Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 995: Danger is approaching

Zhao Wenrui did not know that he sacrificed the Qiuzhai and the Mojing Mine to cause the Masonic principals to overestimate his combat power. He just spent big favors and big prices, and invited two legendary strongmen in one breath. intervention.

Of course, even if he knew, he would not be crushed by pressure. After all, the pressure of the world's first encounter with the arduous survival of the godly wasteland is no less than being chased by the legendary strongman.

He is also a great Druid anyway. Unless he has collected enough information from the other party and successfully attacked, otherwise, a ‘return to the truth’ is enough to give him a chance to escape. Not to mention the holy wood binding, the card of the resurrection of the soul box.

During this time, he was very devoted to carrying out military training activities in the old town. After all, this work was not only familiar to him, but also able to fill his homesickness to a certain extent.

As the saying goes, it is always best to not get or have lost, he can not avoid vulgar, even dreaming will often dream about life on earth. This is not enough even for the deity. After all, the deity has experienced too many impressive things during the reincarnation period, and the memories about the hometown are seriously abraded.

Zhao Wenrui is like an ordinary traverser, his hometown memory is still very fresh, he will often compare the memories in this memory with what he has experienced now, so it is equal to the review over and over, and remember More reliable.

Correspondingly, his homesickness is also more serious. He even has a dream of returning home.

In this dream of returning home from home, there are even a few second dreams of the annihilation of the sun, which makes the watching C Kane a little surprised, he did not realize that the original deity can be so sullen to this extent.

At the same time, C Kane also gave out a little bit of shame, not for others, but for himself. This comparison made him fully aware that, compared with the original him, he has changed too much now, and has even become the devil he hated at the time.

Don't do whatever he wants to others, but for his own self-interest, he slaughtered the dark Marvel 199999 Cree. It was during this time that the Cree Empire sang the tragedy in an all-round way, and the difficult-to-tech war bugs (more than 200 billion to be precise) appeared in all the star regions ruled by the Crees overnight, and then could not help saying, A decisive and decisive offensive was launched, no matter whether the Cree fought in the end or wagging their tails and begging for mercy.

The Cree's artificial **** ‘Highest Wisdom’ asked the members of the Pan-Galactic Smart Population Alliance, such as the Nova Corps, to completely put down the skin and directly used ‘genocide’ as the definition of this war of aggression.

The Alliance forces also admit that there is no exaggeration in this definition. After all, when they were torn between the Cree and the Zerg in the Arctic Star Realm, they had been vaguely aware of the unusual situation and stepped up their observations step by step. He even reached out to the Cree to a certain extent.

However, compared with a series of battles that took place in the Arctic Star Realm, the swarm's full-scale attack is simply the difference between a mudslide and a tsunamis.

In the words of a certain Union official: "I just looked at the shots I shot, and I was shaking, my mind was blank, and there was suffocation despair."

Indeed, in the universe, the Swarm Fleet with Leviathan as the core staged a grand space opera. On average, each Cree starship needs to face thousands of Swarm battleships.

In the interior of the planet, flying insects cover the sky and the sun is like a fast-flowing cloud, and the sunlight can only leak out of the gaps of the insect clouds in a ray of way.

On the ground, the swarm of insects is a tsunami. The war worms with extremely strong bouncing and gliding capabilities are like migrating locusts, which set off worm waves hundreds of meters. Wherever they go, they destroy everything.

The chariot-like slaughter worms are in droves, constantly colliding, and breathing hot flames.

Although the worm is bloated, its body is a production line. A large number of Cree, organic matter, and other substances are swallowed by it like steam trains, and then converted into biological rockets.

Then the group enters the battle position, like a heavy rain, baptizing Cree's defense line and city. After the launch, continue to eat, and soon you can launch.

Long harvesters, like a fusion of beetle and mantis, can fly and jump into the room, wielding bite knife steel and sharp sickle limbs to harvest life.

There are also explosive insects that can roll and jump, dead cockroaches in sewers and crypt killers ... All kinds of war insects come on stage, launching a three-dimensional strike with an absolute ratio of 1000: 1, there is nowhere in the sky, on the ground, in the water, and underground. Hiding, plowing over and over again.

Strategy, courage and fearlessness, everything seems weak and weak under this mighty wave of extinction.

The 30 billion Crees lost more than 20 billion in less than 24 hours. It can be said that this recent galactic overlord has been destroyed in one Earth day, and the rest is just sporadic resistance. Struggling.

Under such a background, the request of the highest wisdom to the Pan-Galaxy Alliance has changed again and again, and finally it has become a level of continuation of the population. It only seeks asylum to keep it, and will not let the Cree with a long history of civilization die.

Actually, not to mention the Pan-Galaxy Alliance, even the rising Shia Empire is terrified. After all, what the worm swarm showed was simply a war race designed for destruction, because in the process of the worm swarm, a Mars-sized planet was disintegrated and swallowed within 30 hours.

From geothermal to the most common silicon materials, all of them are efficiently used and turned into combat power. Just this capacity, the high-level Shia empire is cold, which is equivalent to changing the direction and smashing the planet. One is by no means the upper limit. With the non-stop explosions of the swarm, it will inevitably reach an unimaginable height. Who will hold this?

Cree biotechnology is also very developed, as long as it is not brain dead, it can be fully repaired in half an hour. The biological weapons are also produced in the general assembly line, combined with the weapon armor assembly line, the ability to explode soldiers is also very strong.

But compared with the insect swarm, it is obviously not in the same grade. The worm swarms in front of the battle, they have already obtained the battle information behind, and began to mass-produce war worms. The Cree ’s various killer tools have just successfully eliminated 100,000 war worms to celebrate, and 10 million targeted war worms entered There was 100 million on the road.

Therefore, even the most elite Cree legion is a mantis arm, and it cannot be withdrawn even if it is lifted on the top, and it will soon be completely consumed.

Not to mention the full attack of the worm swarm, so that the Cree had no front line or rear line in a very short time, and the production system did not last long.

Looking at the swarms, the production system can be said to be hit with old artillery. It is tens of kilometers away from the frontier of the most fierce battle, which can be called a line of fire.

The Cree launched a campaign specifically targeting the system of insect hatcheries, regardless of casualties, and it did kill them, but only proved two things.

First, even in the hatchery system, the swarms are still very capable of fighting, and even better. They are all eating eggs and bursting eggs. All of them are BOSS. They have super-recovery power and are extremely difficult to kill.

Secondly, for insect swarms, the hatchery system can multiply as quickly as the explosives.

The most desperate thing about the Cree is undoubtedly Article 2. The swarm's material handling capacity is too strong, it can be said to eat everything, and then it can quickly be converted into combat power. There has even been a queen on the battlefield with a strong attack, drilling around, picking up corpses throughout the battlefield, and constantly eating Incessant incubation is just an example of consuming a Cree clan until it ran out of food and then counterattacked.

So the swarm looks very barbaric, it seems to be a beast, but biotechnology has reached an extreme, and its technological height crushes any known civilization in certain fields.

Therefore, this is not a brutal victory over civilization, but a comprehensive crush of technology and quantity.

Very far away from the Milky Way, the Shia empire was scared by the performance of the swarms and missed the ‘you ca n’t see’ spell. What's more, the Pan-Galactic Alliance forces are in close proximity.

In terms of the performance of a swarm, a tiger, any of their populations, may be completely removed from the group. After all, these members can be more powerful than the Cree Empire, and there is nothing like the Cree Empire. The main body was destroyed after failing to persist for 24 hours, what about them?

The Cree ’s highest wisdom fell into despair and even launched the Starburst Project.

Successfully exploded three green planets.

But from the results, the significance is very limited.

The swarm lost its combat power because of the starburst, but it quickly ate back. The exploded planet, in front of the vast fleet of swarms, was better digested. There were even insects that devoured energy specifically. Mainly energy and matter.

The end of this super war is super fireworks.

Many races have witnessed the self-destruction of the swarm, or the transition of state.

Most of the insect swarms have become resources by means of death. These resources are hoarded in planet-level grand nest stars. These nest stars are finally formed around a star that has completed the Dyson sphere. An extremely large and complex star system fell into silence.

Soon after, the Zergman who disappeared after the end of the Arcturus series of battles appeared again in people's vision.

Many people have a kind of depression at that moment: "I have an MMP to say improperly !?"

Understand! It turns out that this group is not very large, and the technology is not very strong. It seems that there is a spicy and crazy dad behind the wisdom population that has entered the interstellar age. Kill the whole family if you do n’t agree, it ’s really me to go!

The approximately 600 million Crees who were mainly red-skinned and left in accordance with C Kane ’s request were crying without tears. The great empire was destroyed overnight because it provokes such a group, which is too dramatic!

However, this big event that caused the collective loss of voice of countless intelligent creatures did not satisfy C Kane.

Not because of conscience or something, but although the military operation of the swarm was successful, it did not achieve his main purpose. Even if he let the swarms abandon the martial arts in front of the forces, most of the soldiers were transformed into resources for the barn, and they still failed to attract the enemy he had been looking for, even the Celestial Clan or the Marvel Observer. Jump out, let the worm swarm to do evil.

To tell the truth, C Kane has been waiting for some trouble. He even produced the idea that the universe could not wait, and he needed to go to the Marvel Universe to find an answer.

Fortunately, he still has two lines of interest, so that he can be more patient and wait to see.

One line is Dormam.

Theoretically, the Dorma of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is probably the weakest chicken (already the Lord of Dark Dimension). This alone is enough for him to use it as an entry point, try to kill, and seize the dominance of the dark dimension.

For this project, C Kane has been preparing for these years. His direct combat strength is mainly dark dimensional combat and targeted training all year round.

There is also a line, which is the cosmic ray of the Great Star Realm drawn by the "Black Vortex".

The value of this line lies in the collection of information and resources of the ‘God’.

The original god, the old god, the ancient god, the **** of faith, it can be said that the universe of the Great Star Realm has wiped out all types of gods. And it is a peculiar universe in which the supernatural system of the DND universe is more developed than the excess.

C Kane believes that if he can collect enough God-related information in this universe that is torn down by the gods and is about to completely collapse, then it will be of great benefit for him to become a real god.

This kind of information library, traveling through the sky, may not be able to touch it. Now that he is hit by it, he naturally wants to know how to cherish it.

Therefore, after the green worms began to pretend to be dormant, C Kane's attention was more devoted to the Great Star universe, and the second wave of larger red insect swarms was sent to this universe, combined with the Scarlet Vanguard Experience to start a wider search for tombs.

In addition, part of C Caine's attention was also put on the main material plane where Zhao Wenrui was.

Not specifically because of Zhao Wenrui, but because of the ‘black vortex’.

After all, C Kane had done his hands and feet on the "Black Vortex" through Ryan, and Ryan is now on the Firewood. The Firewood received the order of C Kane and adopted a semi-stocking strategy for Zhao Wenrui. A comprehensive and detailed investigation and analysis of this world has been launched.

It turned out that ‘Black Vortex’ did n’t arrive in this world long before it was discovered by the Payroll.

Now, the "Black Vortex" is setting off a wave of alienation in another remote and closed country. C Kane did not let the salary fire stop, but let him keep a faithful and detailed record process.

He wants to find out the number of "black vortex", and then analyze Godhead's behavior style.

C Kane had a hunch that Godhead would also be his enemy, and that without waiting for long, he would meet in a narrow path.

C Kane did not know that the universe he named ‘Great Star Universe’ was actually one of Marvel ’s multiverses.

It is a special universe that is more weird than the Marvel Zombie universe. The special point is that in this Marvel Universe, the mythological era lasted for too long because the infinite gemstones were prematurely removed and failed to evolve normally.

That is to say, those original gods, and even the old gods, are actually the gods of the gods. Like the human dynasty, the gods of the gods have completed several rises and declines. The long cycle and the huge consumption of the power of the universe are staggering.

And Godhead was an important part of this universe in the past, saying that this universe is his home.

Godhead used to have multiple appearances, active in the universe of the spiritual circle, and eventually fell, only 2000 years ago.

Originally had little chance of resurrection, but Zhao Wenrui brought it a ray of vitality.

‘Black Vortex’ followed Zhao Wenrui ’s trajectory to this world and became a real opportunity to resurrect Godhead.

Therefore, the unknowing C Kane indulged in the 'black vortex' and had already unconsciously walked on the road of pretending to be S-ratio.

Moreover, because C Kane's monitoring strength and depth of the world are still lacking, he couldn't see all the movements of the 'Black Vortex'.

In fact, if you make a detailed analysis, there are still loopholes and harbingers.

For example, the reason why Zhao Wenrui can come to the Great Star Universe ~ ~ is because C Kane captured a withered soul in the original "New York Zhaxi" incident.

And this withered demon was picked up by the scavenger Lucius after taking over the slavery of ‘Black Vortex’, using the newly acquired so-called open cosmic energy.

That is to say, the withered demon is likely to be a member of a number of pawns controlled by the 'black vortex'.

Further analysis, the crossing coordinates obtained by Zhao Wenrui is approximately equal to the place where the withered demon lives. Therefore, the probability that the gods wasteland is actually related to the withered demon and even the "black vortex" is very high.

But C Kane missed this.

Because Zhao Wenrui had lived alone in the godly wasteland for many years, he didn't even encounter one of the demon's hairs. There is no relevant information to report on the payroll number.

And Zhao Wenrui has now completed the main purpose that C Kane wanted to achieve when he opened the project, focusing on the downgrade.

And the "black vortex" appears outside the main material of the universe of the Great Star Realm, and its specific location is also far away from the area where Zhao Wenrui is active.

C Kane failed to connect the information in time and found the problem.

So, going round and round, the black vortex found Zhao Wenrui again, and a new round of interaction was launched without much precautions in C Kane ...

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