Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 996: Choose your own way

As the human avatar of C Kane, Zhao Wenrui is a hole created by C Kane himself from a certain perspective, a hole that may be exploited in a deity-level contest and cause him significant losses.

C Kane communicates with Zhao Wenrui's heart, so that he can peep into Zhao Wenrui's heart, and Zhao Wenrui in turn can peep into C Kane's heart, but Zhao Wenrui does not currently have that kind of ability.

But if there are other gods to help? Especially old gods like Godhead.

This is the loophole.

Whether it is C Kane or Zhao Wenrui, for the time being, I have not noticed such a possibility, and there has been a trend from hypothesis to reality.

The black vortex has more information advantages than the C Kane family in the Great Star universe.

'S actions in remote and small countries are not only a normal development, but can also be understood as a cover-up article.

Although C Kane has been observing in the dark, it is impossible to count the energy and expenditure of the black vortex every moment.

Somewhere unknown, the power of the black vortex has already got in touch with the ‘God of God’.

God withered is a name widely used by the gods of the Great Star Circle and even mortals. Its real name is called the God of Darkness.

This **** is the third form of Godhead, and is also the form before the fall. It belongs to the ancient god, but has more power than the ordinary ancient god. This power comes from its control of the law.

The essence of the several rounds of shuffles among the gods in the universe of the Big Star universe can be understood as the battle of the inheritance of power.

Echoes it with the evolution of the universe.

From condensation to diffusion, from birth to death, from singularity to nothingness.

In this process, those things that have not changed, gradually become the existence of confrontation with the entire larger environment and megatrends.

For example, the original god.

The environment in which they were born can be understood as the home age.

By the time the old **** appeared, the universe had evolved to the age of the country, and the complexity was much higher than that of the house.

In this context, the original gods are like crystal sugar that has not been melted in the water. The environment is no longer friendly to them. The old **** is just a representative of the new environment.

Later, the ancient gods replaced the old ones, and the belief in gods replaced the ancient gods. This is actually a similar situation.

In general, either adapt to changes in the environment and make enough changes, or jump out of the circle, which is described in the Eastern mythology, "Jump out of the three realms, not in the five elements", obtain the universe that is not easy to escape, and can exist independently and swim diversely Otherwise, the universe will be eliminated.

But to be more honest, there is actually another way, that is, the road of "stones". There are also some in the Marvel Universe. For example, a big guy said that he is in the last universe. Survived the destruction.

Godhead is going this way. He has no ability to escape from the Marvel universe, and he does not want to be a good man. He always misses the glory of the past, and finally takes the stone road, making appropriate changes and changing skins from time to time to protect the inner core from being lost.

As for the inner core, it is actually the authority of laws in ancient times.

Simple understanding is like an old rule that is obsolete for today but extremely beneficial to some people.

For example, in modern society, the constitution does not recognize the emperor's place and its privileges, but some people still take pride in the blood of the royal family and feel that they are superior and rely on it to occupy national treasure-level antiquities and wealth.

And for Godhead, the ancient rule is wealth.

If you want to compare, it is similar to Kane's dark force contract.

Godhead relied on the laws of the ancient times to create the extraordinary power of the so-called ‘power of the open universe’, which is a force that violates regulations for the current universe.

Is just the power of the black void (dark void) in the circle, which is a description of its core dark and terminal priesthood characteristics.

The official name of the God of Darkness also comes from this.

God is abbreviated, it is also a summary of the effect of its divine power.

The power of the black vortex injects vitality into a secret sanctuary that belongs to the **** of dryness. It is like an old diesel engine that is buried in dust and restarted with diesel. Despite the difficulties, this sanctuary is still in operation.

The first effect after the operation is to appeal.

Can be said to be an extraordinary version of a large-scale radio wave. The corresponding radio is the intelligent beings, and it is on each channel that it can receive the signal.

Of course, there are specific upper and lower limits of the band, which will produce different reactions, and some will produce a sense of harassment. For example, for a period of time, you will keep dreaming the same dream, and some will feel that you have lived for so many years and finally found your epiphany the meaning of life.

The famous person in the World of Warcraft raped Kel'Thuzad at that time, it was exactly the evil radio wave of the Lich King, and he went to Northrend to chase his dream.

Theoretically, Zhao Wenrui and Godhead are not on the same channel, but there is no free lunch in the world. At first, he was exposed to the power of the black vortex.

Although he did not accept the servitude treaty of the Black Vortex, and later the power of the so-called Black Vortex was converted into experience value, its true face was also processed by the Huo Huo, its external performance was similar, but it actually belonged to the Kane family of imitation power. But Godhead's "stone characteristics" make its power more compelling in this large universe.

This is like a contractor of the Dark Forces, Kane can always use other forces of darkness to crush the existence of the use of dark forces.

Of course, after all, Zhao Wenrui chose 'NO', and even played the black vortex, so even after looking for the bill, it is similar to the degree of the mobile phone number being leaked by the unscrupulous website, being sent advertising messages and being scammed, not the ID card. Being cheated away, one day suddenly found inexplicably hundreds of thousands of debts.

Zhao Wenrui had the same dream for several days. In the dream, he wore a black crown and sat high on the throne of obsidian. Behind was a black sacred tree with starlight pouring down. In front of him was a grand palace. He bowed down to congratulate, and outside the hall, in the super-large square, countless people bowed while embarrassing Gao He 'Long Live' ...

Theoretically, with Zhao Wenrui's will, mind and knowledge, he will not be troubled by this dream. But Zhao Wenrui, like C Kane, has extraordinary trust in his divine instincts.

The expression of divine intuition is sometimes a sense of no reason when facing things or things, and sometimes it is expressed in dreams.

This is the so-called two-sidedness of things. Especially for a person like Zhao Wenrui who is far from being capable of breaking the wrist with the gods, it is very likely that he can't tell whether this dream is the embodiment of divine intuition or the influence of external forces.

Zhao Wenrui really failed to distinguish, but C Kane was alarmed.

Although the black vortex is wise, it is still a bit worse.

If it is a person, before planning to use the piece of Zhao Wenrui again, it is bound to think about a problem.

How did Zhao Wenrui come from the dark Marvel 199999 to the universe of the Great Star Realm?

Zhao Wenrui does not have this ability.

And the chance of crossing into the universe of the Great Star Realm is also very, very low.

The black vortex didn't take this into consideration. It just chose a place that was most beneficial to Him in a very embarrassed state, and then desperately desperate.

Black Vortex didn't know that there was a **** standing behind Zhao Wenrui, otherwise, even if he was in contact with Zhao Wenrui, he would not use such a popular trick, but would prepare a set of special purpose.

The result of the early attack of the grass and the snake, C Kane quickly analyzed that the black vortex has a certain advantage in this universe. This advantage is like the old dominator, with unreasonable characteristics.

"Very good! Sure enough, it brings out a character that is worth looking forward to!" C Kane couldn't help but fill her lips.

Godhead's ‘Ancient Rule’ belongs to a type of ‘unreasonable character’, and the related information is more valuable to C Kane than Sanqi.

Or, C Kane has been operating for a hundred years, waiting for the enemy to show up, or sending a red swarm to come to the Big Star universe to dig a grave. The most wanted information is this kind of information.

This is because his **** with Dark Marvel 199999 is too deep to cut off easily. Like the salary king Kane, he wants to come and go as he wants.

Since he was commissioned by Black Kane to Dark Marvel 199999 from the beginning, he has a certain kind of "sacrificial" nature. In order to complete the task of acquiring and transmitting infinite gem power, he can theoretically pay any price, including death.

And from the moment he absorbed and digested the infinite gem, he and the dark Marvel 199999, forged an indissoluble bond. Not to mention that he was born under the cosmic law of Dark Marvel 199999. The bond between the universe and him is larger and much larger than the bond between the deity and the original universe where the earth is located. This is ‘wearing a crown and bearing its weight’.

And get the ‘unreasonable character’ is tantamount to ‘uncultivation of the sky’, the only way to escape from the shackles of the cosmic law, to be truly independent, and not to be implicated or even torn down by something in the dark Marvel 199999 universe.

Therefore, C Kane's big goal is to 'solve off'. It ’s uncomfortable to say that the world is so big, he has long wanted to go away. Since the chapter of the infinite gem of the Dark Marvel Universe 199999 has been completely messed up by his chaos, the earth has become unrecognizable under the erosion of the super-sacrifice virus. He has no nostalgia for this universe.

But he did not dare to go because there was a big hidden danger.

This was told by his divine instinct, and it was also the reason why he made a ‘big enemy’.

The essence of this great enemy is likely to be ‘Heavenly Dao’, which is the general term for the entire Darkness 199999 to bind the laws possessed by its existence.

Once the power of Heavenly Dao acts on him, it will not be manifested in a way similar to Cultivation Thunder Tribulation. That is too rough and basically does not work for his level of existence. Then the greatest possibility is to borrow someone ' It just happens to restrain his super life hand, such as a god, to achieve his goal.

This is the true face of the 'enemy'.

Therefore, the body of C Kane is immovable. Even if you want to appreciate the outside scenery and want to fish the money of foreigners, it can only be done through the media, just like the otaku contacts the world through the computer.

Zhao Wenrui is a piece he has set foot in the outside world, and this piece has become popular again with the black vortex wave of evil spirits.

C Kane not only ordered that the Huohuo be re-monitored throughout the process, but also dispatched forces from the second wave of red worms to ensure that when necessary, it can play an operation similar to the world of Chumen.

So the Huo Huo jumped into the Huo Huo fleet.

In order to strengthen the control, the Firefire Fleet began to cast parasites in the area where Zhao Wenrui was located, and even in a larger area.

Holton area, black soil town in the northwestern government office.

Is the black earth town where Zhao Wenrui glanced from the shadow plane and felt that the water was a bit deep and he didn't dare to dabble easily.

The social structure of this town, like most other towns, is divided into three.

Some people belong to the church. They can simply be called believers. The believers form a religious class system. From low to high, the believers are like a sergeant system. The specific distinction mainly depends on the degree of pre-faith, while the clergy is from low to high. It is distinguished by God's favor, more specifically, sovereignty and subordinate positions.

The reason why is this position is because some are favored by God, but the positions held are lower, such as thugs. Fighters cannot be said to be unimportant, but they are generally not seen in administrative management, and administrative operations are the norm and the focus of church affairs.

There are some people who belong to the nobles, they call them people, and the members of Freemasonry are people, including ordinary miners who work in the mines.

After Zhao Wenrui's capture of the mine, they did not learn to let the minions fly and play a big escape. Instead, they waited for the Freemasons to arrive, turned over Zhao Wenrui's grain, and gnashed his teeth to accept the Cecil deduction The punishment of salary is not because they are cheap, but because they have a family and are deeply **** with Freemasonry. It is true that the monk cannot run the temple.

Of course, slavery thoughts are also a reason. Anyway, these people think that even if they do n’t miss their family members, there is no way out of Freemasonry, but they are more likely to die than death.

One of the main reasons why is like this is that there are slaves who live in a bitter, miserable and poorer life than them.

Why did the slaves become the threat of the people, and even the object of resentment and vent of evil fire?

The reason for this is an inappropriate example, just like the people in the city feel the same about migrant workers swarming in and working in cities.

The people know very well that the slaves are more able to endure hardship, be more open-minded, and have more survivability than they do. Then, when the public thinks that he is out of the public circle and has to be a ‘picking wild dog’ like the slave, he will inevitably analyze his own strengths and weaknesses, and then compare it with the slaves.

Generally speaking, the results of the analysis will not be satisfactory, just like a high-tech talent who has been kindly asked by the headhunting company representative to ask how much the annual salary is to switch jobs. I ca n’t imagine myself standing on the bridge to sell the hard work and compete with those. Migrant workers are the same.

As a slave to the third social group, in fact, they also have a complete set of survival systems, and they still have the same experience in these groups.

This is like a prison is not a good place in the eyes of ordinary people, but some people use it as a cat winter holy place to enter and exit, and others are there to rule the king and dominate, just like the uncle, but it is uncomfortable to enter the society ~ ~ Because he has been in prison for many years, he has been disconnected from society.

The life of the slaves is relatively comfortable, and the sellers are a representative group.

But want to be a seller, it is still a bit difficult, and even a test of talent. After all, it is much harder to be successful in deceiving yourself for a long time than you are. The latter only needs to be narcissistic enough, almost enough, the former often needs to sublimate the deceptive technology to the height of art, and return to the original, in order to send something from the heart like the innocent, and the content of the letter is still from time to time Changes.

The "parasitic plan" launched by the Firing Fire Fleet affected this time a black earth seller.

Once the seller has just completed the transaction, it is in the ‘signaling period’, which is similar to entering the drama too deeply, and the state is released through a special set of operations.

It seems quite complicated, but in fact, the operation is not much trouble, after all, it is the bottom of the poor, not so particular, the specific approach is actually to eat a few good meals, and soon the original self-edited "hard repair" people The design is ruined.

And the poor people's good meal is nothing more than to eat some thin noodles with some meat dishes. As a result, the parasite was eaten as a dried fish by this seller, and his extraordinary life was started.

At the same time, Zhao Wenrui also regarded dreams as a guide, and embarked on a firm journey to the city ...

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