Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1328: Create the Holy Light

When the Kane Guard arrived on the battlefield, the Oath Legion was fighting vigorously with the Silent Nun. Just beside a salt lake.

Among them, two demon engines are particularly conspicuous.

For the demons, it is not easy to send a behemoth on the surface of Gradieus.

Even if it is successfully delivered, how long it can exist is still a questionable question.

After all, the First Order has a firm grasp of the right to control the railroads, and relatively large people are more likely to be caught by the monitoring system that forms network coverage.

This time, the Demon Sworn Legion could only be mentally prepared for 5 minutes after the Demon Engine entered the field. As long as it can rush the Silent Sisters out of a formation in a short time, the Sworn Legion will basically secure the victory.

As a result, as soon as the fight started, it caught up with the big event. When the energy storm formed by the confrontation between the bright gods and the three evil gods swept across, the entire sky appeared abnormally dazzling white, whether it was the members of the oath or the silent nuns. , The momentary absences that coincided with each other, it can be said that he was frightened by this magnificent vision.

And then, it was the Demon Oath Legion that was overjoyed. Because the sudden appearance of the God's Domain Force Field Shield is obviously beneficial to them, the demon engine has already entered the field, and the silent nuns can be washed away in minutes.

Then the Burdington appeared.

Instinctively, the people of the Demon Oath Legion felt that the trouble was coming.

Because even though they are separated from the god-like field force field, they still judge the power of the energy storm through experience, but the Burdington can ride the wind and waves in it. This anomaly originally means extraordinary strength.

The Oath Commander Kazzak made a decisive decision and ordered an all-out assault. It knew that this new force was like an enemy but not a friend, and it was very likely to be able to control the battle. Time does not wait for anyone. How many results can be achieved now? How much to take.

The result is still underestimating the strength of the Kane Guard.

The landing of the Burdington itself was very unconventional. It was fast and fierce, and it felt like an emergency landing. The Kane Guards were even more exaggerated. Under the background of the high-speed landing of the Burdington, they just rushed out of the ship. Outside, when free fall.

In fact, due to its own mass, the Burdington is faster due to the gravity of the planet. But because of this, in order to be able to enter the battlefield in time, the Kane Guard chose to leave the cabin halfway so that they can adjust their landing points in the air and enter the battle more quickly.

What surprised the Sworn Legion was that although the main body of the energy storm had passed, the remaining prestige was still terrifying. In this kind of great storm of heaven and earth, even the extremely strong and high-tonnage demon engine dare not confront it head-on. The newly arrived enemy army dares to fight alone. Why?

The Kane Guard said that it is relying on the shell of the domain.

With the blessing of the mysterious elements, they already have a legendary position and individual combat power. It is also because of Kane’s personal guard, backed by Kane, the true Buddha, with a divine power bonus, which makes their domain more powerful. The force is more powerful, so it becomes a storm bird, not affected by the raging energy storm at all.

And their performance after entering the battlefield is also sharp. They immediately took aim at the demon engine and the location of Commander Kazzak.

Kazzak found out that it had been targeted in time, made a decisive decision, and directly used the secret method to play the Golden Cicada Escape.

It is very particular about this trick, relying on a high-level magic weapon, which can give it a body of law, which is simply the body of law.

The law of the Dharmakaya refers to the law. At least the core part is the law level. Only this can create a container of huge extraordinary energy.

Kazak’s Dharma body can play it 100% within three minutes. When the time limit is over, all remaining energy will be intensified, causing a wave of explosions. At the same time, the information obtained within three minutes is transmitted to the subjects who have left.

Therefore, when the three Kane guards blasted a large crater around Kazzak like a falling meteorite, and then pounced on it, like a battle-tested veteran, he drew out his weapons and started fighting without haste. . I also made a few decent lines for myself.

"You group of ants, dare to challenge Kazzak. This will be your last mistake."

The lines are very imposing, and it’s a bit Low. It uses a scythe with energy attached, which is equivalent to an extraordinary version of a power sword, but because Kazzak himself is huge, with a height of nearly six meters, the weapon is corresponding It's also very big, and coupled with the energy, it looks very domineering.

But when it comes to combat maneuvers, it seems lackluster. It can be said that peripheral personnel trained in the First Order System are almost at this level. Facing the members of the Kane Guard, it was completely crushed.

The Kane guard is a three-person team, big men, bodybuilders, and lean men, each performing their duties. Among them, the deadliest is the one that looks thin and small.

The thin guy's team role is positioned as an assassin, with a powerful skill that will kill in one hit, but the conditions for casting are more demanding and require strong teammates.

This time, the big man almost completed his task perfectly. His powerful momentum successfully attracted the attention of Kazak Dharmakaya. The main target of the Dharma body was the big man.

In addition, the big guy also deliberately sold a flaw, allowing Kazak's Dharmakaya to take a small step back and round the giant sickle in his hand for an attack very comfortably.

If it is smashed, even the shell of the destroyer in the interstellar battleship can be penetrated in one shot, and it has a knock-up effect. With a large weight, it will properly become a flying man.

But the big guy could avoid it, but he didn't hesitate to choose the one that made Kazak's body cool.

However, the price of cool is deadly.

At the moment when Kazak’s Dharma body successfully knocked the big head into the air, the thin man suddenly appeared in the air above the back of Kazak’s Dhamma, and like a diving action, he held the thorns with his hands on his head and feet, and directly threw the spear-like three. The big edged dagger was inserted into the junction of the head of the law body and the cervical spine.

The lean man chose this point of attack, not to judge according to the common sense of the human body structure, but to use special skills to detect the target's "fatal node" and launch it.

After Kazak's Dharma body suffered this blow, it immediately crashed, being overwhelmed by its own full swing, and then there was no more sound.

The three-minute hero didn't last for ten seconds like this, even when foreplay was counted. As for the explosion, after the node was hit by the lean man, the energy operation was stuck, and it became a dud bomb.

As for the bodybuilder in the trio, when the other two team members dealt with Kazak, he has been like a whirlwind to effectively block other demon forces from supporting Kazak's Dharma body.

So much so that Kazak's Dharmakaya couldn't say that sentence: "Come and protect me!" and set off.

The trio who dealt with the demon engine had another performance.

They were all in the air and used very powerful combos. The three of them cast spells at the same time to form a transmission terminal, and then called the Burdington for support.

This support is directly connected to the Burdington’s arsenal, from which the trio called out the Maelstrom weapon to deal with the demon engine.

Such technical means effectively solve the problem of individual soldiers' lack of heavy firepower.

Compared with Kazak's body, the monster-level demon engine with a height of more than 20 meters is very clumsy. The trio found the breakthrough easily and successfully broke through, and then stuffed the whirlpool bomb in.

The Demon Engine of the Kinky series is very gorgeous, with a sapphire blue shell and golden trim, which looks like it is wearing an expensive art armor.

And the one that appeared this time has the name of Secondary Two, the Devil Dragon in Hell. In addition to having the outer appearance of the treacherous demon engine, their inner part is also full of characteristics. Through the gaps in the joints, you can see the ice-colored light flowing inside.

They can emit a deadly ultra-low temperature breath, claiming to reach absolute temperature, and even atomic activity can freeze.

Crashing and trampling like a terrestrial dragon, while swaying his head constantly spitting out, just one wave caused a huge amount of damage to the silent nuns. The frozen nuns were all pretty good. They were frozen and then trampled. It's miserable to get into the sand, or even trample it to pieces.

When the Kane Guard entered the arena, the two demon engines had already collided back and forth, except for a few lucky dune buggies that were not targeted by the demon engines, and they were not affected, the main group of silent nuns. Be rushed to fall apart.

Unlucky with it, there is also a battle of swordsmen.

In front of the behemoths of war, they, who were not prepared enough, were also killed and wounded. Together with the half of the saltwater lake in the sand, they were frozen and broken.

Against this background, the Kane Guard was like a dagger that pierced into the heart of the raging Mad Cow, and immediately ended his life.

The black hole formed by the explosion of the vortex bomb is like the blood mouth of a dark behemoth. With the explosion point as the center, a large piece of flesh and blood of the demon engine is bitten off, even more than a quarter of the total mass.

Such an injury, even if the demon engine is notoriously resistant to beatings, still becomes unable to fight due to structural lack.

Immediately afterwards, the second wave of compensation came.

It also came from the air, and plunged into the huge body of the demon engine like a sharp arrow, and then burst out a black vortex that tore everything away, distorting the space, unstoppable, but it went abnormally abrupt, leaving no trace, only the demon engine. The remnant.

The two demon engines just died.

But the battle did not end. Kazzak’s decision caused the Demon Oath Legion to activate all traps ahead of time. A large number of monsters swarmed up and defeated the falling water dogs. Although this allowed some silent nuns and sword fighters to find weaknesses and break through in one fell swoop, it also made the main team even worse. , The loss is greater.

Faced with this situation, Kane directly intervened.

He showed the formidable side of Alpha Psionicist, being in the air, between raising his hands, he directly applied holy blessing to the silent nuns and sword fighters on the entire battlefield.

Seeing that there were hundreds of oval light cocoons on the battlefield instantly.

These cocoons look very similar to the famous static force field (in which the injured blue father Robert Killiman spent thousands of years), and they are also almost transparent, like water **** of pure water. However, these light cocoons have more brilliance of the holy light, and they are full of breath, which will make the sunshine creatures feel extra comfortable, just like soaking in warm water.

Kane provided not only protection, but also treatment.

Those who were frozen into ice sculptures, which can be said to have died from a physiological point of view, were restored to life and turned alive.

One of the most impressive is the return of the soul.

In the Warhammer 40K universe, once a person dies, if the soul is too strong to dissipate in time, it will enter the subspace.

And now, Kane relied on the remnant soul in his body as an anchor to pull back the soul that had entered the subspace. Even those who dissipated were gathered as much as possible and reactivated.

This can be regarded as a typical god-level spell, which can only be done.

According to Kane's theory, a person whose soul is dissipated is like a data memory that has been released due to a power failure.

The data in the memory has disappeared, but there is still a physical imprint in the body, which makes it possible to retrieve it, or fill it up.

There are also many specific situations. Although some have been resurrected, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are no different from before, but in fact they are only the thinking body, or the remnant soul, and the main soul has already disappeared.

Well, this person will basically have little development in the future.

Of course, this kind of development refers to the possibility of step by step on an extraordinary road like Kane did.

For the person involved, and even their relatives and friends, even if the main soul is present, the probability of realization is extremely low, and it is completely gone, and it doesn't feel much pain. After all, most people live in the present, and they are not sure about what they will be in ten or twenty years, or even not much idea.

The soul recondensed in the form of human light and shadow, returned to the body, and then awakened. The thoughts re-operated after their dying state of great horror. It was inevitable that they were terrified, but they were soon appeased by the power of the Holy Light, and eased down, like avoiding The lightning strike current damages the CPU, and the mind and consciousness are protected to avoid mental trauma and even complete collapse.

It has to be said that this kind of thoughtful and appropriate details highlights the force of Kane's Creator level.

And the Demon Oath Legion, suddenly dumbfounded.

Not to mention that the Eggs of Holy Blessing are going to attack, but they are closer to them, and their overflowing energy makes them feel the pain of being thrown into a pan.

It was a kind of physical and psychological discomfort in all directions, and the instinct of life also severely warned them. The power in front of them is their true natural enemy!

It is indeed.

After all, it was carefully prepared by Kane, and its information core was almost the opposite of the demons.

The psychic core of demons is negative emotional energy. The extraordinary power that is driven by it is also a fel system that is relatively compatible with negative emotional energy.

Of course, in fact, due to their primitive super law system, the power to control is rather complicated, including the energy of the element system.

Like horror, it is the obvious deflection of the fire element, while Trick is the water element. The color is biased towards the wind and the dirt is biased towards the ground.

The earth, fire, water and wind on the dark side, combined with evil energy, is the core attribute of the extraordinary power controlled by the four evil gods.

The holy light produced by Kane is relatively pure, without the positive power of the four elements, which is anti-darkness, anti-evil energy, anti-negative emotion, hope, wisdom, courage, love, positive emotional power, and integrates into it. The holy light has created the core of the holy light power with the characteristics of this world.

Then, through the amplification and release of his creator-level ‘equipment’, he created the miracle at this moment.

Cthulhu demons, chaotic forces, and subspace creatures have all become villains by this kind of power comparison. If the evil gods are a great evil, then these are now the spooky nights.


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