Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1072: Winning

When the remaining three members of the samsara group negotiated urgently and prepared to risk a gamble.

Zhao Wenrui is already in a mechanical military police manufacturing plant.

His hand rested on the hardware of the central control system, and the nanoworms began to erode. He knew that he had won, although he did not applaud and cheer.

The central control system is responsible for coordinating the various processes, including the products that have passed the inspection and have been put into storage and to be tested, can be managed by the central control system.

So when this device becomes a sub-device controlled by Milano, the manufacturing plant is equivalent to a fall.

He didn't even bother to say hello to the security staff here, so he went directly.

The factory building is large and there are no precautions against flying units.

It takes a little time for the factory to be completely occupied, but at this time Zhao Wenrui is not short of it, just let it go. It is not necessary to wait until dawn, and the factory is essentially owned by the first order.

There are still nearly 30,000 mechanical military police officers in service. In addition to being scattered throughout the Federation, the most concentrated is the mechanical police squadron of the swat-like riot squadron. One squadron is 60 mechanical military police and accepts police officers on the spot. Control. Each point has two squadrons on average, and some points have 3-4 squadrons.

It is these squadrons that add up to form the most concentrated combat team among the 30,000 serving mechanical military police, with a total of more than one hundred squadrons and more than 10,000 mechanical military police.

Zhao Wenrui figured it out, and felt that if Ke Heigen encountered an unexpected situation, he should not do his best to mobilize the mechanical military police. In addition to his private army, he can quickly tie this 10,000 units to the chariot.

The integration of other mechanical military police places is too strong. Even if they receive a transfer order, they will not be able to concentrate in a moment and a half. Ke Heigen can only count them as a reserve team, when to put together a number, when to send in.

In this way, Zhao Wenrui felt that he didn't need to go east and west, just keep the ladder.

The matter is now suspected of being out of control. Ke Heigen's only chance of winning is to gamble, transport large troops, and suppress them by force, resulting in established facts, and then talk about it.

He believes that whether it is Ke Heigen's character or the reincarnation of the reincarnation, he will try his best to promote such an adventure.

So the last blow can be in the ladder car.

The interesting point is that as an important tool, the ladder has long been used by him. It has been secretly controlled by the First Order, and it is a pit in itself.

So now he actually only needs to wait for Ke Heigen themselves to push the ending into a dead end.

The night was dark, but the lights on the federal land were bright. The Federation actually has ruined areas where chemical poison gas has not dissipated, which also makes clean land more valuable.

To be precise, it cannot be called land, but should be called space, a lot of architectural wonders, three-dimensional cities, and castles in the sky.

The hotel rented by Zhao Wenrui is such a castle in the sky, like a gondola in an airship, and it is suspended below, and the scenery is also quite dangerous.

Of course, it can become non-transparent as needed. In this way, it feels basically the same as the traditional bedroom.

Zhao Wenrui came back, Lori Jonson just woke up, took a shower, the two enjoyed exquisite supper, drank some precious wine, and talked about some happy topics.

Everything seemed very harmonious, and the petty bourgeoisie sentiment was full.

"Can we continue this way?" Lori Jonson was clearly very satisfied with her own experience.

"If this has always been the case, then you must be tired! Okay, let's watch a good show."

Zhao Wenrui said that he used the projection function of the portable communication equipment of this era.

The scene in the picture is a scene of parkour chasing and killing. When Lori Jonson saw the true appearance of the person who played the hunter, he could not help but exclaimed.

Because she knows, that is to borrow her shell, her name, her good girlfriend who lives in the so-called watch world.

Zhao Wenrui said: "My team is somewhat interested in her situation, and after you happen to be in my eyes, my team followed this clue and started some investigations. Then I found some interesting grudges. "

"Your girlfriend, the one who is currently chasing and killing, was once a scum man, relying on personal charm, good talk, cheating money and cheating feelings. And your girlfriend is in his hands. The most unbearable thing for your girlfriends is that the other party did n’t pay enough attention to her, and even soon forgot who she was, because the interaction with her was just an attempt in the scumbag ’s cognition. Sex drill '. "

Lori Johnson is silent, she knows that her girlfriend is indeed such a person, the most hate is not to be deceived, but to be despised and ignored.

I have to say that in this paragraph, Zhao Wenrui is a bit suspicious of his extracurricular activities.

But it also succeeded in explaining why the fake wife's protagonist Doug Quaid's hateful foot, and finally took the risk, also got rid of the protagonist in the ambulance, and repeatedly choked with the protagonist, mentioning that 'Until death The concept of "Yu" and an explanation of the "seven-year itch".

The fake wife never missed the person like Karl Hauser, secretly tracing and researching for many years, really knowing everything about the other party. And the more she is, the more she regrets herself, why is she like an immature little girl, who is overwhelmed by the charm of the so-called mature charm.

She gave everything, but the other party didn't even remember her name. She was such a big beauty, but the other party could come up with the kind of polite and natural communication with strangers. She hated this neglect. all. Then it is simple, no matter what you become, even if it turns into gray, the old lady should let you remember the old lady, and then die in the hands of the old lady!

Zhao Wenrui feels that this is also a kind of fate, but it seems to be more appropriate to call it wicked fate.

If it didn't happen to you, it would be interesting to see it from the perspective of watching the drama. It can satisfy some people's obscure hobbies that are not well described.

Zhao Wenrui felt that he was finally busy. Although it seemed that he was still a few key steps away, he was not worried, but felt that he should enjoy life.

For example, accompany the new girlfriend to watch some thrilling and gossip live broadcast, while eating food and drinking wine, it is very atmosphere of watching movies in private cinema.

Such a scene will probably become a good shot in memory. Although a little deliberate, a little cold or even despicable, why should it be so serious? Neither he nor the rotten house Lori Jonson is qualified to be labeled as a good person, and does not enjoy a good name and is not bound by it. There is nothing wrong with this statement.

Lori Jonson is indeed very interested in this show. She even asked what these shots were taken through, and it feels like a long film.

Zhao Wenrui said that it is a gyroplane, with powerful photography functions. Although it is far away, the lens can be zoomed in, and it can also fill up the light, so it has a film texture, and because it is a real pursuit, there is no substitute. , So the realism is first-class.

Lori Jonson can fully express her madness in the hunt. She shot and killed as long as there was a chance. She was indifferent to the innocent. In just a few minutes, she shot and killed nearly 10 people.

If these videos are exposed, Ke Heigen can't hold it, and may even be implicated, because his political enemy is mainly Bai Zuo. Law enforcement officers are so vain and lifeless than terrorists. This is a disgrace to the entire department and even the Federation.

More interesting is yet to come.

The protagonist Doug Jonson already has the instincts of super agents, but he is always the idea of ​​the dead people. Therefore, all the skills are used to concentrate on the escape, and it is slick like a fuel consumption child. More and more chasing, and finally let it disappear in the crowd.

The fake wife was about to explode, so she ordered the nearby military police to listen to her command.

Pay attention to this word, drink!

Just like training three grandchildren, very arrogant and taken for granted.

What must be done to open your mouth, what must be done to shut up.

Then the military police answered: Who?

Who are the senior federal agents? What kind of onion is Ke Heigen? Don't come to us to pretend, don't recognize it!

At that time, the fake wife was almost embarrassed to die, her angry hands were shaking, and she threatened with a gun.

Then draw! Several guns were aimed at her.

In that atmosphere, individuals can feel that even a little bit of the ignition star will cause the fake wife to be shot on the spot.

At this time, the fake wife finally calmed down, she realized that the military police here really did not eat her set, and really dared to shoot her in public.

So she raised her hands and surrendered.

However, the military police who pointed at her with a gun were very upset. Without mercy, Xiang Yu first shot a **** against the face door, and then according to the **** between her chest and abdomen. He had a nosebleed, and he vomited for dinner, and the image of the goddess disappeared instantly.

Then he was handcuffed.

Then, the trajectory of her gun was found to be responsible for the deaths and injuries of several people not long ago.

So he became an important suspect, and the very uncomfortable shape of the magnetic binding lock was put on the body, and he was escorted to the police station.

Zhao Wenrui smiled and said: "It is said that the fox is fake and the tiger is prestige. This is just the opposite. There is no dragon sleeve to set off, and the Phoenix is ​​just a bald chicken with a flutter of birds!"

To his regret, the hostile reincarnations are very chicken thieves and did not jump out to play heroes to save the United States. In fact, this is indeed an escape. Some people in the military and police carried a miniature nuclear bomb. If they came to rescue, they would embrace the sun in surprise .

Because the general monitoring has not stopped, Zhao Wenrui is aware of the whereabouts of the two hostile reincarnations.

They are attacking the secret stronghold of the rebels in the colony. Obviously there is a problem with the headquarters of Marseilles.

Zhao Wenrui was indeed right. The group of reincarnations, based on repeated scrutiny of details, such as Carl Hauser ’s address in the Federation, the nearby subway route, and nearby chemically contaminated areas, as well as the characteristics of buildings and streets, were successfully locked The location of the resistance headquarters.

So the location of the headquarters of Marseilles and the Resistance Army was not a secret for them from the beginning. It can be provided if necessary.

Then there was a successful raid. The new type of helicopter used by the Federation in bypass technology is still very good. It is quiet, has a high load, and can also carry airborne weapons.

The rebels are a group of light infantry, and even weapons are misbranded, and ammunition supplies become very complicated. The truth is that the poorer the less, the less money is saved.

As soon as the two sides exchanged fire, the differences became apparent. Even if there is no surprise attack, the stable firepower output of the mechanical military police and the aggressive state of fearlessness are far from what the rebels can contend with, and they will soon be defeated.

Without the will to fight, the defeat is faster.

It was even too late to destroy the communication equipment, military secrets and the like were swept away, and Mathias failed to say a few words in the same way as the original history, and was killed by a random gun.

Kehegen never came. The original history Kehegen personally said, I will not despise any one person, but in this world, he did not regard Marseilles as a real opponent. His opponents are always those political enemies. And those who have a lot of money and the productivity of key supplies.

The rebels ca n’t afford a decent battle. Look at the food reserves at their headquarters. The assortment of canned food is all in bulk, just like when someone came back from the supermarket. Amateur. Such an organization simply cannot support long-term combat, and can only engage in sneak attacks. It is quite principled, and it only deals with military units. Are military units so agile? Which time do you not sacrifice a few people? How much damage can be caused? Therefore, the rebel army has no money, no materials, no own production system, and it relies on doctrine to fling some bloodless young people who do not know the truth as a cannon fodder. This is a vicious circle in itself. Except for the relatively high concept, the economic situation is not as good as the black society In this regard, I dare to challenge the country and do not limit myself.

So for Kehegen, killing the Marseilles and its secret stronghold in the colony was nothing more than curbing a batch of bed bugs that jumped out of disgusting people at the critical moment.

In fact, Ke Heigen was a little anticipating the incitement by the rebels. After all, he just planned to find some way to engage in massacres. In the original history, he announced that the colonists would be regarded as terrorists and have great hostility and threats to the federal army. Therefore, the military and police are required to treat the colonial inhabitants as if they were terrorists, with a little resistance and direct shooting.

Therefore, through a large number of reasonable and legal elimination of the colonial population, it is part of his big plan, and if the resistance army seizes the opportunity to instigate, not to mention armed, it is to play demonstrations, he dares to face the sudden. Then dump the pot to the rebels.

It ’s just that the main problem now is not the colonists and the rebels, but the military police in the Fremont District, so the previously planned set does not matter.

In order to avoid their surrender to the military police in the Filmont district, it is also good to eliminate them.

The next step is to deal with the military police in the Filmont district.

To be honest, Ke Heigen is still a little uncertain. He feels mysterious. He thinks that the series of ladder security in the Filmont district is probably not an opponent of the military and police. They lost the battle in the previous redistribution of interests. It may even have been infiltrated, and it will jump out of the inner ghost at the critical moment.

Therefore, the first series of Tianti Security directly confronted the military police in the Filimont District, and he was not optimistic about the former. But he can only pin his hopes on the Tianti security system. I hope they can do the most important things. They only need to hold on for 17 minutes, and the fighting power will pass, and they can quickly give reinforcements.

For this plan, he has already collaborated with the CEO of the Filmont District Mechanical Police Maintenance Center. At the critical moment, he activates the priority control of all activated mechanical police, so that they can not control the human military police and other people around him. The controlled mechanical military police launched an indiscriminate shooting. I hope that this can create chaos and win more guarantees for the successful delivery of the fighting power of the ladder.

The two reincarnations naturally received the relevant assignments. As the most capable masters, they were responsible for a blow against the commander in the military police in the Filimont District. This would at least reduce their counterattack efficiency without delaying for another minute. The winning pointers will all be a few degrees to Kehegen.

Of course, this is all Ke Heigen's obsession.

To say that Ke Heigen is also quite savvy, he knows that his team cannot be moved lightly, and his private army is all black households, which is not very easy to explain. To avoid breeding new problems caused by delays. In the early days, it was more appropriate to use regulated and legal federal military forces.

So this wave of power delivery of the ladder, contains the swat-like riot regiment mechanical military police. More than ten thousand at a time, full of dangdang, and even hard plug.

Then it was equivalent to delivering food to the First Order, 17 minutes was enough, the nanoworm eroded, almost all the cabins started at the same time, and the mechanical police were all dormant, so when they reached the ground, there were hundreds of human military police. He is also loyal to Ke Heigen, and nearly half of them are not strong-willed and will slip or vote depending on the situation. Not really loyal.

In the course of the operation of the ladder, the Kehegen side tried to postpone the time of the outbreak. Because time is on their side, and one minute erupts every night, they are more hopeful to successfully hold down the control or destruction of the ladder in the Filmont district military police, so as long as the military police do not explode, they prefer to stay ready until A large number of federal mechanical military police arrived through the ladder.

Waiting for the eyes of the Federal Forces to arrive, the military police in the Filmont district did not have any decent actions. The two reincarnations first realized that the situation might be unimaginable, and they thought they should slip away.

But it was actually too late. They did not act together with the secret agents of Kohegen in the colony, but acted alone, in a car.

Unfortunately, their prudence does not allow them to escape Milano's lock on them, after all, they have been marked.

So without their knowledge, the mini-nuclear bombs were transported in place smoothly and secretly. When they wanted to start the vehicle to leave, the mini-nuclear bombs were launched from the nearby sewers at a distance of less than 40 meters. There is no time for reaction.

The plasma fireball is fleeting, leaving only a scary meltdown effect. Of course, the ground is lava and sulfide, and the mechanical military police who fired the miniature nuclear bomb can't die anymore.

But it is obviously not at a loss. One life for two lives, and with this renewal, the Lord God will cry.

Under the command of the human military police, the mighty mechanical military police traveled neatly and orderly from the elevator car cabin, quickly occupying and taking over the elevator facilities.

Suddenly, the mechanical military police fired on the human military police who commanded them. The scene perfectly reproduced the rebellion of the {Star Wars} clone and killed the Jedi Knights.

Human military police who were at an absolute disadvantage and had no precautions at all were killed in almost 3 seconds.

Then the human military police in the Filimont District, accompanied by the mechanical military police, swaggered in, ignoring the aim of the firearms of the Tianyi Security Department. Hongsheng said that the Security Department could put down their weapons and surrender. To ensure his personal safety, he can also resist, and then be shot like those of the federal military police.

At the same time, the mechanical military police from the Federation quickly made tactical moves, and the gun was pointed at the security personnel.

People from the security department smiled bitterly. One person hits 100. The concubine can't do it!

The general trend is gone, abandoned weapons surrendered, maybe this Council really has nothing to do with them.

Ke Heigen soon received the news. Then he slumped into the boss's chair, eyes porcelain.

The federal mechanical military police betrayed collectively and shot all human military police on the spot. This news is too rich in content. It's too scary. This probably means that, without anyone knowing, the mechanical robot police of the Federation has a problem.

It is no longer a question of going to the colonies to expand the territory, but will the Union riot overnight and civilization be hit harder than ever?

He has more than 20,000 private military mechanical police, but dare he activate it?

The remaining four military mechanical policemen scattered throughout the Federation, once the rebellion, the federal military police system is afraid that there will be few living people in minutes.

Military police and military police are soldiers and policemen. They are a special kind of existence that is more armed and harsh than the police in special periods.

The Federation has no military except the military and police, because the only foreign enemy now is the harsh natural environment, and there is no need for regular troops to conquer the colony, so there are only military and police.

Then, as soon as the military and police are finished, does the federal order disappear in an instant?


who is it?

Or, who is it, or what caused this to happen?

Ke Heigen vaguely felt that this matter had a certain connection with him.

Then he naturally thought of the particularity of the samsara group.

Soldier King, the powerful is almost not like a human. Reluctant to say the real way, but he has no choice but to help him at any cost ...

So he greeted the bodyguard reincarnation arranged next to him to talk.

At this time, this reincarnation was already in a panic. His team members were all killed and killed by murder. They didn't know how to die. Anyway, according to the speculation of the gods' information, there was basically no resistance and they were killed instantly It ’s all together.

The reincarnation realized that he might not be able to live anymore, when death might come in some way, and then he burped.

This kind of unknown death is imminent, but I feel unaware that it is terrible.

So when Ke Heigen talked to him, he was not good at communicating. He usually just kept on the principle of "silence is gold". Under the confusion, Ke Heigen successfully got some information.

Ke Heigen finally realized that he was transcended the world and even subverted his three-world power of strangeness. This simple understanding of the power can be called a devil with unimaginable skills of ordinary people.

Ke Heigen felt like he was going crazy, and said: "This is too difficult! Who will hold this Nima?"

In the end ~ ~ Instead, Ke Heigen calmed the reincarnation of the Six Gods without Lord.

He also knew that reincarnations could not reveal certain key information, otherwise they would die tragically. But still guided to know some of the samsara.

He finally understood that the other party is also a reincarnation, or one or more, and the task they are carrying out is to obstruct the success of their big plan.

The conflict between the two sides is almost irreconcilable.

And now the other party is basically successful, but this does not mean the end, he is still in danger of life, even the entire Federation, and even the world is also in danger. Because these people have the ability to make, but they do n’t need to care about the people or things in this world, because for them, this is just a task world, one of many similar worlds, they finish the task and pat the **** and leave However, as for what the mission world becomes, it has little impact on them.

Ke Hegen finally came up with the consciousness of a federal prime minister. He planned to try to openly contact the devil-like outsiders and talk to each other. He died by himself, but the Federation and even human beings were destroyed by him. He felt that he would die.

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