Chapter 97: Gem Sword

It is undoubtedly like finding a needle in a haystack to search for a lake and a small town in the vast history.

Li Xiang spent a weekend without getting the answer he wanted.

But he wasn't in a hurry.

After all, this flower of his couldn't grow legs and run away.

"I made the noodles myself today."

Astati placed a bowl of noodles in front of Li Xiang.

It wasn't Japanese ramen, but the kind of beef noodles commonly seen in flower-growing families.

"Thank you."

Li Xiang picked up his chopsticks and asked, "Sister Tosaka, did something come up?"


Astati nodded, sat across from him, and glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

"The taste is pretty good."

Li Xiang took a bite and commented.

It wasn't particularly delicious, but it wasn't bad either.

He wasn't picky.

Astati secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said calmly, "Mm, as long as you're used to it, Junior Brother."

Li Xiang glanced at her and felt like she was a cat at this moment for some reason.

I must be hallucinating.

After finishing the bowl of noodles, Li Xiang got in her car and arrived at the Botany Department.

Compared to when they first met, Astati's driving was much smoother now.

It was as if she had moved away from the excitement of racing and returned to a peaceful life.

Well, it was a change worth rejoicing.

At first, he refused to ride in the car. You can't make me sit just because you want me to, and this car was speeding.

Fortunately, his worries didn't come true.

Li Xiang received a text message from Mustard Seed yesterday.

It asked him to arrive at the Botany Department at 7 o'clock this morning.

"Your thesis has been approved by the Clock Tower."

Mustard Seed looked at the small book in her hand and casually said, "Congratulations, from today onwards, you are a Magus Apprentice."

"Thank you, teacher."

Li Xiang didn't expect the Clock Tower to be so efficient.

"In the registered records of the Clock Tower, your apprentice status has been certified. In the future, when someone asks about your status, you can say that you are a Magus Apprentice."

Mustard Seed took out an identification card-like document and threw it in front of him, saying, "Keep it yourself."

Li Xiang quickly scanned it, but there was nothing special about it.

Just two lines of text.

Magus Apprentice, Li Xiang.

Magus Association rank.

Li Xiang had a feeling of being a civil servant.

Now he could be considered an official personnel.

According to the energy of the Clock Tower, it was completely possible for him to temporarily serve as a police officer or a special agent.

Li Xiang remembered the spiritual medicine he saw at the auction yesterday and asked, "Teacher, are there any spiritual medicines that can increase magical power?"

As a Magus in the Botany Department, he was naturally good at pharmaceuticals.

Mustard Seed probably knew as well.

"There are."

Mustard Seed looked up and said, "But medicine is three parts poison. You have innate talent, so there's no need to pursue quick results."

It seemed that spiritual medicines weren't as wonderful as he had imagined.

Li Xiang pondered.

Since that was the case, he would temporarily be a close combat Magus.

According to the standards of the simulator, one attribute point was equivalent to an ordinary human.

His strength was twenty-one, which meant that his strength exceeded that of twenty ordinary humans.

It would indeed be a pity if he didn't play close combat.

"If you want to increase your magical power, why not try the Gem Sword of Gem Mage?"

Mustard Seed seemed to remember something and said, "You are a student of the Mineralogy Department, which happens to be able to study the Gem Sword."

"I remember Sister also researched the Gem Sword, but she didn't succeed. It's even more impossible for me."

Li Xiang shook his head and said.

The Gem Sword could indeed solve his magical power problem.

Because it was based on the Second Magic, it could call upon the magical power of parallel worlds.

But it was almost impossible to make it.

In the original work, only Rin Tohsaka succeeded.

And one of the most important reasons for her success was her Servant, Archer, who projected the Gem Sword for her.

Although it was an inferior product, its structure was close to the prototype.

In other words, Rin Tohsaka saw the original version of the Gem Sword and later used the resources of the Mage Association to create a replica of the Gem Sword.

"You are different from her."

Mustard Seed's lips curled up slightly and said, "Astati has worse luck than you. She always encounters problems at critical moments."

Li Xiang was slightly taken aback.

This sentence felt strangely familiar.

But since Mustard Seed said so, he became somewhat interested.

In case he really managed to create the Gem Sword, he would be carrying a huge power source with him, comparable to a Nine-Tails power bank.

Maybe he wouldn't need to enter the Albiore Spirit Tomb to achieve his Sage Mode.

Li Xiang left the Botany Department and returned to the Mineralogy Department for class.

In the afternoon, he contacted Astati and asked about the Gem Sword.

"Where are you?"

"At the entrance of the Mineralogy Department. I don't have class this afternoon and plan to go to the Law and Politics Department."

Li Xiang said, and then saw Astati appear in front of him.

"Here, the design of the Gem Sword."

Astati reminded him, "The production of the Magecraft Dress requires a foundation in alchemy. If you don't know how, you can ask someone for help."

She blinked her eyes.

Previously, she dared to try the Gem Sword because her alchemy skills were quite good.

But after finding Li Xiang, she stopped making it.

Li Xiang looked at the design repeatedly.

The reason why it is called the Gem Sword is because its blade resembles a multi-faceted gemstone.

It also has another name, called the Kaleidoscope, which is Mangekyō.

"I will consider it," Li Xiang casually replied.

Isn't this a coincidence? His alchemy skills are also quite good.

Astati lightly bit her lip and said, "Junior brother, I wish you good luck."

"Thank you."

After bidding farewell to Li Xiang, she returned to the Department of Law and Politics.

After looking at the design, he finally understood why a large amount of funding was needed.

Because the materials involved are all top-notch and expensive.

"I should ask senior sister if there are any materials left over from before."

Li Xiang shook his head, feeling emotional, and said, "Living off someone else's money is indeed addictive."

But making money is indeed difficult.

Even King Elmero II is still running around with huge debts.

Li Xiang knocked on the table.

In theory, doing some plagiarism in 2003 could also make money.

But after all, he is a magician.

Li Xiang suddenly thought of his innovative magic system.

He could totally deceive funds with it.

Changing the magic chant to magic seal, such a bold and promising design, wouldn't any magician be tempted by it?

This is a subversive career.

But as for the magic research, Li Xiang is also a newcomer, and he needs to ask his senior sister about the specific process.

He put down the design of the Gem Sword and opened his computer to write his second paper.

"Feasibility Analysis of Magic Circuit Operation Based on Magic Seals."

Compared to the first paper, this one is undoubtedly the core.

All modern magicians' magic performances cannot be separated from magic circuits.

It can be said that the magic circuit is the core of this process.

Once the magic circuit can be driven by magic seals, it means a completely new kind of magic.

It took Li Xiang two afternoons to finish writing it.

In the evening, he handed the paper to Astati.

In his envisioned research group, senior sister is undoubtedly the best candidate.

"Is it about the Gem Sword?" Astati's mouth slightly curved as she took the materials, but then she asked in surprise, "Magic seals?"

She had read the first paper before, but success seemed almost out of reach.

If it were an ordinary magician, perhaps they would spend their whole life without being able to research it successfully.

"Senior sister, please read it first."

"You're very confident, huh?"

Astati smiled and didn't say anything, quietly looking down.

Her expression occasionally showed a hint of surprise.

After half an hour, she put down the paper, pondered for a moment, and praised, "Junior, your intelligence is amazing."

Li Xiang glanced at her, but always felt that she was calm.

There was a kind of broad-mindedness that had seen a lot.

"I want to apply for a project at the Clock Tower to solve the funding problem for the Gem Sword."

Li Xiang didn't hide anything and said, "Senior sister, what procedures should I follow to get the most funding?"

"The new form of magic may have an immeasurable impact on the power of the Clock Tower."

Astati pondered and said, "As you know, the Clock Tower has three major factions."

The Clock Tower is divided into three major factions: the aristocracy, democracy, and neutrality.

The aristocracy follows the old rules and believes that only the chosen ones can learn magic.

The so-called chosen ones are the inheritors from the magic prestigious families.

The democracy advocates opening the doors widely and giving outstanding magicians the corresponding status, regardless of whether they are aristocrats or commoners.

The neutrality faction is not unified internally, but they just don't want to participate in the gathering place of the magic families between the aristocracy and democracy.

"The Edelfelt family belongs to the democracy faction. If the new form of magic can create value, Edelfelt will definitely not miss it."

Astati smiled and asked, "You should have heard of the name Luviagelita, right? If you're interested, I can contact her for you."

"No problem."

Li Xiang nodded.

Luviagelita's personality, just like her actions, was straightforward, exuding the nobility and justice of a magician.

At least there was no need to worry about her betraying.

However, the next day, Astati told him that Luviagelita had something to do and would come in a few days.

Li Xiang wasn't in a hurry either.

Apart from attending classes, he immersed himself in the library.

But unfortunately, there were still no useful clues.

On Friday, Li Xiang went to the Department of Law and Politics.

"There's something."

Aran stopped him and said, "Yesterday, a Dead Apostle entered London and his whereabouts are currently unknown. Therefore, the Department of Law and Politics has requested our Enforcement Team to cooperate with the Chorus Team for a large-scale search."

"What do I need to do?"

"Why don't you seem scared?" Aran noticed his calm expression and couldn't help but ask, "That's a Dead Apostle. You should have learned how troublesome they are during class, right?"

"Being scared won't solve the problem. We have to face our fears."

"Good mindset."

Aran patted his shoulder and said, "Be at Portobello Street at three o'clock this afternoon. A member of the Chorus Team will contact you."

"No secret code? What if they mistake me for someone else?"

"Don't worry. She has your picture and won't make a mistake."

Aran reminded, "Although the Chorus Team is on par with our Enforcement Team, they are stronger, so be careful."

Three thousand words, end of the second update.

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