Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1302: Fear of being on the road

"A bunch of idiots!" In the darkness, the demon Moma whispered.

Through the eye of the magical demon, it watched the whole process of the orcs guiding the terrifying monster to attack the energy barrier of the first order.

It is not so much dissatisfied with the performance of the orcs and the horrors, but rather the incompetent rage caused by the incompetence of the powerful, technologically advanced, and logistical battle groups of the first order combat unit.

Moma is a subordinate of the famous Sacrabrand.

The exiled Sakabrand, one of the great demons under the evil **** Terrorism, is quite legendary.

The most legendary behavior is that, under the sway of Yin Qi, he smashed an axe.

Although this axe only made a small rift in the armor of fear of abuse, it was still enough for a lifetime.

This is where the title of ‘Exiled’ by Zakabrand came from.

After hacking this axe, it was caught by Terrorist, then dragged to the top of the Brass Castle (Terrorist Lair), and then threw it out. This is the beginning of exile.

It is said that Zakabrand passed through the entire subspace during the fall. It took eight full days and nights before falling into a canyon and breaking his wings.

Kane never believed this legend that sounded a lot like the process of Lucifer, the morning star in the original world, was driven into hell.

He thinks this is nothing more than a propaganda story deliberately concocted to increase the legend. For this reason, even the basic common sense is ignored.

I also passed through the entire subspace and fell for eight days. When the subspace is a nine-tier sky, is the brass castle the heaven above it?

But Casabrand is indeed no ordinary person, Kane admits that.

As one of the great demons under the horror of abuse, Casabrand represents the concept of fury.

Madness is a kind of emotion, and so is anger. The combination of the two is very strange, almost blind, and basically does not involve loyalty or logic.

This is also the main reason why Casabrand even cut his boss, or father.

Horror knew this, so he spared Casabrand's life.

What's interesting is that after being exiled, Casabrand was able to serve terrorism better than before. In the name of the blood god, it created a sea of ​​blood again and again.

Momma is the son of Casabrand, and represents the little sanity left by Casabrand.

Therefore, it is not the same as its other brothers. It is more inclined to achieve its goals through planning.

The orcs engaged in Gaso's series became what they are now through its planning and operations. Horror is also the one that guides the orcs to find, and secretly takes action to help attract trouble.

And these, Orson the Cruel did not know.

Moma was engaged in Gasoline's sacrifice of Mao Disheng and Demi Blowing, and when he strengthened the trouble call, he was attracted by the powerful soul fluctuations of the sacrifice and sneaked aboard.

Initially, it was only intended to present the orcs of Gasoline as a gift to Casabrand.

After all, orcs are war creatures. If it is not easy to surrender, they will definitely replace humans and become the first choice for the horror demon to recruit cannon fodder.

Momma has always felt that this project is very promising, but it is very difficult to make it. This time when it found out that it was engaged in a series of orcs in the subspace, it felt that it was a godsend.

So with ‘revenge’ as the starting point, the orcs were led step by step into the urn.

Although problems of this kind and that kind appeared in the process, they were solved one by one after all. The project continues to advance, and the blackening and degeneration of the orcs is obvious to all, finally reaching the point where it is the last big step.

Since it is revenge, it must be to let the orcs, who do not consider the cost for the idea, out of this heart, and then take advantage of the confusion after completing the revenge, complete the final spiritual erosion, and make it completely return to chaos.

To this end, Momma deliberately took out his own ‘treasure’ to guide the Gaso Orcs to find a terrifying monster in the ruins of a certain subspace. It is because it not only felt the strong hatred of the Gaso Orcs towards the enemy, but also felt fear and helplessness.

Momma realized that the goal of the Gaso Orcs who wanted to retaliate was very powerful. It was the kind of existence that almost completely convinced a group of orcs at their peak state so that they could not even give birth to the courage to revenge.

So it invested in this rare card of Fear, in order to insure the project.

However, when the Gaso Orcs actually clashed with their target of revenge, Moma reversed it, and all of it did nothing to mention.

If there is hair, Momma is afraid that her hair has been polished up at this moment. Use this to stimulate your mind that is too hot to think, and calm down again.

"What kind of enemy is this! How can the physical universe have such a powerful battle group? It happened to be provoked by these orcs. This seems to be a worthy investment project, it is simply a black pit!"

If it can come again, Momma swears that it will stay far away, and will not touch the smelly **** of the Gaso Orc, so as not to get bad luck.

But now, it's hard to beat.

Not only wasted a lot of'money', the bulls were blowing up, saying that it was to give a special gift to his father Zakabrand on a special day. It seems that the day is coming, but the project is going to Fuzzy, how can it still have time and financial resources to find alternatives?

Just when Momma was at a loss, the horrified monsters, the orcs who had been killed, screamed.

Horror belongs to that kind, the more hungry, the more effective the species is.

The godlike immortality is a gift and a curse.

They certainly won't die, and they can be reborn like a phoenix nirvana after being crushed into a society, but because of this they have endless hunger that ordinary people can't imagine.

If the hunger and thirst is a negative level, and the hunger and thirst feeling of the person who is about to starve to death is -3, then the hunger and thirst level that the panic can experience is at least -100.

Going further down, it's not that you can't experience it, but that you have completely demented and swallowed everything around.

In fact, when it is almost above -70, the horror beast will eat together with the class to suppress hunger and thirst.

On the contrary, when the degree of fullness is relatively high, it will be divided because it cannot bear the price of devouring a large amount of soul.

Therefore, they are always hungry. For them, the most comfortable thing is that there is still a small distance from the split, and they are not very hungry, so they can be picky eaters relatively calmly.

Theoretically speaking, frightening monsters also have a real comfort state, that is, starting with refined food, using a mechanism similar to god-like beliefs to transform divine power, creating soul power with low side effects, and feeding frightening monsters.

For the horror, this is a similar process from wolf to dog.

Dogs are omnivorous. Although they are not their favorites, such as steamed buns and rice, they can live a full life.

The same is true for fear and monsters. They can be adjusted slowly. When the problem of hunger and thirst is basically solved, rationality will return a little bit, and there will be a chance to crawl out of the pit of gods and return to the sequence of the original gods.

It is a pity that this is the Warhammer 40K universe, not the DND universe where the **** system is prosperous.

The gods in the DND universe are generally created by gods, and in this universe, like gods, gods are nurtured by nature.

It’s good to keep the deity of the gods. For example, the star gods, most of whom know their existence, are willing to admit their **** status, even though they are cruel, moody and other characteristics to ordinary creatures.

The bad thing is to be scared. In the early days, I didn’t encounter a race like the fear of death (the predecessor of the space necromancer), who was self-adhered to being a servant of the gods. No one was raised, used to it, and did not understand the principle of relaxation. It became what it is now.

In Kane's words after reading Miranda's relevant analysis, he said with emotion: "Mortals are long-lived when they say it, but what is the price? Insufficient equipment, but living all the time, may be the fear now."

Kane seemed to be talking about horror, but he was also talking about his own ending.

When his life comes to an end, he has no regrets and his humanity is gone, or completely annihilated. After the morality dominates the will, he may be as ruthless as the heaven and only reason, or it may be completely desolate like a fright. .

This is like a true madman who doesn’t know that he is a madman, but before every madman, probably no one would be happy to see how he will end up one day.

Speaking of it, this is also a question that only those who have crossed the cycle of life and death are qualified to worry. At the same time, it is also the price of crossing the cycle of life and death, or a curse.

Kane didn't think deeply about this kind of philosophical issues, so as not to entangle himself again.

He tried to find out for a while, thinking a lot and deeply.

But later, that is, when he understood that his divine life might be infinite, but his life had a limit, he gradually stopped taking that arduous effort to think about divine nature based on human nature.

They always talk about what they do, and when they live their lives, they consider personnel matters. Don’t think about those that are too far away, some and nothing, and the things in front of you have not been perfect. Talking about those illusory utopias is a false and empty vanity. .

How simple the truth is, but it takes tens of thousands of years to go around before it is truly understood. Kane didn't think he was stupid. But all types of people have their own slowness. People like him who used to struggle to climb every second, have a slow understanding of this kind of problem, because this kind of problem has been used by people like him wishfully. A very beautiful concept is packed up, ideals, even dreams!

I have a dream!

And now, he even wants to spit out the concept of swearing: Mom messes with Fake's chicken soup, which is very harmful.

Judging from the achievements he has made, he seems to be suspicion of picking up the bowl to eat and putting down the bowl to scold his mother.

After all, without the support of his dreams, he couldn't make this step.

But people are always less sensitive to the things they already own, such as breathing, or the basic non-stop power and the always available internet...

The same is true for Kane. Whenever he thinks of this aspect, the memory that first rushes into his thinking is basically those negative memories that have a particularly profound impact, all kinds of pain, and the dilemma of making people not people, ghosts or ghosts. , And the corresponding gains are greatly diminished.

Kane's enemies will not downplay these, on the contrary, they are very envious.

Just like Orson the Cruel, after witnessing the latest half-time plot between the First Order and the Horror, there is nothing left to say except swear words.

So cool, why not me?

There is such an existence like Orson, why I have seen the big winds and waves, and the Cthulhu Garden is just like that, but now I can't help being jealous.

The reason is that what Kane possesses, or more accurately, is what the First Order is currently unfolding, which is exactly what Orson dreams of.

After all, Orson was also an individual, who grew up in a humanistic environment similar to the original world, and witnessed the advancement of productivity by technology and the various benefits it brought to people, including his own 19 transformation operations on the Star Warrior. All attributed to the height of technology. From the bottom of his heart, he still recognizes this technical system.

Technology is an ideal, and extraordinary technology is a dream. Sit on ideals and dreams, so be a man!

After living for nearly 10,000 years, Orson finally found the realistic version of his dream in his heart today, but it turned out to be an enemy, and a powerful enemy that he couldn't handle, and probably would pass by his related knowledge. Don't mention the sourness in my heart.

This is even more sad than seeing the goddess in my dream in reality, but only using this discovery to pimp a certain handsome rich man. After all, confidantes are easy to grow old, but dreams are a lifetime matter.

The sourness turned sour, the thoughts in Orson's heart became more and more determined at this time.

Frighten this special creature, he has dealt with it. At that time, he was still the glorious Brother Astarte. During a certain mission, he accidentally broke into the underground palace of a certain extinct race. It was a sealed place. Unfortunately, they only wanted to understand after experiencing the incident. This trip was not bad luck, not only found a lot of rare metals, but also found relatively complete civilization creations. These can be sold at a good price from the Mechanical God Cult to buy some handy equipment for the battle group.

As a result, in the depths of the underground palace, they encountered a horror, like a small earth mountain, covering an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, with a ceiling of more than ten meters.

The big monsters, Brother Astarte, have seen more, and even when the Reserve Brother Astarte was screening, there was a pass similar to hunting a mammoth alone.

Compared with the mammoth, this one is just uglier and more distorted.

They soon understood that what they thought was ‘only’, how badly they were wrong!

It was also that incident which created a huge psychological shadow on Orson, making him aware of the limitations of technology. No matter how leathery technology is, it is not worth mentioning in the face of unreasonable transcendence. All the theorems and formulas are overturned, making you doubt life, this is extraordinary.

It was this recognition that made Orson start thinking about what kind of work he and even Brother Astarte were doing.

The more you think, the more you question, the more you feel worthless for your life and death, and in the end it is betrayal.

Therefore, when the horror appeared on the battlefield, Orson felt sour for a period of time. It was the sourness of love and hate, joy and fear.

"Feel the fear I have tasted!" A voice in his heart yelled loudly, gleefully.

"What the **** is this? How could there be such a thing? This is an event that is out of control! How can I do business when it collapses like this?" There was also a voice that made such an angry accusation.

And all of this, with the calm retreat of the First Order, the group charging hair did not catch, and the frightened monster with a swollen face could only use the orc to vent its anger, and it became not worth mentioning.

What is forced grid. That's it.

The previous first order battle group was so powerful that it was not three-dimensional enough.

But now it's three-dimensional.

The nightmare in your heart is almost invincible. To others, it is just a mob that can be handled calmly. With this comparison, the sense of gap is immediately clear. This is three-dimensional.

The first order battle group is really great at first sight, and the more you get in touch, the more powerful it becomes. It is simply the perfect battle group in your heart.

Orson was not convinced at all now.

"It must be sold, and it can be realized as soon as possible, but the other party dares to lower the price, even if it is God's Laozi, he will slap his face!"


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