Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1307: The sea of ​​nothingness

In fact, Kane is also a little unconfident.

I thought: "This time, will there be unexpected twists and turns at a critical moment?"

After all, he has experienced too many similar situations.

It's as if there is a force specifically aimed at him, seeing him let go of his hands and feet to abuse people, there will be unexpected changes, either to make him anticlimactic, or simply banish him.

However, this time it did not!

At least in his feelings, the water from the well of Eternal Well of Trick was drawn very smoothly. From the beginning to the end, Trick did not even have a decent reaction, which made him even feel like encountering a local rookie on the battlefield. .

"Damn, really like the legend, playing chess with the stinky chess basket will lower my level. I am very worried, and I prepared several hands, but I didn't use any of them!"

It was too smooth, Kane was not used to it. It's like falling asleep to the noise of an old-fashioned refrigerator, but you can't fall asleep if you make a new noiseless one.

All in all, this time is a surprise. It made Kane feel that the series of failures he has encountered since Gradieus have all paid off.

It's like doing a side mission with high returns.

Seeing the jet-black glowing liquid-like energy group floating in front of him, Kane was a little bit happier from ear to ear.

Although it looks like a mass of more than a hundred cubic meters, that is, the volume of a small pond, it contains the majestic power that even the gods tremble, and extraordinary characteristics.

It is not a mysterious element, but a large number of mysterious elements can be extracted.

With this energy, Kane made a rare escape, and immediately gave Miranda an order: "Go, go back to the house, the Big Dipper area!"

This is equivalent to knowing that he has won tens of millions of welfare prizes, and he just throws aside the work at hand, and is therefore fired at the pace at no expense.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the Buzhoushan ship urgently ended maintenance, and then went to Kulna through the star gate, and then returned to the Big Dipper area.

To say that the Big Dipper area is also in the Far Eastern Star Region, it is not particularly far away from Gradieus.

But Kane still thinks it makes sense to go around such a big circle almost completely differently.

The main reason is that I am afraid that I will be pitted when I look at the victory.

In fact, he did not get overwhelmed by the sudden windfall, and he did avoid a crisis.

After Tricky's performance in the stunned circle with the level of evil spirits, he reacted very quickly. When the Bu Zhoushan was almost just Gradieus, a powerful subspace storm was set off in the star area.

When Chen Qi became angry, she was naturally willing to spend'money' to find face.

Since he is really not good at master-level duels in the air, then use the usual method to vigorously perform miracles. It seems that Low is a little bit, but it is also the same.

So, He smashed a vote of resources, and tried to trap Kane, the messenger, in Gradius, and then threw the army, even if it was a corpse, he would kill Kane to death, and then obtain information about him from his soul. Message from the gods behind the scenes.

This is how Yanqi reacted after Kane made a move.

However, even though the Gradius star area is riddled with holes, it is relatively easy to become another eye of fear, the maelstrom, and the chaos realm like the bottomless cave. It's really awesome, but it takes some time for a huge subspace storm from brewing to erupting.

Before the powerful subspace energy interfered with the Stargate Teleportation, Kane successfully slipped away on the Buzhou Mountain.

Back in the Big Dipper area, Kane immediately went to his true home in this universe, a neutron battle star.

This Warhammer 40K universe is not particularly old, but it was a neutron star, or Kane accelerated the evolution of a small star, and was able to complete the transformation more than a billion years in advance.

As the most dense star in the universe except for black holes, neutron stars can combine with the power of his laws to establish a kingdom of God's domain independent of the laws of the universe.

Back to his kingdom of God, Kane personally sent the eternal well water into the equipment non-stop.

This device was prepared a long time ago, and it was specially built to obtain the mysterious elements.

It’s a pity that Kane has always faced the embarrassment of “you have to have money if you want to make money, and you have to make money if you want to make money”. If you want to get the mysterious elements, you have to have a sharp team and build a sharp team. It is inseparable from the mysterious element.

As a result, a fortune of mystery elements has been smashed into the money-making system, real estate is increasing rapidly, but the cash flow is still not abundant. This is quite a bit of a salary enough to support the family, but not saving much money.

People are not rich without foreign wealth, and horses cannot be fat without night and grass.

Kane got foreign money this time, so he can do what he has always wanted to do.

About two hundred hours later.

The extraction of the mysterious elements is basically completed.

In the meantime, Kane and Miranda were busy building the hyperspace teleportation device and checking the calculations over and over again. It can be said that the hardware has been completed first.

So, after everything was ready, Kane started the device without hesitation or emotion.

In the inner space of the neutron star, a dark light shoots out from the device, straight up, as if a sledgehammer hits the whole piece of glass, the space is broken, large and small glass-like space fragments seem to float in the water Ice flakes, and on top of it, are agitated, gradually forming black vortexes.

This is the creator-level technology developed by Kane after receiving Zhao Wenrui's legacy and combining his own advantages, the dark dimension channel.

When he was reborn in the dark HP world, he once relied on the moon to open the dark dimension channel.

But that is more with the help of skill, with too many constraints. The biggest problem is that with his current ‘mass’, he can’t move with that channel at all.

One of the big problems faced by the Creator is that the body is shifted and the cost is too high.

Back then, the ancient **** was willing to exile him at any cost, and he was also able to say ‘unholy man’s nature’.

And now, he used a large number of mysterious elements, combined with the technical system of God’s Domain, to forcibly blast a passage to the dark dimension in this universe, which is equivalent to connecting this Warhammer 40K universe with those universes that can be reached through the dark dimension. Under the same system.

And with his current control over the dark dimension, he can move at low cost.

Before Kane had time to sigh and finally ‘Cuntong Net’, the ‘owner’ took the initiative to contact him.

He was originally exiled with about 70% of his spirits. If he was annihilated or contaminated, his vitality would be greatly injured, and all his experience after being exiled would be cleared.

Therefore, after China Unicom, the first step is to appraise the mind.

This is a comparison involving a very large amount of information, but due to the information processing speed at the creator level, the efficiency is not slow.

The slow one is Miranda.

Miranda has also been offline for a period of time. After going online, qualification verification is also required to avoid hidden dangers.

However, this huge project is not a top priority and can be done slowly.

In this way, about 40 minutes later, Kane's spirit, in a way similar to the flow of data and information, was united with the "deity" in the dark dimension.

The universe of consciousness returned to stability after a great shock.

Soon after becoming the Creator, Kane established a universe system with his own characteristics.

It's like performing Occlumency, allowing people to obtain clear-cut surface and deep memories. Kane's universe system is also divided into the outside and inside.

The table is the dark dimension.

After Kane replaced Domam as the lord of the dark dimension, for a long time, he was just an agent landlord who could roughly manage some things and use some things.

And as far as he knows, even Domam in his heyday is similar to a second- and third-rate black gang, ‘covering’ one or two streets to collect protection fees, and at most open a karaoke nightclub.

And how vast is the dark dimension?

Kane has not explored where it is exhausted.

Therefore, the so-called Lord of the Dark Dimension is nothing but a gimmicky title.

In fact, it is completely possible to be called an agent landlord or street manager. But that does seem very worthless.

Although Kane could not reach the limit of the dark dimension so far, he knew what it was.

To put it more vividly, it is the garbage dump of the universe.

These heavens and worlds naturally refer to the single universe.

Between the universe and the universe, there is endless nothingness.

To distinguish the universe from nothingness, apart from matter and energy, the main thing is the law.

In the universe, laws appear in a systematic way, just like operating systems, with rigorous logic.

But there is nothing to blame.

There is also a difference in distance between the single universes. Like the well-known Marvel multiverse system, the single universes are very close. But even then, the distance is a long distance that conventional methods simply cannot cross.

If you regard the void as a super ocean, the Marvel-like multiverse system as an island group, and the ordinary single universe as a small island, then the dark dimension is close to the small island, but basically all under the water. .

The dark dimension, to some extent, is the base manifestation of the universe, just like the continental shelf.

Of course, in front of the endless void, there is no multiverse, dare to say that your base is a continental shelf-level existence.

With this premise, the vastness of the dark dimension can give people a general understanding.

However, they belong to the same dark dimension, but they are not necessarily connected.

This is also an important reason why Kane has always experienced the dark universe. From the perspective of the void ocean, he is just a seagoer who is active among the islands in a canoe.

The exile and the return this time did not rely on a sampan, but an airplane. One of the gains is to let Kane light up a flying spot (lived the void coordinates).

However, after all, he is the handle of Causeway Bay. Going to Lantau Island, even if it belongs to the territory of Hong Kong, he is also a guest. It's just not a gang business, so he doesn't visit the pier. Besides, he doesn't know where the door opens. .

And in the three-square acre of land under his jurisdiction, Kane is indeed the lord of the dark dimension, in charge of a large garbage dump, which contains many cosmic debris, and the acquisition of these debris is different. Just like some marine garbage is dumped on the initiative of humans, and some, such as shipwrecks, are due to accidents.

This dark dimension is considered Kane's sphere of influence, and the kingdom of God is in the depths of this dark dimension.

The body of Kane's deity sits in it.

This is the table.

Here is Kane’s universe of consciousness.

This universe is a bit like the soul gem in the Marvel universe, the characteristic of Vomer Star’s ‘Xiongfeng Tianmen’.

Soul gems form a realm of their own. Together with the Xiongfeng Tianmen, a long bridge gate leading to the micro universe can be opened at the end of the cliff.

Kane obtained relevant information and power from C Kane, and then integrated other related factors, crystallizing part of his soul to create a Kane version of the soul gem, and using the body of the deity as a medium, thereby Established a universe of consciousness.

The universe of consciousness is the kingdom of Kane, where there is a palace dedicated to preserving the information of his original consciousness. Catherine, Hermione, Serena, etc., also live there.

After Kane left with 70% of his soul, although the old lair was still able to function, it was inevitably stretched, especially the supervision of the dark dimension was greatly reduced.

You must know that whether it is a landlord or a street manager, it is only the existence of authority that is obtained by the corresponding position. It has its limitations, and the daily changes in the dark dimension can be compared with the flow of people on Wangfujing Street where Xiran goes.

And now, the eldest brother who was once very coverable and didn't hurt at all for the protection fee, is back again.

This result alone made Kane feel the need to set up a few tables of wine to celebrate.

He talked to Hermione and the others about the ins and outs of this matter, and said, "I am also a little confused now. Which one did that ancient **** sing? Worried that my life would be too boring, so he incurred expensive travel expenses. , Give me a surprise?"...

In any case, he has been there for more than two hundred Now seeing his family again, it is inevitable that there will be a flood of joy and a lot of sorrows.

But for this side, Kane's move is only less than five years. What's more, a part of the deity is always there. For Hermione and the others, it's just like he went out to chat with neighbors and blew for hours, and then went home and went over the interesting part with them.

Hermione and the others have become accustomed to being embarrassed at home, and they have not walked out of their ideological comfort zone or willing to go out for adventure, after all, they have everything at home.

For Kane, the game set by the ancient gods was resolved.

Resolve, but there is no end.

It’s hard to talk about hardships, but I was shocked to feel a little bit, but now I have a bit of bitterness and all the bitterness, which in turn feels like a good profit.

On the Warhammer 40K universe, it is still worth his time to sit down in person.

Of course, this time it was not 70%, but the real avatar, 10%.

In this way, although it can't be like before, with thoughts, an Ark of the Elda Spirit Race can be destroyed in seconds. But there is already the Big Dipper area there, and Kulner and others are laying the groundwork. No matter what, the conditions are much better than the state of land reclamation when they first arrived.

What's more, the eternal well water, which is the remnant of the cosmic egg, just squandered most of the mysterious elements extracted from it, opened the channel, and other content. It is also a powerful trump card and the most wise of the four evil gods. Tricky, especially targeted.

Ever since, Kane returned to the Warhammer 40K universe at his own expense.

This time, he basically has no burden. Every point he earns here is compensation for the exile event of the ancient gods. How much he earns depends on his performance...


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