looked at the sky. The night wind was long, and the stars tonight were still shining.

The world will not stop functioning because of him, and the world will not stop moving because of losing him. He exhaled gently, and the little thoughts flowing deep in his mind finally stopped lingering.

Ten years later, Jiang Yu became a well-known entrepreneur. He invested a lot and paid close attention to infrastructure and online literature.

He finally ended his single life at the age of 32. Under the eager eyes of his parents, he accepted the pursuit of a deputy who had been following him for a long time. The face and personality of that woman were all different from Xia, Zhan Lan, and Zhao Yingkong.

He had three children, each of whom achieved something. When his parents died one after another, his three children had already started their own families and careers. The departed elders were very satisfied with this.

He lived to be ninety-seven years old.

Most of his life was victorious and successful, with only a few disappointments and loneliness. When he lay peacefully on the hospital bed, all he saw were sad faces from the heart.

Everything was perfect because of this.

As a mortal, it was already difficult to do more than him.

And the moment he closed his eyes, he finally fell into the depths of death again.

Pure death, permanent death. There is no "soul" in this world. The moment when consciousness stagnates, it is permanent nothingness.

So he died.

He became nothingness.


Jiang Yu opened his eyes.

He examined his life and where he came from. He was not in an illusion, he did exist in the multiverse where Jiang Yu had already died.

All that was real and had already happened. College student Jiang Yu was indeed seriously injured in a car accident and then rescued. Then, as a mortal, he spent his life in an ordinary way.

He did not leave that multiverse.

He did not turn into a flying stone and fall into the infinite multiverse.

Because he had become [ ], his life had ended. His own source world line had reached the end through his own hands. The past Jiang Yu and the future Jiang Yu had no connection with him. He was a transcendent thing independent of everything.

"So, I don't exist." Jiang Yu looked away and looked at the Great Heavenly Venerable in front of him - the Great Heavenly Venerable was dissolving in front of him and transforming into [ ] like him.

"You don't exist." The Great Heavenly Venerable responded. "Because existence is [existence]. It is finite. You should understand this clearly because you have stayed in this field for a while."

Jiang Yu did not cross. The source world line has ended.

But the flying stone has already fallen, hit, harvested, and achieved results.

Then the flying stone should not be Jiang Yu, and since it is not Jiang Yu, what should it be?

The answer is simple, it is nothing. It does not exist, so it can be anything.

It can no longer be described by nouns, because it has already surpassed everything. It does not exist in life or death, it does not exist in finiteness or infinity. It is a thought that does not need a carrier, a will that does not need a medium. And the reason why it can have the body of the universe is because the universe is the largest structure inside and outside the multiverse.

And this is the silver snake, the light skeleton, and the place where the Great Heavenly Venerable resides. And at this moment, Jiang Yu finally succeeded in getting involved.

The Great Heavenly Venerable melted silently in front of him, and the fourth hammer of the forging world finally fell.

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