Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1303: Demon immortal impersonal

Momma knew the existence of Orson, and its support and use of Gaso Orcs.

Moreover, it was through the Orson series that Momma learned of this information in time.

And the one who leaked this news was Orson's trusted confidant, Brother Karas.

As for why Callas would communicate with foreign enemies, the main reason was not profit, but the fact that Orson was uncomfortable.

This kind of incompatibility, quite a bit of hope that his father will become a dragon, Karas feels that being loyal to power and specializing in power is the kingly way, but Orson is lost in this aspect, and he is more and more keen on power and conspiracy. , I forgot why I started.

Karas mentioned to Orson more than once: "We are born as interstellar warriors. The idea of ​​solving problems with our fists has gone deep into our bones, and we are also good at doing this. We should continue to deepen on this path."

As for Orson, he always laughed at this, or just said something unconcerned.

Karas felt that this was a disease and he could be cured.

And the best way to treat is to make one's own boss affirmative, rather than like now, it seems that the four gods worship each other, but in fact they don't kiss any of them.

As for which Cthulhu to choose as his backer, Karas had no suspense in this regard. Of course, he feared abuse, advocated blood and violence, and was also the most powerful of the four gods.

It was with this kind of thought that by chance, Karas strengthened Moma.

Sakabrand's famous reputation spread throughout the subspace. He became irritable and even cut his boss. Karas admired this person a little, and those who carried him loved the house.

But in Momma's view, Karas is just a small character, and getting acquainted is also thinking about when to use it in case.

In the end, I really used it. I introduced a good deal, and the biggest expense was just a short promise, which made Momma feel better for a long time.

Of course, looking at it now, this sale is a bit tricky.

And the most pitted point, in Momma's view, is not that the orcs' revenge is too difficult to deal with, but that the demons are mostly lonely.

Therefore, in this project, Moma felt that she could not hold it, but she couldn't find a reassuring helper. In its view, this is the worst.

After thinking about it, Momma felt that it was most appropriate to let her boss intervene.

Momma didn't grind as much as Orson, so she thought about it, and acted immediately.

It sees its own boss, not like Orson, not only has to perform a sacrifice ceremony, but also depends on Yin Qi's mood.

And as the one with only muscles in the head of Casabrand’s vote, the rare one with a brain, Moma doesn’t say that it makes Casabrand look different. At least he has an impression of him and can call out a name. .

This is very good, after all, Casabrand's "Incarnation of Fury" has a very high gold content, which is not comparable to ordinary nicknames. This guy with red eyes all day and his head full of killings, the proportion of thinking used to think about other things is pitiful.

Therefore, Momma contacted Casabrand, concisely and at the same time, after contacting, straight to the point: "My lord, I am trying to conquer a peak of orcs who want to give to you, but in the last step, Encountered a group of powerful enemies."

In Casabrand’s eyes full of madness and anger, a rare look of interest was revealed, and his voice was thick and loud and asked: "A powerful enemy? You know what it means to say that in front of me. ?"

Momma said with a consistent humble and respectful attitude: "Of course, my lord. I admire you, especially the combat power, under the blood god, invincible. How dare you say nonsense in front of you?"

As the high-ranking demon under Casabrand, one of Moma's different points is the conversation style, which is incompatible with other demons.

As a gang, Casabrand's internal style is the kind of outspoken and outspoken, high-level demons even dare to choke on Casabrand.

In such an environment, Moma's respectfulness is very dazzling, and it is ridiculed as a sissy.

This is a great humiliation in the Casabrand series. After all, this is a machete regiment that prides itself on being straightforward and daring to fight and fearless.

Even Casabrand said sarcastically to Momoa several times: "You can't win my extra favor with you like this."

The other demons' interpretation of Casabrand's statement is that their boss doesn't like the vain style, but likes the upright, because the upright is so brave.

Moma's interpretation is: to make up for the extra good feelings, but it is not easy to produce bad feelings.

In Momma's opinion, don't see the boss being inconsistent, just be careless, not big or small. What kind of temper is the boss? That's a question of the boss. If you are a little brother, you have to know that you should be respectful. This is a question of attitude and a duty of being a brother.

What's more, it's not surprising that many people are courteous.

This set of Moma is related to anthropology. It has paid special attention to the daily routines of human royal courts and officialdom for a period of time. It thinks it has learned a lot and has already benefited.

Like this time, Casabrand was very happy and expressed his interest in watching.

We must know that although this great demon likes to kill and takes pleasure in creating a sea of ​​blood, it is actually not easy to move, because ordinary warfare not only fails to satisfy its desire to kill, but also makes it feel like a waste of time and loss. not worth.

If Casabrand wanted to intervene, the first to move was a group of demons under his command.

Among the **** legions of Casabrand, the most indispensable is the vanguard, and some are the demons who like to show in front of Casabrand and win a little bit of insignificant favor.

Therefore, a handful of demons ran directly in front of Momma, asking for relevant information arrogantly.

Of course, Momma understood what these guys were thinking about, nothing more than trying to get off the court first, and when Casabrand arrived, he found that the target had been killed and turned his back.

As a result, these demons not only achieved the purpose of performance, but also successfully disgusted it. Not only did they make it embarrassing in front of the boss and a group of colleagues, they may also be punished by Casabrand.

After all, what Casabrand hates most is to falsify in terms of combat power.

In the past, Momma would probably think about this kind of thing.

After all, those who can really fight are relatively rare. It was hard to find some, but they were all consumed by a gang of violent lunatics. It was the boss’s turn, who had already weakened his hands and feet and was unable to reach his heyday level, which would make the boss very disappointed. .

This kind of thing did not happen once or twice.

No matter how heroic they are, they can't stand a gang of martial lunatics.

But this time...

Momaxin said: "This is what you asked for. You are disgraced, and you have even suffered a big defeat, and it becomes more and more true that what I said is true!"

So Momma acted like he did before, as if to dodge it, and finally seemed to be overwhelmed by this group of colleagues and reluctantly met their requirements.

At this time, all the demons of the Blood Legion still don’t know that if they fall into Kane’s hands, they have no chance to rebirth in the subspace again...

Regarding the demon's death in the physical universe and then rebirth in the subspace, the reasoning behind it is simple and simple, not simple nor simple.

To put it simply, demons are spiritual beings, and the particularity of subspaces makes demons' ability to create thinking projections similar to thinking bodies a near-innate ability.

However, most demons are ignorant and incompetent. In this regard, when it comes to technical details, they are far from being compared with Kane's creation of the mind body or even the creation of sub-avatars.

In terms of characteristics, Kane’s manufacturing requires a higher degree of control, and it can even be said that it has a clear hierarchy and a degree of choice.

Like the divided soul, the level is higher than the thinking body, the same soul frame, the divided soul is more tenacious, and it can withstand the test of various spiritual blows.

In addition, the gift of memory information is also controllable.

Kane can even use himself as a template to weave a personality that is different from him, as long as he thinks it is necessary.

The demons are not like this. Their spirit projections are more like a seesaw-like hourglass that controls the shallowness. Their individual thinking memory is the sand in the hourglass. There is very little real balance. There are more.

Therefore, when they enter the physical universe, they are not like Kane. What should the deity do? It stimulates the clone to "go out to work", but it is more like a soul out of its body, full of love, and the body is burned. Regardless.

When the demon is destroyed in the real universe, the hourglass will turn over in an emergency, returning the power of the demon soul as much as possible.

And even if the part that eventually returned was so rare that the devil had only an empty shell on the subspace side, it would take more time to recover.

However, this does not mean that the demons can sit back and relax. In fact, peers are their most threatening enemy.

This involves the complicated part of the demons.

What is really important for a spirit body like a demon?

In Kane's view, it is information, individual information.

This again involves the birth of demons.

Their birth is no different from the birth of the Four Evil Gods in essence.

However, if the four evil gods are the level of Yin and Yang and the five elements, then ordinary demons are the level of gossip and everything, and they are more refined.

What distinguishes them is naturally the detailed information.

The ‘furious’ trait derived from the fear of abuse like Casabrand is a more typical representative.

And like Moma, the ‘only a little bit of rationality remaining after anger’ is also very representative.

The law of the foundation determines whether the spirit body or the soul, sensibility + reason must not be zero on either side. This is the same principle as Dayan Fifty, one of escape, there is no unsolvable absolute in the universe, it can be infinitely close, but it will never come.

Since the core of the demon is the reflection of negative emotions in the subspace, the core that determines the strength of the demon lies in the proportion of the negative emotion that the demon occupies.

For example, the creatures of the entire universe produce 100 points of fear every day. Like the Four Evil Gods, they are in the second position of the second life. They are more compelling, occupying 70 points alone, and 30 points are similar to the scattered wealth in a gambling pool. There is no clear distribution channel, who can get another statement.

The Cthulhu accounted for 70 points, and it was truly owned by him. I am afraid that it would not even reach 30 points, because there are groups representing two lives and three under it.

Cthulhu may not be willing to send these 40 points, it is also very helpless, thinking that the channel for it to obtain fear is not built and completely controlled by it.

Cthulhu and channels are both concrete manifestations of the law, including the 40-odd points it assigns. The corresponding is the derivation of all things in the physical universe.

According to this theory, Casabrand belongs to the first echelon of the two-child three-group.

Therefore, it is a great demon. Its rage characteristics are distinct. When distributing negative emotional power, the part it represents is like a mass, high-gravity and large star, which absorbs more power.

Of course, all of this works in the background, let alone ordinary people, ordinary gods don't want to know the slightest.

But after Kane's analysis, the nature and operation of demons is like this.

They are self-consciousness generated on the basis of negative emotions. When this self, deliberately or unintentionally, fits with the negative emotions it represents, and a better gravitational attraction effect occurs, it will become stronger.

The instinctive operation method of the demons is to create negative emotions through evil deeds, and as the nearest one on the specific site, they will have the priority to collect.

Or, like the belief system, sing one's own name, such as someone who has fear because of fear of Moma, then Moma will have priority to obtain the whole.

But this is only theoretical, because it involves the concept of channels.

In the belief system of gods, building channels is a sub-item of which there is much to say. The chaos system of the demons is more chaotic and complicated than the orderly belief system, and it is not clear in a few words.

It is precisely because Kane knows this and understands that the death of demons is essentially annexation and assimilation.

And the lower the level of the devil, the higher the possibility of being merged and assimilated.

I think ‘one life is two, two is three, three is all things’ is a pyramid model, the downward, the more refined, the more scattered, the greater the number.

For example, rage is divided into incompetent rage, dementia rage, habitual rage and so on.

Incompetent furious, UU reading is divided into individual incompetence, group incompetence, etc. This is continuous refinement, the more downward, the higher the similarity and the lower the difference.

Here, nature is the core essence, not the character.

For demons, personality characteristics are not the point, because the way they are born makes them feel different from ordinary creatures. For most demons, individual personalities are nothing but shallow memories, which are easily erased. Their core strength, that is, the emotional energy attributes they represent, is the key.

This key is not only related to their existence, but also related to their strength. Generally speaking, relying on the gravitational attraction effect, the stronger tends to be stronger, and the weaker, the individual individual is of no importance, and the whole group is of great significance.

The method that Kane has mastered to make the demons unable to come and go is essentially nothing more than trying to limit the return. In this way, on the subspace side, the demons themselves will be extremely weak and easy to be annexed and swallowed by other demons.

After being swallowed, the demon's conscious personality disappeared. But the essence will not. In this essence, similar personalities are often born. Because from a certain perspective, the essence is the most mandatory inheritance.

As for the disappearance and existence of self-personality, most demons don't really care, because they are just essential puppets, and their personality is only a concrete manifestation of the essence.

But for a creator like Kane, hunting demons is still very meaningful, such as the unity of all things. To put it more bluntly, it is a reverse push to all things in the sky, the essence is merged, and the man-made monster.

Therefore, hunting demons will help promote the death plan he laid out in the Gothic zone. In theory, it is possible to get a new evil **** who can fight the four evil gods.


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