Chapter 119: Butterfly Magic

Li Xiang couldn't help but frown.

It really is a bug.

And it's the Matou family's Crest Worm.

Its appearance alone can make ordinary humans feel uncomfortable.

I wonder if the magician behind the scenes is Matou Zangyan or Matou Shinji.

Li Xiang drew his Zanmato, a curved blade over seven meters long.

Silver light flickered.

Green blood splattered.

The Crest Worm was directly crushed.

For a moment, the scene was extremely disgusting.

The mixture of corpses and blood was unbearable.

Astathis threw out two rubies.

With a bang, flames soared into the sky and spread at a rapid speed.

A pungent smell filled the air.

Li Xiang quickly retreated and stood side by side with Astathis.

The swarm of bugs kept pouring in, but they screamed as soon as they touched the flames.

The magician behind the scenes seemed to have noticed this scene and the swarm of bugs burrowed underground again.

Li Xiang and Astathis jumped up in unison.

Two black bands emerged from the ground where they had just stood.

"The black mud of the Holy Grail?"

Li Xiang was slightly surprised.

Without Tohsaka Sakura, why would this thing still exist?

Could it be that Matou Zangyan gave the fragments of the Holy Grail to someone else?

As his thoughts flashed, Li Xiang landed on the roof on the left.

Just then, the ground near him cracked open.

A figure emerged, his right hand shimmering with a deep red light, making a clenched gesture towards Li Xiang.


He was a guy with a white mask and his right arm was twice as long as his left arm, making him an extraordinary assassin.

His Noble Phantasm was called "Delusional Heartbeat," which could create fake hearts and cause damage to be reflected in the real heart.

In other words, he wanted to have a heart-to-heart conversation with Li Xiang.

The success rate of Noble Phantasms depends on magical power and one's own luck.

Phantasmal Speech: Fairy Dancer.

Li Xiang reacted quickly.

His heart beat violently.

And his body accelerated, swinging the Zanmato in his hand towards Hassan-i-Sabbah.

As an assassin of the Killer Rank, Hassan-i-Sabbah had poor frontal combat abilities and was easily defeated in the original work when facing Tohsaka Kirei.

But when combined with the restraint of the Holy Grail's black shadow, his Noble Phantasm became quite powerful.

Seeing that his Noble Phantasm was ineffective, Hassan-i-Sabbah immediately retreated, wanting to leave.

At the same time, three black shadows seemed to be ribbons, trying to envelop Li Xiang from different directions.

"Stop him."

Li Xiang jumped high as if he had springs on his feet.

Not attacking, but retreating.

With his strength, coming into contact with the black mud would likely cause problems.

Hassan-i-Sabbah's speed was extremely fast, and just as he was about to disappear, red light suddenly lit up all around.

He looked up and saw nearly a hundred rubies shining like stars.

The anger of a wealthy woman.

Crash, crash.

An immense amount of mana filled the entire street.

Hassan-i-Sabbah's eyes reflected a splendid fireworks display. Although he had the skill to dodge, he couldn't avoid such a large-scale explosion.

The light illuminated the night sky, visible throughout Fuyuki City.

But the nearby streets were not destroyed.

Because Astathis threw a few more diamonds to cover the buildings on both sides.

So the unvented mana flew directly into the sky.

Not far south of the commercial street was the Tohsaka mansion.

At this moment, a girl who looked very similar to Astathis, wearing a red windbreaker, stared in astonishment and asked, "Is this the magical power of your Servant?"

"You may have misunderstood our Servants."

Beside her, a white-haired young man frowned and said, "It's incredible. Even though I am a Magus, my magical power is far inferior to hers. Is it because she has a generous supply of mana from her Master? Or does she naturally have a lot of magical power?"

"Hey, what do you mean?"

Rin Tohsaka turned to look at him. "Are you really a magician? It's already frustrating enough that you're not a Saber-class, and now you've lost your memory. This situation is just too terrible."

"You, as a Master, are already outstanding, one could say you are top-notch."

Red A shook her head and said, "It's not your or my problem, it's this Servant who has a problem."

"Hmph, now you praise me, but it doesn't change your lack of honesty towards the Master."

Tohsaka Rin shifted her gaze, looking at the night sky with a serious expression.

Opposite them, in the Fuyuki Town Church.

Kotomine Kirei looked at the light in the sky.

"It's truly amazing, it seems that Emiya Shirou's life is coming to an end."

"For a god, it's just a small matter."

Gilgamesh said calmly.

"This time, it can't be concealed by a gas explosion."

Kotomine Kirei sighed and said, "The aftermath is becoming more and more difficult."

Back in the commercial street.

"Is he dead?"

Li Xiang squinted his eyes and asked.

"He's dead."

Astolfo nodded, then changed his tone and said, "But I haven't found his Master."

"Being implanted with a fragment of the Holy Grail, he is like a knockoff version of the Holy Grail, so it's normal not to find him."

Li Xiang recalled the glorious record of Black Sakura, escaping is nothing.

And Astolfo is not good at finding people.

Just don't know who this guy is.

Two figures flashed by.

Scathach and Bazett appeared.

"What just happened?"

Bazett couldn't help but ask.

Scathach, on the other hand, looked at Astolfo calmly.

"The Assassin-class Servant is already dead."

Astolfo answered casually.

"We're going to the Matou house."

Li Xiang realized that he had entered the wrong path. Since he already knew that the Assassin-class Master came from the Matou family, why not go directly to their door?

The four of them quickly found the Matou mansion.

Under the night sky, it was pitch black with no lights.

Faintly, a strong killing intent could be sensed.

The magician's mansion is undoubtedly a magic workshop with various defense measures.

But Li Xiang was not worried at all.

On the left was Astolfo, on the right was Scathach.

What do I have to lose!

Matou Zouken is nominally Emiya Shirou's grandfather, but in reality, he is an ancestral figure.

In 1800, he visited Einzbern and together with Tohsaka Nagato, constructed a magic called the Holy Grail.

This is the origin of the Holy Grail War.

But unfortunately, as one of the Three Families, Matou Zouken has never won the Holy Grail War.

In this generation of Emiya Shirou, because he was far away from his homeland, the bloodline of the magus has completely weakened, so he adopted Tohsaka Sakura.

Originally, Matou Zouken could be considered a righteous partner, but because of his obsession with immortality, he began his scheming.

First, he used insect magic to consume the bodies of others to prolong his life for nearly five hundred years. Then, in the previous Holy Grail War, he noticed Angra Mainyu in the Holy Grail and realized that the Holy Grail was contaminated.

So he transformed Tohsaka Sakura into the Black Holy Grail and took over her body through the transmigration of souls, in order to achieve immortality.

Now that Tohsaka Sakura is no longer here, with Matou Zouken's character, he would definitely not give up. He might look for another candidate or directly modify Emiya Shirou.

"Leave the barrier to me."

Scathach noticed that Li Xiang and Astolfo were preparing to forcefully break through, so she spoke up.

She raised her hand and a rune floated lightly into the mansion.

The barrier suddenly shattered, and it started to rain.

The rainwater overflowed, and countless insects emerged.

Astolfo casually flicked his hand, and a ruby exploded into flames, enveloping the swarm of insects.

A few seconds later, the ground was charred, with no trace of any insects.

"This should only be the first attack."

As a magician, Scathach's skills were top-notch, and she could almost instantly discern reality from illusion.

Li Xiang nodded.

There was no need to guess, after all, Matou Zouken was from the Clock Tower.

In his youth, he even had the strength to directly confront Servants.

But now he has decayed.

Li Xiang was the first to enter the gate.

The courtyard is very quiet.

Suddenly, several vines attack him at an astonishing speed.

But before Li Xiang can react, a crimson spear flashes by, breaking all the vines.

Astolfo snorts and says, "You focus on your own Master, I will protect mine."

Scathach calmly says, "We are temporary allies, it's normal for me to take action."

Li Xiang is a bit overwhelmed.

But he still chooses Astolfo.

He squeezes her right hand and says, "Let's continue."

Astolfo nods.

But it is clear that Li Xiang underestimated the determination of the goddesses.

He never had a chance to make a move.

All the attacks were easily countered by Astolfo and Scathach.

He estimates that her Servant is one step ahead.

Finally, amidst the chaos, they arrive at the basement.

Because the other rooms are empty.

The basement is undoubtedly the center of the magic workshop.

Li Xiang can't help but gasp.

He sees a large underground hall with a diameter of possibly over ten meters, filled with swarms of insects.

They are densely packed together, creating an indescribable visual storm.

Astolfo instinctively moves closer to Li Xiang.

Without waiting for his command, she throws a pile of gems.

Flames pour down like rain.

Just then, a roar resounds.

A green dragon suddenly appears, like an enlarged version of an engraving insect.

It opens its mouth and sucks in all the flames.

But immediately its entire body ignites, emitting a painful roar.

The swarm immediately flees from its location, revealing a large empty space.

A few seconds later, the sound stops, and it has turned into charcoal.

Immediately after, a group of mosquitoes, larger than usual, flies towards them.

Blade-winged insects.

Li Xiang recognizes them because he has seen them in a game before.

Scathach suddenly rushes out, spinning her spear in her hand, killing all the insects.

Her skill is astonishing.

She and Astolfo clearly have different styles.

As one of the strongest warriors in the Gaelic mythology, her martial arts have reached the pinnacle.

Astolfo, on the other hand, excels in swordsmanship, specifically the Yagyū Shinkage-ryū.

But her magical power is so abundant that she doesn't need any skill.

Similar to the Tailed Beasts in "Hokage Ninja," a move like the Tailed Beast Bomb can conquer the world, and only Kakashi learned ninjutsu because he had the least chakra.

If given time, so many insects would be nothing to Scathach.

But Astolfo doesn't want to be outdone in front of her Master, so she throws a translucent moonstone.

The beautiful gem bursts with extreme coldness.

It explodes like snowflakes, releasing a powerful magical force.

The swarm immediately freezes upon contact.

An unimaginable chill invades their bodies, causing their lives to swiftly fade away.

Scathach sneers and returns to Bazett's side.

The advantage of magic is undoubtedly evident at this moment.

The underground hall is now covered in ice.

But there is no trace of any magicians.

Just when Li Xiang thought that Kotomine Kirei or Matou Shinji hadn't returned, the floating ice in the northeast corner suddenly explodes, revealing a huge cocoon.

"There's a human inside."

Astolfo speaks up.

"Doesn't this situation resemble the Butterfly Magic?"

Li Xiang raises an eyebrow and asks.

The so-called Butterfly Magic is a magic that imitates the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.

More accurately, it is body possession.

It is similar to Insect Magic, but with greater drawbacks.

Insect Magic uses someone else's body to sustain its own.

But Butterfly Magic inserts memories and personalities into another person's body.

It's hard to say it's rebirth.

"Yes, this is Butterfly Magic."

Astati chuckled lightly, "Jian Tong Zang Yan is quite ruthless."

"No wonder the consecutive murders were all young people. It must be because he switched bodies with Jian Tong Shen Er," Li Xiang suddenly realized.

The reason why it's called Jian Tong Shen Er instead of Jian Tong Zang Yan is because if he wanted to use the Butterfly Magic, he wouldn't have to wait until now. He could have done it a long time ago, not to mention he has the Holy Grail to achieve immortality. It's impossible for him to willingly use such a low-quality resurrection magic.

But if it's Jian Tong Shen Er, it doesn't matter. He can even turn him into a small Holy Grail for his own use.

A green light suddenly flickered.

The cocoon was engulfed in the green light.

Then there was a cracking sound, like unwrapping a bandage, the shell kept falling off, revealing a young man inside.

"Jian Tong Shen Er?" Li Xiang looked at the unfamiliar face and asked.

"Do you know me?" Jian Tong Shen Er opened his eyes, his tone unusually cold.

But before Li Xiang could answer, he leaped up and broke through the ceiling, running away.

"......?" Li Xiang snapped back to reality and asked, "Did he just escape?"

The change was too sudden for him to react.

"We'll chase after him." Scathach bounced off her legs and turned into a purple meteor.

The remaining three people quickly caught up.

Li Xiang stood in mid-air, looking around, but Jian Tong Shen Er had disappeared without a trace.

His speed was unbelievably fast.

But considering the Holy Grail inside him, it seemed natural.

Fortunately, Scathach was there. Her rune runes quickly predicted Jian Tong Shen Er's position.


"Trase On (Projection Start)!" A blue light illuminated Emiya Shirou's serious face.

He was wearing a jumpsuit and was in his own warehouse.

As he performed his magic, the worn-out furnace was covered with a network of nerves.

"So it's aging here?" Emiya Shirou pondered.

As a half-hearted magician, he only learned projection magic.

At that moment, the warehouse door was suddenly blasted open.

Emiya Shirou was startled, he quickly stood up and grabbed a wrench.

A very unfamiliar young man walked in from outside.

"Who are you?" Emiya Shirou asked nervously.

Mainly because the young man gave him a strong sense of oppression, making him feel weak in the legs.

"Give it to me," Jian Tong Shen Er said.

"What?" Emiya Shirou was completely confused.

"Give it to me!" Jian Tong Shen Er suddenly roared, and as his emotions fluctuated, four flying shadows emerged behind him.

Emiya Shirou immediately froze.

The pervasive killing intent almost made him faint.

But fortunately, he had a strong will, so he barely stood his ground.

"What do you want?" Emiya Shirou asked with a dry throat.

"Saber's relic!" Jian Tong Shen Er said coldly, "Emiya, I'm not interested in playing with you."

After controlling Hassan and Astati, he understood that he needed the most powerful Saber class to have any hope of victory.

And coincidentally, Jian Tong Zang Yan had told him that Emiya Shirou's father, Emiya Kiritsugu, had summoned Saber in the previous Holy Grail War.

Generally speaking, relics don't disappear after being used once, so it must still be in the Emiya household.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Emiya Shirou answered with difficulty, "I've never even heard of Saber."

The next second, the shadow pierced through his arm.

Blood sprayed all over the floor.

Jian Tong Shen Er revealed a terrifying smile and said, "The next attack will be aimed at your head. You don't want to become a headless knight, do you, Emiya?"

Recent luck has been bad. This book's performance is average, not even halfway through. Yesterday, I saw the ranking for the civil service exam, and I didn't even make it to the interview. Originally, I thought about either taking the civil service exam or reading novels to get a full-time job, but neither worked out. It seems like I have to find a job.

(This chapter is complete)

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