Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1272: Do not die in awe

The Titanic’s exploration of the Starship Starship required a major overhaul, so the fleet settled near, a 47-year-old star system.

Far East 19373, the imperial scientific name of this star system. There is no more humanized name, because according to the relevant information of the empire, the star system is not inhabited by human colonists.

However, this information is not accurate, in fact, there is human habitation.

Kane decided to come over after Miranda reported that there were signs of suspected human activity.

Specifically, the fourth planet of the galaxy, the size and distance from the star are similar to the Martian data that Kane is familiar with. And as Mars once experienced, it is dying.

The death of a planet begins with the cooling of its inner core.

After the nucleus cools, the planet loses the protection of the magnetic field, the atmosphere will dissipate, and the liquid water will evaporate. Since the distance between the star and the star is not close, the environment where life may be born may be destroyed...

The neighbor of the earth, Mars, has become the red desert star. Compared to the Earth, its small size is its original sin. It is harder to keep the heat inside the planet. It has a faster heat dissipation rate and a lower total heat value.

Even so, it still maintains an environment suitable for the birth of life for at least a billion years, but the birth of life on the earth proves that it is still a little less than a billion years, and it is billions of years...

And entering the interstellar age is not so critical. For human beings, even if the life span of this planet is only a few million years, it is enough for people to enjoy it for a long time.

There are only better alternatives, and most people will not choose this kind of just suitable for the birth of life, but there is no life yet, and there is no future colonization of planets.

However, there are always some reasons why people who escaped from the official control like those who had escaped into the mountain forests in ancient times looked at this kind of place. This is how the human smoke of the planet appeared.

When Kane's fleet arrived, the colonists were wild, thinking that it was the empire's official autumn account.

Kane said: "The landlord's family has no surplus food. The fleet travels. How much does it cost? Do you know? Especially in this marginal land, if the gadget encounters a war, even if it can be defeated, the ammunition consumption is also a loss. Such a high cost , Just for a handful of fugitives, could it be Einstein among you?"

There was no Einstein among the colonists. They were a group of victims who had to be self-sufficient and have fun.

The specific story is not too novel. It is nothing more than a malfunction of the equipment, pioneering and falling behind, and then getting lost, and then encountering something, and finally forced to land nearby.

And these are things that happened more than two hundred years ago.

As for now, because they are only part of the true development fleet, the technology they master is not complete. Nowadays, there is no hope to repair the ship and return to space. It can only start from the spot and settle down for generations to thrive.

But it's really difficult.

This is not wildness, it is survival in an environment without any indigenous life. Not many resources are available, not even qualified soil.

All along, people rely on the energy provided by the power system of the starship to play hydroponics.

The soilless planting series is relatively large for energy consumption.

And these refugees, whose technology is constantly lost, are very worried about which day the starship fails and there is no energy supply, so that they can only ascend to the sky collectively.

As for the worries about the punishment from the empire, it was passed down from generation to generation, just like the ghost stories I heard in childhood, the parties said it was hanging, but the younger generation took it seriously!

When I think about it, even the Starship is leased out, together with the purchase cost of the expansion equipment, etc., I owe a huge sum of money to the Empire, and after so many years, the interest is probably already astronomical. I'm sorry, I can only be reduced to a slave, buy those serfs to plant stars or mine stars, and work in the dark to death, I can't help but feel panic and fear.

Even so, their leaders still took the initiative to meet and see. Obviously, these people have at least some IQ, knowing that they cannot escape.

Kane glanced at the humble middle-aged man in front of his eyes. His bone age was in his early forties, but looking at his face, he ran to sixty.

The people who are declining in the future are actually the rulers here. The hardship of the people here can be seen from this.

It's not easy to live. The so-called birth of a suitable life is only relative to those desolate planets.

Although there is liquid water here, the temperature difference between day and night is more bizarre than the harshest desert on earth. The difference of 80 degrees Celsius makes people feel like a sauna in the daytime, and sleep like an ice cellar at night.

And the atmosphere structure is not very pleasant, because there is no vegetation digestion, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other unfriendly gas content is too much.

Similarly, because there is no vegetation, the wind on the surface of the planet is very strong, and there is no so-called soil.

Naturally, there are no solar fuels such as oil and coal that change direction and are accumulated by plants.

Without oil, petrochemicals would be impossible to talk about, but with such a big chunk, the impact would be even greater.

And although the water is living water, it does not support the aquatic industry. After all, the so-called shrimp eat mud, is to eat microorganisms, there is no such link, even if there are fish and shrimp seeds are useless.

The foundation of the life planet is not vegetation, but microorganisms. This planet has not yet been born with life, and it does not have these, so even wearing relatively light and simple protective clothing and wearing a breathing filter gas, you can endure the environment here and want to survive. Very difficult.

Over two hundred years, the population has not increased.

Kane feels that this is already a fairly good performance. According to the poor living conditions and the starting resources they have, let alone imports, it is entirely possible to reduce staff to death, and there are still more than 10,000 now. People, it's okay.

"On behalf of the Empire, I thank you for your pioneering actions. The position here in the Star Zone is still important, and it will become a transit point in the future, and you will enjoy a series of gifts from the Empire, and the debt will be forgiven. Next, just need as always Just work hard to manage your life and work."

Kane didn't talk nonsense with the other party either, in an official manner, he said a few nonsense, and ended the meeting.

He can't talk about the pioneering people who live here, but he can't say he doesn't pay attention.

He is not interested in exploring the survival history of the people. When collecting information, he still has to do it. This will be handled by Miranda.

In addition, the process is also very secretive, and a free health check is conducted for all pioneers, and the work is done by the way.

People will lie, physical feedback will not. From common illnesses, to genetic changes, from tooth wear, to feces, the entire set of information is almost collected, which is much more reliable than story-telling oral narrations.

As for humanistic and emotional things, sorry, Kane never had Liu Bei attributes. And he feels that bringing real benefits to people is more sincere and more popular than asking for warmth.

"Let's move."

With the order of Kane, the four ships were transformed on the spot and became a mechanical Titan.

Speaking of which, this is the relevant skill that Zhao Wenrui obtained from senior samurai Mascar, and then continuously improved and deduced, forming a complete technical system.

Kane now uses them as construction machinery.

For the ordinary people, the high mountains and the giants nearly two thousand meters high are nothing but large mounds and stones.

Compared with humans, they not only double the labor force, but also have a huge size that is more suitable for some large-scale projects, saving time and effort.

The large-scale project here refers to making a hole in the planet and then heating its core.

Planet transformation, let alone a human empire, is a highly skilled space undead, and it is not a project that can be easily done, otherwise, they will not make a world engine like a death star, and will smugly show off their clothes. Than.

However, for Kane who has destroyed an entire universe by his own hands, the data in this area should not be too rich. Even if it is to transform a star, it is all a grip, not to mention a small planet.

The position of this galaxy is indeed pretty good. Kane wouldn’t force himself to lie about this kind of thing because he lived here. He had to transform a dying planet into a livable planet.

If he only pity these pioneers, he can place more than 10,000 people on a livable green planet instead of spending more than a hundred times more effort to transform the planet.

It should be said that Bu Zhoushan was triggered from the Gothic Star Zone, completed a leap, and appeared in space dozens of light years away. There are many professional technical reasons behind it.

Moreover, the black bean sprouts can roam and rob in the nearby area, which means that there is an exit of the network channel nearby, and the ancient saint creation, the network channel, is also created and operated in accordance with certain laws.

Therefore, there are entrances and exits of network channels nearby, and it is not without reason.

These reasons, Kane can't even explain it to the experts in scientific terms, because this is a god-class secret, only to be understood, not to be told.

The general plan for heating the planet is not complicated. It is nothing more than to build a receiving end on the planet, and then build a transmitting end on the side of the star. After that, stellar flares were artificially triggered, and the transmitter took the opportunity to collect energy and sent it to the receiver, and then the receiver injected energy into the earth's core.

The specific injection process can be understood as microwave heating constrained by the force field.

It's hot inside and out, not hierarchical. The inner core heats first, then the mantle.

After heating, the force field restraint will not be rushed to cancel.

Because the crust at this time could not withstand the series of effects brought about by the heated inner core theory, once the force field was removed, the crust would collapse, the global landslide tsunami, volcano eruption or something.

With the cooperation of the force field, the earth's crust will be artificially shaped. For example, a special energy-conducting port is set up, which is to dissolve the earth's nuclear energy and stabilize the earth's crust. It is also a geothermal factory.

Once this system is established, it conducts stellar energy and continuously heats the earth's core. The excess energy is converted into usable energy through various energy-conducting ports in the form of thermal energy, which will become the base for the entire civilization.

With such a majestic and cheap energy available, the transformation of the surface will advance rapidly.

Moreover, this system is also committed to transforming the structure of the earth's core so that the data including the planet's magnetic poles are gradually standardized.

Then including atmospheric adjustment, rotation rate, orbit of revolution, these are adjustable, even the composition of the core, mantle, and even the structure is also adjustable.

Once all are adjusted, then this planet will be the kind of gentle, gentle and pleasant green planet every year.

This is a kind of planet transformation plan, with little investment, quick results, and sustainable development. It is a better way every day. Kane feels good. This time it will be used here.

So the representatives of the various ministries of the empire, as well as a group of exiled titanium people, and the descendants of the pioneering people who had suffered so hard, witnessed what is called wind and rain, and changing the world in hours.

When the planet receives the energy projected by the sun, the scene is very spectacular. A column of light and heat energy more than ten kilometers in diameter connects the sun and the earth in the sky, as if turning the sun into a spout of energy. That pound The torrent of tremendous energy makes people watching from a hundred kilometers away sway, and it is very shocking.

And Kane is a part of guiding this magnificent force, shaping the earth, mountains and rivers, all appearing in his hands, or changing the appearance.

The huge rainfall, washing the dust and haze in the sky, contributed to the chemical reaction chain in nature, and the microorganisms took the opportunity to spread out, and then it was the birth of vegetation...

This is a god-like operation, turning the barren stone mountain into a lush vegetation.

In fact, Kane is only transforming one place. It is the equipment that really transforms the planet.

Under the sufficient supply of energy, the vegetation for the current environment is spawned in large quantities. They are nourished by sulfur, methane, etc. At the same time, they have a strong ability to fix nitrogen and absorb carbon dioxide.

These plants, multiplying for several generations, will die with changes in the environment, but their corpses bring the transformed harmful substances into the ground, and on top of their corpses, new characteristics of vegetation will be planted artificially.

After just a few crops, the atmospheric composition ratio, etc., are almost adjusted.

"This is a systematic project, and the continuous renovation will take almost 100 years. Then it becomes a livable garden world, a land of fish and rice."

Kane explained to people simply that he didn't mention minerals, industry or the like. In the new era, minerals and heavy industries are all put directly into space. Green Planet is only used for solar energy-related industries. The reason why it is not a landless industrial agriculture is because of naturally cultivated vegetables and rice, as well as livestock and aquatic products. From nutritional value to taste, it should be better.

Of course, soilless industrial agriculture can do it, but the cost is relatively high.

Around half a month later, the planet named Xinxiang changed a lot, and even added a moon. It was artificially driven by a dwarf planet, in order to make the ocean of Xinxiang star have tidal changes, and other Some beneficial effects.

At the same time, this new moon has also become a casting base that takes into account the large star port. Compared with those orbital creations, it is still more atmospheric to change a star into a base, and it has many benefits.

In another half a month, the date of the Titans was completely restored in the newly built Star Harbor.

In the words of Dayi Meiyang: "Everything is like a dream, it is hard to believe that a month ago, it was still full of desolation."

Xinxiang and Terra are like beautiful blue planets, and the name of Xinxiang comes from it.

From the artificial moon, Xinxiang is a beautiful big bead.

To the perception of people in Xinxiang, this moon is larger and brighter than the one on the earth, because the dwarf planet used by the artificial moon has a thick layer of ice on the surface, which refracts light better.

"There is still a lot of follow-up work to be done, but our purpose is not to farm this time. The intelligence collection and statistics are almost the same. It is time to leave."

No need to worry about the safety of Xinxiang. The foundry base has been established, and the automated production system will allow tens of thousands of warships to sail from here in the future.

Billions of turrets, billions of glory, and heap firepower output are all there. The essence of the Warhammer 40K is an alternative space opera. The cannon bombards, the romance of men. For every tens of thousands of warships, I am sorry to talk about opera?

Meiyang and her expedition ship, Dayi, also left at the same time.

Meiyang's perception of Kane is very complicated, with admiration, awe, and hatred.

She described this in the latest newsletter sent to her hometown: ... I and most of the crew have survived. A high-quality comprehensive recuperation has made our state better than before and can continue to serve our great vision. However, my mood is dim, because I met the saints of the human race, it is like a true **** walking in the world...

Meiyang's description precisely caught the truth. Kane just opened the gods and ran wild in the world, which is usually an obstacle. Naturally, all the way is A.

Unfortunately, there was no more pirates to ravage for the rest of the trip, making it boring.

No transition is perfect. Like Kane's main use today, it is quite compelling not to enter the subspace, but sometimes, in certain areas, it is necessary to honestly sail and cannot jump.

The inertial technology of space undead also does not need to use subspace, but it cannot use this method on super creations. Otherwise, the original historical line does not need to use the network to transport the dead star weapon called the World Engine.

As for the ancient holy network, it seems to have been used well, but in fact, whether it is the spiritual race or the human emperor, it has been pitted. Subspace creatures can cut through the network channel, and then it is like entering the subway system. Rat-like raging.

Therefore, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Kane would rather use the 1/3 speed of light to "slow", and would not use the subspace navigation method.

Although it does not rely on any equipment, his existence can do it.

Subspace is very mysterious to many people, but it is not so in his eyes.

From a certain perspective, subspace can be understood as the dimension of the Marvel universe. For example, the **** dimension controlled by Mephisto, and the crimson universe dominated by Setorak, and the dark dimension controlled by Dommam.

Even, the divine kingdom dimension created by Osiris, the ancient Egyptian **** of awakening in the dark HP world, the desolate homeland of the Nordic gods, and the dimension of the Yuktra Hill of the world tree all have many similarities with the Warhammer 40K subspace. , Especially from the perspective of time and space, can be said to be the same concept.

If you understand it this way, it will lead to a concept,

The so-called transition does not necessarily have to achieve its goal through "high dimensionality".

The term "high-dimensional" is not a strict and precise statement. It is broad, even metaphysical.

What is high-dimensional? The one with at least one dimension more than the three-dimensional universe that humans are familiar with?

But if it really enters such an existence, what is more likely to happen is actually a god-like way like a {star crossing} sci-fi gimmick, not an ordinary starship jump.

The starship's transition is actually to use the particularity of the non-physical universe to avoid the constraints of the laws of time and space in the physical universe.

It can even be said that when entering the state of transition, it does not necessarily shorten the time and distance of sailing, but the people who initiate the transition are judged by the time and space of the physical universe. When he completes the transition, he finds The first second is at point A, and the second is at point B. I feel that I have saved a lot of time and span a far distance...

The expression of entering a concept of space-time is very different from the physical universe, but it is still measured by the cognition of the concept of the physical universe. Is this at least a serious negligence?

The human empire has similar problems in the use of subspace navigation.

Subspace navigation is not so much an invention as a discovery.

It can even be said that subspace navigation is the largest metaphysical application of humans in the world to date, not a technological application.

Then pull another concept, the ancient sage.

Ancient holy one-handed technology, one-handed magic, forcing the high-quality Sar Naga like SC universe, why do you have to work hard to create a network, UU reading www. instead of swimming directly in subspace?

Let me talk about another concept. During the Great Rebellion of Horus, the emperor was busy constructing in the royal palace, trying to construct it as a terminal of the network channel. As a result, the relevant network channel was penetrated by subspace creatures, and the emperor was not allowed Not blocked, and only he has the ability to guard, so he cannot go to the front line, use his ability and charm in a timely manner, contain the rebellion, so that Horus has been killed from the border to the capital...

These information all explain the danger of subspace in detail, and the close relationship between the network channel admired by countless intelligent life and subspace.

If the Asian space is the sea, the network channel is the oil pipe laid on the seabed.

This statement is not accurate, because even if you don’t consider extraordinary, the concept of space is not a conventional way of expression in the subspace area. The reason why many people’s consciousness goes crazy is because the common sense of the physical universe is not applicable there.

Even such an ancient saint is cautious. Where the pipeline is rather repaired, humans just go boating. This is not courage, but just ignorance.

Kane, though a foreigner, has a unique understanding of the universe because of its vast and deep horizon. Not only does it feel subtle and unpredictable, but it maintains sufficient awe and vigilance.

He knew that as long as he did not enter the subspace, he would not cause some trouble. On the contrary, it is not easy to say.

Therefore, he will not enter the subspace until his creator’s project advances to a level that will satisfy him, no matter the reason.

afraid? Yes, Kane believes that even the creator should have fear, and fear is not too arrogant. Without such arrogance, it is not easy to die, and without death it will not die.


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