Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1267: Buried black seed breeding **** of death

As we all know, fighting is actually comparing productivity.

After the Chaos Star Warrior betrayed the empire, it became difficult to become a demon. He knelt and licked like a chaotic believer, but he couldn't bend down.

After all, it was enough to make one of the hundreds of thousands of resumes in the reserve selection alone, enough to make them proud. Not to mention having survived a series of high-death ratio surgeries and achieved so many unimaginable achievements. How can I not be proud?

As a result, he turned to Chaos, but failed to hand over a title that made the new master happy (Four Evil Gods intended Horus to overturn the human empire, human beacon everywhere, resistance organizations everywhere, but the overall sadness), the result is not low No, so I won't be embarrassed.

This embarrassment has been embarrassing for over 10,000 years.

The soldier's style was worn away, and gang habits gradually formed in daily indulgence.

The most embarrassing thing is that due to frequent exposure to sub-space energy, the genetic seeds are contaminated and mutated, and no new interstellar warriors can be spawned. The probability of death is too high.

As a result, grabbing the genetic seeds of the interstellar warrior became a routine operation of the chaotic interstellar warrior to continue his team.

Competition, fighting, and merging between teams are also routine.

It’s good to be in chaos, there are no taboos. Terrorism even regularly organizes various **** competitions. This is also an important origin of the ‘blood sacrifice blood god, skull offering skull base’ (the throne of terror is built on the high-value skulls dedicated by believers, including the same kind).

The dark seed that Kane planted this time is to use the Chaos interstellar warriors, most of them have long lost the lineage, and their own mother group is that characteristic that can not be studied at all.

Of course, with Kane's caution, it will still be fully prepared. Not to deal with the investigation in front of you, but after the next sunrise, the Four Evil Gods will inevitably be concerned. At that time, today's careless scribble may become a foreshadowing of the exposure at that time.

Using a lot of existing information ingeniously, half-truth and half-fiction, the Black Knight was born. There are only a dozen members, but because of boldness, fame and fortune. Just like the lucky guy who picked up the gold in the west of the lighthouse country, it makes people envious and jealous.

The gold rush in the western part of the lighthouse country, which really made a fortune, was those who sold various camping and gold digging equipment through the official promotion of the western development, not the gold digger.

And Kane's acting this time is not only to make Abbott determined to launch the twelfth black expedition, but also to use the example effect to attract more Chaos Star Warrior gangs to participate.

The more information related to Chaos Star Warrior is collected, the less likely it is that the ebony knights are exposed (through remote control based on quantum entanglement, constantly fine-tuning the wicked cells of the ebony knights to improve the fidelity). Get rid of harm in one fell swoop.

Of course, for the creator, the creation of God is not particularly remarkable, especially the belief in gods.

So Kane just did what he should do, and habitually let Miranda supervise and let the project run on its own. Just like the current farming base camp, the Big Dipper District, and the foreign window world, Kurna Star.

Other things like the Earth Star + Antiochus Fortress project in cooperation with the Goth Fleet represented by Luwansberg; the No. 8 sub-collaboration in cooperation with Governor Bruce Icarus for the political and economic circles of the Gothic District with watches Xing District Migration Development Project; even for cooperation projects with Mechanism, State Religion, Judgment Court, and even Chaodu World Mobinga and Lin Lin, Kane has the attitude of only providing technology, not taking power, and does not even care about the final success of the project .

It is precisely because of this flattering style (almost equal to sending money and technology), although they are foreign households and strangers, they get along well with the various institutions and forces of the empire, and the relationship is heating up quickly. These forces are also not Stingy and verbal praise, what is rootless and divine.

For this reason, Kane privately confessed to Miranda: "I'm almost similar to the foreign policy of my hometown, Datianchao, and I spend a lot of money to buy friends. The next step is probably to change my face as soon as I give less. One Such as North Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, etc."

Of course, when Kane gave, he was mentally prepared, including the white-eyed wolf, and raking.

Looking at this from a human point of view, if something really happens, he will naturally be indignant and upset.

But from the perspective of the creator, this is like feeding the ants every day, and the result is that they are bitten by the ants one day.

It's normal.

The same is true of those in the Empire. After all, it is not unclear about the evils of human nature and the disadvantages of using money to open up the situation.

Now that it's the creator's perspective, Kane feels that it's almost time to start the creator project.

At this level, for ordinary humans, it is too ungrounded, higher than the research philosophy and cold and solitary.

Specific generally refers to the dual means of idealism + materialism to study the nature of the universe.

To put it bluntly, why is the Warhammer 40K universe, the universe law is such a mode of operation.

Some people may say that the creator of the creation of Warhammer 40K is set.

That's right.

It may have been blown out by some or some high-dimensional existence (the GW company's mathematics was created by a table game setter taught by a physical education teacher). But since it is the real world, there must be a self-consistent statement.

The creator understands these things.

In fact, for the physical universe, subspace, subspace storms, etc., Kane already has a whole set of inferences. After all, the knowledge he has mastered is based on all the information that covers the infinite changes of the universe. Kane even invented a quantifier specifically for this purpose, Yuanchuang.

Yuan is the Yuan of the multiverse, and creation is the creation of creation.

Accompanying Zhao Wenrui, Kane now has information on three Yuanchuang and thousands of incomplete universes.

Three Yuanchuang, including the Middle Warhammer universe he completed by himself, the Yashan universe completed by Zhao Wenrui, and half of the ancient universe that came from the inheritance of the old dominators and half from the completion of Zhao Wenrui.

However, no matter how rich the information is, the inference is only inference, not the truth. Unless you can produce enough reliable evidence.

Kane's master-level project starts with obtaining evidence.

However, what did that sentence say, even if it was shit, the new one would be hot for a while. The brand of ‘St. Cain’ is still in the fresh stage, because there are a lot of chores.

Just after turning from the Athena Star Zone where the big play is located, Kairatus of the Blood Raven Interstellar Warrior came to see again.

Kane was not surprised at all.

The last time I met Kairatus, it was still before I organized the Dark Artifact Discovery Fleet with the USS Marsala as the flagship to the Inquisitor Horst.

Now, the time is not short.

There are indeed many "Star Warrior" styles of "Star Warrior" in the style of Star Warrior, but blood crows are never included.

Not because they are superficial, but because of genetic curses.

The side effects of gene seed itself are not small, and it is almost irresponsible to play gene fusion. Relying on pure thought, positive emotions mainly based on loyalty and responsibility, you can have no taboos, and naturally just want beauty.

The various adverse effects of gene seeds on Star Warriors are called ‘gene curses. ’

For example, the Dark Angels, established by the Emperor, with the first Star Warrior Legion, whose genetic curse is to keep small secrets that cannot be told, even if the so-called small secret does not really exist, it will be a matter of care. It seems there is.

For another example, from the Warhammer 40K to 41K, the best-developed Extreme Warrior Legion (the original gene is Blue Grandpa Robert Killiman), which has the best development and shines everywhere in the empire, has a tendency to be arrogant (as The lighthouse country soldiers treat all foreign soldiers).

So what is the genetic curse of the Blood Ravens?

Answer: They will die involuntarily, dabble in the taboo knowledge, and then indulge in it, and then open the "unclean enlightenment" logically.

To put it simply, it is pathological curiosity. Even the weapons of the Emperor's Armed Forces dare to steal. The problem is that if they are noticed and used frequently by others, it will cause great trouble and can only be put in the warehouse. And those weapons are not necessarily higher, just because of the special nature of the forbidden army, many of them are given by the emperor and have a symbolic meaning.

Even so, still want to steal.

Therefore, Kane, who knows the urinary nature of the blood crow, thinks that during this time they tried to obtain the desired knowledge and items from other sources at a lower cost.

For example, because they are willing to collect knowledge, they have always interacted well with the mechanical gods.

But in fact, mechanistic gods are not close to any other existence except to knowledge.

It is not difficult to imagine how difficult it is to obtain the most demanding knowledge from them.

Therefore, Kane estimated that the blood crow had a solid experience this time about what is called plastic friendship. After tearing his face, he would have to endure embarrassment after interacting. After tasting this bitter fruit, the blood crows came back and asked him to trade.

I'm sorry, but I didn't have a shop after the village. Although I wasn't so unsympathetic, the price went up but I had to do it. This is also now, it is you, and the price will continue to rise over time, and not everyone can get it. I'm not like sitting at home one day, the people in the trial court came over and told me that a certain trade representative is actually a chaotic believer.

This is what Kane said when he saw Kairatus, the leader of the Blood Ravens again. Not so straightforward, but the meaning is what it means.

Kai Latus sighed, trying to make the final effort, or the final struggle.

Kane did get it right. He went back to discuss with the curator of the think tank and the team captains (century commanders). These people felt that the conditions that Kane had issued were okay, but he soon developed a "sickness disease". Is there a more cost-effective way? Now, this kind of ratio is still not big enough!

So tragedy, Kane's own defense is tight, there is no loopholes at all, and he deals with, basically are top gangsters like the Pope of the State Pope and the chief representative of the Tribunal.

Blood Crows have never been robbed without stealing. However, they are not idiots. They will investigate or make plans before specific actions, and because they have enough knowledge to reserve knowledge, they are more detailed than other warfare plans and pay more attention to intelligence.

As a result, after secretly collecting information, he took a breath and felt that they were not a war group. Even if they could be restored to the army of the heyday of the interstellar warriors tens of thousands of years ago, they may not necessarily be able to grab it as they wish. St. Kane is really strong and strong. , Just the tip of the iceberg, scared to death!

It is precisely because there is no way to steal, but it can't be robbed, so this is the way to trade again.

As for Kailatus's final effort, it is actually'selling himself'.

Our Blood Ravens War Corps owes you personal feelings, as long as your summons come, you will come in the water and go in the fire! Never resign.

To say Kai Latus still has gold content. Blood Crow's credibility in this respect is still acceptable.

The problem is that the nickname "Empire Defenders in Power Armor" is not vain.

If the emperor took the "golden toilet", the extreme battle group is a positive example of the interstellar warrior group. The soldiers are strong and the subgroups are countless. One side has difficulty in all directions. Although it is split into a war group, it is still a legion. As for the negative example in this respect, if all the brothers who have been damaged in war for thousands of years are alive, there are more than the extreme war group.

All like to die, because the limit is always due to the wind and cloud events, always the protagonist's life, and finally complete the impossible tasks, fame and fortune.

The blood crow is to prevent knowledge from killing itself, because of positive factors such as detailed planning, most of the time it can succeed (get knowledge or objects). But without the protagonist's life protection, plus the members really have some meat feet, the result is that every time it is equivalent to taking the lives of many brothers.

Kane said: "The genetic curse determines that if you directly look for what you are looking for, how much death you can hold back the pain and implement the plan. But if it is human, it is difficult to say. Although the consciousness is changed for you It’s not the same if you look at the mode change. If it’s used now, it’s okay. The time dragged on, and the energy that should bear the time at the time passed, and even the uncomfortable point, the original leader was killed or dying, this kind of Can the meticulous execution of the legacy accounts? In this case, why do we have to make a pattern to detect human scales?"

In fact, to say that the White Crow gave them what they wanted, Kane also gave it away.

The reason why he did not choose, he made it clear to Keratos last time. Kai Latus came to visit in a fair and solemn manner, but the result was not paid for a dime. How does this make others think?

For example, the State Church, the Trial Court, the Mechanical Protestant Church...does not scale? Or is the object of the transaction forced? But it is no more than a group of martial arts fighters in the empire (in the eyes of the heads of the various institutions of the empire, they are not managed by the empire, they form a pattern, follow their own set of regulations, and have their own logistics, including the conscription world, and According to the actual situation, the interstellar warrior group that requisitioned materials is no different from the unstoppable prince. After all, it has not been rebelled, it does not mean that it will not be rebelled, and it is just that the clan does not rebel. The following individuals, teams, have examples of rebellion)?

What do those who are in a position with the Blood Ravens Group think?

Today, who can't see the benefits of mastering technology? It's just that even mechanism can't break the line. Other forces start from the beginning, and it's even more difficult to dare to think about a complete set.

Now some people give it away, even if it is a short version. But with the ability to build ships, they may also have the biological knowledge to replace the missing genetic modification program. What else do you think? Put a face on top to pick it up.

Therefore Kane believes that the threshold must be set.

Just like the half-joke ‘reader’s thing, how much do you know? 'Blood Crow has the most complete knowledge system in'good canned' (more complete than Extreme Warrior, but Extreme Warrior is just not damaged, and Blood Crow is overflowing due to the particularity of the genetic curse), it is also allowed Wen Yunwu has a special case.

So when Kai Latus proposed to owe human debts, Kane said very directly that if he could, he did not like to leave the problem to the future, whether it was for himself or others.

Kairatus can only agree to follow Kane's regulations.

After closing the deal, there is no need to worry about Kane. Own Miranda manipulation details.

And to personally deal with such an existing existence as Kai Latus, it is also the meaning of Kane's original surrender in order to quickly open the situation.

In the future, unless he is interested, no one will be personally received at the door.

Not because he felt he was too cowhide, or he was too busy to take care of it, but this kind of other people are all looking at the friendship of the face of the money, and replacing them with a pig, the other party is also polite. As for what you think in your heart, even if it is not a pig, how much extra points can you get?

The model determines that you can only make plastic friends who are'friends from all corners of the world'. Why should you be so tired?

So he summoned the old housekeeper Raymond.

Mystery Raymond, but since he was born again, he has been with his elders while studying at Hogwarts.

Kane is relatively old-fashioned, and his previous investments for Raymond are enough to be the ten current and best secret couples, but he would rather use Raymond.

"Master!" Raymond is still an authentic London accent.

"In the future you will host the foreign affairs."

"Okay, I will get the necessary information from Miranda as soon as possible." Despite knowing nothing about the outside world, Raymond was not afraid.

A professional housekeeper is a kind of all-rounder who can manage the servants when the family is developed, and can even help the owner manage the farm, winery and other businesses. When the family is down, you can personally make beds and quilts, cook and serve the owner.

Therefore, the real old-fashioned family has higher trust in the housekeeper than their nephews, and the housekeeper is bound to prove their loyalty and value after many events.

Although Raymond was not a real person, he approached this perfect butler indefinitely.

In one of Kane's words to his family: "The mysterious elements smashed into it are equivalent to the content of five ordinary artifacts. The spirituality is only higher than that of ordinary people. How can it be bad?"

This is the ability of banknotes.

It is not a banknote in the general sense, but a valuable substance, a mysterious element circulating between the creators.

Arranged for Raymond to re-enter the post and take care of it. If there are any abnormalities, they will communicate in time and say that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived. Miranda reports that the anomaly is coming.

The'abnormality' here refers to the erosion of extraordinary power.

And the ability to erode Miranda and cause enough effects to let Miranda report, even if it is not the traitor of the treacherous, it must be the big devil under his command.

Kane thought about it and said, "Let him go missing."


Kane made this decision, but also changed his mind. The reason is to plan for the long-term.

But he is now worried that if that were the case, he would be scared of rape.

Of course, this "fright" is more shocked and shocked, and then adulterousness will probably reduce the focus on other matters and break his wrist with him personally.

If so, even if he is not afraid, it will be annoying. After all, it will be disgusted by the rich capital.

In addition, compared to the creator-level project, what is the big fish of the adulterous system?

Simply cut it, so it fits the IP status of ‘St. Kane’. At the same time, it is not too curious to make Rao Qi.

The four lines of evil gods have obvious weaknesses. The fear of abuse is too reckless, and the brain is full of muscles, so they know to fight, and the treacherous line is a group of treacherous ghosts that make the intrigues clear and fun. He can imagine how many of his colleagues will mock and ridicule and initiate a new wave of rankings after the big devil bun beats a dog and loses a part of it (like being cut off an arm). Battle.

Evil God will be recorded.

Every evil **** has a general-like demon. On the surface, there is no rank, but in fact there are seats.

Powerful, meritorious, celebrity, debilitating...these can all be reasons for initiating seat disputes.

Evil God also secretly supports his men to play this brutal competition.

Enough support.

It really is.

Ordinary people simply cannot imagine how powerful an evil **** born based on the negative emotions of life in the entire physical universe.

Sin is just the scream at birth, which wiped out the Elder Spirit Clan of the Galactic Overlord at that time, swallowing more than 80% of the spirits and spirits of the Spirit Clan, and the strength of the Evil God is evident from this.

Therefore, if the evil spirit is more true, the overthrow of the human empire will be in sight. Even Abbotton’s newcomers can make thirteen black expeditions to create a subspace divide that divides the empire’s territory into two, and the abilities of those veteran big demons are even stronger.

The territory of the empire, including a large number of unoccupied, is just a galaxy in the Warhammer 40K universe. A galaxy like this, how much more than a billion?

This is why Kane has repeatedly said that in the Warhammer 40K universe, the tone of the environment facing mankind is despair.

And he had long expected that with his high-profile entry, there will eventually be an evil **** staring at him, and most of them are singular.

Sure enough, it was discovered that his main farming method was the Cyber ​​system (AI automation industry, and industrialized agriculture), and he tried to control AI to reproduce the ``grand occasion'' of the Empire's Iron Man rebellion.

Kane Xin said: "But I am the ancient version of the powerful fantasy version, trying to integrate technology and magic in order to prevail in the heavens and the world, as well as the unique information, and the changes in the entire Warhammer 40K universe cannot be deduced. , You play technology with me, how old are you?"

The idea of ​​using sub-space energy to invade, UU reading or avatar, consciousness, was directly imprisoned in the trap of the power field of the gods.

For the demon deity, it is equivalent to the avatar lost contact.

It didn't dare to believe that there was any power to be imprisoned, but thought it fell into some kind of energy trap. In a way similar to the "powerful brick flying" method, such as the flow of the super solar oven, its avatar was directly melted. This is the broken arm.

In fact, Kane has a more sharp, modified on the basis of a series of old dominator technology. Black Kane, who was trapped in the universe of the dark old ruler, provided a lot of gradient data for this, which made this anti-erosion technology very scary.

Even if Caienken is in danger, invest a little information that the universe does not have. Well, even to some extent, the four evil spirits deities who have stood against the ceiling of the universe still get the trick.

It's just that Kane suspects the birth and popularity of the Four Evil Gods, and has inherited the will of the universe, or the son of the laws of the universe, so luck MAX is likely to find anomalies.

At that time, the Four Evil Gods can also play'Big Brick Flying', which in turn uses massive amounts of energy to break his technology. Even if it is a consumption of 100 million for one, people will change it. It will be him who is disgusted at that time, and it may cause the investment of the outer universe information to fall into the hands of the four evil gods.

This is where the risk lies.

Because of this, it is necessary to advance the creator project. It is equivalent to playing a game, first understand the rules of the game thoroughly, and then find the hole to crack. It doesn't matter if you win or lose.

Just after cutting off the claws of the big devil under Mirage, Miranda reports again that Horas is back.

Kane said: "Exactly, to slap and slap extraordinary examples..."


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