Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1308: The new atmosphere of the second home

For the dark HP world, many major events have already happened in the five years with Kane.

Osiris, lost without suspense.

Mass production of cannon fodder soldiers to achieve victory was originally the combat mode Kane was best at. Osiris accidentally fell into this competition, and tragedy was doomed early.

Although Osiris had a large army of petitioners, it was still not enough to face Kane's crazy multiplying army of mechanical war insects.

But in the end, Osiris’s wife, Isis, who guards the entrance to the kingdom of Hades, interceded. Kane considered that Horus and Anubis had not yet been arrested and brought to justice; and he was insuffer, so he separated the gods from the priesthood, and It is a very time-consuming task.

In addition, the gods of the Egyptian gods, including the **** King Sun God Ra, and the most brutal and desolate **** Seth have yet to show up.

So Kane did not obliterate Osiris for the time being, but instead imprisoned him in the Kingdom of Underworld.

Osiris is united with the Heavenly Way of the Kingdom of Underworld. This is its biggest reliance, but as long as the method is right, it can also become the strongest cage to lock him.

And the essence of this method is simple, that is, don't let Osiris touch ‘property’. There is no mysterious element, and in terms of extraordinary power, he is always in a state of hunger and thirst. Osiris cannot make trouble.

But Isis was not aggressive enough, and she was willing to spend her ‘retirement’ life with Osiris in an almost ordinary state.

Horus and Anubis have gradually become hidden dangers in Kane’s heart, because with the establishment of the “mouse network” of the demonic rat family all over the world, no matter whether it is above the nine heavens or below the nine earths, they cannot escape. Out of Kane's insight, the two groups still could not be found. Either the two are hiding in an unknown dimension, or there are capable people to help each other.

Kane is more inclined to have both. After all, as Osiris was dressed up, the information that was interrogated basically confirmed Kane’s previous speculation that Osiris’s trouble was indeed the ancient **** who started distributing it since the upper reaches of time. Of the bureau.

Kane analyzed from the perspective of the ancient god, whether it was Osiris, Horus, Anubis, or some unpopular Egyptian gods, they were all puppets.

Against the background of the trough of the magic tide, these gods have all returned to the same starting point in terms of state. The main advantage of a powerful **** lies in the pattern of sight.

However, a large pattern and a high level of sight may not necessarily have a strong combat effectiveness. Like Isis, it is not a fighting god. In fact, Osiris is not strictly speaking, but somehow it is analogous to the existence of Hades in the Greek **** system. Basic force is still available, and he is proficient in fighting with his soldiers.

But if the ancient **** didn't need money and played the ‘big brick flying’ set, Osiris would not be the best candidate. His son Horus, as well as Anubis, the **** of death, are stronger than him in military matters.

Precisely because of these considerations, Kane did not look down on both of them because of Horus and Anubis, compared with the Osiris and Isis couples, and seemed to be doing errands for the performers. .

Since it is a big brick flying, mysterious elements and extraordinary energy hit Horus and Anubis, it can still make a big noise, maybe it will learn the lessons of Osiris's failure, and carry the terrorism line to the end.

So this line can only be said to have come to an end for the time being, and the search for Horus and Anubis has never slackened. Judging from the current situation, if you want to actively dig it out, it is unlikely, so most of it can only wait for it to jump out and make trouble before they have a chance to capture or obliterate it.

The emergency that led to Kane's exile was completely over.

Probably because the ancient **** felt that with Kane's exile, the main burden of this line had been shaken out, and it was worthless. So he was unwilling to invest in the follow-up.

Of course, Kane would not spare the fairies because of this speculation.

He fulfilled the decision he made when he was quite angry at the beginning-to exterminate the fairy!

One is too much, no matter the girl or the young, kill them all.

It’s just that the specific operation was not too bloody, but used extraordinary genetic weapons, which caused the fairy clan to undergo genetic mutations under the power of the evil god, and reverted to a low-intellectual race similar to kobolds and jackals. And collectively migrated to the super cave dome that Isis originally guarded to live and work.

Although the goblins suddenly collectively ‘off-line’, the great turmoil in the transcendental circle that once worried many HP wizards did not happen, because the demon clan filled the vacancy left by the demise of the fairies in time.

The magic mouse family is originally closer to the mysterious side rather than the technological side, and when Kane created them, he set the group image label for them, such as Victorian style and magic steampunk. Therefore, the magic mouse is integrated into the extraordinary circle. Obtrusively.

At least from the overall style, it is uniform, has an internal taste, and feels like the same. And accepting this sudden emergence from the heart, this Kane had neither extravagant hopes nor demands. He felt that as long as he did not fight hard, he would have contaminated each other with too much blood, and forge blood feuds, then he would still follow suit after all. Accustomed to the passage of time.

To say that this magic rat is actually not a special accident. Kane has long been dissatisfied with the dreary atmosphere of the HP world's extraordinary circle, even if he is looking at the demonic tide to re-emerge, it is still full of the characteristics of the thinning west.

Therefore, he tried to use the magic mouse to guide this circle to a certain extent.

In his opinion, when a group is in an upward state, it is the most stable, even if there are some problems, it can be suppressed. This is the main reason why he wants to make new branches of the old tree in the HP world transcendence circle. After all, stability is conducive to his base information collection project.

Although the fairy clan abruptly withdrew from the stage of history, the house elves were freed from the shackles and turned from slaves to freelance laborers. Although they still do the work of serving people, and most of them still have the image of being airbags. After all, a gratifying step has been taken. I believe that over time, their mental distortion problems can be reduced until they are completely restored.

After Momo joined the Chaofan family, a major move was to establish and implement a hierarchical protection zone system.

This move has been supported by many insightful people represented by Newt Scamander.

Of course, there are also many wizards who sneer at this. Their biggest reason is that the demonic tide is about to re-emerge, and by then, the precarious transcendental ecosystem will naturally recover.

The Momo and the people of insight pointed out that the re-emergence of the magic tide may not be a life-saving elixir, and it cannot be too dependent and expected.

Moreover, there is a process of revival. The transcendental ecosystem is likely to be like those who are dyingly ill and weak in medicine. Although they survived the darkest age, they died in the dawn.

Therefore, both wild and artificial breeding must be grasped.

In addition, Momo has also introduced a Smart Biology Identification Act, which has long been classified by many wizards as magical animals. In fact, the wisdom is not lower than that of humans. The main problem is that non-human races lacking systematic education are served. mesa.

This move has been resisted by many wizards. On the surface, it is naturally full of tricks, but the real reason is naturally that it affects the interests of wizards. Imagine that when crocodiles are listed as banned animals and all crocodile leather products are used in jail, how can crocodile leather bags be sold grandiosely?

Fantastic animals, no matter how amazing they are, are animals, but once they have the same social status and rights as humans, it is inconvenient to do many things that were taken for granted in the past.

However, those wizards who opposed it soon discovered that their shouts had very limited resistance to the actual advancement of the project.

Although Momo has not yet dominated the transcendental circle for the time being, it is already an important member that cannot be easily given up. Moreover, people who have money and others have power, they can be willful.

You said you don't want to sit at a table with a group of inhumans? No problem, there are clubs or **** clubs with only female members in the human community. There are all kinds of bars, so go to the ones you like.

Even if there is no human wizard, the magic rat and other non-human intelligent creatures still play well.

It's just that the extraordinary gathering place established by the magic rat is open and inclusive, and at the same time it values ​​order and law. When you are in it, you must abide by the rules here, otherwise there will be professionals who will teach you how to be a human.

Not going? The goblin had almost monopolized the finance of the transcendental circle. As a social animal, who could not deal with money? Even bartering is also involved in finance.

What's more, the open gathering place established by the Demon Rats has various conveniences and benefits. Most wizards quickly turn from resistance to real fragrance. Individuals can’t follow the screw. Then screw it. It was not intended to satisfy everyone, and the slogan of establishing a gathering place was not just to serve human wizards.

In short, with the appearance of the demon rat family and a large number of underground vault gathering places, the original gathering place of the Transcendent Circle was replaced with a jaw-dropping speed.

Like the once famous Diagonal Alley, within two years, it was almost deserted as it was in the Deathly Hallows chapter of the original history.

Every year, at the beginning of the school season, Hogwarts students’ designated purchases can make it lively.

However, only expecting students to feed the shops there is not enough, so even if there are no tricks, the place is getting depressed day by day.

Later, the Shafik family, represented by the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce, bought the shop and turned it into a cultural relic, which evolved into a museum-like tourist attraction.

As for the vault gathering place of the demon rat people, it is almost stereotyped, similar to the ‘Home’ Express Hotel, where you are used to one place, then you can find a strong sense of sight no matter where you go to the gathering place of the devil rat people.

The main area is always Victorian, and the sub-area must have three areas of magic, steampunk and natural primitive wind. There must also be an area to highlight the local characteristics. There is also a district, an administrative district where various institutions are concentrated.

Even, a so-called ‘free zone’ is deliberately set aside, similar to Knockover Alley, dedicated to collecting dirt.

In the words of the founder: "Power makes people pretentious, an extraordinary group, and it has never been a group that is good at keeping home and being safe. So we specially set aside an area for those in need. Entering it, you can restore I have the original appearance of a beast or a devil, but when I come out, even if I pretend, I have to pretend to be a decent person..."

To say that this kind of planning and design is actually not much new, even very old-fashioned, but the devil’s details are in place and the system is perfect. Coupled with the willingness to spend money and burn money to buy popularity, it has attracted more and more people. The more people.

In the end, the original underground Liberty City was empty, with three or two kittens, the shops were either half-opened, or the goods were uneven. People came to disappointment once, and they gradually stopped coming.

When it comes to interests, it is naturally indispensable to fight behind the front desk. The Magic Rats are not possessed by the gods of war, and most of them are weak. However, the Magic Rats are better at teamwork or teamwork than the Aurors, and they are well equipped. , The number will always be sufficient, and the situation of'a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops and horses to meet each other' has happened more often, and those who are enemies with them naturally feel particularly painful.

Then slapped, these guys ran to the ‘free zone’ where the demon rat people gathered for profit. Kane also said sarcastically: "This is adaptation, this is running-in."

All in all, after some tossing, most people quickly found their new social position, including those who go to the underworld and take part in the sect.

Although the demon mouse man has big rules and many rules, he keeps his promises and allows darkness to exist. Only these two points can be played carefully.

So most people who play evil are just asking for money, not fighting for war. If they can't beat them and find a way out, they will soften and succumb. The premise is that the demon rat people have not revealed a big flaw, otherwise these people will immediately turn into evil wolves and rush to bite.

There is Kane behind the Demon Rat, and there is no major omission in a short time.

Therefore, when Kane returned, what he saw was a new transcendental circle that was emerging and thriving.

The absolute status of wizards in the transcendental circle has declined.

But they have nothing to lose. The series of great upheavals in the past few years have intensified the interaction between them and the mortal world, and many things have begun, and it is only a matter of time before they advance.

On the side of the Holy See, because of the strong cooperation of heaven angels, the style has changed rapidly, and various turbulent internal problems have appeared. The hidden agreement signed in the past has no effect, and more and more wizards. He began to appear in the mortal world and was called a mystery consultant by the media. It was an existence similar to an exorcist.

The main needs of mortal people for these supernatural advisors are twofold.

1. It is to deal with the demon rat people who suddenly live next to them.

Although the Demon Rats abide by the rules set by Kane and never interact with humans, even if they are invaded, they will always be patient. If it fails, they will teach them a lesson and let the ‘parent’ to redeem them.

But even so, its existence in itself makes many ordinary people nervous, and mysterious consultants can alleviate this problem to a considerable extent.

The main role it plays is a bridge of communication. After all, there is always no shortage of bad people, such as doing bad things and pushing them on the head of the devil mouse. As for this kind of pot, the Demon Mouse Man does not remember it. In this way, the mysterious consultant, after solving the case through extraordinary means, can also receive a mission reward from the money-saving magic mouse man, and this benefit has further contributed to the rise of the mysterious consultant industry.

In addition, the mysterious consultant has also become a window for ordinary people to peep into the society of the devil. Like the shopping service and tour guide business that were once popular in Liberty City, they are also staged in the gathering place of the devil, although the devil has a whole set of them. Corresponding control strategies, but the fusion between the extraordinary and the mortal world is inevitably accelerated.

This was actually within Kane's expectation. After all, Resurrection of the Demon Tide was not a slogan, but a fact that was about to happen.

In fact, the extraordinary recovery has already begun ahead of schedule.

The main reason for the early start was that the game between the ancient **** and Kane led to the release of extraordinary energy again and again.

When extraordinary energy accumulates, it is possible to form energy assimilation or transformation phenomena, thereby forming a special environmental area similar to the sinking area of ​​poisonous miasma, and this area is the seed of the extraordinary area, and the conditions will be further deepened.

And even if the extraordinary power is not accumulated and dissipated, it will still play a role, after all, it has participated in the operation of nature.

Among them, the most familiar ones are the supernatural events.

The significant increase in spiritual events is the prelude to the revival of the magic tide, and at the same time, it has also prompted a change in mortals' views on mystery and things. The rapid acceptance of mystery consultants by mortals is due to this.

On the whole, the HP world has tended to be stable over the years. But there are still many hidden dangers.

There are at least two bad news.

First, Igo, the snake father of the old Dominator family, hadn't been able to destroy him before Kane, but suddenly received reinforcements over there.

Judging from the known information, it is likely that Kane beheaded Grackey before, prompting the old rulers to merge.

The latest information returned is that the dark sin soul-like world in which Igo lives has completely become the lair of the evil gods, and has no salvation value.

If it is not for the old hatred and hatred, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Kane really doesn't want to provoke the old dominators. After all, the old dominators can hardly be completely extinct. The more they tear, the deeper the grievances.

The key is that the main benefit of taking down the old branch is that he has no urgent need for information.

It can even be said that the information source he can use to analyze now is enough for him to chew for tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, fighting the old rulers is like having a tight flow of cash (mysterious element), while the production materials are abundant, but you have to spend money on raw materials.

However, the war is always easy to start and difficult to end. The war between him and the old branch was not something he could stop if he wanted to.

The second bad news is about exploring the dimensional kingdom of the Nordic gods, the world tree Uktrahir.

Simply put, this bad news belongs to the type of digging a well and digging a sea eye.

Originally because it was similar to the Osiris series, it was also the game that the ancient **** deployed in the upper reaches of time. It happened regularly, and then due to the particularity of the law of the kingdom of that dimension, the puppet investigation was sent.

After that, Kane was ‘fragmented’ and he went to the Warhammer 40K universe. But after he returned, he merged with the deity and realized that not long after he left, the exploration unit over there was collectively lost.

This situation is absolutely rare. After all, the law of darkness ban he implemented against the universe where the dark HP world is located has the insight ability of the creator level itself, and is also a powerful communication relay device. It is a powerful guarantee for the quantum communication between him and the puppet. It can completely cut off this communication method at one time. It can only be said that the situation there is not trivial.

The deity had never acted rashly before. Now that he has returned, the handling of this matter has become a priority again.


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