Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1073: The old enemies show up

Zhao Wenrui was embarrassed to deny that he was a famous executioner.

After all, hundreds of human soldiers and policemen died at once in the elevator operations of the Kehegen team. Each of them had a family, parents, and even wives and children.

There are also human military police in the Karan and Fremont areas. The changes in blood quality are indeed good, but they have only two years of life. This is also a kind of murder.

Roughly counted, there are almost two thousand families who need to bear the pain of losing their loved ones in the near future or nearly a year or two.

If you add those that were evaporated by him or the First Order, it would be even more.

In just less than two hundred hours, killing so many people, the title of the executioner is a bit light.

Of course, what is more serious is the economic loss brought by his operation to the Federation and even the colony. If the continuous loss and indirect impact are counted, it will be a bit astronomical. It may be that the Federation ’s gross national product for half a year or even more ?

So for this world, he is really at the level of human disaster.

Therefore, Ke Heigen's attitude towards treatment, there is nothing wrong with careful consideration.

After all, the key point is not what his own positioning is, but what he has done and what impact he has caused, so what most people think of. This is the main basis for Ke Hegen's judgment.

Therefore, when Ke Heigen wanted to talk to him in a public appeal.

He soon understood the difficulties of Ke Heigen.

Of course, he also realized that this may also be the most adventurous crisis public relations conducted by Ke Heigen to save his precarious political career and even his life, and may also include the safety and future of his family.

Then talk about chant. The gods have judged that he completed the task excellently, and according to the usual practice, he still has 24 hours to stay.

According to the original history, this morning, it should be the protagonist Doug Quaid wearing a failed digital holographic mimic collar, then exposed at the security check of the ladder, and then tortured, escaped, and Melinas' daughter Melina Picked up, then staged a maglev car highway chase, and finally ran to Karl Hauser's mansion to further solve the mystery, then ran to the ruin area to see Marseilles, and then was found by Ke Heigen. Tear until Ke Heigen of the white dragon fish suit was cut by hand, and the ladder was destroyed.

So in general, today's original historical plot is actually quite compact.

But now it is clear that they are completely astray.

First of all, the elevator was shut down. This end is under the control of the Federation. The other end is under the control of the military police in the Filimont District. The elevator is at the other end, which has a slight negotiation advantage. After all, the ladder train itself can be a big killer.

Under such a background, Doug Quaid, who visited the New Asia First Bank last night and then spent a night in a corner, could not come to the Federation anyway.

And Marseilles was also dead, and the resistance was basically over. Even if Melina didn't know this, she was only looking for the protagonist in the federal area, so it must be untouchable.

The main storyline is stuck, and Zhao Wenrui has unquestionably completed the task. Therefore, it can be said that this story can be put to a stop when it is so absurd.

Both Doug Quaid and Melina are all fuse-like characters to elicit major events. The main issues are actually economic, population, living space, oppression, anti-oppression and other tall issues.

Well, all that should be cited now comes out, and what seems to be qualified to talk about it also appears. Even if the protagonist has completed its historical mission, although it is not a wonderful performance, it is not important for the general trend.

On the contrary, the dialogue between Zhao Wenrui and Ke Heigen is really important and directly determines the future direction of human civilization in this world.

Zhao Wenrui also suddenly realized that he is now a leader, his own thoughts, his words and deeds, and his own decisions will affect the fate of millions of people.

I have to say that this feeling is good. The real big man, the real, has a huge power beyond what most people imagine.

Zhao Wenrui spent about 2 minutes thinking about how he would appear in front of the public in this world. Coming like a god? I just walked into the Federal Building, reported my surname, and expressed my willingness to talk to Ke Heigen.

He feels that the former may be of great help in saving Ke Heigen's political career. After all, it means that Ke Heigen is confronting a god-level opponent.

In addition, it is also quite pretend. I believe that after many years, humans in this world will still remember that there has been a big devil-level person.

But he also felt that it was too vanity and superficial, just like a male peacock in heat, the intention of scratching his head was too obvious, not very good.

There was a thunder on the ground, and in the ordinary, seeing the magic, to be honest, it was also a bit pretending.

The key is that he knows that he has not reached the state where he returns to the original, is truly broad-minded, and does not care about everything. So forcing the ordinary, is also dressing up, boring.

So how can you show yourself that suits your heart?

In the end, Zhao Wenrui thought it should be reflected in the style of the first order.

A paramilitary organization is tight, unified, orderly, and cold.

In this way, when Zhao Wenrui played, it was the mechanical military police who opened the way.

These military police have made some external changes, of course, optimization. Including its movements, it has more human characteristics, but looking at the appearance, most people can't tell whether it is a machine or a person, because the waist, which was originally hollow, was filled in during the optimization process. .

This is also a feature of the First Order. Even the T880 is sufficient in terms of appearance, not the obvious manifestation of its robot characteristics.

The actions were uniform and the large number of mechanical military police opened the way, and the scene was naturally very spectacular and pulling the wind.

Many people including Kehegen watched the cold sweat, because these military police included Kehegen's private army and part of the return through the ladder.

Yes, silently, the federal side of the ladder is also in the hands of the First Order.

This is not so much Zhao Wenrui's ability, it is better to say that Zhinao Milano is the most aggressive performer. Its damage to the civilization of the Internet in this era is simply a crit, and the network is captured. The relevant system It is equivalent to a half of the waste, or even a higher proportion.

Therefore, when Milano invaded the federal end of the ladder, the security personnel of the ladder did not rush even if they took a bomb to explode something. The access control system controlled by the central AI can allow security personnel to spend a lot of time on the road. By the time they reach the target point, basically the cucumber dishes are cold.

In the face of 30,000 military police, the federal politicians are almost collectively silent, because whether London will be captured now is basically in the other's mind. Especially when they include heavy equipment such as helicopters, they also lose control and fall into enemy hands.

Without strong armed escorts, there will be no fair talks. Many people in the Federation are not optimistic about Kehegan's dialogue.

Ke Heigen thought it was okay, because he knew that Zhao Wenrui would not stay in this world, and it wouldn't make much sense to get some layouts. It would only be a matter of time if the strategy was solved by AI.

Of course, he also knew that before cracking, AI did have the ability to cause unimaginable damage to the Federation, and even destroy civilization.

So we have to talk.

See if you can get together and get away, so that this man can leave without any trouble.

Zhao Wenrui sits in a not-too-luxury car, while a queue of mechanical military police guards running on both sides of the car.

That's right, Zhao Wenrui knows that it's pretty easy to compare. There is a certain gambling king and **** of gambling film that looks like the lens.

Some turtles, some anger, but he thought it was okay.

I heard that the official friendly visits at the national level will have banquets and female guests. So he took Lori Jonson.

He felt that he was afraid that he would not be able to give Luo Li for a long time, but at least could give her an enviable flashy halo and experience similar to the first lady.

As for being troubled by being a sensitive celebrity, he feels that about women will enjoy this treatment while disgusting, after all, they can greatly satisfy people's vanity.

Moreover, he will not let her be just an empty shell, but will leave some influential heritage to her, so that as long as she does not do much, she will be able to wander in the circle of high-class people, maybe not true Is popular, but never underestimate the lower limit of human beings, there will always be a scumbag, and some will flatter for the sake of benefit, so at least you can enjoy the treatment of the stars to hold the moon for several years, and the rotten house is generally It would be too stupid, and I could see the dark side of some society. Maybe it would be a success. After a few more years of mixing, the scenery will be beautiful too. It seems that I will not lose money in my life.

After thinking about it, I almost made the meaning clear to Lori Jonson. He did n’t know what Lori ’s true thoughts were. He did n’t ask. Anyway, when it finally reached the execution stage, Lori chose to sit down. The car, accompany him to play the last ticket together, this represents the exposure in front of the public, represents the easy and unattractive little days she can never go back, represents her willingness to pay some price for vanity and fame. It doesn't matter if she really recognizes the weight of this cost.

Regardless of this, the formal meeting was so nondescript, and Zhao Wenrui did not forget the fake wife of the protagonist Doug Quaid. About how to deal with it, he made a throat cut to Milano.

He felt that Lori Jones could not be her good girlfriend. It would be a scourge to keep it sooner or later, or it would be better to die. At least it was good for others, and it was considered to have made some contributions.

Then came the meeting with Ke Heigen.

Zhao Wenrui found that the British were not as old-fashioned as they imagined. They were still very clever. They knew that his mechanical military police escorted them and had a desire to compare. So the reception process was cumbersome and arrogant. I respectfully introduce myself, and finally congregate into the adult stream. The stars and the moon generally surround him and Luo Li. I do n’t know. I thought it was all the financial team, the lawyer team, and the consultant team waiting for him. People, deep into the shabby building.

This kind of easy-to-understand and easy-to-understand, but it feels really good.

Then Keke Heigen also met with him formally, as an assistant, as well as a translator, as well as a dedicated photography team, who were engaged in meetings with state leaders.

After sitting down, Zhao Wenrui said: "Well, there is also a sense of ceremony, let's talk about something substantial. And before that, you can arrange the itinerary after the meeting, I have less than 24 hours, tomorrow morning I disappeared, so the content is more compact and refined, but do n’t be too tired for me. The first thing I do n’t want to do when I go home is to make up. ”

The amount of information is slightly larger, Ke Heigen said sorry, and quickly whispered with his assistant, apparently seriously planning the trip or something.

Ke Heigen actually received Zhao Wenrui and his party according to the specifications and procedures of the scope of national leaders, but the details have changed slightly.

And this process must visit, display, talk about common points, recall the beautiful interaction, and then imagine the future, it is best to hammer out the intention of economic and trade cooperation, of course, there is always a link of private conversation. Usually it is some secret treaty, political and interest mutual agreement and compromise.

And Zhao Wenrui almost planned to finish the round directly.

He expressed his original attitude very directly: "Prime Minister, I don't have any objection to your plans and strategies. I think you are a person who does things. There are some ways to do things, but it is better than mixing ... "

Zhao Wenrui made a snap, and Ke Heigen was a little embarrassed. He didn't know whether he should be happy or angry, because Zhao Wenrui did not shy away from the specific gangsters involved in his big plan.

Including planned population eradication, space occupation, market erosion, another set of management systems different from federal citizens, etc.

These are actually quite black. Zhao Wenrui said that this is tantamount to discrediting him. Although that is the truth, he cannot admit it anyway, especially since most accusations he has not actually done.

It would be wrong to say that Zhao Wenrui was taking the opportunity to disgust him, retaliate him, and slash his political prestige, because Zhao Wenrui expressed his indifferent attitude to this operation between the lines.

He made it very clear that these are all means to deal with the problem. Although it is black, it is immediate. In many cases, when there is no better way to choose, and dragging is equivalent to chronic suicide and crimes against nationals, there are always people who have to do some dirty work, otherwise they will see greater losses at a glance, or even a full collapse. There is no time to discuss these issues, but more basic livelihood issues need to be discussed.

That is to say, when there are still elections, if you do n’t choose, if you do n’t, you can only passively accept the worse situation, which is obviously wrong. There is a suspicion of fulfilling one's own reputation and sacrificing the interests of a large group.

From the analysis of these words and the expression of attitude, Zhao Wenrui is actually on his side, thinking that he is more ruthless and cruel to a certain part of the people, and better than the kind of pretend to say: there will always be a way. But in fact, there is no way to fart, only to sit and watch the problem becomes more and more serious, and then lose more moral school.

After some conclusions, Ke Heigen found out that this one in front of him may be due to his special experience, which is basically insensitive to authority and morality, and even contempt. It is basically completely measured and done with a utilitarian attitude. Choice, if you can take into account the morals, it is naturally best, if not, the morals will be thrown away.

There is no doubt that this kind of thinking is very dangerous. I think that this kind of person will be a leader from time to time. Come and give me the heinous commands such as cutting a thousand heads, let me not say that he does so. Correct or not, this operation that breaks through the bottom line alone will have a terrible impact.

So you have to say that this man is a lunatic with no taboos, and it is also established.

When this awareness emerged, Ke Heigen felt that he had miscalculated. He simply dug himself a pit because he communicated with the madman. In any case, this is to lower your grade. It is difficult to have a positive income.

People will not condemn a lunatic, especially this lunatic has indeed experienced some crazy things and will inevitably leave. People will only criticize the population who is discussing serious matters with the madman. He is crazy, and you are crazy.

Well, at the thought of this, Ke Heigen had the kind of thing if I pretended to pass out, and just exited. What a terrible pit!

Because it was live broadcast and there were enough people concerned about the incident, Zhao Wenrui's crazy remarks easily triggered the National People's Congress discussion.

Most people are fortunate that federal officials are not so crazy. I'm really not afraid of not knowing the goods, I'm afraid of comparing the goods, what is the idea, devil? Talking about the correctness of Cao Sang's human life in a stately manner, it is not you or your relatives and friends who dare to die, can you ask for Bilian? Doesn't God thunder such a person to death? What a curse!

Of course, some people fanned Zhao Wenrui and washed Zhao Wenrui, saying that we should not listen to what he said, mainly to see what he does. His attitude does not mean that the process and result of his final handling of the problem are that way. Take the work done during this time ...

咣 咣 咣! After analyzing these Zhao Wenrui fans, many people took a look at it. Don't even say that lunatics are all personnel, and they are those who require great courage and great responsibility to do a good job.

From Karan to Fremont, to the control and restraint of the mechanical military police, the results are good, and it is very good. It is difficult to imagine how bad the situation would be without these.

And, there are some things that can only be revealed and cannot be avoided, and the official has to talk about it and give a statement. This means that they have lost the possibility of fooling, which is also beneficial to most people. From a certain perspective, this is similar to Che Guevara's **** struggle to win higher treatment for the people.

Evil is used to achieve the purpose of good, even evil, to achieve the purpose that there is no way to obtain good results in general. This is in stark contrast to the original intentions of shouting goodness, but in the end it turned out to be fruitful.

People suddenly couldn't understand it and started to feel mysterious.

Zhao Wenrui thinks it is not mysterious. He thinks this matter is actually very simple. Sometimes the process is not important, the key is that the results are good, and the results of one good after another are piled up. Generally speaking, it is generally not too bad.

Conversely, the process of safeguarding is very ethical and just, but it does not guarantee that the result is good. Then it is good intentions to do bad things. It should be said that the road to **** is often paved by goodwill.

Of course, the specific situation is more complicated, because goodness is also a shelf life. The goodness of the moment is still the long-term goodness. For example, sin is in the contemporary era, and the Grand Canal has merits.

Zhao Wenrui thinks that thinking so much, so complicated, will kill people, still follow the original intention and live in the present.

So he sprayed Ke Heigen, praised it again, and said a lot of deceptions and heresies, so he showed his attitude and ended the conversation.

But he did bring huge benefits to the Federation and even the colonies, using relatively low-cost chemical compounds to eliminate chemical and nuclear pollution in the ruins.

That is to say, in the near future, the problem of tight living space can be gradually resolved. The world is so big, with less than one billion people, no matter how big it is, it is impossible to live too crowded.

This is his legacy to Lori Jonson. Whether Lori can grasp it, to what extent, and for how long, it is up to her. In short, it will be a darling of the masses for a few days.

As for the mechanical military police, I am afraid that even if he is willing to return, the federal government will be noisy for their safety.

Therefore, it is better to rely on Milano and rely on the mechanical military police as the executor, leaving a trace of the first order in this world.

Take the Karan District and the Fremont District as pilots. Anyway, the human military police in these two districts can work hard for two years. I believe that under their strict law enforcement, two years will make these two districts have good face.

And as long as the habit is formed and the mechanical military police take over, the good appearance can be maintained for a longer period of time. This has already brought a lot of positive effects. Being a person cannot be too greedy, and can develop smoothly and steadily for several years. Not so nervous, at least it will be a good start.

And the existence of the first order is the same, one day it will be targeted to kill, but before that, you can still do some practical things, maybe the first order set will be incompatible with the federal style, but can create These are ok results, which is enough.

Of course, it is not purely kind for Zhao Wenrui to do this. Mirano can evolve itself, and its real growth lies in the collection of enough information.

He can make instant contact with Milano in this world through quantum communication methods with extraordinary characteristics. In this way, even if he is at home or has a mission, Milano is still growing.

This is how he does SC universe, and the more the world has Milano in operation, the faster it will grow. This feeling of sitting and collecting money is naturally wonderful.

Ke Hegen's mood is not so beautiful, his political future is bleak, but there seems to be a chance. After all, Zhao Wenrui's early lock-in victory prevented him from advancing his plan to an unprecedented level.

Ke Heigen cannot be held responsible for the bad things that have not been done, nor will he admit Zhao Wenrui's accusatory comments. Then his destruction of the rebel army led by Marseilles seems to have been successful. The intention of using riot machinery and police to go to the colony can be explained very well. As for the private army, they are already escorting Zhao Wenrui. How can he admit that he is his Private Army.

Of course, if these were successfully covered up in time, his political opponents would still have a lot of rhetoric against him, and he was the most deadly if he failed to produce effective results.

So his embarrassment must have deteriorated further than before. The most troublesome thing is that he has no plans to turn over.

Under such a background, Zhao Wenrui's low-cost future plan to solve chemical pollution and nuclear pollution in the waste city seems very tempting. Ke Hegen feels that if he can make obvious progress in this area during his tenure, then he may still have a firm foothold or even hope to be re-elected.

That being the case, now even with his nose pinched, he has to accompany Zhao Wenrui, the madman, through the process and has to coax him happy.

In this way, after the so-called national leadership meeting turned into a farce of madman bragging, Ke Heigen accompanied Zhao Wenrui to participate in the next process, visiting the federal aerospace, aviation industry, and three-dimensional agriculture.

But something that should have been pleasant was screwed up by an accident.

In fact, it was not too surprising, that the only one left in the group of reincarnations suddenly shot Zhao Wenrui.

Opportunities are also okay. If you do n’t affect the innocent, you may want to occupy a high point in post-war public opinion.

This man who has always been Ke Heigen's bodyguard and has a speechless paralysis showed a powerful combat power that shocked everyone.

The first move seems to be a small jump, rushing into the air, but the second fist shouted ‘must be punched’!

Then the punch went down, and Zhao Wenrui was like being hit between the tons of cannonballs of the train gun. A pit with a radius of more than 10 meters appeared around it.

After watching this scene captured by the live camera, many viewers felt that it was a fist of the gods.

Anyway, the scene was very scary. The air flow caused by the aftermath of this punch formed a strong wind.

Immediately following the second move was even more handsome, and the reincarnation continued to call out the second move, ‘Golden Flash! ’

Then just jumped, but did not land and hang in the air, it became an energy generator. The golden light was like a starship ’s gun launch, and it blinded the eyes, but the brilliant and pure light was again Love is not enough.

After this light was sprayed, the giant pit was completely burnt glass, the entire bottom of the pit seemed to be spliced ​​with obsidian fragments, and the surface produced a glassy reflective feature.

But this is still not finished, and there is a third. It ’s also the shouted ‘Spirit Gate! ’

At that moment, a huge light door appeared in the sky. This door was like a gorge without a door frame at the top, and it was like a door that did not fully reveal the true content will open. The huge and broad beam seemed to be the edge of the door , Successfully reflects its thick and majestic.

The inside of the opened door radiates an indescribable colorful light. At a glance, it seems to be able to hook the soul of the person, but it really is still aimed at Zhao Wenrui in the pit. There is a kind of light like a tongue of fire A licking feeling.

Then in a thunderous sound, as if thousands of people were reciting the shocking sound, the gate closed and disappeared.

After the three-stroke axe was cut, the reincarnation's own momentum quickly decayed, from Jiujiu Superman to a dying man with a wind and candle, the blood shadow flashed, and Zhao Wenrui appeared on his side, suspended in the air, and looked down from the top. He said, "Isn't it good to live?"

In fact, the first shot of the must-fist was really hit, but at the same time, the blood quality was reversed and an illusion appeared, so the second and third shots were empty.

In secret, Zhao Wenrui kept looking at the outfit ratio, and at the same time recovered his head injury that was cracked and looked scary, and then appeared calmly.

The reincarnation said breathlessly: "Xingming will have no genius, I have written down your extraordinary characteristics, and the emperor will avenge us!"

"Emperor !? Although this title is the first time I hear it, it feels extra pretense and annoying." Zhao Wenrui hummed: "I also remember the energy characteristics of you and your main god, for the next I have a little anticipation of the war. "Zhao Wenrui said, licking his lips, and waved his hands. The reincarnations were crumbly and granular like sand tires, and then thinned into fly ash and dispersed by the wind.

Zhao Wenrui took a step forward, as if walking down the invisible steps, and Ke Heigen, who ran away from the ground, and others smiled: "The life of our strangers is so full of excitement. This is a competitor, like the regional salesmen of Coca-Cola and Pepsi. In order to seize market share, they often fight when they meet and laugh. "

After such an outburst, the broad masses of the people in the Federation and even the colony found out that the original thing was not simple, and there were also peers torn apart by the demon gods of the outside world. This is more interesting. People have always had high enthusiasm for peeping at secrets and gossip. Now it is already a fantasy.

Ke Heigen also knew for the first time that the alien bodyguards around him were so cocky. Seeing it meant that there was no pressure to sling an army alone. I knew why I took off my pants and farted? Wouldn't it be more appropriate for these people to directly realize his big plan? Overkill!

Of course, it seems that Zhao Wenrui is even more cocky. Although he didn't show any earth-shattering means of exaggeration, it just feels pretend and unconscious.

Since the uncle did not mind being attacked very much, Ke Heigen felt that the process could continue, and this extraordinary torture might be an opportunity for him. He could talk back to a mortal through the media if he wanted to. It is not easy to maintain the peace among the transcendents and to carry out their ideas as much as possible.

Noon is naturally a state banquet.

It must be said that some things really look great, but in fact they are just that. In addition to the delicious food, the national banquet is full of styles, which makes people feel delicious and at the same time, they also pay attention to weight. They will never make people feel empty after eating, but they do not feel good. However, it is still not very satisfactory, because there are too many implied etiquette regulations throughout, and the people who engage in it are very uncomfortable, just like the film was made to make people who watch it rather than people who act.

Zhao Wenrui Xin said that the leaders did bring their own actor skills. While they were in front of the scenery, they made a show and looked enviable, but the parties concerned were afraid of suffering. For some people, it is better not to worry about the image. Nested in a comfortable sofa, eat anything, drink something, play something.

The process in the afternoon seemed easy, and there was no big picture, but in fact, there was a very important part of talking openly about dry goods. Whether the state visit can make significant progress depends mainly on this.

Of course, many dry goods, Zhao Wenrui, shook during the morning public meeting. At this time, they could basically only talk about low consumption to solve chemical pollution and nuclear pollution.

Of course, there are shadows. The related technology of the urban city alone is enough to solve the problem, not to mention Zhao Wenrui and the SC universe technology, as well as the more compelling technology from the scientific side of the Kane family.

Zhao Wenrui didn't like empty mouth and white teeth. He took a ducted helicopter directly to a ruined area and operated it on site. The effect is naturally amazing.

Seeing the purification scene, some federal politicians were excited, while others were falsely excited. They scolded MMP in their hearts. The focus was naturally on their interests.

As far as capital is concerned, human beings are immortal and play is endless. The key point is to invest, have you paid back or received enough returns. If not, the gameplay has to be changed due to changes in the environment, which means loss. This is a must to scold the mother, and it is far more than just a scolding mother.

It's a pity that Zhao Wenrui obviously couldn't afford it, and even soon became unattractive. So who else can it target? Looks like Lori Jonson, now you can start preparing, who is this woman? I want information about her. I want to know if I have eaten a lollipop in the first half of second grade.

However, Zhao Wenrui didn't give it in vain. He knew that once a person was pushed to the cusp of the storm, it meant that it affected the interests of some people, and even some people brought their own malicious intent, that is, they didn't see you in the red, and then they thought about dealing with you.

So he has already done some operations through Milano, want to know the past of Lori Jonson? That would have to be super agents or god-level hackers to try. Anyway, the relevant information about big data is basically empty.

Of course, the good girlfriends and fake wives are very picky, and those who are interested are relatively easy to find, but that happens to have a misleading effect, and believe that evil is likely to have a stroke.

After a lively day, the atmosphere is lightened at night, and I can say goodbye peacefully.

Zhao Wenrui told Luo Li that she was leaving and that she might come to visit her, but it was more difficult than sitting in a metal bucket to Mars, so she should not expect too much.

He is selfish, but also open-minded. If Luo Li can uphold the traditional women's ethics, then he will recognize this relationship, whether or not to see you again, there will always be some follow-up.

If Luo Li can't, he can understand, boredom, emptiness, loneliness, cold, these things are very difficult to find, it is normal to find someone to accompany.

But understanding to understand, there will be corresponding feedback, that is, let go.

"I was thinking ~ ~ this is not fair to you because of the suspicion of using double standards to treat people and themselves. But then I thought again, there is no such thing as fairness, if this matter is carefully studied, then I The peculiar background and the series of benefits that it can bring can seem to be considered fair and unfair. So I think it ’s childish to talk about fairness, let ’s say whether to recognize it. Recognize, then OK, do n’t recognize, actually It ’s OK. Of course, whether you admit it or not, it can also be time-sensitive. The most important thing is to be honest and get together. I think that since I ’m still happy when we are together, then such an attitude, agree to abide by each other , Not excessive ... "

This night, in addition to the daily nonsense, Zhao Wenrui and Rory Jonson's BB are more content. This is the next morning, Luo Li found that Zhao Wenrui went to the empty building, and the breath disappeared.

The expression of breath is a little mysterious, but the blood quality itself is very mysterious. Lori Jonson is the person with the most blood quality in this world, so she does have some unusual feelings, especially to Zhao Wenrui.

Zhao Wenrui can naturally puppetize Luo Li, but he believes that without a free soul, people will be bored. Just like turning a game into a means of making money, the original love for the game will soon disappear.

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