Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1316: Space Necromancer

Through the memory of the prophet of the traverser, Kane knew early in the morning that Gradieus was sleeping with a space necromantic force.

Space necromancers exist in a social form of independent branches and inter-existence, which is similar to the Eldar clan. But the reasons for the formation of this pattern are different.

The Elda Spirit Clan, because of the foreseeable or unwilling to take the'road of indulgence' before and after the birth of the evil clan, and the three tribes who escaped their lives for various reasons, lacked social cohesion and enthusiasm. , And the isolation caused by objective factors, gradually formed factions based on the Ark.

In fact, if it weren't for the long life span of the Elda Spirit Race, many of them who had witnessed the catastrophe of that year are still alive and occupy a high position, so they are more nostalgic. Otherwise, whether they can recognize each other as compatriots is a problem.

After all, for such a long period of time, they have basically lived in their own way, with their own customs and cognition concepts, just like the human races in the original world, and they are of the kind that are quite different from the East and the West.

The dead souls formed a branch because of their harsh home environment. The ravaged them used an extreme determination to develop technology. As soon as they entered the interstellar age, they could not wait to leave their home planet and began to almost blindly deal with their surroundings. Colonization of a habitable planet.

Some succeeded, just like going out to work, mixing well in a different place, and finally settled there, spreading branches and leaves. Some colonial failures, after shrinking back, merge into the main body, or seek refuge in friends, while others simply lose contact. Most of these have died out due to unmatched disasters.

Although colonization itself was blind, it was a proactive attack, so it still had a certain degree of organization and rules.

This organization evolved from the original Senate Council to the rule of the Three Saints, and then it was almost frozen.

Regarding the Three Saints, Caine felt that he could be substituted into the parliamentary system of ancient Rome and later the dictatorship of Caesar.

It's just that the pattern of interstellar colonization is not comparable to a small piece of land on a living planet. Unless it reaches the **** level, one person is dictatorial. From the perspective of ability, it is difficult to achieve, so there is the Three Saints.

Of course, the actual evolution is far more complicated than this, but from the perspective of the theory of power alone, it is basically the same. The fundamental condition for long-lasting rule is to live in Hold, and whether to live in Hold depends on power. Resource wealth can be converted into strength.

The space necromancers with the Three Saints as the core and the branch leaders as the branch leaders are already showing signs of developing towards a "loose alliance" pattern under the background of interstellar colonization. The addition of the Star Gods makes them a diving Posture, fell to the dilemma of almost completely falling apart.

The reason is also simple. The space dead souls invited powerful star gods to help them deal with the ancient sages. As a result, the star gods occupied the magpie's nest and backhanded them enslaved.

With the addition of the Star Gods, the Old Sages were once beaten to survive in their old nest. The hot star Gods' willful and reckless temperament caused them to attack each other frantically. The star gods all control a part of high-level servants and tools, and the scene can be imagined, and they can only be in the same room.

And in the end, the reason why the undead in space sleeps is mainly because their master wants to sleep.

At that time, the star gods were very used to harvesting lives in batches to meet their needs. This practice replaces the early ingestion of star energy. This change can be seen as an excess from feeding to feeding.

Just like the food is divided into several categories and many medium tastes, the star gods actually have a wide range of choices, but they are naturally nurtured, lack family education and have no natural enemies, so indulgence and willfulness are their character labels. They fell in love with the taste of life because life is as attractive to children as ice cream, butter cake and other desserts.

They do not have any overall planning, long-term planning, and farming concepts, but their long lifespan has taught them to wait.

So when the life in the universe has basically been harvested, and the only ones left, whether in quantity or density, are not worth it, they choose to sleep forever and wait for the next harvest season.

After making the choice of long sleep, the star gods were inevitably attracted by the civilization characteristics of the space necromancer.

In fact, the influence is always mutual, a little bit more and a little bit less. The mortal race that the Star Gods first come into contact with is the space necromancer, the misfortune of the space necromancer, and the misfortune of other races, after all, the space necromancer It’s difficult to have any positive effects on the Star God.

But the space necromancer is not willing to be a slave.

The star gods chose to sleep forever, and even the star gods broke out with each other. From the dozens of them to the last to die, only single digits were left. There is also the credit of the space dead.

After all, when it comes to shameless eyes, the Star Gods are still worse.

The Star God’s IQ is definitely high enough, but his thoughts are still a little straighter, and there are not so many twists and turns. This is also a major shortcoming of the born gods.

Among the three sages of the dead in space, the King of Silence is honored.

It did not sleep like most of its compatriots, but left the galaxy to wander.

According to the memory of the prophet known by Kane, the Silent King returned in 744 in the 41st millennium. After that, it was the gathering of three guards under its command, and then these little brothers ran around, gathering the tribe to recreate the past Empire.

However, compared to the King of Silence, who grows food, builds walls, and slowly becomes the king, the Storm King is the more troublesome. It rose in 781. Ten years later, its rise began to show threats.

The Elda Spirits, who are sensitive and cherish many ancient secrets, are the first to realize that the events in the book of ancient prophecies of the great prophet Alatok are fulfilled one by one. The ancient enemies of the Spirits have returned (as the creation of the ancient sage, the spirit The clan rushed to the front line between the ancient sage clan and the space undead).

And now it is 146 years of 41 thousand years. As far as the current situation is concerned, the Gothic War is mostly like the original historical line. It will be fought for another four to five years, and it is expected to end in about 151.

It’s hard to say about the Gradius battlefield. Kane just made a promise with Luwansberg’s local tyrants, and even before Luwansberg’s VIP reception room was out, he received an emergency military situation, and an army of horrifying demons entered. Field.

When Kane received the news, his first reaction was fear of abuse and trepidation, and he deserved to be a pair of good friends who fell in love and killed each other.

If he is replaced by a fear of abuse, even if he is arrogant enough to disdain to engage in a sneak attack, he will not go to Gradieus to join in the fun, but hit the Gothic area, or even directly hit the sun where Terra is located. The galaxy, this has a high probability, can succeed in disgusting to the first order.

The current practice means that real local tyrants do not buy the best but only the most expensive. Going to Gradieus is tantamount to helping the traitor fill the hole in his life.

He believes that the current Gradieus battlefield can be said to be a piece of cake for Tan Qi, and he is not reconciled to withdraw, and it is difficult to win.

He doesn't have the strength of a little voyeur.

He believes that Tecchiken can still win if he is determined.

But once that happens, it will probably win the face and lose the lizi.

Although brand reputation is very important to big brothers, especially gods, losing face is tantamount to potential loss, but the four evil gods rely on their divine roots, and the causal relationship in this regard is not so heavy.

At least on the surface, if Trick is willing to spend his money, he can flatten the Gradius galaxy and seal Carlos at the same time.

He even hoped that Trick could do that.

Because in that way, Trick is bound to be weak for a long time.

And this time, enough to complete the first order egg breeding plan.

Moreover, he can take the opportunity to destroy Tieqi’s information exploration network, and make the information-sensitive Tieqi deaf and blind. By then, the dominant power will change hands. Whether to fight or not, how to fight is up to him, not the four evil gods. Forget it.

However, now that the army of horrifying demons has entered the arena, the difficulty of making a decision by Tan Qi can be delayed again.

"I wanted to go to Madison II in person, but now it doesn't seem to be the case. I have to go to Gradius, the first three axes of the Terrorist Corps. It is still relatively sharp." Let Miranda inform the fleet to respond. After deployment, Kane bid farewell to Luvansberg with this sentence.

Although for military leaders like them, no matter how urgent the war is, it may not be necessary to deal with it, but if you can chat or talk, you can save it. Moreover, neither of them is the kind of gossiping people, a few words and a few words determine the direction of the battle, the life and death of thousands of people, when they meet and separate, they also say hello. As for when they will see each other, it is difficult to say.

Kane came to see Luvansberg in the Antiochian Fortress this time. He did not take the Fuzhou Mountain, but the Hunter-class scout ship Burdington.

On the one hand, it is because the Bu Zhou Shan is now too famous and too eye-catching.

On the other hand, it is such a ship, which was originally born to deal with large-scale project actions, rather than a means of transportation that is called to come and go.

Although Kane is rich from all over the world, his frugality and low-key have been deeply rooted in his bones, and he will not waste it for the sake of the scene.

As for the white dragon fish suit. First of all, he still has confidence in the confidentiality of his travel.

Although Kulna already had the enemy's eyeliner, he told the fear to abuse in time, so that he could find him soon after his return.

However, travel, which belongs to detailed information, is controlled by the core team of the First Order and is not something outsiders can touch. The core team refers to his war worms, and his confidence means that the war worms will not betray him.

After all, in this respect, there is a spiritual connection between him and the war worms similar to the way of Kara of the SC universe stars.

It's just that the way of Kara is a round table model. The more powerful ones are nothing more than the speaker responsible for presiding over the overall situation and the node managers responsible for each group.

And his set is a pyramid model. As the master, he is at the top and has absolute authority, including supervision. Because the little brother has no human rights, and he has absolute strength in the team like the stars of the star system, so any abnormality can't escape his perception.

But I have to say that the security problem of Antioch's fortress is indeed serious. As soon as Kane came and went, and had lunch with Luvansberg, within six hours, someone tried to bomb Burdington.

The specific method is the classic sugar-coated cannonball model, which represents the condolences of the military and civilians, and even reveals a strong taste of flattery. The condolences offered are absolutely no problem, and they are all expensive and rare things.

The real problem is with the person, similar to an agent. You can make a powerful bomb by flicking around and touching the body.

In addition to bombing, it can also be used for location tracking.

In short, as long as you give a chance, you can probably do something.

However, the Burdington seems to be an ordinary military defense level, and access is forbidden. In fact, there is a branch of Miranda working. It can observe and analyze multiple targets at the same time to determine the threat value, because there is sufficient big data Do support, so the accuracy is extremely high.

So the person who wanted to make trouble, before he had time to speak, was suddenly overwhelmed by the guard who stood still like a stone statue, unloaded his jaw, and was electrolyzed. There was no chance of suicide, and he became a prisoner.

A few Ms. Huarongyuemei who was used as a guise without knowing it was scared and screamed on the spot...

For Kane, this is not even an episode, and subsequent follow-up investigations have also shown that the messenger is just a chaos believer who wants to make a ‘wonderful work’, rather than being assigned by the devil.

However, the situation reflected in the incident confirms the issues discussed by Luvansberg and others at the military meeting. The situation is indeed very serious. If no effective measures are taken, serious problems will occur.

Fortunately, Kane’s promise was never a blank check. Even if it had a certain improvisational component, it was communicated with Miranda and it was able to ensure that it was cashed quickly.

The essence of this promise is nothing more than changing the production plan coordinated by Miranda, digging out some production capacity from other aspects, and using it to solve the urgent needs of the Gothic zone.

This is true for ships, and so are personnel.

The high-ranking templars like Kane promised were actually cultivated in the training tank a long time ago.

However, the investment is not in place, even if it is based on Cthulhu cells, the growth is very slow. And with Kane's promise, the extraordinary energy and other resources will be deviated, and they will enter the spawning mode, and will soon be released on the battlefield.

In order to ensure that the production process does not suffer from pollution from the chaotic forces, the specific production is carried out in the Big Dipper area.

Kane regards the Big Dipper area as a trump card for the Cthulhus, and his main focus is that the Big Dipper area can shield rule-level interference.

In addition, the estimated success rate of the egg breeding program is so low, also because of the rule-level intervention. Once Cthulhu pays attention to the situation in this area and is determined to make trouble, the unformed insect nest system will hardly be able to stop its erosion at all costs.

And Kane would never stop in this regard, and would rather use some of the Cthulhu's core power instead of making do with it, just let him complete the egg breeding with a certain degree of erosion and join the battle sequence of the first order.

Because, even if you don't consider the possibility of abnormal changes caused by erosion, you have to consider the erosion of the Warhammer 40K universe, and even the plot of the ancient god.

What was the plan of the ancient **** to exile him into this universe?

Maybe it's information.

In the battle with the four evil gods, he can display more information about his own system and even integrate it into this universe.

As far as the ancient **** is concerned, this universe is likely to complete information exploration.

Under this premise, the ancient **** would be quicker than him to obtain new information from the perspective of the creator.

In other words, the ancient **** could at least master a lot of information about his war insects through this method, so that he could erase his minions on the official battlefield.

He even thought about whether even the Big Dipper area, which seemed absolutely safe, was also the pit in the pit that the ancient **** dug. What he wanted was to relax his vigilance and expose more secrets.

Therefore, he also arranged some tactics in this regard.

Just breaking his wrist with the ancient god, he never thought of the decent scenery that he could win, and he was reluctant to let his children not catch the wolf. Appropriate sacrifice was necessary, depending on whether the ancient **** would bite the bait.

All in all, as the creator, Kane's war is no longer limited by the single universe, and the issues he considers are relatively more complicated.

However, it is the last word to get up on the ground and take every step steadily.


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