Infinite Simulation: From Konoha To Moon

Chapter 98 Protection Of The Lake

Chapter 98: The Blessing of the Lake

Li Xiang arrived at Potoro Street and finally understood why there was no need for a secret code. It was because the members of the Holy Song Squad were familiar faces to him, including Astati.

She was wearing a red coat, with a minimalist dark-colored knit sweater underneath, and a short skirt made of the same fabric. Her straight boots reached her knees, revealing fair thighs. She exuded a casual and generous aura, not dressed for a mission but rather for a shopping trip.

When Astati saw him, she waved and smiled at him.

Li Xiang was slightly taken aback. It was rare to see her smile.

He walked across the sidewalk to the other side of the street and said, "I didn't expect to be on a mission with Senior Sister."

"You'll encounter even more unexpected things in the future," Astati replied.

She blinked and said, "Like what's coming up next, shopping."

"Shopping?" Li Xiang looked at her in surprise and asked, "Aren't we supposed to find the undead?"

"That's right, but most undead fear sunlight, so they usually don't come out during the day. It's difficult to find them," Astati said, squinting her eyes. "It's three o'clock now, and we still have four hours. We can go around and explore. What do you think? Don't you want to?"

"Of course not," Li Xiang decisively shook his head.

No matter what, accompanying a beautiful girl for shopping was something a gentleman should do.

"Potoro Street is the largest gem center in all of London. They have all kinds of gemstones," Astati mentioned gemstones, her eyes sparkling as if they were two beautiful gems.

Gemstones? Li Xiang suddenly realized.

No wonder her Senior Sister wanted to go shopping. It turned out she wanted to buy gemstones.

It had to be said that gemstone magic was quite expensive.

"The ones sold outside are ordinary gemstones. We're going to a place specifically prepared for magicians," Astati led him into a building called the Kingdom of Gems.

As they entered, they climbed up to the seventh floor.

Their eyes were met with dazzling gemstones.

"The gemstones here naturally contain good magic power. When used for gemstone magic, their power is much stronger than ordinary gemstones," Astati explained as she walked. "In addition to gemstones, there are also processed talismans and other magical accessories."

There were many types of magic, most of which were recognized as legitimate magic by the Magic Association, but there were also some that were not recognized.

For example, curses, black magic, and so on.

They leaned towards evil uses, with the purpose of harming or killing, rather than reaching the source.

The existence of talismans was to counteract their effects.

Hmm, many enthusiasts of the mysterious also liked to use them to deceive people for money.

As for the effectiveness, it depended on the sincerity of one's heart.

Astati began her shopping spree.

Li Xiang followed behind her, constantly exclaiming that money really could make one do whatever they wanted.

At five o'clock, Astati finished shopping.


She took out a string of obsidian bracelets and said, "Consider it as a reward for accompanying me shopping."


Li Xiang waved his hand and said, "It's not necessary to reward me for such a small matter."

Astati promptly grabbed his wrist and put the bracelet on him, it fit perfectly.

"Let's go, let's go eat."

She smiled, obviously very satisfied.

Li Xiang glanced at the bracelet and thought, well, I can't refuse the kindness of a rich woman.

Dinner turned out to be unexpected hamburgers.

Astati bought two at a hamburger shop, then took Li Xiang to the rooftop.

"I have a friend who really likes hamburgers, I don't know why."

She took a bite of the hamburger and said.

Li Xiang smiled and thought of Artoria, not the original King of Knights, but the fallen version, Alter.

She also really liked hamburgers.

"Perhaps it's because hamburgers are junk food, they have a dark flavor when you eat them."

Li Xiang explained.

Alter probably had this idea, but he didn't know what her friend thought.

Astati fell into contemplation at his words, then smiled and said, "That makes sense."

The hamburgers were quickly finished.

The sun was setting.

Nightfall was approaching.

"Vampires are divided into nine ranks, the one who invaded London is a fourth rank, Nocturne."

Astati brought up the main topic, "Nocturne retains their personality from when they were alive, possesses superhuman physical abilities, theoretically they are immortal, but they are still mediocre vampires, with average strength, and they feel cold and hungry."

"If he still maintains his sanity, why would he appear in London? Doesn't he know that London is the headquarters of the Magic Association?"

Li Xiang's thoughts turned quickly, immediately pointing out the blind spot.

"The ranks of vampires are strict, higher-ranked vampires have absolute control, the Holy Chorus team speculates that he may have received orders from a superior, the specifics can only be known by capturing him."

Astati said, taking out a diamond.

Under the activation of magic, the diamond spun in her palm, invisible ripples spreading out.

"Follow me."

Astati jumped straight down.

The falling wind blew through her long hair.

"He's quite handsome, but I'm not Rin."

Li Xiang thought of a classic scene from an anime.

Tohsaka Rin jumped off a building and was caught by Archer in time.

He activated his magic circuits, transparent waves floating beneath his feet, then he jumped down.

As he approached the ground, he turned around and landed steadily.

Astati threw an emerald into the sky.

A barrier enveloped them.

Li Xiang immediately noticed that the pedestrians on the road seemed as if they were hit by a smoke bomb, completely ignoring them.

He immediately increased his speed.

Astati entered an alleyway.

A vampire appeared, no different from a human.

Except for their paler skin, as if they had never seen sunlight.

Astati bent her legs slightly, lowered her upper body, and suddenly turned into a shadow, disappearing from Li Xiang's sight.

The next moment, the vampire's body jerked and was thrown into the air, crashing heavily onto the ground.

But he did not die.

Li Xiang took out a handgun, aimed at his forehead, and fired a bullet.

A whoosh.

The bullet traveled through the alleyway.

The vampire's mouth curled up, directly grabbing the bullet and throwing it back.

Li Xiang raised an eyebrow.

Compared to the magician, the vampire clearly paid more attention to physical fitness.

Astati threw out a red gem, intercepting the bullet, and immediately crushed a blue gem, causing a faint light to float on her body.

She jumped up from the ground, her right hand clenched into a fist, and smashed towards the vampire.

The tremendous force caused the vampire to be thrown up again, crashing into the wall of the alleyway, leaving a human-shaped dent.

It was the first time Li Xiang had seen Astati in battle.

It was completely different from what he had imagined.

It was not the fighting style of a magician at all.

After the vampire got up, before he could react, Astati grabbed his wrist, lifted her knee, and fiercely collided with his abdomen.

A sound resembling a bone breaking rang out.

The vampire had an immortal body, ordinary attacks would not harm his life.

But he was not invulnerable, and he would still be injured when he should be.

Under Astati's continuous attacks, the vampire was completely unable to resist.

In the end, he collapsed on the ground as if he had lost all his strength.

Li Xiang took a sharp breath.


It would be better not to provoke this senior sister in the future.

"I have captured him."

Astati took out her phone and made a call.

After a moment, a young man in a suit arrived. He glanced at Li Xiang, took out a sword, and aimed it at the vampire.

A holy light enveloped him.

The vampire let out a scream and eventually fell unconscious.

Li Xiang inexplicably felt sorry for him.

"I leave the interrogation to you."

Astati waved her hand and said.

The young man took the vampire away.

Li Xiang finally ended this unexpected encounter.

The next day, he received a transfer of 10,000 pounds from Hanyo Rin, as a reward for this mission.

Such wealth.

Only Li Xiang knew that he hadn't done anything, just ran some errands and got 10,000 pounds. He was willing to do it every day.

But such good fortune is hard to come by.

After returning to normal life, Li Xiang's lucky EX came into play, and he actually found the location of that lake.

He saw it in a book called "Traveling in Wales".

The lake is called Bala Lake.

But there is no town.

Li Xiang guessed that perhaps the ever-changing town of Canghaisangtian no longer exists.

Anyway, he planned to go and take a look.

By Saturday, Li Xiang flew to Snowdonia National Park in Wales.

Snowdonia is an endless range of snow-capped mountains, with a wide area.

Compared to Bala Lake, it is like a blue eye.

Li Xiang arrived at the lake with a crystal flower resembling Sakura.

But nothing happened.

He stood there for a few seconds, clueless about what to do next.

Li Xiang thought that maybe the timing was wrong.

According to the usual routine, he should have discovered a relic.

By nightfall, the cool moonlight fell on the lake, as if shrouded in a layer of gauze.

Li Xiang suddenly noticed that the flower in the glass bottle in his hand was melting.

The pink dots spread like conscious beings, eventually imprinting an extremely complex pattern on the lake's surface.

A beautiful eye.

Not a human eye, but a fairy's eye.

Radiating a green light from the lake.

Li Xiang had never seen a fairy before, but for some reason, this understanding emerged in his heart.

"So, do I have to go into the water?"

He waited for a while, but the pattern floated on the lake's surface without any changes.

Li Xiang saved his progress first, then jumped straight into the water.

Because it was night, the temperature in the lake was quite low.

But fortunately, his physical condition was good, so this wasn't a problem.

Li Xiang swam to the center of the eye, and suddenly the entire lake became turbulent.

He was slightly startled.

Immediately, his body began to sink, and the water flooded over his head.

In theory, it should have been extremely uncomfortable, but Li Xiang didn't feel anything wrong, as if he had become a mermaid.

After a moment, Li Xiang's feet touched the ground.

In front of him appeared a bottomless tunnel.

[You have received the blessings of the lake fairies, and your body has undergone a transformation, acquiring a new talent.]

[Lake's Protection (A-level): You will become a water fairy and will not be harmed by any water-related magic or ninjutsu.]


Li Xiang fell silent for a moment.

This talent sounds really familiar.

It's the skill of Altria Pendragon.

Three thousand characters, the third update.

(End of this chapter)

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