Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1268: New projects not completed well

Inquisitor Horace, with a short sheep's tail, looks like the ancient Romans, with deep eyebrows, dark eyes with black hair, medium and short hair, and looks very spirited.

Horace is a capable and responsible person.

In the original historical line, he relied on the help brought by the post of judge to make the investigation vivid and colorful. Although it was one step behind each time, no solid evidence was obtained. But that's two main reasons.

1. Internally, although the Inquisitor has the right to recruit manpower and material resources, the stars and even the planet lords must not refuse, nor dare to refuse, otherwise they will be suspected of loyalty, but in fact they can also be violent and do nothing. It’s okay to secretly make trips bad.

2. Outside, once major projects are involved, such as the Black Expedition, those under the Four Evil Gods will come up with some real skills. After all, these projects seem to be done by the popular youngsters below, but the master must be happy to see them. And the big monsters are also happy to watch this kind of drama, and even take pictures of each person to participate, and then like watching the World Cup and gambling, Le Taotao should eat the crowd.

As a result, Holas's gangsters were a group of weak scum, looking at the gains, and the chaotic side also covered or washed the ground with extraordinary means.

Holas himself saw a lot of strange situations, but these can not be used as evidence, empty-mouthed, unable to make people believe.

It can even be said that the high level of the empire would rather choose the Gothic Star District to be slaughtered, and would not regret it for not adopting such a statement without evidence.

If you believe it, just making adjustments for it, the empire is afraid of losing an entire Gothic Star every three to five years. And the reason why the wolf came, had to consider.

So sometimes it looks mediocre and impersonal, but in fact it is helpless in that environment, and the angle of consideration is different.

The territory of the empire is so vast, everything responds quickly, and it is fair and fair. Not to mention the current mess in the empire, even when the emperor is ruthless, he can't do it! Even Kane's debut, turning the empire into a super-religious kingdom of God, was nothing but a civilized nanny. In turn, civilization has also completely reduced to ‘gadgets’, cutting off the possibility of independent development.

His vision narrowed to Inquisitor Horace. This person's ability, excellent quality, and even luck are all ok. Kane is willing to invest in him. So the Dark Artifact Discovery Fleet sets off, but now it brings back good news.

They found the ball of darkness on a planet called Inferno.

In fact, Kane secretly explained the captain of the Marsala Klein Moser, yes, that was the disabled interstellar warrior who had been the captain of the Holy Grail III for the small Alcana class landing ship.

Kane believes that Moser's resume is capable of performing on a larger stage. So he transferred him from the Big Dipper area.

Moser was both the captain of the Maserati, the supreme commander of the fleet, and the secretive chief of operations.

If Horst can't open the situation within a certain time limit, then Moser will tell Horst the prophetic message imparted by Kane, so as to grab the dark artifact before the forces of chaos.

Especially the first one, the ball of darkness, is what Kane cares most about, and the dark scepter also cares more.

Kane has always thought that they represent the skull and the spine, respectively. They naturally belong to the dead, and they have not yet been transferred to the living metal by the star god.

More specifically, it is the predecessor of the Underground Master. At that time, the main task of the master of the underground palace was not to repair the tomb, but to master the masters and craftsmen of the dreaded family.

The Black Stone Fortress is mostly the master's handwriting.

And to really activate, it is similar to the extraordinary version of DNA certification, it must be the master's DNA.

Kane guessed that the master craftsman became the master of the underground palace, but his original corpse did not catch up with the star gods' gluttonous feast on the body of life, so he designed and manufactured it as a key and became part of his masterpiece.

If this is the case, then the head and spine are enough for him to crack, and the rest is left to Abadon.

The twelve black expeditions were directed at the black stone fortress. If Abadon didn’t have a key, wouldn’t the plot get stuck, or if there were too many things in the key battle to disturb the expedition, it would be boring .

Horst is in perfect condition, and vaguely aware of the competitors, the series of tasks is very active, so he played ‘passing through the door’ and dropped the ball of darkness before embarking on the journey.

Kane, once again, had a video conference with the emperors.

When the project was first established, it was to unite with the mechanical sect, the state religion and the trial court, so the meeting was only two big brothers.

There is no long story, and some are just a show.

Kane stimulated with the power of the Holy Light, and revealed the extraordinary characteristics of the Dark Orb.

The three gangsters also found that the Dark Ball can be understood as a very sophisticated device. They can roughly make up the brain, and once this thing is embedded in a large device, they can work.

"Although for the current empire, there are no more powerful weapons. But I am not going to use it at the beginning or end of the Gothic War. There are too many people staring secretly."

The Pope of the State Church asked: "If during the Gothic War, the chaotic forces used the artifact to paralyze the basic functions of the Black Stone Fortress, and then initiated the seizure..."

"They will find that the paralysis has succeeded, but our fleet is very strong and does not rely on the Black Stone Fortress to support the field. Of course, the sudden paralysis of the Black Stone Fortress did earn them time to land, they can land smoothly, and even reach the core area, use When the key completely activates the Blackstone Fortress, and then gains full control, it is found that the verification is a bit cumbersome and the loading process is time-consuming. This is normal. After all, such a large fortress is not a locomotive. Just insert the key and twist it and go away."

Augustus, the general representative of the Tribunal, nodded: "That is to say, the elite seizing troops of the Chaos forces will shed blood in the Black Stone Fortress."

"This is the case. I have studied with the priests of science and technology. Since the Black Stone Fortress is a relic that has been limitedly used for its functions, naturally considering the possibility of snatching and countering snatching, the interior will naturally be designed to add benefits to the defender. It is because we will inevitably increase our troops and strengthen them, that is, the original garrison troops, as long as the personnel are as complete as the regulations, there are no traitors and all kinds of tricks, but they can play normally, and the chaotic party can be very painful."

Kane again said: "As for the dark ball, it will be sent to the trial court, the court will be able to give a big publicity, and even brag about how tightly defended."

Augustus pondered for two seconds and asked, "Want to fish?"

"Well, there can be this show."

"If this is the case, then it is better to follow the normal process, and the big blows are not consistent with the usual style of the trial court."

"Okay, you can look at the arrangement in this regard."

"But I have to say that I'm afraid I don't have enough power to prevent theft or snatching of high-end extraordinary means."

"I will send a puppet of holy repairs, not eating or drinking and keeping this thing. At the critical moment, you can even hold up the holy light field for three weeks. If the evil is wood chips, then the holy light field is the melting pot."

At this time Pope Benedict III said: "Is there any Saint monk? Or, can the way of the Holy Light spread?"

"In theory, but there is a flaw in faith, that is, if you really want to make sure that your actions are just, then you will not be sanctioned by the rules."

"For example, what do people who grow up in the cannibal world think about cannibalism?"

"Yes, the key to faith is faith. It is a kind of faith that can deceive oneself without any doubt. So the wicked person is not unable to obtain the holy light. After all, the concept of good and evil has nothing to do with the essence of energy."

"A guy who uses the holy light to kill people and act without evil, is a devastating blow to the believers. But the four evil gods have a way to start with seven emotions and six desires, so that people can achieve a similar state of not taking evil as evil."

"In this case, although you can't waste food because of choking, you must at least make sufficient preparations before you can do it. The kind of law of good and evil blessed with power is a way, I am studying."

Augustus asked, "Are there any lack of volunteer experimenters?"

Kane laughed, this sentence is very trial court...

This meeting was not lengthy, and several gangsters in the Empire also accepted and gradually became accustomed to the style of the Kane briefing instead of the tea party.

Shortly after the meeting, the Dark Orb was sent to Tyra by Order.

Today, the Order Number is already the iconic business card of the First Order.

Just like the business card of a city in the earth era is often a landmark building, in the Warhammer 40K, in this era, in the empire, but all can be called a first-class organizational force, there will be a unique ship to show their charm and strength .

After all, the ship is said to be a mobile country, and it also means an important tool for expansion when it is prosperous and retreat when it is weak.

So a good ship is not only a face, but also a lining.

From this point of view, Kane's face and lining are actually not up to order. No matter whether it is a star-rated ship or a star-rated ship, they must be ranked higher.

But Kane did not create a world class in this universe.

World class, neutron star battleship between white dwarfs and black holes.

If you have to ask, what are the benefits of building battleships with neutron stars?

Kane will answer: These universes are material after all, and the vehicles focus on quality without problems.

Especially for Kane, who has seen the endless void beyond the universe, matter is as important as water traveling in the desert. After all, with the technology mastered by Kane, almost all matter can be understood as solid energy, and energy is the key to survival!

Kane started the creator-level task line this time, and the vehicle arranged for himself was star-rated.

As the name suggests, in terms of quality, it fully meets the standards of the planet.

When the Starship Order of more than 2 kilometers, which was very sci-fi for the Empire, appeared again in Terra Star Harbor, accepting people's observations and being criticized, Kane was on the'Mount Zhoushan' 'Planetary Warship', heading to the Far East Starfield.

The First Order has been operating in the Beidouxing District for two hundred years. Its production capacity is naturally very scary. Even if only a small part of it is released, it is far from Kulner and the cooperation with the Empire.

In fact, Kane only withdrew 5% of the total production capacity of the First Order, which was used for the construction of the foreign window star Korner and cooperation with the empire.

In the Big Dipper area, human factors have prevented the production capacity from being fully released, so when the scale reaches Kane's expectations, 60% will immediately enter the dormant stage.

Hibernation is not a seal, it also has inefficient operational activities.

The main specific content of the activity lies in the adaptive regulation of the law.

In this way, when Kane needs it, this part of the production capacity can be efficiently put into operation in the world of war, without worrying about the lack of conformity with the cosmic laws outside the Big Dipper area and various failures.

There is still 35% of production capacity, which is intended for the steady development of Beidouxing District.

In the window world, 1.5 is used for the construction of Korna, and 0.5% is used for cooperation with the empire, including the Antiochus Fortress Belt and Space Dock in cooperation with Luwansberg.

The remaining 3% has been used for the construction of the Buzhoushan for more than a year. With the completion of the Buzhoushan, the free capacity will make the Kulna Cybernetic.

Salary King Kane had once seen the outer space of the quasi-mechanical world in the dark and old world dominating the universe (which later proved that it was the legacy that Zhao Wenrui gave to the deity), which belonged to the world of cybertanization. Later, King Kane, who gave the King Kane to Marvel's 20K Universe, C Kaien's Kaiser Palace, also belongs to this type of product.

Cybernetic world, to put it plainly, is a highly controllable artificial planet.

Instead of Zhoushan, it is a ship-shaped artificial planet.

But it does not have the size of a planet, with a total length of 12 kilometers, it is only equivalent to the Empire's Apocalypse class battleship.

But its quality is star-rated!

The unscientific concept of the **** field force field, which only exists in the universe with extraordinary power, greatly reduced the difficulty of building this kind of warship. Otherwise, light alone is a gravitational problem. If you want to pinch a star-shaped object into the shape of a boat, and maintain the stability of the structure, you can worry the technicians.

The material density of such a massive ship body is too amazing. Even if no additional protection is turned on, Abaton’s planet killer, and even the black stone fortress of the space necromancer can’t do anything about it.

Of course, there is no real perfection, and the Zhoushan has its weaknesses, that is, the core of the kingdom of God.

Yes, the Zhoushan is equivalent to a kingdom of God, but the main function of the core of this kingdom is not to deal with belief, but to transform energy.

In this system, Kane's divine power plays the role of formula and template.

It is through this recipe and template that the core of the kingdom of God produces endless power to maintain the consumption of the power field of the **** domain.

In order to maintain huge consumption, a gaseous planet slightly larger than Jupiter was first created, then compressed into fuel, and reacted with a star-like nuclear fusion reaction in a reaction chamber called the solar fusion furnace. Provide sufficient available energy for ships.

Therefore, it is costly to simply select enough shipbuilding materials.

Kane also lamented this: "No matter how big the ship is, I usually use only a few hundred square meters of space. If there is a need for cross-galaxy, I would rather use the investigation ship Burdington."

In the interplanetary era, the investigation ship of Burdington can only be regarded as a bicycle, and the battleship Order is only a locomotive. Without the fortress Zhoushan, it can be regarded as a luxury RV.

The luxury motorhome can be a self-driving vehicle that travels around the world, so it is basically enough to travel the universe without the Zhoushan.

So on this day, the Bu Zhou Shan disguised as the Imperial Apocalypse-class battleship Doom embarked on a journey.

The original Doom, as well as its sister ship Doom, are all unlucky ships in the history of the Imperial Navy, including but not limited to various misattacks by friendly forces, and the Doom was ultimately killed by a fire attack ship controlled by Chaos believers.

The fire attack ship is loaded with high-energy explosives, and the combat method is also quite'Kamikaze'. Its first show was precisely in the upcoming Gothic War on the original historical line.

Due to the subspace storm, the Gothic Star District was isolated and unable to obtain external support. From the beginning, the imperial side fell into a great disadvantage and was in a strong desire to survive. Some people in the imperial navy came up with such a trick.

Specifically, Brigadier General Kurz used two fire attack ships to deal with the famous battleship "Unforgivable" of the Chaos side.

However, it is also a source to come up with this trick. This is the incident that happened to the Doom. Chaos believers controlled the transport ship loaded with fuel and ammunition, and carried out a certain degree of modification to make it explode more powerful.

As a result, the Doom was almost blown into two pieces by the fire attack ship, which could only be regarded as a dagger, and the middle and rear parts were destroyed to only a layer of skin.

The sister ship Doomsday is also within the explosion range, which was originally intended to be included in the list, and it was directly repaired for fifty years...

The common superstitions of the navy and the unfortunate experiences of these two ships made them fateful, and Kane felt that his life was hard and could hold this ominous ship and become the enemy's doom.

When he was leaving, he also specially consulted about the resurrection of "Grandpa Blue" Robert Killiman.

After all, this short walk can't come back, Kane's plan is to come back when the Gothic War happened.

What's more important is that he has mastered the transition technology. He doesn't need to look at the face of subspace, nor can the subspace storm lock him.

In addition, the large star gate between Khulna and Tyra is about to enter the actual measurement stage. With this channel, the Gothic War, the imperial side is no longer isolated, plus a large number of panning ships, As well as the placement of seamen’s officers and soldiers’ families to prevent infiltration and mutiny, it can be said that the Gothic Star District has already become a trap for Zhang Wang to wait for the enemy.

However, regarding the resurrection of Kiriman, the program is stuck in the extreme warrior group. To put it bluntly, the Extreme Warriors did not recognize Kane, a birdman who did not know where to come out, and questioned his ability to repair the "magic weapon injury" on Kiriman.

The original historical line, the process of resurrection, or awakening Kiliman, is also quite tortuous.

In order to convince the extreme warriors that the Eldarlings, the death envoy Enidie, Eveni had the ability and willingness to awaken Kiriman, the trial courts of various species tried a lot, or made things difficult.

And when the external pressure was in place at that time, the Ultimate Warrior had the mind to try.

Now, it is impossible for Kane to accept the test level set by the extreme warriors by kneeling and licking pilgrimages, not to mention just a human alien eroded by sub-space forces and somewhat devilish, which is true The gods and demons are mixed, and once they appear, they will punch heaven and kick the hell. The dark world of Naifin destroys God’s world, and Kane doesn’t think he can stand it.

After knowing Kane's attitude, the Trial Chamber could only work on the side of the Extreme Warriors, but progress was very limited.

Without saving Kiriman, the emperor was pulled from the golden toilet, even more so.

The gangs of self-operating imperial guards are very stubborn. They wouldn't agree that any cat or dog would contact the emperor, even if they brought the title of "holy", they might not be able to get into their eyes.

In their parlance, we only recognize people who are recognized by the emperor.

The emperor has been in the golden toilet for more than 10,000 years. The people he recognized were basically dead.

Besides, is the emperor right? It is the best proof that half of the twenty genetic primitives betrayed.

But anyway, the imperial guards are difficult to get along. They are not deliberately ‘breeding thieves’ self-respect, but stupidity.

Kane knew that the emperor actually had contact with these guards.

But the more funny, or self-reliant point is that the emperor himself is not a so-called spiritual ability.

He knows that the so-called spiritual ability is a change, and can communicate sub-space forces.

Subspace forces may have no likes or dislikes, but the advantages and disadvantages are very clear, and they are particularly attractive.

Therefore, the psychic can all be enslaved by power or be exploited by those evils of the subspace.

It is precisely because of this that his imperial guards can be said to be fine, but they are not extraordinary.

Specifically, there is no one with mental ability.

As a result, it was difficult for the emperor to really communicate with them.

The emperor actually used the method of dreaming.

This kind of dream can be immersed when you do it. When you wake up, you can remember a half-claw at most. Even if other guards are willing to believe that the dreamer is true, but the emperor’s affairs are no small matter. Where dare to rely on dreams Wanton?

Don't say that the bosses of the various institutions of the empire will not allow it, and even if they do, the Guards cannot do it.

After all, their only duty, UU reading is to guard the emperor, regardless of past, present, or future. Anything other than that is a serious arrogance. If it is done, the detached identity has been erased.

Therefore, the emperor can be regarded as a cocoon and suffering.

Kane said: "Okay, it has been dragged on for 10,000 years. It's not bad in the past few years. Besides, no one is irreplaceable. Without the big brother's day, everyone is very happy to play..."

For example, he, in the eyes of many people, is a strong thigh.

Of course, at the same time, it may also serve as the powerful God of Wealth and even Kaizi. Therefore, he heard that he was going to travel, and all the major institutions of the empire wanted to send representatives to go with them. This includes the Star Torch Academy and Star Language Academy, which had no previous interaction.

Kane knew that these two institutions had been worried about his presence before, and they would smash the rice bowl of the two of them until he clearly expressed the non-sub-spatial transition in the interaction, and the requirements for industrial precision were too high. Not suitable for today's empire. Quantum communication has a similar problem, which is a relief.

But at this time, it seemed awkward to try to join Kane again.

But it's good to be jealous of others, no matter how embarrassing it is, this time I took the opportunity to give it away enthusiastically.

The saying is: it is always good to go out and prepare more. What if someone needs to know this ‘old’ navigation knowledge and language?

And like the trial court, the mechanical gods and the like, it is straightforward: "It is this time to dig the graves of the space dead together."

Not to mention, it really made these people guess that Kane’s project did involve ribs. Of course, not only ribs, but also green skin, chaos, tyrannosaurus, and even the titanium family...


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