Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1320: Eternal residue casts evil

The wrestling between Kane and the Demon Prince Mage Group occurred just seven seconds after the first wave of demon engines was bombarded by stellar gamma rays.

The energy flow from the star is full of momentum, soaking all the demon engines in the river of light, watching the scarlet light wrapped around the demon engine is diluted and washed away by the light current, the shell of the demon engine is like wax It was soft and deformed, and then dissipated and burned, but the tendency of disintegration was slowed down by the red light bursting out from the core, and there was even a sign of renewed stability.

This was created by the demon prince mage group.

Under the continuous firing of the gamma-ray cannon, it still has a significant effect in saving its own combat power.

For the demons, this scene is indeed quite encouraging.

Since the two sides started fighting for more than a year and the gamma-ray cannon came on the scene, it has always been the most feared super weapon for demons.

At the beginning, there was still such a heart of nodding and iron resistance, but they were taught to be human again and again, and the demons had to lower their proud heads and admit that in this physical universe, there was a lack of positive force to restrain them.

Later, every time they fought, the demons could only pray secretly that the gamma-ray cannon would not fall on their heads this time. After all, according to the performance of the gamma ray cannon, it can be said that whoever is stared at will have to die, and the survival rate is negligible.

The blow of the gamma ray cannon is also divided into long and short.

A short blow is a wave, no longer than two seconds, like a pot of cold water.

The long hit is a ten-second upward irradiation, as if standing under a waterfall being washed.

If it is said that there is still some possibility of surviving under the short blow, then the long blow is basically just wiped out.

But now, the most terrifying long-term exposure of the gamma ray cannon is restrained, and the devil naturally feels it is powerful.

But the demon engine on the front line was caught in a frenzy of begging for death.

Demons are also emotional, and there is the possibility of emotional breakdown, but the threshold is much higher than that of mortals. To use Randian as a metaphor, if the emotional threshold of ordinary people is the level of sawdust, then demons are at least fire-resistant soil.

But now, the refractory soil cannot withstand the torment of high temperature and loses its original properties. As a result, a demon engine became violent.

In addition, the horror demon has the desire to destroy at will out of control, and the result is crazy attacks on everything around him.

Kane ‘watched’ this scene on the Burdington from the position of a **** and the perspective of extraordinary energy. He curled his lips, but was not surprised.

After all, he has repeatedly emphasized the extraordinary technology of this universe, which is relatively primitive and backward compared to other high magic universes.

Since it is primitive, it naturally has primitive performance. Just like right now, the Demon Prince Mage Group only thought of confrontational protection, and failed to fully consider it as a carrier of two majestic but completely different energy contests. Demon engines What is it like?

"The big animals have been driven crazy by you. The work is so rough, how can you show it off? Let me help you."

The skills of the demons are too rough, and Kane's pretense is more than desire, showing off what is meant by means.

If he is just overwhelming the opponent in the confrontation, in his opinion, the technical content is a bit low, and the level is not obvious. Not only do you have to win, but you have to win and leave the opponent speechless.

Therefore, Kane shot, not the light, but the power of darkness, using spiritual power to control the power, and then using the power of darkness to control the power of darkness, exerting an effect on the entire area.

In this way, at the same time, the forces endured by the demon engines fell into three categories.

The most ambitious is naturally the energy of gamma rays, but in comparison, this kind of energy is acting as the ‘base bed’ at the moment, because it has poor texture and is not condensed enough.

The most powerful is the energy released by the Demon Prince Mage Group.

Since they had prepared in advance, the subspace power they released burst out of the demon engine. From the perspective of the entire team, the core of the team is the strongest point of explosion.

This is because a closer analysis of these demon engines will reveal that the outer ones are generally melee systems, while the inner ones are spellcasting systems dominated by energy strikes.

The spellcasting system is obviously more suitable to be the anchor point of extraordinary energy conduction than the melee system.

The gathering of a dry casting system can further increase the efficiency of energy transfer.

Moreover, as the core of the team, under the blow of gamma-ray cannons, their integrity is relatively higher, and their functions can naturally be better utilized.

The gamma ray cannon has great energy, the demon wizard group is strong, and Kane's dark power occupies the label of active and smart.

Observing with optical instruments at this time, we can see that beyond the river of light formed by gamma rays, a burst of black energy emerges from the dark space, just like grabbing silk at one point, making the surrounding space all Become distorted.

Immediately afterwards, headed by these starting points, a dark stream like a long worm and giant python was formed. With a willful and swift body technique, it rushed into the stream of light and ran towards the huge scarlet light group in it.

This huge scarlet light group is the area where the demon engines are located. Earlier, because of the gamma-ray flow, the color seemed to fade away, but now it has become rich again, like a wound in the interior is punctured and blood is rushing, as the gamma-ray energy continues to wash away, And a large amount of passing, from a distance, is like a countercurrent submarine with a damaged fuel tank, with oil stains flowing continuously behind it, forming a long tail.

Those new black python-like energy streams have effectively changed this situation.

And before that, what is impressive is that they seem to be in the same group with scarlet energy, they easily get in, and quickly change the color of the scarlet energy in the corresponding area, making it from scarlet to dark red .

In addition, this black energy is very adaptable to the gamma-ray flow, just like fish adapting to the water environment, the gamma-ray energy cannot strip a trace of black from them.

This is micro-manipulation, this is the outer shell of God's Domain, this is the distortion of the law, this is the same source of light and darkness.

Kane's power shows what it means to eat at home and eat at home. In terms of gamma ray energy, they are one body and two sides, and in terms of demonic power, they are of the same family.

Darkness encompasses fel energy, and the power of the devil is the backbone of fel energy, and it has gathered a large number of powers that destroy attributes in the three branches of darkness.

At least in Kane's system, it is so generalized and divided. Whether everything can be omnipotent and run according to his division depends on ability.

Kane's uninterrupted analysis of the basic laws of the universe, as well as the projects of his creator, serve this purpose.

Understand the basic principles, know the elements, control the laws, and dominate all things. This is the Creator.

With the addition of Kane's dark power, the demon engine wrapped in dark red energy has become a ‘caked chicken’.

The outermost gamma-ray stream is the scorching high temperature, while the dark red energy is mud, and the demon engine itself is a chicken that is tormented in braising.

Hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, the demon princes of the wizard group looked at each other. This situation is really beyond their expectations.

Extraordinary power often reflects the user's own attributes and roots, like fear of abuse, the nature of the power is staunch, domineering, and tyrannical, and the corresponding emotional power is also negative.

According to such a theory, could Kane be half brothers with them? And it's a more pure bloodline? Why not only be able to fuse their power easily, but also give orders to this power?

Even they stumble and stumble, and can only be controlled roughly, but they are grasping in their hands, which seems to be very easy to get the effect.

For fear of abuse, there is a subtle temperament, this time, I will not jump out to guide the problem. And the demon of the horror-masochistic system mostly ran to the black rectum.

In this kind of situation where there is no expert guidance, and there is not much time for analysis and judgment, he chose to bite his teeth.

If this is also a tactic, then this tactic is called ‘keep you up! ’

This is a tactic based on the recognition that the more delicate the control, the greater the consumption of mental power.

It is true in theory, after all, the devil princes have personal experience. Through hundreds of millions of miles, manipulating extraordinary powers, even with pre-arranged anchoring devices that can transit through subspaces, thus ignoring the distance of the real universe to a considerable extent, is still very energy-consuming.

So if you push yourself and others, the other party's mental power will naturally be more consumed.

In fact, Kane's mental energy consumption was not as great as the demons imagined.

First of all, it was because of the power of his creator-level spirit, and the quality was strong enough.

Just like the spiritual power remaining in the cells of the old dominators, whether it was Kane or Zhao Wenrui, it took a long time and a long time before they were completely obliterated. The stronger the existence, the higher the quality of the spiritual power.

The second is the addition of technology.

As early as when Kane was born again at Hogwarts to go to school, at the opening ceremony, he used magic stars to show his ideas, use his own power, control the power of familiarity, and then control the force of nature.

The levels are progressive, complex but tight. Just like his predator group system.

Against this background, Archimedes's: Give me a fulcrum, and I can lift the earth. It can be said that it was realized by Kane.

The mental power controls the power of the law, and the power of the law governs all natural and supernatural powers. Now Kane uses power, basically such a theory.

From another perspective, it can be seen as material deconstruction and information injection.

After the substance is deconstructed, Kane will be able to know where the upper limit is as a container.

This upper limit determines how much information can be injected without overflow or collapse.

The main value of the mysterious element is that it can increase the upper limit of the material container after being incorporated, so that more information can be injected.

In the eyes of mortals, the more mysterious and high-end items possessing mighty power, the more complex its attribute entries and the more majestic information content.

In this regard, the information used by Kane is already in a system, like a module, like a program group represented by computer software, in complete sets. According to the upper limit of material information injection, combined with actual needs, integrate information from different modules and process creation.

This method is suitable for all things, including people. This is the essence of the Creator's means.

Now, Kane has used this method.

How can destruction be better than creation?

What about the devil? Negatives are positive, watch the old man use the principle of shining brightly in the dark, and use this demon engine as a sacrifice to create a bright **** for you!

Light, can also be called **** evil?

From Kane's perception, this statement is really fine. You must know that in his hometown, in metaphysics, ‘light evil’ is also a kind of evil, everything is not enough, so is light.

Of course he could be more attentive. From these blood, debts, grievances, and countless evil demon engines, a great light was born.

But he felt that in that case, no matter from which angle, it was a bit too much.

First of all, I will stimulate the four evil gods, knowing that they are the first of all evil, and they are sinful. If there is a ‘My Buddha’s Mercy’ that can convert the extreme evil into the extreme good, it will really be a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh, and it will swiftly enter the stage of endless struggle.

Secondly, he personally doesn't like Wei Guangzheng. Once it is created, it will probably be his enemy. After all, his own way, because of selfishness, is actually evil, at least below the secular standards of good and evil in most of the world, but because of human nature, love of the house, and blackness, he can abide by some bottom lines.

Knowing what he is, and not being fond of being majestic, why bother to make a Madonna disgusting himself?

In addition, for his creator project, Kane also added material to this operation.

Specifically, he injected the more distinctive part of the Eternal Well residue.

The essence of the well of eternity is the remainder of the cosmic egg.

And this surplus is what the existing 40K universe left after being swallowed.

Under such a cognitive background, Kane would naturally wonder whether this remnant, for the current 40K universe, is it an indigestible acquaintance or a leftover that is picky and unwilling to eat?

And from the perspective of the creator, no matter which one it is, it is a ‘troublemaker’ that can cause major changes.

The mysterious element, which is common to all universes, has already been refined by him.

If the cosmic eggs are a table of food, the mysterious elements are like oil and water. No matter how picky eaters, they will not target this. I think that if they are targeted, this dish will not be eaten at so they are fine. It belongs to the leftovers left over from the real devouring universe egg, because it is not easy to peel off, and the stability of the remaining part will be affected after being peeled off, so they mix together to form a stone-like thing, this is the well of eternity.

The so-called use of the Well of Eternity by Tan Qi and even Carlos mainly achieved their goals through this type of medium. After all, the “oil and water” part of the universe egg swallowed by the 40K universe did not disappear, but was transformed and added to the universe’s derivation and merged into everything. This is also where Carlos can use the power of the Well of Eternity to peer into the trajectory of everything and obtain The root cause of foreseeability.

During the time Kane returned to the HP universe, Miranda did not stop working. When Kane returned to this world, only the last part of the well of Eternity remained, and it needed the divine power of the Creator to fix it.

Then it's a matter of course.

Therefore, now there is no well of eternity, only the various elements decomposed by it.

And this time, Kane invested specifically in that part of the element that he understood his information, but was rejected by the universe for unknown reasons, and failed to absorb, or failed to absorb all of it.

In fact, this is the point of ‘something to do’. Its appearance will disrupt the established operation of the Warhammer 40K universe, naturally with BUG attributes. Can be called the protagonist of God-level destiny, wherever he goes, he will definitely make waves there.

And given this special attribute to Wei Guangzheng, he was born a ‘justice catastrophe’, and Kane is full of expectations for his performance.

Mainly not because it can bring a touch of color to this overly desperate universe, but because of its stimulation, Kane can better obtain information about the fundamental principles of this universe...


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