Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1329: Dark lashes and cracks the sky

Kane kills back to the Novice Village like a 999-level large, an area magic spell that immediately reverses the situation.

The battle commander of the Demon Sworn Legion, Kazzak, was abolished without surviving for five seconds, and the two demon engines of the siege hammer were also destroyed. Although the remaining combat power is numerous, it is no different from the sale. first.

The pig teammates are all protected by Kane's big resurrection technique + big defense technique. There is no need for rescue and no chaos. Kane's guards will cut the grass one by one.

The battle thus enters a boring one-sided killing mode.

Of course, as a demon of the Qiqi family, in fact, there are still some commendable selling points. For example, Abnormal Gore.

There are many sources of creatures like Gore, but they are basically inseparable from the word ‘miserable’.

For example, the result of the devil's cruel experiment on slaves.

Another example is the ships exposed to the subspace storm, those crew members who are exposed to the subspace wind.

For another example, the female life in the material universe swallowed by the so-called ‘earth fissure’.

Especially the last one, often incarnate as a monster-making machine, causing Gore to wreak havoc, and a nightmare-like beast-like crisis broke out on the planet.

There are many sources of Gore, but among them, the recognized and famous one is Gore of the four evil gods.

The horror type is called Student Gore, the evil type is called Evil Desire Gore, the Nurgle type is called Plague Gore, and the strange type is Abnormal Gore.

Just like their names, Altered Gore is often shaped by its masters into what they like, or what suits the current war.

In order to wipe out the elite of the Silent Sisters this time, the Demon Sworn Legion created a batch of Shaxing Gore in a targeted manner.

Their external energy blends with the environment, and as long as they don't move, they can quickly enter a state of invisibility. It is resistant to dryness, low-energy radiation, and has a pair of webbed feet suitable for walking on sand.

The main cannon fodder combat power ambushed by the Demon Oath Legion was these Sand Gore.

There were quite a lot of them, and the Silent Sisters and the Swordsman Group, as they entered the encirclement, didn't notice these monsters lurking far away.

Shaxing Gore not only has excellent environmental camouflage talents, and desert environment adaptability, but also has much higher combat effectiveness than ordinary people.

After all, they are considered subspace creatures, or transcendent creatures. Just a shared vision can provide many tactical advantages, allowing the commander to know the situation on the front line well.

Moreover, Gore is not a monster with low IQ. On the contrary, their IQ is higher than that of human beings, but their status as a slave and the generally unintentional social atmosphere of the Chaos forces leave them with no conditions for development.

They are like primitive humans, with short life span and no protection of personal rights. Therefore, they have no IQ, but they do not have a human-level thinking mode. They think like a dog, relatively simple and straightforward.

Since it is a metamorphic creature, there is always a chance of coincidence with a better talent.

Especially the abnormal Gore of the strange family. Trick is at least as good as the master of magic, and even the title of the first person in Warhammer 40K universe magic.

Under the effect of the upper and lower effects, it is not excessive to say that most of the demons of the treacherous family are also serving as the professional identity of the villain mad scientist.

These guys who surpassed all Lunde rituals, let their minds fly, and slapped their heads to engage in experiments. Instead of rigorously standardizing experimental procedures and carefully verifying the test, they habitually use their subordinates as experimental objects.

After all, including Trick himself, he also treated all his subordinates as experiments. Carlos's exploration of the Well of Eternity for him is the best proof.

However, Yin Qi also has a small account book, and will calculate the benefits and losses when doing things. Obviously loss-making transactions are generally not done.

All in all, the academic atmosphere of the treacherous demon circle is much stronger than that of the other three evil gods.

It is more capable of killing, and indeed more guinea pigs have been killed by it, and the "manufacturable material" that was born is relatively correct.

Even if I wait for success almost every time, the previous experimental steps are too crude for myself to repeat the experiment. I can make batches of'manufacturable materials', but I can teach them over time. After enough tuition, I can always figure out some routines.

The final result is the variant Gore of the Treacherous Element, which is significantly more powerful than the Gore of the other three evil gods. The difference is about the same as that of humans in the Stone Age and true primitives. In a relatively fair competitive environment, it can already be slapped.

Those in the mutant Gore who are talented and have proved their own few existences will be bestowed with ‘the blessings of strangers’ and become a kind of existence called ‘inspirators’.

Inspirers can already master psychic abilities, about the level of ancient human wizards, and can see the scene behind the veil of fate to a certain extent.

Therefore, although it is still cannon fodder on the battlefield, the Altered Gore battle group with Inspirers often does not make big mistakes. Inspirers can predict the direction of the war to a certain extent, and if there is enough time, they can even analyze the best action. Program.

Some inspirers can carry psionic weapons, such as a spear that screams when approaching an enemy, or a longbow that shoots psionic arrows.

The end of the inspirer system is the Gore Shaman, who are even allowed to have their own evil beast mounts or chariots. But compared to this, being able to study further is the real benefit. Make them change their thinking mode, get rid of ignorance, and become the wise men and prophets in Gore.

Once a high-ranking Gore Shaman is born, it is qualified to lead its people and obtain considerable autonomy. Generally speaking, their daily activities are to build one after another magnificent buildings with sacrifice as the core theme in the material universe. These buildings are often in areas with the most dense subspace storms.

These buildings are not only Gore's sacrifices to Tiki, but also a bridge between the subspace and the physical universe. The longer they exist, the deeper and wider the influence of the subspace will be. Eventually the region or the planet will be completely transformed and become the cornerstone for the chaotic forces to invade and build a bridgehead.

Unfortunately, these are meaningless to the Kane Guard.

The Kane Guard is not large in number, not counting the officers, there are only three hundred men in total.

But that is 300 legendary rank combat power.

In Kane's system, the conventional transcendent substance, ranked first is the mysterious element.

The number of mysterious elements in a war insect often directly determines its strength and position in the insect swarm system.

Because energy, whether it is the force of nature or the power of extraordinary, is extremely rich in terms of the first order of mass-energy conversion technology and natural-extraordinary energy conversion technology.

The only limitation is the volume of the container, which determines the total amount of energy injected and the throughput limit per unit time.

The energy throughput efficiency determines which level of information perfusion will be obtained.

These information perfusions are all in a system, just like the Window system or the Android system, and they are also equipped with different personality information systems. The two complement each other and are the core of the virtual soul of a First Order Puppet Warworm.

The rest is to match some subsystems according to the specific situation, including the self-learning system recognized by the "Governor" T850 in the future fighters and so on.

Personality construction, knowledge system construction, and experience system, virtual soul can be said to be a complex project, but the first order successfully broke it apart and crushed it, every detail was in place, and then reintegrated and optimized , And formed a number of template routines.

This is a typical example of high technology.

In comparison, even the mutant Gore of the treacherous family is too far, too far away. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a world of difference. How can it be possible to win? What to win?

In the battlefield, the military coat, or the big man, was like a chariot, rushing arbitrarily, even in coordination with each other, staggered rushing, turning the people on the trajectory of the charge and the people who had hit Gore within a certain range on both sides of the road.

The governors jumped in a storm of sword blades that turned endlessly. They jumped wherever the enemy got together, often falling from the sky. As soon as they turned around, the scene immediately broke a large body of limbs.

The lean man is a flashing poisonous needle, targeting enemy officers and non-commissioned officers as the main targets. The flashes appeared, the fatal assassinations, and the flashes disappeared, just these three steps, but it is a trick that has been eaten all over the world. I haven't seen any Gore or demon successfully defended, let alone countered.

When Trick's attention was invested in this battlefield, what he saw was such a scene of his own combat power being slaughtered.

It's not too much to be shot at the pigs by a machine gun.

It was only a short while late for Yin Qi that the situation was so corrupted that he couldn't manage it.

Tanqi is naturally angry and hateful.

Especially when thinking about the fact that I have smashed countless capital since the confrontation with Kane, but never won even one profitably, the more I hate it, and at the same time there is still a little bit of fear.

There is a mine at home, and I am afraid of this kind of consumption without any hope!

Even if you win one game in ten games, there is the message that the opponent can’t win one game in a hundred games, or winning is a trivial win, but once you lose, you’re often hurt. For people with big hearts, it is definitely a loss of confidence.

However, Yin Qi shot without hesitation. It doesn't matter whether it is breathless or incompetent and furious. In short, he doesn't want to back down now, and he would rather lose his investment this time than make Kane feel comfortable.

Kane felt the arrival of Tricky.

The birth and experience of the four evil gods determined that they didn't even have much consciousness to constrain their majestic power. No matter where they go, they are all vigorous. Even if they think they are already very low-key, they are still too eye-catching in the eyes of strong people like Kane who are constantly taught to be humans and climbed up through the social animal growth route.

But this time, Kane felt that the timing was good, and there was no need to hold Pipa with half-hands and half-hands as before.

Because there is a third-party presence in this area, he is brazen, and it is difficult for Yan Qi to determine who is cutting his flesh.

Therefore, Kane was already making preparations before Tricky took action.

The specific time, that is, he just installed the Alpha Psionicist's ratio on the battlefield and used the Holy Light to save the allies and reverse the battle.

The powerful release of the power of the holy light would have caused the dark power to rebound.

This is a bit like the energy shock wave of a nuclear explosion, which will cause the air to flow back quickly and form a super hurricane.

Kane used his housekeeping skills this time to directly control the power of darkness.

Moreover, the previous release of the power of the gods of light was too tyrannical and fierce, resulting in a big rebound of the power of darkness in the entire universe.

This large background environment has also been considered and used by Kane. With this astronomical general trend, he can control an extremely large power with a very small expenditure.

In this way, in addition to the small investment, it is not easy to be noticed. It's not like Lu Yin and Tan Qi before they helped terrorism and abuse, it is equivalent to carrying a big flag to appear on the stage.

"Darkness, endless and deep darkness, devouring everything, indescribable!"

Kane is the creator, and his words are the rules, as long as he is willing to give them enough power and unique information.

Now he has invested.

Information investment for the Lord of the Dark Dimension of the Old Dominator + Supreme Wizard!

In the original Gradius star system and the cosmic region that was affected by the energy storm that was bombarded by the gods, the rebound of the power of darkness was majestic, but scattered and without focus.

To put it more vividly, it is like a ball exerting pressure from all directions.

But with the **** of Kane's will, this force gathers in one place with a high efficiency that ignores space and time. Form a group of things that are difficult to describe in words.

The main reason why it is difficult to describe is because it exists across latitudes, including the physical universe and subspace, but not only that.

Kane's unique information gave him the possibility of establishing an independent dimension, that is to say, at this moment, this group of things has the characteristics of high dimensionality in ordinary cognition.

Because of this, neither the subspace nor the physical universe can see its full picture, and naturally it cannot accurately describe its shape.

Of course, this is not the point, the point lies in the cohesion of such a majestic force, which is too terrifying.

There is a description in the east of the earth, which is called Wan Ma Qi 喑, and in front of you is its cosmic version, the stars are 喑.

It's not that there is no light, but these lights, like the light of a mobile phone indicator light in the sun at midday, seem so insignificant and insignificant.

This can be compared to the fact that Starlight cannot compete with Haoyue for a bigger gap.

And this gap is the instinctive perception of every intelligent creature. This instinctive perception also includes self-awareness. Your upper limit is too low, otherwise you will find that the gap might be even greater!

The unspeakable absolute difference, this dark light relies on its momentum to form an absolute effect whose intensity cannot be described by any adjective. At that moment, even for Cthulhu, the existence of darkness is absolute. It suppresses all cognition and even makes people unable to think. There is an effect similar to thinking blindness, but this time it is not white, it is pure. black.

In the face of such a horrible phenomenon, I almost shouted ‘Who else! ? The bright **** of evil, hiding in its still magnificent, but very dim light pit shivering, dare not put a fart.

Tricky had an idea of ​​running away immediately, but he found that his legs and feet did not listen. It was not frightened, but instinctively and instinctively to call the police. At this time, the result of running would be even worse, and he would not move, silently saying, "You can't see me." It's the wise choice The horror who is about to enter a new battlefield, it is as if the body fixation method is suddenly used, and it stops abruptly, without any follow-up actions.

Lu Xie, and even Na Mu was shocked to show up, sneaking and cautiously seeing what happened.

Naturally, something big happened.

The fifteenth-level creator divine technique, the dark sky, or called the extra-dimensional big cutting technique.

The indescribable darkness turned into a giant whip of law, forming a whip that would form an eternal nightmare once seen by the gods.

This flogging does not lie in how magnificent and magnificent it is, but in its laws that flatten the entire universe, just like 3D becomes 2D, and the three-dimensional universe becomes a glass plate. Then it was smashed by a steel whip.

It's not the kind of broken into one place, but a cracked whip like a sky.

No matter from which angle or dimension the crack is viewed, it is all across the sky.

On the light pit of the old lair of Guangming God's evildoer, there was a clear black whip, not to mention other airspace.

And this trace has an indescribable magical nature, you can't look at it more, otherwise the San value will be mad, the more powerful the mental power, the more so.

Even if it is a Cthulhu, looking at this is tantamount to burning money crazily.

This is because it contains unique information that is completely incomprehensible in this universe. Since it has been marked that it is impossible to be understood, the more you want to understand, the more confused you are, and the core reason for the loss of San value comes from this.

Kane used this technique, not for his serious appearance after the humiliation, but for the purpose of dry goods. After this trick, it is necessary to'pay for rewards', but it is not just a trick. Of course, Tricky got a big head...


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