Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1330: The wool is tight at 1 place

Any behavior that interferes with the laws of the physical universe requires a high price.

Some people like to use the earth-shattering massacre in the big star region when the evil spirit was born to illustrate the power of the evil god, but Kane knew that it was only a special case.

It is mainly special in two aspects:

1. The general trend. It's like release after accumulation.

The reason behind the birth of any of the four evil gods is the self-consistent regulation of the universe.

2. The Alda Spirits do it themselves.

Their indulgence caused them to enter a type of sacrifice mode without knowing it. The slaughter of evil is equivalent to fulfilling a contract. All that was swallowed by Him became a part of Him, enjoying the ultimate pleasure.

But now that Trick is interfering with the material world with extraordinary power, there is no such time and place, and there is no talk of human harmony. The Demon Oath Legion at the scene has been killed and can’t help much. If he wants to reverse the situation, he must Rely on your own strength.

Of course, as a Cthulhu, his energy throughput per unit time is still very worth seeing. Even with the blackened betrayal Carlos, the energy released by Trick in an instant is still equivalent to the sum of the energy released by the Gradius star in three minutes.

This force is more than a hundred times greater than the impact of the meteorite that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs on Earth. It can be said that Trick has been able to destroy the planet with one hand.

However, if you want to show your strength, there are some means, and the lack of sufficient propaganda-based foreplay will only result in half the effort.

What's more, the opponent will not sit idly by.

In fact, before this time, Trick had personally shot Gradieus twice. He even deliberately sneaked up, mainly because he didn't want to lose face and let the terrorists make jokes about his poor skills, so he had to roll up his sleeves and end himself.

The result failed both times. The first time I encountered the planetary defense system, and was stunned by Gamma's suspected run in time. In the end, it made the Gradius star hundreds of thousands of square kilometers into a dead place, and the tricksters were embarrassed to say it. After all, the Demon Legion under his command can completely do it if they focus on surgical blows and cause such damage.

In the second shot, Tan Qi learned from the previous experience. Unfortunately, the First Order also made great progress. The space necromancers became allies. The dispelling effect of the Void Field Matrix made Tan Qi unable to gather enough majestic power to attack again. .

After the second time, Trick basically lost his mind to play the Super Magic Cannon himself.

But this time is different. The energy storm of God-level confrontation has severely damaged the planetary system of the First Order, and this time he is targeting his own combat power.

Every evil demon or believer of the treacherous element is equivalent to having its own anchor, which is very conducive to the accurate transmission of energy.

Yan Qi's original intention was to give his little brother a bite of milk, and let them act as fierce men for a few minutes in an extraordinary and brutal manner.

The price is naturally high, permanent damage is only the beginning, most of which will end in sudden death. But even so, it's far better than being slaughtered unilaterally, isn't it?

Tan Qi believed that even if they let them choose by themselves, they would choose to fight vigorously. After all, if they choose, they still have a chance to die, but if they don’t, they will die.

However, Trick's operation was shattered by Kane's fifteenth-level divine art ‘Dark Heaven’s Mob’ with a whip.

The essence of this dark sky is to change the laws of this universe.

It sounds mysterious, but in fact it is indeed mysterious, but if you break it carefully, you will find that it is also reasonable.

After all, even creatures like Gore can build priestly buildings to turn the originally good physical universe into a chaotic land with unclear boundaries between subspaces.

The nature of Kane's operation is also similar. The only thing that is special and at the same time compelling is that he has added a piece of information that the universe cannot recognize, thus establishing a new dimension based on it.

Then, based on this dimension, a series of law sets that can distort the basic laws of the original universe were added to this universe.

The reason behind this is that hackers invade through computer viruses, and then install their own programming software in the meat machine.

If Kane can fully grasp all the information of this universe, then he can be a ‘silent assassin’ without any celestial phenomena, as if the original cosmic law is like this, that’s the real master style.

This kind of momentum in front of you is relatively inferior. If there is a master (referring to the creation god) in this universe, you can observe it in time and deal with it in a targeted manner.

Of course, the high-end and low-end here are in terms of the creator circle. The gods are not enough to talk about this. The gap between the two is like a laborer and a laborer. For the Creator, the gods are often the executors who implement their will.

In theory, Guangming Shenyi can be regarded as half-footed into this circle, but he is a man-made gift, not by his own ability.

Because of this, he himself understands the power gap of the representatives better.

If Kane really wants to target him, relying on the dark sky can make him want to die.

However, everything has a price, and if that is the case, Kane will have to pay more.

After all, the law represented by the gods of light, in addition to the part that is like a poison to this universe, there is also the part that has been absorbed by this universe.

The universe has no intentions, only attributes.

Although the existence of the **** of light will end the universe early, but if Kane, a ‘true alien,’ targets the **** of light, the universe will stand on the side of the **** of light.

Similarly, Kane targets the four evil gods, and the universe is also partial to the four evil gods.

But this did not prevent Kane from taking advantage of the opportunity to cheat the evil god.

Trick is like the person who is making online bank transfers through a computer, while Kane is a hacker who hacked the money through a backdoor program.

The power is madly lost, and Tan Qi can feel it.

At first, he was shocked by the amazing celestial phenomenon of the dark sky. He thought that his loss was normal. After all, this celestial phenomenon was obviously a cosmic power of heaven and earth. Under such a large environmental abnormal background, any energy out of control situation would happen. Not surprising.

When he discovered something was wrong, Kane was already squeezing his power further.

This is like a hacker not only transferring the money transferred by the person using online banking, but also moving other people's money bags.

No matter how stupid he was, seeing that he didn't operate, the second transfer transaction was actually opened, and he knew that it was caused by someone.

Trick is almost like this, and this is the first time he has encountered someone who can draw energy from him without making a choice.

Faced with this first time, Trick's performance was no better than ordinary people.

I don't know how the other party did it, this kind of unknown brings fear, and the heart is afraid, very capable, and can play seven points at most.

Without the kind of knowing and commanding, let alone being far-sighted, and relying more on instinct.

Tricky's current instinct is to fasten the wallet.

Obviously, this is a solution that can neither cure the symptoms nor not cure the root cause.

Forcing the computer to shut down, or to leave the game immediately and stop playing this round, such a stop loss method is more reliable than his idea of ​​tightening the money bag.

But in a panic, it is a normal response to have a headache and feet.

Soon, the evil consequences appeared.

Trick found that he could not stop the loss of energy.

It is as if the owner of the computer cannot terminate the transaction by his operation. The bank is not under his control, and the system has no feelings, and will mechanically perform any operation that conforms to the rules. And the computer is hacked again. Unless it can kill the virus immediately, it is the hacker who has the real control of the computer.

When the loss of energy is accelerating and Yanqi finds that he can't stop it, he normally enters the state of ‘incompetent rage’.

At this time, he didn't have the usual calmness of ‘Zhizhu’s in hand’, he became faint, and he still didn’t leave the stage. Instead, he changed his mindset like ‘blocked passage’.

Let’s use online bank transfer as an analogy. There is a treacherous mine who has good money at home, but he thinks of a way similar to the bank’s ‘massive transfer’. Online banking does not support it and needs to go to the bank’s VIP to handle it.

To put it bluntly, this is to completely give up the arbitration power to God.

Subtext: "Look, someone wants to tune the huge energy that subverts the balance level, as the law of heaven with balance and stability as the core. You can't just sit back and watch this situation, right? Stop it!"

In general, this trick really works.

But Kane’s exclusive information is so compelling. Didn't you just open up a black sky in the universe to form a unique dimension?

This is equivalent to saying that the hacker's program has exceeded the scope of the bank's online banking system to prevent it. It can be said that the online banking system is hacked together and can change the bank's customer data archive.

At least in this universe, before the dark sky disappears, Kane is the father in terms of law, even if he is a wild father, but father is father.

Except for the two people involved, no one knows how much Yanqi lost in this incident.

However, some subsequent situations indirectly confirmed some speculations.

In the first situation, Trick withdrew from the Gradieus incident. After a long time, there was no decent action. Even if it was the same big event, or even the more influential important event, it was just a few shouts, thunder and rain. The small one doesn’t get dry.

In the second situation, Tan Qi gave up the torment with Carlos, and Carlos left Tan Qi's desperate fortress. And it's the kind that eats, takes, and wraps things up.

Terrorist laughed at Trick for this: "It's still self-proclaimed wise and unparalleled, and it is the final result of letting go. Look at others, Nurgle and Death Sauron, who were originally inconspicuous little brothers, and the result is not only easy to get together and get away. There is still a friendship. Look at you again, the former general, he just completely became a dead enemy..."

As for Yin Qi, this time it was rare that there was no reverse choking noise or any other way to find the place.

Situation three, Trick’s latest oracle has made Tricky’s demon and even believers’ styles more secretive. Its mortal organizations have a tendency to be more secretive than the evil mortal organizations.

And it can be clearly felt that Yan Qi's family is much more ruthless in the search for wealth than in the past.

Taking the human empire as an example, several top-level dignitaries exposed their identities as treacherous believers because of such crazy money-gathering behavior, and they were naturally cleared out afterwards.

Some people cry, others laugh.

Kane was laughing this time.

Through the temporary law-distorting device of the dark sky moat, he built a bridge between himself and Tan Qi, and then ransacked the other party's treasury.

Specifically, it is the essence of extraordinary energy.

The so-called extraordinary energy essence is the extraordinary energy collected by Tan Qi through various channels and hoarding after tempering. It can circulate like currency, and it can be regarded as the real wealth recognized by the extraordinary circle.

When it comes to extraordinary energy essence, one has to talk about the advantages of the four evil gods.

From a certain perspective, this is like Kane’s hometown, where the white people directly or indirectly occupy a large area of ​​the earth through the **** colonization of the early years.

The four evil gods also have a similar first-hand advantage. The Warhammer 40K universe has been reaped more than once by them.

Although there is still a lot of energy wealth, the four evil gods harvest the most fertile ones, just like open-pit bonanzas, low cost, high output, and good quality. Those that sound very high are deep mining and ocean mining. , Compared with it is bitter haha.

This advantage is difficult to make up for even if Kane has high technology. Maybe there will be a drama like '100 million shirts for a plane'.

Kane was naturally unhappy.

You are sneaking, picking delicious and fat foods. Why do you want me to chase after me in a normal way?

Even if I can do it, it doesn't take that **** effort. I'd rather go slant and wipe oil from you. Have the ability to bite me.

The evil gods really don't have that ability.

From a certain angle, they can't even handle the emperor.

They don't want to be the emperor, but they do everything.

As a result, I got to know one thing, that is, the emperor represents the power of the law contrary to them.

Although the Warhammer 40K universe is a desperate world, it is not without hope. It can only be said that despair occupies the absolute top, and the emperor represents that ray of light.

As for why this is the case, it is naturally because the stage of the universe today is staged with humans as the protagonist.

And in the Warhammer 40K universe, soul power is the core of eternity. The four evil gods are derived from soul power (emotional power is a kind of spiritual power) to confirm this.

Although the four evil gods are strong, they cannot jump out of the warhammer 40K universe. In the subspace, they are unable to completely extinguish the light of hope represented by the emperor. They can only use the physical universe to manipulate the light to physically destroy the light. container.

The light will not die, but if there is no container, it will shift. The next person who represents the light of hope may not be the emperor of the human race, and I don’t know how many years will come.

But the power of the four evil gods in the physical universe is greatly reduced, and if it goes too far, it will cause the heavens to backlash. They didn't deal with each other again. No one was willing to sacrifice themselves for the well-being of everyone to get the emperor down. In the end, without saying anything, the other three took the opportunity to get into trouble.

This is the pattern of the Warhammer 40K universe.

So far, UU reading has continued for 10,000 years. For Cthulhu, it is really just a temporary situation, but for humans, it has already gone from ZTE to decline. According to this trend , And it won’t take long for humans to step down.

At that time, if the emperor fails to make any further progress, he will fall along with the human race.

But Kane's arrival has changed everything. As of now, although this pattern has not been completely broken, it is almost the same.

After all, Carlos, the **** of shadows, Sauron, the **** of death, and a **** of light, coupled with him, although the back wave is one drag three, it has gradually become a climate, and can challenge the four evil gods of the front wave.

What's more, isn't there a god-like force field on the Star Gradius, a mysterious third party, making the pattern of the **** circle even more confusing.

The results of the repeated actions of the three evil gods other than Nurgle proved that they did not have the ability to return the pattern to the pattern of the past. In this context, the evil gods also had to think about how they should deal with it. New pattern.

For Kane, the most important thing is nothing more than gains and losses.

This time it's ‘deli’.

After looting Trick's ticket, and further extraction, the mysterious elements that can be obtained are more than those previously obtained from the Well of Eternity.

According to his estimation, Tan Qi was sacked twice, one for potential, one for family background, plus Carlos’s share of profits, and Gradius’ bottomless investment in these years, it should be regarded as vitality. Badly hurt, estimated to lose more than half of the total assets? Of course, it is not real estate, but real estate is the big head. Therefore, Tricky still can support the position of the four evil gods, but I am afraid that he will get into trouble again aggressively. At least the wayward mode of not bad money is unlikely to play. .


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