Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1271: The saint comes and happiness comes

The principle of soul delivery is quite similar to subspace navigation.

Taking the light of the soul as the coordinate to carry out the transition of folding time and space, the specific use of psionic energy is not the power of ordinary elements.

Thought to the most, law to the most, people to the most!

As for the effect of the beam of gorgeous holy light like a lamp post, Kane deliberately added it.

Not only human beings, but intelligent life are all visual animals. The effect of bovine cowhide is beneficial to benign interaction.

Since even such pretend things are used, the etiquette is naturally more thoughtful.

After the order wizards boarded the ship, they first apologized to the nearby Titan people, saying that the situation was urgent. If there is anything outrageous, please ask Haihan.

"Be careful!" The famous titanium people couldn't help reminding.

It is close to the power cabin, and it has now become a battlefield.

The Order Wizard came but ignored the fight, but first apologized to the Titans, which was polite but inappropriate.

The black bean sprout warrior on the scene did not respond slowly. After being slightly shocked by the magnificent appearance of the Order Wizard, he grappled with a grin and attacked first.

As a result, the black bean sprouts thought that the speed was as strong as the gale, and it was not enough to see the order wizard. The order wizard did not even look at him. The freehand side of the freehand made his fierce attack fail.

And when the black bean sprout warrior wanted to change his way, it was already too late. A sword of white and blue light had penetrated the sword from his back.

Immediately after it was just twisted, its chest and abdomen were cut diagonally, the wounds were burned, and no blood flowed, and a little bit of blood and body fluids also evaporated.

This is the effect Kane deliberately pursues. Killing, the effect must be beautiful, like a plastic model, you can have a different head and a broken limb, but don’t let the blood scream, but like there is some kind of realistic training. feel.

Of course, what is more important is that the actions of the order wizard should be sharp and elegant, strong and chic, cruel and cool, and fully reflect the high and cold bully.

So, it’s really like the Jedi Warriors killed the cloning crowd. With the sound of “buzzing” and the brilliance of skill, the black bean sprout warriors who played jumps and battles were like killing melons and vegetables. The people turned their horses, often as an order wizard, and they squashed with a bunch of black bean sprout warriors, crying and howling.

The titanium families present all took care of it.

The heart said: "We are really hard-working melee, but the human warriors we support are too strong? The legendary Astat champion swordsman? Or even a better warrior?"

It wasn’t that no one shot a black gun at the scene, and he didn’t pay much attention to his life, not to mention the pirates, who wanted to bite their mouths and use their guns stingyly?

However, there is a reason for order wizards, called wizards, not samurai.

The combat skills are very good, mainly because of the content of the expansion package that Miranda gave them and the big data information expansion package of combat experience.

And since dare to call a wizard, naturally because it is qualitative when it is created, it is a supernatural caster. Similar to the consideration of the ancient Holy Spirit Clan.

It's just that Kane defined the career of this group of Marines on the Zhoushan as a magic sword. That is, the demon swordsman who is partial to the devil instead of the sword

Therefore, the characteristics of the psionicists are the basic craftsmanship of the order wizards. They have an invisible but powerful spiritual force field. The means of using extraordinary powers are also simple and efficient. They do not subdivide the specific categories of extraordinary powers, but substitute chaos. The algorithm, the method of application, looks very similar to the use of the Force by the Jedi in Star Wars.

The live ammunition was delayed by the force field, and the energy was melted by the force field. Finally, it was finally hit by a powerful enough force, but it was blocked by a layer of domain-like energy cover, and only a slip of sparks...

It must be said that in the face of such opponents, it is really desperate!

Immortal, efficient, elegant, ruthless, killing machine!

If it is not about his own death, the scene is really beautiful.

The black bean sprouts were beaten and collapsed in minutes, and they ran away.

But meaningless, the order wizard's method is simple and practical, and the figure flashed, already appearing in the fleeing black bean sprouts, while running in the same direction as them, while continuing to kill.

Or they may cross them, appear at the end of the road, and beheaded. In short, it is impossible to escape anyway.

Even the titanium family has a little bit of rabbit sorrow and sadness.

This can no longer be called a war, but just slaughter.

Killing is like cutting grass!

This is the sensory effect brought by the order wizard.

The dark spirit clan that appeared to be particularly annoying and fierce before. At this moment, he and the lamb facing the wolf, so helpless and even pitiful, can see that they have tried their best, but it is useless. The ending of this killing is doomed and has nothing to do with their reaction. If it has to be related, it is that the more intense their resistance, the worse the ending will be.

Such a scene will make those who are not strong enough to hate war and killing, no matter who is right or wrong, as long as it is war, it will make people hate. Because life should not die in this way, it is meaningless, like the dirt on the wild ground that is randomly crushed when the beast walks by.

And these battle scenes, Kane also generously provided to the representatives of the various parties of the empire on the Malos, Meiyang, Bu Zhoushan, and even the tycoons of the empire.

It is not hard to see even the layman. The means of killing has reached the level of order wizards. It can be said that it has become a cruel art to achieve the best.

Behind the clouds and flowing water, there is a lot of hard work and corpses like mountains.

Just thinking about the heavy life behind this art industry makes people shudder.

Wearing a pale gray and white warrior costume, a wide black belt around his waist, and a golden wizard with a golden mask on his face, it feels like a **** of death.

There is no skill that can walk in front of him. The lightsaber, who seems to wave slowly, always appears in the right place, and then kills one goal after another.

Broken body is also often used for better sword dancing, rather than worrying that the other party is not dead. It is this kind of understatement that makes the viewer see the whole body cold.

Then Kane appeared in the ship of Malos, specifically, the command module.

‘Ca! ’

Many weapons, the muzzle pointed at Kane.

Kane slowly glanced at the dark spirits present and smiled and said in ancient spirits: "Don't have any burden, you just have bad luck."

Then he went straight to Malos.

Malos snapped his fingers gloomy, and for a time, the gun fired.

Of course, meaningless.

There seems to be an invisible black hole around Kane, and the bullets will disappear into a certain category.

As soon as Malos's teeth were bitten, he had to pull out his sword and desperately.

Then Kane seemed to be slow and fast, but took only a few steps, the distance of more than ten meters was crossed, and the taxi was general.

Marros had no time for the knife to completely unsheath, so he wanted to shout slogans while playing melee.

Then Kane grabbed his head.

Then I felt a terrible pain.

Then and then I don’t know anything.

From the perspective of others, Kane easily opened Malos's skull and then completely removed his brain. The process was smooth like opening a fruit basket and taking an apple.

"Only his brain deserves a trip by myself." After turning around Zhoushan, Kane said to the representatives of all parties.

Indeed, he was a little afraid to follow the normal process, and finally could not keep Maros' brain intact.

And now, let the rest completely become part of the ship, and the ship becomes just the Transformers.

Marros's staff all said that it was only too weird not to see Zhoushan as a single figure, so get out a few frigates and destroyers and turn it into a small fleet.

In fact, the five ships with black bean sprouts are an Aurora class light cruiser, a Solaris class light cruiser, a Hemlock class expulsion and a Solanum class expulsion, and an Aconite frigate.

This is the case with the pirate looting ships. It cannot be expected to have a uniform model, and it is also a good way to use it with various ships.

For example, the plastic hemlock class expulsion, it has a very'simple' design, a powerful pulse light spear, installed under the hull, the length of the light spear launch tube exceeds the captain, not so much A battleship is better said to be a flying cannon.

But it was not long ago that the "one shot" limped the day (the main thruster wounded one) and became a prey.

However, it has a small number of crews and requires a lot of energy to maintain the internal normal operation, so that subspace engines and other weapons often do not get enough energy support, which makes it very crispy and easy to become the enemy’s priority jump. The goal.

However, the attached sub-class destroyers need to form a team. Their normal usage is to fight in groups of three to four. The fire output of this group is equivalent to the flank of a battleship's side artillery. But they are much more flexible than battleships, and they can quickly and efficiently seize advantageous positions and launch strikes.

Kane, however, has little interest in this unique variety of cards, he prefers the neat, first-order style, rather than the IWC.

Since the ships of the spirit race are generally at least one level lower in quality than the ships of the human empire, the light cruisers can only change into destroyers, and the flow of destroyers turns into assault ships after sharing the frigate.

So the final exterior shape is two viper-class destroyers and two ravaged-class assault ships.

These four little guys followed the Bu Zhoushan as if they were sperm whales and their cubs just after birth.

The entire transformation process didn't take long, at least the big day was not able to slow down during this time.

In fact, its injury is not serious, and the loss of personnel is also not great because of the timely intervention of the order wizard, but unfortunately the two are added together, and the loss caused by the original voyage experience is so little work. Ji means.

To put it simply, unless a good rest is taken, the Big Day does not want to work like it used to.

Meiyang whispered this situation, and then apologized: "I am really sorry, such a remark, there is a suspicion of begging for help. Your previous life-saving grace has been difficult to repay..."

"In my opinion, it's not that complicated. After all, it is very limited for me to initiate salvation for me. I am a person who is used to measuring the effort by proportion and asking for the corresponding return. If I were to make a special trip to rescue One trip, the process is extremely difficult, I am afraid it will be expensive, you can’t afford it, I will ask the Titanium, and I will have to get it before I stop."

"So, it's not easy to rely on my account. But with the help of my hands, I won't let others repay. I will provide you with an opportunity for rest that is satisfactory to you. Correspondingly, you can talk about the titanium family Civilization, good deeds, and free time later, I will verify what you say, if the answer proves that what you say is basically true, then we will be clear. Including the so-called life-saving grace you think."

It sounds not difficult, but Meiyang feels unprecedented pressure.

An indescribable sense of oppression breeds in my heart.

She realized that once she replied in a conversation with Kane, she could not be satisfied with Kane afterwards, then an unimaginable horror would occur, not only herself, but the entire Titanium, which would bring a great crisis.

She couldn't figure out what was the reason for her to have such a cognition, but she felt this way very strongly.

This is actually the spiritual coercion brought by God's Oath.

Kane is a god, and the export is a constitution. He has reached a certain deal with human beings. If the other party agrees, it means that he has signed a sacred contract or issued a god's oath.

Of course, Kane is an outsider. In the Warhammer 40K, there is still a little bit of water and soil, and Meiyang will have such a strong sense of inexplicability. If it is in the dark HP universe, the elephant will be invisible, and there will be no particularly obvious warning feeling. The brain circuit is simpler, and even Kane’s statement is very funny.

I didn't recognize afterwards, you can still bite me. And it’s exile without return, maybe I’ll die long ago, and I’m afraid of your threat?

As everyone knows, as far as God is concerned, death is just another beginning. It is God’s oath that Mo is said to be just death, that is, several reincarnations, and when the oath is required, it can’t escape.

Several representatives of the various parties of the Zhoushan Mountain did not care about Kane's treatment of Meiyang and the titanium group it represented.

However, it is a new civilization that has just entered the interstellar age. If such alien creatures hinder the great cause of the empire, the soldiers will be eliminated.

In the process of humans conquering the galaxy and colonizing various worlds, there are still fewer foreign species killed? (Heteromorphism refers to non-human races, and heteromorphism refers to non-humanoids, including various types of genetically modified people, such as hybrids with genetic thieves, such as chaotic hybrids, etc. Heretics are those who do not believe in the state religion and do not submit to the imperial constitution, such as those who believe Science is the right science supremacist, and the revolutionary-family flow trying to overthrow the decay of the empire)

But since Kane had something to talk about, then look at it. Before they boarded the ship, their respective bosses gave special instructions with their ears raised: bring ears and eyes, put your mouth at home, you don’t need you to express attitudes, you don’t need you to have attitudes, just as much as possible, faithful Recording all the way is a great thing.

Therefore, these representatives are live props, especially Kane adopts an open process. When he actually plays live broadcasts, he becomes more props, and it has become a supporting evidence that Kane's operations have not been falsified.

In fact, even if Kane was really fraudulent, with the ability of these people, he could not be identified.

At this point, each other knows each other well.

So this is the process of preventing a gentleman from a villain. It is a kind of tacit agreement between Kane and the tycoons of various departments of the empire.

In Kane’s view, the part about his creator’s project is too philosophical. Even when the lords of the empire were not so visionary, they could not understand it, but only as a semi-scientist like him. The only thing that the half **** stick cares about.

Isn't there a saying, genius is half a step ahead of mankind, and madman is one step ahead.

Ambassadors and voters like him, some gods and gods, weird, and love to explore some fake big philosophical things, is it not normal?

Leaving aside this, he encountered strange things such as space undead, tyrannosaurus, etc. during the completion of the project. He believes that the big brothers will care.

This is a live broadcast, and with his ability, he is able to take these gangsters and gain a deeper understanding of some content.

Unlike the normal exploration group, the beginning was ‘wow, cool! It’s amazing, and then it’s ‘not to stay here for a long time, go away! Run! Help! "Noisy but sloppy, nothing dry.

He gave a vaccination to the big brothers in advance, and now it is supported by evidence to make the big brothers realize the horror of space necrosis and the horror of the Taryn Zerg early. This is more than a warning to the tragic fate of countless ordinary people below. Efficient.

The world is so cruel, that's why the celebrities around the big brothers have been sought after since ancient times. He speaks just as useful. The big brother can listen in. The floods below, and hundreds of thousands of people are displaced. The big river is in disrepair, but the big brother feels nothing.

These gangsters are indeed a bunch of bastards, but most people can be replaced. After a long time, they will become similar to bastards. They are not even as good as these gangsters.

These gangsters are also the winners of the series of struggles. They are somewhat savvy, culturally sound, and relatively familiar with the circle.

If one is airborne, the soil and water will be unacceptable, and will not be killed. It will also be suffocating, and then it will be good intentions to do good deeds, and the result is being used layer by layer. Renzheng has become a harsh government below, and the complaints are carried out.

This is really not for scrubbing the big brothers, there are examples in reality, such as the old card in Libya.

The man-made river project, known as the eighth miracle of the world, does have suspicions of face-saving projects, and free medical care and education for the whole people have also been used for repeated shows. But people do benefit from it. After playing the old card, what happened to the Dahe project? What about the benefits of free medical care and education?

Kane has been pushing back from the beginning, it is better to help the paperwork mentality, so the sincerity of cooperating with these big brothers is quite sufficient.

This point, the big brothers also felt it. His tolerance of Kane's various personalities is even a kind of feedback.

Although neither side is clear, it is still unspoken.

This trip, with a group of representatives and live broadcasts, is the deepening of this cooperation model.

Kane felt that the big brothers would pay attention to what they thought they should pay attention to. As for how much it should be, isn't he guided?

For example, this conversation with Dayi Meiyang.

Anyway, it is also an ether.

If you can have a frank conversation, you can still shake out some thought-provoking things.

This is indeed the case. When Kane asked about the concept of "Guvisa", the big brothers were interested.

The correct interpretation should be ancient Visa, Visa means the assistant of the Titanic language, ancient refers to human beings, and together, it is a human assistant. It means humans who are willing to join the titanium empire.

Generally speaking, Guvisa mainly refers to the Imperial Defence Forces and their descendants abandoned by the Empire after the famous Battle of Damocles.

After being abandoned in the control area of ​​the titanium empire, these human soldiers captured by the titanium clan finally chose Shang Shang Dao.

For them, the fate of planning has ceased to exist by the Tyra House of Government, State Religion, and the Military Ministry, and the collectivist philosophy advocated by Shang Shangdao is their new destiny.

And because the time scale of the Warhammer 40K is also quite large, dozens or hundreds of years have passed. Therefore, these human beings thrive and have offspring.

These humans, who have been influenced by the culture of the titanium family after birth, have better adaptability to the good way. Many people later became adults and joined the Ti people of Huo caste to fight for the good. Even if the target is an imperial human, they will still hold up their swords and guns.

The Imperial Court of State called these people the most abominable traitors, while the State Church defined them as cowards contaminated by heterogeneous cultures.

But these are incidental statements of political slogans used to make the public and the enemy, and between the bigwigs, there is no need to get fooled.

The fact is that there are imperial faults here, there are real helplessness, and there are more strategies of the titanium family.

The Titans are not a stupid group of overconfidents. The etheres know very well that the way to fight the huge human empire is to appease as much as possible of the imperial world and wealth, including population.

It's hard to say. After several years of strategizing and hard work, winning a rare epic victory. The annihilated Imperial combatants are only a few tenths of the population of the empire born in a year, which is more embarrassing.

This kind of civilization, unless it is an extraordinary catastrophe such as the birth of a sin, it is really a bit difficult to rely on normal means to get rid of the throne of the Galaxy Overlord.

At least for the Titans, even those intelligent races that depend on the Titans are counted. Everyone turns into breeding machines and has been breeding for hundreds of years. Maybe there is such a chance to compete for the length?

In fact, this idea is too ideal. To multiply, resources are needed, and to expand, resources will encounter resistance.

Although the Milky Way is large, there are few truly unowned worlds that are suitable for life.

Of course, with the technology of the titanium family, colonial satellites can also be played.

But everything has a cost.

What is the cost of colonizing satellites? What is the cost of a natural green planet suitable for living?

Titanium Technology hasn't blamed nonsense with open eyes, indicating that both are the same.

The abundance of resources and species varies greatly.

Even to say something awkward, what kind of atmospheric heirs can be nurtured in places like Bik, where colonial satellites can be counted?

Therefore, it is useless for the titanium family to grow and develop, relying on their own heads and madness. Nor can we expect a catastrophe to destroy the human empire.

This is equivalent to the poor ratio can not expect the economic crisis to kill the rich, compared with the human empire, the titanium family is that poor ratio. In addition to the general situation of the river system, the Titanium is far worse than the human empire in resisting risks.

As Ethereum said during the fifth expedition: our race is already in jeopardy and we must find suitable habitats for the future of the population.

The backyard caught fire, and the Gorgon swarm that had just been driven away by space undeads. When the space undead left, they ate the rear of the Titans in a mess, and the second largest orc empire raged, and they saw a series of chaotic evil gods. Scary...

That is quite bitter in the heart of the titanium family, and is accompanied by a serious survival crisis.

In fact, this sense of crisis already exists now, because with the continuous grasp of intelligence, the ethers have gradually touched some sensational information, but it is too heavy, they are not willing to believe, so they can not fully confirm. For the time being, it is set aside for a while, but when formulating policy proposals for population development, these contents are inevitably considered.

Appeasement and naturalization were born in this context.

The titanium caste of the water caste have increased their diplomatic power.

This kind of non-war diplomacy has certainly aroused the vigilance and even anger of some empire humans, but it is very attractive.

The attraction to the ruling layer includes the exemption of the imperial government's complicated government jurisdiction, the tithe of the impassioned state religion, as well as technological support, new ways of making money, and military protection.

For the people, there are two main ones. One is freedom of belief. It doesn’t matter as long as you don’t keep up with the conflict of good faith.

This is really great for the people who are commanded by the dogma of the state religion all the time and the situation is getting worse. No one likes to come to their own spiritual world, and they are all kidnapped by overlord doctrine.

And the more tempting is the "Qin Xing Tian Dao, Tian Dao Qin Qin" advocated by the Titanium Empire. This is really right. The general public does not expect to be rich and get rich by surprise. But by working hard and living a prosperous and prosperous life, this pursuit still exists.

Then this advocacy of the Titanium Empire is very appropriate.

So, conversely, do the rulers of the empire think about these livelihood issues? Kane thought it was necessary, even if it was a special economic zone, otherwise the thousands of miles of the **** was destroyed in the ant den, and the hearts of the people were all fleshy. The general public in the depths of the water replaced the ruthless and unjust father with a more considerate wild. Daddy, is it really difficult?

After all, the official is not a father, but can rely on inertia, can be mentioned regardless of the requirements, but the feedback is only all kinds of discipline and rebuke? And it continues day after day?

No one can be happy to change. It’s just a matter of not choosing the time. With a better choice, don’t you feel shameless about loyalty?

Once the trend has formed, it is difficult to stop it.

Overall, Meiyang's answer is quite honest.

This is also related to the invisible pressure that Kane has brought to her, as well as the sharp problems.

From the questions asked by Kane, Meiyang knew that Kane actually knew the titanium family very well, otherwise she would not ask so many questions that made her difficult to answer.

Faced with outsiders, especially strangers, people instinctively maintain their own image and family, and even their camp.

Meiyang is no exception.

But Kane's many questions are tricky. If you still answer in accordance with the maintenance policy, it seems very fake, and it is easy to take it off.

At this time, Meiyang had to struggle to tell the truth, and the hard point was naturally to justify the truth as much as possible, making it sound gentle, not so embarrassing, or there were hidden feelings and bitterness in it.

It's still a kind of protection, but overall, it's a truth.

The specific content of the conversation is much more bland than those of the politician interviews that are common on modern earth. And it looks like a hammer in the east and a hammer in the west, the topics are not so concentrated, and there are not many sensitive topics with strong gossip and so-called real-time hot spots.

But to put it another way, Kane believes that he should be in place to ask.

You can get a more comprehensive understanding of the appearance of the titanium family through this conversation.

This transcript of the conversation is for the bigwigs, not only that, but also a more detailed technical report.

The big brothers may not have the interest and time to pay attention to the professional ones, but the program alone can already let them understand the past, present and future of titanium group technology.

Experts can also deduce the general technical system of the titanium group by identifying relevant detailed technical theories. Especially after Kane helped the mechanistic gods to complete the basic science and technology lost data, the empire was already able to see a lot of things from this technical report.

In the video communication with the big brothers, Kane made an overview summary of these issues: "As the saying goes, born of sorrow and died of peace, the Eldarlings died of peace. We can't learn. Maybe Some people will say that human beings are not short of sorrows at all, but they have too much sorrows and too many sufferings. However, in my opinion, this is not the same thing."

"The chaotic system represented by Evil God is fundamentally the enemy of life. The same is true of the Taryn Swarm, swallowing everything, encountering life and death, there is no second way to choose. Space undead are a group of mentally distorted lunatics, too It’s just a matter of anti-life, and there’s nothing to talk about. It’s the same thing.

"As for the Orc, I am stupid but I am proud. Wherever we are, we are going to spread Wahhhh! Fighting madness where the spirit spreads. There is no choice but to fight."

"These are not mental illnesses or anti-human things. They are the enemies of life and order, not the enemies of civilization."

"The Titanium is an enemy of civilization. This enemy is either a future threat from an alien, or a malignant tumor born within itself. It can even be said to be an inevitable product."

"I think that the Empire has not produced such a powerful organization that can resist the courts of the ruling party in governing the country and the people, not because of the sharp methods of the Ministry of Government, State Education, Trial Chamber and Assassin's Chamber, but because Because of the huge external pressure, including those evil spirits who are good at using human nature."

Kane said with a smile: "When it comes to this, I am afraid there is a considerable amount of information that has not been shared with me. These include those executed collectively under the name of heresy heretics, and even massacres. It’s more or less because of anti-government forces with different political opinions."

"I even dare to pessimistically predict that such situations are intensifying. The operation of the empire is becoming increasingly difficult. I am afraid that it will occupy a large part in this respect?"

"This time I specifically want you to see my dialogue with the Titans, I just want to express my personal opinion that the enemy of civilization is more important than the enemy of life. After all, it corrupts the human heart."

In fact, what Kane really wants to express is that he should not always deal with such things in a brutal way. Because that will only make the situation worse.

Speaking of which, I have to mention that in the Warhammer 40K universe, the mass killing of the human empire is really the norm.

The general public is really unlucky, anyone can slaughter, chaos slaughter, orc slaughter, pirate slaughter, even emperor slaughter, and the rulers of various worlds, and many like to sacrifice this big sword.

In Kane's view, this is a serious loser.

From a resource perspective, this is equivalent to burning money.

From a spiritual point of view, this is tantamount to being an enemy.

From a human point of view, what is this **** operation?

This is not a cultist, nor is it a trick to kill a lot of people.

Instead of sloppy manipulation. This is because the method of eliminating the problem is simpler and cheaper than solving the problem seriously.

But in fact, this is the self-defeating national games.

Who doesn't have a steelyard in mind?

One side is high-pressure, and the massacre will be slaughtered, and the other side is an enlightened system and a beautiful blueprint. How will people choose?

The titanium group is only a representative. Without the titanium group, there are also the nickel group, the iridium group, or there is an anti-imperialist alliance inside, because this is a big loophole in the empire’s ruling, or if there is a market, there must be corresponding sellers and operators. Appearing, inexhaustible, or even counterproductive.

Although Kane appreciates some performances of the titanium family from a certain angle, he will not really let humans recognize this wild father.

Although he can't be regarded as a pure human supremacy, he is also deeply influenced by ‘non-my family, his heart must be different’, and he does not think it is a good thing to find such a wild father for humans.

What's more, the titanium family is not perfect, and has its own problems.

So what is the value of the titanium family to humans?

Kane felt that whetstone was the main value.

Or use the phrase that people are more familiar with: use the enemy as a mirror.

Where you are lacking, where is the short board, the enemy will stab from wherever.

So having such an enemy is actually quite good. Otherwise, it is easy to die in peace like the Eldarlings.

In contrast, it is the enemy of life such as Chaos, Space Undead, and Taryn Swarm. Although it is scary, the response is simple.

Quentin, the host of the Imperial Administration, asked, "Then what the Lord's opinion on this aspect is..."

"Make a special zone. Those who have different political opinions and opinions, let them come to the Far East Starland to perform. And those who follow them, fans. Come here, they are next to the Titanium to see who is better at governing the country and the people. Not far away is the 500 World of the Ultimate Warrior Group. Don’t worry that they will be able to turn upside down by force. As for what transportation costs, the first order can be taken over, the number can be large, and the star gate can be moved."

Quentin nodded: "Okay, we will seriously discuss the feasibility of your proposal later."

The emperors also understand that it is not a long-term solution to solve the problem by violence, especially the massacre. It is difficult to completely cover up. UU reading and leaking the news will destroy the official credibility, control public opinion, and then talk about the topic. The practice of dragging past hot spots is not always easy to use.

Now this proposed by Kane is not a solution.

Tiger farming? To be honest, the big brothers are really not afraid of this. After all, the resources the empire is sitting on are far from being shaken by ordinary forces.

In the eyes of the bigwigs, the biggest advantage of this method of exile is actually to remove the "smelly meat" or the unrest factor from the mouth of a big pot, and then it looks like the prisoner is watching the prisoner. The criminals are planet-like, and the Empire only needs to collect taxes regardless of its life or death.

In this way, you can make a lot of money. After all, there are expenses for sending police and sending troops. These "smelly meat" will affect the normal order of the local area and can be converted into losses. Now these scourges Not only can it produce wealth, but also the value of barriers to resist heterogeneous expansion. This small account is quite profitable.

In particular, the First Order is willing to bear the migration expenditure, so there is no need to make any extinction order. Those who are not disciplined, then go wild and develop.

Therefore, in theory, Kane’s proposal was heart-warming, but it turned into a real action, and there were still many specific items, or the distribution of benefits, that required consultations, and they were not immediately available for practice.

For Kane, this is a means to increase the cost of the massacre.

Of course he can play who kills the innocent, and I will kill him in turn.

But letting the rebellious people also produce benefits is undoubtedly a more fundamental solution.

After all, any ruler must inevitably also act as the manager's practice. After calculating the gains and losses, most of them will choose the more profitable method.


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