Infinite Simulation: From Konoha To Moon

Chapter 120 The Shining Starry Sky

Chapter 120: Shining Starry Sky

Emiya Shirou held onto his arm.

He smelled the scent of death.

This person is definitely a pervert.

Although he had known Matou Shinji since middle school, he couldn't recognize him at all after his appearance changed.

He had to run.

Emiya Shirou forced himself to stand up.

He didn't know why, but he felt a power slowly growing inside him, making his wounds less painful.

"Emiya, I'm running out of patience."

Matou Shinji waved his hand casually, and a black shadow immediately pierced through Emiya Shirou's right leg ankle.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Emiya Shirou couldn't bear the pain any longer and screamed.

The possibility of escaping completely disappeared because of this attack.

With his strength, it was impossible for him to escape with an injured leg.

The only thing he was grateful for was that Fujimura Taiga hadn't come home yet.

Almost half of the warehouse was stained with blood.

On the ground where no one paid attention, there was a faint blue light flowing.

"Emiya, why are you opposing me too?!"

Matou Shinji was completely enraged.

He didn't have any time left.

Astolfo and Scáthach could find his trail at any moment.

He thought that becoming the Lesser Grail would make him invulnerable to Servants.

But Astolfo's strength far exceeded his imagination.

"Since you won't say, then this is the end."

A black shadow behind Matou Shinji rose high like a Shinigami.

Suddenly, a white light flickered.

A girl clad in armor swung an invisible weapon and cut the black shadow.


Matou Shinji was slightly taken aback, then cursed loudly, "Damn it, when did this happen?!"

He completely didn't notice any signs of summoning.

And if she had been summoned earlier, Emiya Shirou wouldn't have waited until now to let her out.

The only explanation was that she had just been summoned.

Thinking of this situation, Matou Shinji felt uncomfortable.

It felt like his wife had been snatched away in front of him.

But he didn't have time to say anything.

Because the girl had already rushed over.

Matou Shinji quickly retreated, avoiding the girl's deadly strike.

The invisible Knight Sword fell to the ground, creating a huge pit.

Matou Shinji's reaction was also quick. Under his control, the black shadow swiftly skimmed across the ground.

Even if she had been summoned, so what? He could still use the black shadow to snatch her back.

After all, all the Servants participating in the Holy Grail War were fundamentally summoned by the Holy Grail.

"Be careful!"

Emiya Shirou couldn't help but shout.

The girl didn't reply, she stomped her feet and jumped up, gripping the invisible Knight Sword and thrusting forward.

The black shadow clearly lagged behind her.

The sound of wind howled.

Suddenly, it turned into spinning light, bursting out with a swoosh.

Blood splattered.

Matou Shinji was thrown heavily.

His clothes in front were completely destroyed, revealing a rotating wound inside.

But he didn't hesitate at all and shouted, "You are mine!"

The black shadow covered the girl.

She didn't know the true nature of the black shadow and thought it was just an ordinary magical attack, so she didn't pay attention.

Because she was wearing armor and had A-rank Magic Resistance, ordinary magic had no effect on her.

But at this moment, she finally realized that something was wrong.

An unimaginable filth seemed to drag her into hell.

Even the noble King of Knights couldn't resist this corrupting power.

Matou Shinji showed an excited expression.

He was about to succeed!

In an instant, a burst of white light exploded above Artoria's head.

The originally unstoppable shadow unexpectedly fell into stagnation.

Experienced Artoria naturally wouldn't let go of such an opportunity.

With a gap opened by the knight sword in her hand, her petite body immediately escaped from danger.


Shirou Emiya's face froze, angrily saying, "Who dares to ruin my good fortune?!"

No one answered.

Three rubies were right in front of him.

Blinding red light exploded, and Shirou Emiya was sent flying.

But even with his skin torn and flesh ripped, he was still full of vitality.

"It's you again!"

Shirou Emiya gritted his teeth, looking at Astath.

Her speed was too fast, otherwise, he really wanted to use the shadow to corrupt this guy into his own Servant.

But he couldn't touch her.

"Are you alright?"

Astath casually asked.

"I'm fine."

Artoria shook her head slightly.

Because she was standing behind her, she couldn't see Astath's appearance.

But she could still determine that she was a Servant.

As Artoria, who had participated in the previous Holy Grail War, the current situation was not unfamiliar to her.

The only strange thing was what kind of creature Shirou Emiya was.

He wasn't a Servant, but that shadow had such terrifying power.

Immediately after, Scathach landed behind Shirou Emiya, blocking his escape route.

"Three Servants..."

Even Shirou Emiya, who was arrogant, understood that the current situation was particularly dangerous.

His shadow was indeed a weapon, and it was difficult for any Servant summoned by the Holy Grail War to resist.

In the original work, Gilgamesh was also assimilated and killed due to carelessness.

But Servants were not fixed targets after all. As long as they were serious, it was extremely difficult to hit them.

Previously, there was still Hassan of the Cursed Arm who could launch a sneak attack, but now there was only him.

And excluding the shadow, Shirou Emiya was just a magician with almost infinite magic power.

Scathach's figure flashed.

At a terrifying speed, all the magical power gathered in her spear, an unimaginable sharpness, instantly piercing through Shirou Emiya.

Blood splattered.

Artoria's expression froze, such a fast spear.

This Servant was not simple.

Scathach elegantly pulled out her spear and stepped back.

Shirou Emiya fell to the ground.

"He's not dead."

Li Xiang arrived a step late.

If he remembered correctly, even when Black Sakura was dismembered, she could still revive in full health. It was likely that Shirou Emiya wouldn't be too far off.

And at this time, they would rely on the miraculous sealing technique.

Although they couldn't kill him, sealing him for a period of time was not a problem.

When the time came to dismantle the Greater Holy Grail, Shirou Emiya would naturally die.


Astath pulled Li Xiang's sleeve and said, "Let me do it."

She took out a Holy Crystal.

Under Li Xiang's somewhat surprised gaze, she crushed it into pieces.

Immediately, his line of sight shifted.

He found himself in the midst of the universe.

The external Artoria, Scathach, and others saw Astath, Li Xiang, and Shirou Emiya disappear inexplicably.

Infinite starlight enveloped them.

Li Xiang appeared extremely amazed.

And Shirou Emiya had a face full of terror.

He had no idea what had happened.

Fully revived, he had planned to find an opportunity to corrupt the three Servants and then counterattack.

But suddenly, he was pulled into this universe.

In his thoughts, a dazzling golden light reflected the stars.

A colossal entity that occupied half of the universe appeared in front of Emiya Shirou and Li Xiang.

Astahti, dressed in a red gown.

Emiya Shirou stood dumbfounded in place.

While Li Xiang looked at this familiar scene and subconsciously said, "The Noble Phantasm of Universe Rin, I wonder if it's a red card, green card, or blue card."

Astahti raised her hand.

Stars gathered at her fingertips.

Countless golden lights filled the sky.

Emiya Shirou vanished in an instant.

It felt like using an anti-aircraft gun to kill a mosquito.

Soon, Li Xiang returned to Earth.

Astahti blinked her eyes and asked with a smile, "Is it beautiful?"

She made great efforts to control the power of her Noble Phantasm, not endangering other living beings.

Otherwise, she could have enveloped the entire galaxy.

But that would be too wasteful.

In other universes, one should save whenever possible.

The most important thing is not to harm the Master.

"It's beautiful."

Li Xiang nodded in response.

In fact, he didn't have a clear sense of Astahti's strength.

Because the game is a game, he hasn't seen the reality, so he can't be sure.

But just now, he finally gained a clear understanding.


The forgotten Emiya Shirou finally spoke.

His originally severe injuries had been healed.

After all, Avalon's scabbard was buried in his body by his father.

Now that Artoria appeared, the scabbard's powerful healing ability began to take effect.

Emiya Shirou looked at the five people in front of him and finally focused on the only person he knew, Li Xiang, and asked, "Li Xiang, can you tell me what the situation is now?"

He was first abused by strangers, then saved by a strange girl in armor, and now four more people appeared, one of whom was his classmate.

In just a few minutes, it was a roller coaster of emotions.

He was completely bewildered.

"Your name is Li Xiang?"

Artoria suddenly turned her head, looked at him, and asked, "Fujimaru Ritsuka?"


Li Xiang suddenly remembered that she was not an ordinary Heroic Spirit either. Like Scathach, her original self was still alive.

The Hassan of the Cursed Arm he encountered earlier didn't recognize him either.

Gilgamesh was the same.

But if he activated Clairvoyance, he should be able to know.

"You should first care about your Master."

Astahti pursed her lips and said.

So annoying.

Can't you take the Holy Grail War more seriously?

Why are you always staring at other people's Masters?

Artoria was stunned for a moment, then walked up to Emiya Shirou and asked, "Master, how are you?"

"Thank you, I'm fine now."

Emiya Shirou also felt a bit strange. How did his body recover so quickly today?

But he was quickly attracted by Artoria's address.

"You call me Master? What exactly are you?"

"I am a Servant, also known as a Familiar."

Artoria could tell from his appearance that he knew nothing about the Holy Grail War.

Because it was his blood that triggered the summoning circle left by Emiya Kiritsugu in the warehouse, summoning her.

Li Xiang glanced at them and stopped paying attention.

"It's a bit strange."

He frowned and said, "Why would Matou Zouken just watch Emiya Shirou die?"

It's not that they had a deep grandfather-grandson relationship, but Emiya Shirou being transformed into a Lesser Grail was naturally related to Matou Zouken's reincarnation plan.

Li Xiang didn't believe that he would just give up like this.

"I didn't see any soul worms on Emiya Shirou."

Astahti added in a timely manner.

Li Xiang pondered.

Was it because there wasn't enough time, or did Matou Zouken not care at all?

But no matter which one, it means something unusual behind it.

Now that the plot has changed dramatically, Li Xiang can't guess what Matou Zangyan wants to do.

"It's getting late, let's go back."

Astati suggested, "Emiya Shirou and his Servant won't finish talking for a while, so we don't need to stay."

"I'll say hello to them."

Li Xiang nodded and walked up to them, saying, "Emiya, see you tomorrow, and I hope you make up your mind sooner."

After all, there is a future you who is already sharpening the knife.

Hesitation will only be killed by yourself.

"Thank you."

Although Emiya Shirou didn't quite understand the meaning of his words, he did receive Li Xiang's help today.

Artoria Pendragon hesitated to speak, but in the end, she watched the four of them leave.

Back in the room at the Phantom Mansion, Li Xiang glanced at the time and it was almost midnight.

Although in his previous life, he often went to bed at midnight, this life is surprisingly regular.

Perhaps it's because there is no mobile phone, so there is no way to watch videos of beautiful women dancing or anything like that.

As time goes by, it feels like fast-forwarding.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next day.

Very terrifying.

"I'll go take a shower first."

Although Astati is a Servant, she is used to living as a human, so she still acts the same as before.

In fact, as a collection of magical energy, Servants don't need to eat or take showers, they are like little fairies.

Even clothes can be simulated with magic.

As for Artoria Pendragon's love for food, in addition to her personal factors, it is also because her Master, Emiya Shirou, is too half-hearted, which forces her to save magical energy.

She even hesitates to use her Noble Phantasm.

Look at Tohsaka Rin, as a Master, she uses her Noble Phantasm just like a normal attack.

Servants like Astati are ultimately too few, so the level of the Master is also quite important.

Otherwise, some Servants can only take risks to harm ordinary humans.


Li Xiang still wanted to try replenishing magical energy.


Back to the point, today they killed Matou Shinji and the Assassin-class Servant.

At present, Saber, Archer, and Lancer have all appeared.

Apart from the almost predictable Red A of Tohsaka Rin and Illyasviel's B Uncle, there is one missing.

Gilgamesh is no longer considered a Servant, as he obtained a physical body in the previous Holy Grail War, allowing him to exist independently.

He can be called a cheater, the eighth Servant.

So according to the original work, this remaining Servant is most likely in Matou Zangyan's hands.

But what Li Xiang didn't expect was that he didn't leave Assassin.

After all, with Matou Zangyan's level of operation, Assassin suits him very well.

If that's the case, the Servant in his hands is likely to be someone significant.

It's very likely that it's not Rider, Medusa.

"Master, I'm done showering."

Astati came out wearing pajamas, and her skin showed a slight blush.

She looked quite charming.

Li Xiang quickly walked into the bathroom.

After finishing up, he returned to bed.

A night of silence.

Li Xiang pushed away the big white leg resting on him and woke up Astati.

After breakfast, they went to school.

"There is a Servant nearby."

Just as Li Xiang stepped into the school gate, Astati's voice sounded in his ear.


He maintained his normal walking speed and casually asked.


Astati said softly, "It should be Red A. His aura is almost identical to Emiya Shirou's, but I don't know exactly where he is."

Li Xiang nodded.

Red A is somewhere, but Tohsaka Rin is in the class next to his, Class A.

"Let's not worry about it for now."

Li Xiang entered his own classroom.

4,000 characters.

(End of this chapter)

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