Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1301: God level life horror

Spirituality comes from the true spirit, and the true spirit is a mystery that even the Creator does not understand.

Where does it come from? How is it formed?


Just like darkness bred light, the essence born when nothing is brewing matter?

These questions have been in Kane's mind for some time.

From the perspective of desire, he hopes to get some answers in Gradieus.

Because the Warhammer 40K universe is special, and Gradieus is the more special place in the Warhammer 40K universe.

The special feature of the Warhammer 40K universe is the relationship between the subspace and the physical universe.

If the universe is a Windows-like operating system, then most of the creatures in the universe live in the foreground, even on the desktop. Most of the laws of the universe are running back to Taiwan. This includes many of the most common phenomena of mass-energy conversion.

In Warhammer 40K, the phenomenon of mass-energy conversion is more exposed, just like the main body is completed, but the details, especially the man-machine interface has not yet been developed, so that ordinary people can theoretically understand and participate in this operation. .

Kane felt that perhaps the Warhammer 40K universe is a microcosm, not only a microcosm of the interaction between the physical universe representing mass and the subspace representing energy, but also the microcosm of the relationship between nothingness and reality.

In the Warhammer 40K universe, the one who has the deepest understanding of the mysteries of the universe is probably the Old Sage. Star Gods and Cthulhu Gods, although they were born earlier and have existed long enough, Nurgle is still a super scholar who has worked tirelessly on the poisonous plague with his hobbies, but in Kane’s eyes, they all have this The fatal drawbacks of this are not a fellow man who analyzes everything and seeks true detachment.

The native gods are even like this, and they bring out a little bit of fear and strangeness from the mother's womb, which is naturally even less attractive.

The horror is very fancy Kane’s creation, the Order Wizard.

In fact, the soul of the Order Wizard is not nutritious. Because there is no spirituality.

The simulacrum was specially developed by Kane, a combination of technology and transcendence, a kind of quantum life, or spiritual body.

Kane has been used to making puppets in one piece for a long time in the past.

For example, his series of war insects are bred by cultivating tanks or eggs. Their spirit and flesh are in perfect harmony from the moment of birth, so-called original products.

But now, Kane prefers to use assembled goods.

This is because with the improvement of micro-technology, he has the ability to create more delicately from both the spiritual and physical perspectives.

He said long ago that the body is just the first tool of the soul.

But at that time, he can only carry out various strengthening and cultivation according to this concept.

Now, he has broken away from the category of being alone and can radiate the surroundings.

The Order Wizard was born under this background.

The body is a container, the spiritual body is made by transcendents, and knowledge and simulated personality are obtained through instillation of information. Finally, the spirit body enters the body in the way of seizing the house, and after deployment, it becomes the order wizard.

In the eyes of the horror, the souls of the order wizards were extremely bright. They didn't know that it was actually a ‘plastic fruit’. It looked good, and it was definitely not fragrant and nutritious.

They are like a group of gluttons discovering private food, just looking at them, they can talk about it.

And they are also instinctively interested in the bodies of the order wizards, because they contain mysterious elements.

Immediately, a subspace-style hunting war began.

Some horrors ran on the ground, and some flew in the sky, howling to start a group fully. If there is a intensive phobia, then the horror overwhelmed like a dark cloud can definitely cause the symptoms to occur.

The order wizards who used the armistice for emergency rest, did not assemble to fight, but activated the rapid-fire array of the energy fortress.

This can be regarded as a typical use of high-skilled techniques to bully people.

The owner of the First Order is a powerful energy manufacturing equipment that ordinary people can hardly estimate and imagine. Therefore, the application of Lida brick fly can be seen everywhere.

Like this energy fortress, it uses flying intelligent magical instruments to construct nodes to form a pyramid-shaped energy barrier.

The array of rapid-fire cannons, its launching device, looks like an array on the energy barrier, on the outer circle and on the inner side, like an enlarged copper coin.

These magic circles are composed of luminous energy lines, and the square hole in the center is the muzzle.

And it is not flat, but has a recessed tubular depth according to the thickness of the energy barrier, and the shooting angle can be changed by adjusting the tubular depth.

With this design, the energy barrier is like a super firepower station with a barrel like a hedgehog, which can attack in all directions.

The combat power of the First Order rested in it, and only a few ghosts wandered outside.

Frightening monsters do not have the consciousness of normal military operations. In other words, even though they are making troubles, they are acting on their own. They don't listen to orcs' orders at all, even regardless of the situation in front of them.

After they perceive the existence of plastic apples through special subspace perception, they begin to gather at their own pace, and then launch an offensive.

They look like a group of social creatures that are always used to moving together in large groups, but in Kane's eyes, they are basically a god, splitting themselves into tens of thousands of parts, and putting them together is a whole.

And this is only the result seen from the perspective of their existence attributes. From the perspective of consciousness, it is already a group of independent individuals.

It is equivalent to each individual splitting into two at intervals, and then their respective experiences and cognitions never share affiliation. Although from the perspective of attributes, they are complete when combined, but they are really combined, even if the consciousness does not collapse. It is by no means the original.

Horror is relying on this division to solve the side effects of devouring the soul. At the same time, it reduces hunger and thirst and reduces self-consumption.

Of course, this is actually a kind of self-deception. The act of splitting itself is a huge consumption. Whether it falls on the separated or the separated, it is a huge deficit. Moreover, after being split into two, some of the original single-share expenditures have completely become double-shares, as if living in separate families, originally sharing a 100L refrigerator, now uses two 75L refrigerators, the total amount is higher.

Therefore, one only needs to look at the number of a frightening group to know how crazily and thirsty they are, and the group in front of them, according to Miranda's statistics, exceeds 30,000.

Kane couldn't figure out how the orcs got these terrifying monsters aboard and got along in peace.

And the truth is not hard to guess, sacrifice. With a large amount of blood food, temporarily calmed the eternally hungry panic.

Engage in Gasolet as a secret weapon. Although the timing of his debut was a bit untimely, Gaso still had no confidence in him.

Moreover, the timing of the horror is wrong, and Gaso must be held responsible.

It had originally thought quite well, the two sides suspended the exchange of fire and rested, and then dreaded the surprise attack, and after the orcs rested, they then concealed a wave.

It is a pity that it still suffers from insufficient estimation of the opponent's strength. If you change to a human commander, you will probably think through the last confrontation between the two sides. Since the ship technology of the first order is so high and powerful, other aspects must not be much worse. The ceasefire and rest, the logistics items must be properly arranged. Will not let the opponent take advantage of the loop easily.

But the orcs, even if their wisdom supports such deep and open thinking, they basically don't have this habit of thinking.

In addition, Horror is not the kind of troops that can be deployed quickly under orders. Instead, they need to seduce them into the battlefield through a fishing method. This is not only a lot of trouble, but also does not guarantee the fish. How long will it take to get the bait, and cannot break free from the hook during fishing.

As a result, the time for the Frighten to enter the arena was delayed, and the energy barrier of the first order was quickly constructed. At this time, even if you want to arrange the Frighten to find another fighter, it is impossible to do it. Started the charge.

Due to the huge number of incidents, the forces of the First Order were divided into combat shortly after entering. The one that the Horrors attacked was the one with the largest number and the most aggressive route. It was obviously the one that wanted to kill straight from the stern to the bow. There were more than 180 order wizards, ghosts and star ships. There are more paratroopers. There are also engineering units several times the combat units.

Of course, even so, the total number is only three thousand five hundred, and the horror is thirty thousand+.

The First Order has proved in previous battles that a large number does not mean a large win. The same is true this time. The fast-firing cannons from the Array have intensive and precise firepower, and their power is also great. Especially after entering within a range of 200 meters, various war machines driven by starship paratroopers are also added to the battle sequence, with firepower and accuracy. Both reached a peak, so the death zone appeared.

The horrors in the air were torn to pieces and fell like rain, while the ground was covered with corpses, forming a pile of corpses.

However, the overall advancing effect of Horror did not end because the individual was unable to cross the death zone.

This is because, in addition to being able to split, they can also merge to stop loss after injury. And this fusion is not a deliberate operation of individual consciousness, but a life instinct.

Therefore, in the corpse wall formed by the death zone, there are constantly appearing deformed combination monsters that are difficult to describe in words. They are not the kind of creepy monsters that are like ooze monsters, but beasts that start out after being born. Generally, pigs are advancing by leaps and bounds with extraordinary momentum.

Moreover, after fusion, their divine radiation ability has also greatly increased, and they already possess the characteristics of a kind of gods or Ozarki creatures.

The Ozarchi creatures, like the old rulers, are all beings born from the void.

Just as the ordinary universe gave birth to primitive gods, it contained the void of countless universes, and also super life was born. When they were born, they were life on the stage of the multiverse, and the reason why the old dominators and Ozarki were changed Many intelligent lives are remembered because both are predators.

Herbivores fear carnivores. In many worlds, this is the instinct of life. Even if you have never seen it before, you will still know that this is your natural enemy when you first see it. This principle applies to the feelings of life towards the old rulers and Ozark.

In the Magic Universe, the dominance of the Ozarchi creatures is demonstrated through a special skill, ‘Annihilation’. They not only target life forms, but also target the environment and energy that life forms rely on, such as mountains and rivers.

The horrors in front of me, after fusion, have similar characteristics. They forcibly ingest energy from the surroundings in an unreasonable way. This forcible ingestion includes breaking the basic rules of the universe and disintegrating the molecular bonds of matter. Atoms undergo nuclear fusion or nuclear fission.

Intuitively speaking, it is the conversion of mass and energy out of thin air, the air is taken away, a large hole is dug in the ground, and then it is converted into energy to be absorbed.

Moreover, they can also tear through subspace holes that are not easily detectable. The holes are more subtle than the pores. They can even be said to be the basic way for the physical universe to interact with the subspace. Even this can be used, which means that the fear has The ability to blur the two worlds anytime and anywhere to create a chaotic area. It’s just that it’s cheaper to do this in Gradieus.

In short, the horror after the fusion is basically the ultimate horror existence that ordinary people can imagine in the nightmare, and one step further, it will enter the ranks of indescribable.

This kind of force is already equivalent to the existence of the secondary avatar of the old dominator, and can use some of the abilities that the Cthulhu would admire.

For example, they can classify and apply subspace energy, just like the magic eight winds of the medieval warhammer. This is equivalent to the Crude Oil Refining and Classification Technology of Warhammer 40K Extraordinary Edition.

Horror is because of the instinct of a natural god, and possess this ability.

Being able to be regarded by Kane as being at the same level as the Star God, naturally has something to do with others. Even if he is not yet complete, he also shows extraordinary characteristics different from usual.

Through visual sharing, Kane saw the scene of the Fusion Horror raging, frowned, and ordered: "Evacuate for now!"

It is possible to fight naturally.

But the First Order was not ready to tear itself apart from the gods. Among them is how to ensure that combat intelligence is not leaked.

Kane's secrecy is not so high now for battles of a general nature, and even deliberately shows off his muscles.

But the god-level fighting method, although he has a way to completely abuse the gods of this level, but this is a red line, once it is crossed, it is difficult to not be concerned by the evil god.

This is like in the DND universe, where the legend is the red line, and there are mortals underneath. Even the legend is just a stronger ant, but if it’s just the legend++, it may appear that the Kasas Conferred Art was developed. The great arcanist of, with the ability to threaten the gods, this can't be called an ant.

The boundary is here for the difference between gods and mortals. God can laugh at technology, magic, and ingenious workmanship, novelty and sharpness. But if the means of Conferred God level appeared, the nature would be different.

Therefore, it can be used, and Kane hopes to keep it confidential. After all, since I came to the Warhammer 40K universe to the present, because I did not provoke the evil spirits early, and the condescending abuse of food is quite cool. He naturally didn't want to be attacked by the evil **** without being prepared. Although he probably couldn't get rid of him, but he discovered his true strength, then there was endless war.

Once in such a pattern, even if he wins in the end, he will feel very upset. After all, it is tantamount to being pressed and If one person fails, they will unite multiple players. In the end, most of the losses are due to all the cards, and there is really no card to play. He can finally counterattack, but the opponent is The hair was all blood and there was nothing left for him.

What's more, this retreat is just to avoid the edge of the terrifying beast, without affecting the overall situation. The advance momentum of the **** has been successfully blocked, and the progress of other scattered branch battle groups is also very good. A large number of active combat forces on the **** have been killed, and the engineering team has followed up effectively and captured a place. , Just occupy a place.

So at present, it is nothing more than a thorough understanding of this dispute with the orcs, and more weeks, such a small twist, he is not too much to tolerate it.

The First Order naturally did not compromise on Kane's orders at all, and Kane did not need to elaborate on why he could still fight but withdraw.

In the force field environment created by the energy barrier, the transmission device is not interfered by the subspace energy on the messenger, and can operate more stably.

So the first order personnel evacuated in an orderly manner. The last to leave was a powerful order wizard.

There are similarities between the order wizards and the Astarte brothers. The centurion, or company commander, is extremely powerful and is an officer.

This centurion collects the key magical tools that support the energy barrier, and then leaves through the portal before the barrier collapses. What is left is a complete destruction, like a gas bomb, inside and outside the entire energy barrier, due to the force field energy The time and space produced an atomic-level reaction, which turned into a plasma fireball, and ended in less than one second. There was nothing left except the scorched pit.

The horrors have consumed a lot, but have not got what they want. Where do they get it back? They took aim at the orcs who were still resting...


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