Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1319: Details Winner Kane Group

The Terrorist Demon Legion threw extraordinary powers to achieve short-distance jump-transition on the battlefield, thereby gaining the tactical advantage of directly riding the face of the first order important facility-Star Gate, and then launching an attack.

The defense forces of the First Order near the Star Gate are mainly spherical fortresses.

They look like sea urchins, round and fluffy, with'long spines' and'short spines'. The long spines are sharp, the short spines are stout, the long spines are railguns, and the short spines are jet engines.

This structure allows them to have no dead spots for shooting, and they are extremely flexible. It is more than 3 light seconds, that is, from a blow from a million kilometers away, even if it is the speed of light, it is impossible to hit.

As far as this feature is concerned, unless the demons' weapons are close to the face, don't expect to hit them. Of course, except for special attacks, such as not taking speed as a long item, but after locking, as long as it is not unlocked, it will definitely hit an extraordinary attack.

Trick’s demon legion once relied on it and used the Warhammer 40K Universe Invincible. When it invaded the physical universe, it destroyed the target’s high-end creations, making the opponent’s expensive ace methods ineffective, no matter in combat. The actual benefit, or the blow to the morale of the target, is just right.

But after encountering the first order, this set became unwieldy.

The spherical fortress has the function of ‘self-cleaning’, with built-in magical instruments, and the effect of ‘sacred light dispelling’ with stress.

Among the best of the treacherous demons, there are many who are stubborn and angry. It depends on whether the lock is fast or the brush is fast. It turns out that the brush is fast!

There are also some who are angry than consumption, depending on who has more extraordinary energy reserves.

The result was a spherical fortress.

This kind of sphere with an inner diameter (not counting thorns) of three hundred meters looks very much like a disposable item. There is no maintenance channel, no charging port, and no landing port, but in fact it is semi-permanent.

In terms of energy, it uses a Tesla-style wireless charging mode, and is a transitional charging that combines extraordinary technology and quantum technology.

Moreover, it has Cthulhu cells inside, really like a sea urchin, with a chitin shell on the outside and cellular tissue inside.

Because of its biomass properties, it can repair itself.

At the same time, it can also carry out mass-energy conversion to generate materials it needs.

Therefore, this thing is not an extraordinary attack such as brute force, siege, or advanced magic, and it cannot be broken.

More importantly, the spherical fortresses are networked and form a matrix in space. If the target is outside the matrix, the situation is relatively good. If it breaks into the middle of them, it will be shelled 360 degrees without dead ends. Statement: Crazy blood loss, death is ugly.

The horrifying demons had also heard of this weapon that could well represent the firepower of the First Order. But the paper is superficial after all.

What's more, the horror demons are proud and ruthless, unlike the treacherous demons who think they are smart, intelligent and proud. Most of the horror demons are "I am stupid and proud". They are bold and inexplicably confident. Blind pride born from the foundation.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that they are always able to'drop ten guilds in one effort and beat the master with random punches'. Anyway, in the terror and abuse demons, the "wisdom useless theory" is very marketable.

This is also one of the main reasons why the horrible evil demons and the treacherous demons don't deal with each other. The cognition of the two sides is simply different and opposite.

Therefore, at this pre-war meeting to march into Gradieus, when someone was in front of the horrifying skull throne, they spoke of the first-order rigorous and fierce firepower array, and some demons even uttered rumors, saying that according to Tecchi The devil's consistent urination can not win beautifully, so he praises his opponent to the sky, which is a routine operation to avoid being ridiculed and despised.

In this regard, fear of abuse is noncommittal.

In fact, from the bottom of my heart, the fear of abuse is also the type that believes in great power, and tends to believe in ‘difficulties on the big stage’.

But the ‘wisdom useless theory’ is obviously a bit of a pull. But horror abuse never hits his subordinates in this regard, and the reverse operation will come from time to time.

Therefore, the high-level demon who uttered wild words came this time. Naturally, it is not an ordinary person to participate in the imperial meeting for fear of abuse. That one is one of the eleven demon princes.

Moreover, its elite battle group with outstanding meritorious fame and fame is among the combat teams that participated in the second project.

The demons are selfish and heavy.

Although the horrific evil spirits are no better than the intrigue between the strange and strange demons, they will also take advantage of their power.

Like this time, everyone knows that under the first order, there are no vacancies, and the first birds will be shot. Therefore, in the process of'strike the tiger's beard', the battle group directly under the fear of abuse became the first wave.

Sure enough, he was washed by gamma ray to the point of crying.

And their own troops took the opportunity to grab the fruits of victory. Therefore, the second and third waves were basically the direct line of the Demon Prince.

Cthulhu’s use of troops, its composition of combat power, is very characteristic of the use of troops by feudal kings in the Middle Ages: the king has his own direct combat power, and all lords are obliged to send troops.

It's just that, in the Cthulhu system, the taste of ‘the prince is not my prince’ is not strong enough. Mainly because the technology is only in the hands of a few people.

The technology here naturally refers to extraordinary technology, and it is law-level and above.

The demons represented by the Cthulhu are ultimately based on an organizational system of'extraordinary is precious'. Although there are slaves similar to the dark mechanical gods who are engaged in production, the extraordinary power and superficiality of the people at the bottom is not even as good as that of some high demon universe The bottom of the indigenous humans, like the Eberron world, even in the folk, the depth and wideness of the application of extraordinary energy technology is enough to sling the demon world of the Warhammer 40K universe.

Without technology, it is difficult to achieve effective control. After all, in the Warhammer 40K universe, resources are open. As long as there are many people, it is not difficult to occupy the mountain as the king. The difficult thing is to break through and see for a long time.

In this regard, it is natural that the genus is the most attractive. However, for this kind of technical work, apart from Cthulhu, only a few great demons can bestow it, and the great demons that can be bestowed are basically as close as the relationship between Carlos and Yanqi. Therefore, for a long time, the relationship between large and small aristocrats is intricate, not under mutual control, and only recognizes the boss and does not recognize the king.

After the demon princes’ direct line of combat power entered the arena, they took advantage of the gamma-ray cannon to quickly search for the target. Even if they could not destroy the star gate in the first time, they should try their best to face the enemy’s secondary target. Fight to make the enemy's gamma ray cannon throw the mouse.

The spherical fortresses on the first order fired one after another, ejecting deadly projectiles. Because they were added, they could draw a bright light tail like a comet in the dark universe, which was very beautiful.

The orbital gun of the spherical fortress is of a charge-strike type. The firing interval of a single cannon is slightly longer, but the spherical fortress is constantly rotating, just like the shell of a laser lamp in a ballroom, which gives it an overall impression. , Is that the frequency of shelling is very high, and as long as the target is not extinguished, it will keep shooting.

The benefits of array control are even greater.

When encountering targets with ordinary defenses, the spherical fortresses are like soldiers who cooperate with each other. After firing, they can always find the shooting target, and avoid wasting firepower.

When encountering a target that resists beating, they can often concentrate their firepower and carry out a breakthrough shot at the target, so as to quickly break the target and prevent injuries.

This time, the situation facing the spherical fortress is the latter.

Without the baptism of the gamma ray cannon, the demon engine is still very resistant, and it can be called rough and thick. A spherical fortress often takes more than a dozen or even dozens of consecutive hits to break its protective cover and make holes in its thick shell, hurting its interior.

The performance of the demon engines is relatively mediocre. Missiles and shelling are mainly two types.

Some giant demon engines that are good at fire support tend to shoot a large number of various types of missiles. They seem to be in a good condition. Not only are there large numbers, but the flight estimates are different. They can rain a death rain on the target, and there is nowhere to hide. .

However, in space, it is said that there are hundreds of missiles, which is a hundred times the number of missiles, and it is difficult to create an overwhelming force.

The First Order has specialized laser array weapons for missiles and "water ghosts."

I saw some boat-class units with a large number of stubby synapses like barnacle reefs, swimming around like barracudas, in groups of three to five, fast and slow.

On the surface of those synapses, from time to time, dense stroboscopic flashes of bright light.

This is where the laser is firing.

It is not gorgeous, and there is no colorful laser beam visible to the naked eye in Star Wars, but only at the moment of launch, when it is displayed on the muzzle, and when it is applied to the target. And the latter is generally caused by the meltdown effect.

Although the missiles of the Devil’s side are notoriously skinny and even have mass weapons with solid warheads, they are still very afraid of the laser array weapons of the anti-missile speedboat.

The key is that once it hits, the destroyed missile may lose its head, and it doesn't make sense to fight it.

The demons also have weapons for small and medium-sized units.

After all, they are also getting old in battles, and most of the physical universe biological civilizations they deal with, they like to use hordes of ‘small things’ to deal with their demon engines.

In fashionable words: Productivity determines creation.

Although the productivity of the demons is not very high, they have enough time to accumulate. This advantage can be converted into productivity and compete with their opponents in total production.

But in the face of the first order, the advantages in this respect can be ignored. The productivity of the first order is really outrageous. Even if the total amount is still not as good as the demons, it can be compared with their effective delivery per unit time. No matter how much the inventory is, it's useless if it can't be delivered to the front line.

The situation is almost like this.

The Horror Demon Legion felt that they had invested a lot of combat power.

It's really not too small.

But the first order has a lot of combat power, and it's also efficient. So the devil's side seemed to be insufficient, and it failed to open the situation as expected, let alone the ideal destructive mode.

At this time, the demons naturally wanted to quickly increase their combat power and crush the opponent.

However, after calculating the probability, it was discovered that the reserve force was a little insufficient and could not withstand a few toss.

What annoyed them most was that it was too late to add more combat power to the rear at this time. The consumption speed of the front line is indeed somewhat unexpected and scary.

At this moment, the horrifying demons noticed. The treacherous demons appeared.

Worthy of being a good friend who loves and kills each other. Either taking the opportunity to take advantage or saving the field in time, anyway, the Fear of the Allied Forces, tacitly completed the relay battle in action without prior communication.

Of course, the front line is still in full swing at this time, and for a while, there is no need for Tan Qi to top it up. The treacherous demons are also happy to see the horrifying demons who have always been utterly empty when they use force and are taught to be humans in front of them.

At this time, the horrifying demons on the front line had already fallen into a mode of incompetent rage.

The fierce and fierce in the past, the giant-style demon engine that brought destruction and death wherever it rushed, at this moment, it is like a mentally retarded giant baby with only flesh and no brains, being played by various games, the hit rate, And effective damage, low scary.

There was even a demon engine fainted from the anger, leaving the matching target without hitting, chasing a few anti-missile speedboats and running around, only to be played around.

That's right! Since it is called a demon engine, a demon is naturally imprisoned in it.

The device itself is very cruel, like a cage + torture device. It is said to be a devil-like iron-virgin, completely free from problems. The demon imprisoned in it plays the role of the ship’s brain and the ship’s brain. Extraordinary magic weapon, the core role of the engine.

The shell of the demon in reality becomes a special container after being strengthened by alienation. It becomes a key part of the demon engine. Energy flows in it, providing surging power for the entire device.

And very vulgar, the demon engine has bionic features, which can be said to be an enlarged mechanical version of the deformed monster developed by the doctor of evil creatures that is common in film and television animation.

For example, the crab is equipped with a human upper body, a giant scorpion, or even a centipede, and it also plays the set of billions of turrets and billions of glory. Each limb is equipped with a three-continuous main gun of the imperial battleship turret. Such heavy weapons.

Such a thing, even in space, is huge enough to shock one's mind when seen closer.

And if they are against ordinary ships, they have a really great advantage. It can be said that if they are scorpions or centipedes, ordinary ships are nothing more than cicada pupae. Once they are mounted on their faces, they are basically arbitrary.

But it didn't work in the first order, until now, he just couldn't touch the side of the star gate.

The horrifying demons had never thought that one day the demon engine would not even be able to catch the star door components.

When the first batch of the horrific demon's combat power was projected and was hit by the gamma ray cannon, that is, the Burdington had just completed its transmission, and the ring star gate began to disintegrate on its own.

After its disintegration the most important and huge physical part, the outer ring, like an equally divided pizza, is divided into twelve points, each of which is a column with a curvature, the length of The kilometer is the unit of calculation, and the diameter has reached hundreds of meters.

It's really heavy, and there is no propulsion engine or something for moving.

However, near the star gate, there are special unmanned colonial satellites that provide them with ‘pendents’.

These ‘pendants’ are transmitted directly to the airspace near the star gate components through matrix transmission. After that, it will mount itself like a saint's garment.

Boom! Boom! With the omni-directional attachment of the Niubila wind, the star door components are hung up, and immediately like a person wearing a power armor suit, the combat power soars, not only will not hug the head, but will become a combat unit, using its own surging energy and high power The ability to lead the output advantage, through the pendant weapons to attack nearby enemies.

The main weapon of the star door part of the armored ship is comparable to the most powerful energy cannon (a kind of light spear) on the Apocalypse-class battleship. Both the striking effect and the striking feeling are very good. The gamma-ray cannon called the trumpet can be imagined for its power.

Moreover, although its propulsion engine and protective force field generator are added, due to its own energy surging, whether it is explosive flight or anti-beating ability, it is much stronger than ordinary battleships.

After finally getting to the demon engine near the star gate, he was caught off guard. As many as dozens of demon engines were quickly named in the crossfire and turned into cosmic dust.

On the contrary, it was the demon engine that was first flushed by the gamma ray cannon. Due to the successive shots of the Demon Prince Mage and Kane, they played the top bull game between the ice and fire. At least on the surface, there are still alive. A lot...


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