Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1317: Social Ecology Devil Edition

After a brief farewell to Luvansberg, Kane left the Antioch fortress on the Burdington.

The obvious advantages of the Gothic war and space warfare made Luvansberg a bit arrogant. After the chaos believers risked death and bombing the ship, he asked Kane to use the Burdington as bait to pit the Chaos forces in space. Put the opportunity.

Of course, Luvansberg did not presume in Kane's name, but expressed euphemistically that he wanted to see the tricks of the demon army in the universe and see if the human fleet, which uses technology as the main disguise, is really not an opponent. .

Considering that there are some lessons that can only be remembered by personal experience, Kane did not refuse this request.

The Burdington is accompanied by an invisible frigate. The size and appearance of this frigate are extremely similar to those of the Burdington, plus the unique Cthulhu cell mimicry technology of the First Order, posing as the Burdington This is a spare tactical choice.

Kane did not stay to observe the fishing operations of the Gothic Fleet. Instead, he made the Burdington invisible and returned to the star system where Kulner was located.

To get to Gradieus quickly, you have to use the star gate on Kulner's side.

The subspace storm set off by Tecchi once turned Gradieus into an isolated island in space, which was later passable, and indeed it had a lot to do with the undead in space.

Back then, the space necromancers launched a war against the ancient sages. Although they acted arrogantly, they also relied on so much, rather than the ignorance and fearlessness that primitive people challenged modern people.

As the race with the highest level of technological development in the entire Warhammer 40K universe so far, the space necromancers already had a means to deal with subspace forces before they absorbed the star gods, that is, the force field of nothingness.

Subspace creatures and demons, from a certain angle, are like sea creatures coming from the waves. They can take advantage of the ravages of subspace storms to be more mobile in the physical universe and stay longer.

And the void force field matrix of the space necromancer can calm the subspace storm.

In Kane's eyes, this technology is not particularly high-end, but clever thinking, just like the red dot aiming technology, the effect of spiritual flash is greater than the technology itself.

The space necromancers can come up with this stuff, an important reason is that this is Warhammer 40K. If you go to other universes, this technology cannot be reproduced.

Because of this, considering the stinky farts and extremes of the space necromancers, the First Order has not seen it once. After changing hands, it has produced a better-performing alternative, but has always made the space necromancers think this is their unique Technology is one of the bargaining chips used for cooperation.

The use of the star gate requires a matrix of void force fields to temporarily weaken the subspace storm in a certain area, just like opening a cavitation channel in the water, so that the normal operation of the star gate reaches a safe level.

The time to open the channel was not long, and the chaos party tried to disrupt the transmission more than once.

But they have been marked as a significant disadvantage in the field of space. There are only a limited number of critically ill guarded spaceports. As the station of starships, they can't even do daily patrols in the nearby space, let alone. He broke into the location of the Star Gate and destroyed it.

The frame of the star gate was shining, the runes shining for the second time, and the majestic energy poured into the ring-shaped star gate, causing the ice-like crystals to quickly melt into a liquid state.

And this liquid energy quickly formed a vortex, and with the acceleration of the rotation, the liquid energy rushed to the periphery, turning the star gate into a doughnut-like chubby appearance.

At this time, the scene inside the ring-shaped star gate was already at the other end of the star gate, and the Burdington waiting to be transmitted and Kulner a little further away could be clearly seen.

Khulna’s planetary transformation has not stopped in the past few years, and results have been shown. The beautiful blue planet is more and more similar to the earth.

And Gradieus is still the colorful ‘big face’ from a few years ago.

It's just that the space is a lot dirty, just like the original clear waters, now a lot of scum is added.

These floating flocs are basically the remains of the war.

Due to the frequent occurrence of wars, even if the first order earthwork is very strong, it is difficult to clean up in time, and the cleanup requires a lot of risk, so in addition to the necessary recycling, the rest are left to use space junk. The form exists.

As for the chaos, they only know how to destroy, no matter how to deal with them, they will grab if there is none, and like pampered bear children, they only gnaw on the fattest part, then discard the rest and choose the next target.

But this habit, in Gradieus, was successfully taught by the First Order.

In order to welcome the looting of the Tyrann Swarm that may come, Kane resolutely cleared the fields and expanded his operational capabilities to control and sort out all the resources of the Gradius star system.

Although he had just started, the war started one after another, but even when Kane returned to the dark HP universe, related work was still vigorously going on.

From the perspective of ordinary people, during that period of time, the life of the First Order in the Gradius star system was very difficult.

It's just that the subject is a puppet of feelings, no matter how many deaths and injuries, it is only a number.

A large amount of low-cost cannon fodder was exchanged for a large amount of squandering of energy and resources on the chaos side, and time was gained. From a strategic point of view, the First Order won without suspense.

When the demon army changed from a quick killing and mentality to too much to kill and bored, they realized that they had not made any substantial progress. They attacked the so-called important land that was occupied by the opponent and was defended without sacrifice. They cannot be provided with any valuable assistance, and everything they need must be transported from the rear.

Although the logistics of the demons are relatively simple, they claim that as long as they have energy, nothing else is a problem. But that is in subspace. In the physical universe, you have to follow the rules of the physical universe. The power of subspace can distort the rules, but it is not without an upper limit, and the consumption is also very large.

In the past wars, the demons have not paid much attention to this issue. The main reason is that resources are everywhere, such as water, gas, heavy metals, and even life. They only need to control extraordinary powers, and they can use mortal methods and methods that are incredible. Efficiency, extract what they need from these resources, and then create a variety of destructive effects.

But this time, the area they set foot on is material, but there is a feeling of being helpless as if entering deep space.

The cannon fodder units of the first order seem to be a kind of life, with rough skin like rhinoskin, and exceptionally strong physique. They are like rubber tires, hard but tough, whether it is the devil version of the artillery fire, or additional The fangs and claws of extraordinary power, or the erosion of energy, can hardly be shredded easily like ordinary creatures.

According to the experience gained by the demons in the past, this kind of existence usually means the enrichment of life energy and soul energy, which is hard to beat and hard to beat. It is also very profitable to win, and it can be delicious. Not only the soul is delicious, but the flesh and blood infiltrated with a lot of psychic energy is also particularly sweet.

But these cannon fodder soldiers of the first order are different. After they are killed, they will immediately become gray and decayed. They look like they are rocky, but they cannot be regarded as rocks, because once a greater force is applied to them , It will be crushed into slag, and it is a gravel-like thing that can no longer be glued.

In the beginning, the demons didn't care much about it.

An important reason is that they noticed that these enemies are very fond of self-detonation. They feel that it is this self-detonation that consumes their own energy and makes them unprofitable.

And another reason for not caring is that this invasion was funded by the top bosses, generous, and big battles. You can squander freely without instigating calculations. As long as you can always win, nothing else is a problem.

But soon they were found to be disgusting by one, that is, the corpses of the cannon fodder soldiers who died in the First Order will absorb water like a sponge, not only devouring the energy in the area, especially the extraordinary energy.

This is an application of Cthulhu cells.

After Kane fully analyzed the characteristics of the Cthulhu cells of the old dominators, he just split it to the point where it can be mass-produced by technological means, and its attributes are as simple as possible to form elements, and then freely combined according to actual needs.

And, in order to facilitate control, while not leaving any opportunity for the enemy, the prototype mechanism is adopted. The prototype is the mother, which can reproduce indefinitely, but the reproductive daughter is an extinct body that survives for a limited time and does not have the possibility of reproduction.

The First Order even used the characteristics of life to find a way out of existence independently, and turned it into a pit. The mechanism of the corpse to absorb energy originated from this.

The seeds that can absorb water may not be seeds that will germinate, but may also be sawdust that will only rot and accelerate degradation. That's almost the reason.

The demons are used to being a master, especially when they come to the real universe to pretend to be a comparison, they always spend a lot of money, but they can be very powerful.

Kane was born in hardship, was accustomed to diligence and thrift, and loves to work hard in this aspect, especially after the micro-technology is achieved, he likes to drip water through the rocks and collect the armpits to the extreme.

The energy that each wreck can absorb may not be much, but the more the number, the efficiency is terrifying.

But the demons have nothing to do with the scum that will be further fragmented after absorbing energy. They also have the habit of cleaning the battlefield, but they are only gaining, at least they must be valuable things. Cleaning is not used to them.

Fortunately, the demons can be regarded as master knights in the Chaos forces, and there are always servants around them. If they don't want to do it, they can order servants like chaos believers to do it.

However, the demons soon discovered that the servants who had always been doing this kind of thing by Le Diandian, and even all kinds of flattering servants in order to compete for places, this time were complaining and procrastinating.

It is this discovery that lifted the veil of the social ecology of the Chaos forces, and taught the demons who are not usually concerned about certain aspects.

Among the forces of chaos, ‘no profit, no early’ is still the most logical saying, even more so than the ordinary world.

If demons are natural beasts that eat big meat, then their servants are the vulture crows that pierce the flesh, and there are even the ants that eat more meat.

The first order, however, is so unprofitable that it can starve the ants to death. The lower the level, the more fragile it is. Almost all of them don't have overnight food at home. They work and are unprofitable. That is to let them die.

It’s said that you eat meat and come to me to drink soup. Although the demons usually don’t give the soup a full view of their mood, in fact, their big hands and leaks are enough to survive below, and the soup they give is often a tooth sacrifice to the bottom. , Even a small windfall.

But in the forces of chaos, exploitation is often extremely cruel, and the unspoken rules that have been formed for a long time keep the bottom social ecological environment on the verge of collapse.

The war of aggression is often a means to alleviate this crisis. The bottom of the Chaos forces, like the nomads in Kane’s hometown in ancient times when they encountered disasters, went south to find food. They left some rations for the family, and then put all the rest into preparations for aggression. If they can’t win, they will die. , Most of the family will not get better.

Of course, most of the bottom of the chaotic forces do not have the sense of family responsibility, they only care about themselves, but even so, there is a corresponding structure to maintain, after all, it is also a society, and it must be interacted, just like mortals are inevitable for basic entertainment while living, and entertainment is The cost is the same.

In short, it was the first order that was “poor enough to starve mice”, which exposed the current situation of the chaos forces, and then further revealed the social status of the four evil gods in the chaos forces and their personal energy Approximate proportions, etc.

Many demon lords also considered for the first time how many of their past battles were purely heartfelt, instead of ignorantly realizing that the battle was for the survival of the group with itself at the core.

Some demons even suspect that they are not doing well, it is likely that their subordinates are too greedy. They fought the battle deliberately or unintentionally, but after the battle, they didn't get much benefit, but they fell into a round belly...

Of course, this is also in the Warhammer 40K universe. If it is in the DND universe, this is the kind of brains, let alone being a devil, being a devil is the kind of being repeatedly used as a gun, either growing or dying. It will not set off any thoughts, because those who are not smart enough will be eliminated.

The bottom of the chaotic forces screamed hungry, and the demons realized that they were really like the ancient knight masters in some respects. They couldn't even wear the armor by themselves, let alone fight on horseback.

And by killing one and frightening a hundred and so on, to get those lazy bones and cheap leather servants to move, it can only be a temporary relief, and the time will not work.

Only then did the demons realize what it means to fight a war that gets worse and worse.

Gradieus's war has been stalemate to the present, largely because the demon army has no energy from top to bottom.

Tanqi's proud and arrogant handwriting is valid if it is placed on other battlefields. After all, even if the other battlefield demons cannot make a profit, they will not fall back. They can be captured by defeating the enemy, and even without victory, resources are everywhere. But here, the ones paid by Tricky Qi, for them who are used to their big hands, it is a bit difficult to maintain of course, they can't go all out.

Interestingly, as a kind of intelligent creatures, the adaptability of the demons is not bad. The'smart demons' were born soon, and then more explicit demons were born. Operations similar to those without effort are becoming popular. .

In a society where people with scumbags are everywhere, such as the forces of Chaos, bad habits can always prevail quickly.

The demons on the front line gradually not only played all kinds of slippery, but also gloated. Every time a new army of demons arrived, they would watch the show.

And it quickly evolved into more than just watching a show, but licking oil, licking, picking up corpses, and so on.

The newly arrived demon army often quickly appreciates what it means to fight the enemy, and it is so sour and refreshing to pit oneself with the friendly army of the match.

And this time the horrifying army entered the arena, and it was even more undiscussed.

Just a few hours before Kane arrived at Gradieus, the demons who feared to abuse a certain legion really felt Gradieus's unique style.

Many of their old enemies, old enemies, and Tricky’s elite legion are still familiar faces. They no longer have the boring arrogance and the poisonous tongue that can make people alive. Instead, they are counseled and humbled. Lead your subordinates to do things like scavengers that your servants might not have done in the past. When you look at the past with suspicion, you are often greeted with humble, pleasing smiles and actions.

This is so special that the enemy has even changed his temperament?

And the treacherous demons, as if they understood the thoughts of the horrifying demons, chuckled in their hearts: "We can still bend our knees to survive, how about you? After a while, even the kids won’t be able to grab them. What to do? Suicide?"...


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