Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1334: New drama, new look, old stage

From the very beginning of its birth, the Holy Light sect has shown the characteristics of a mature religious system. There are no major mistakes and omissions to use. Instead, it uses the defeat of many unbelievers to quickly gain its reputation and prove that it is expected by the people. Even better.

The excellence of the Holy Light sect has compared all the empire institutions, especially those of similar nature or similar businesses. It is obvious that the courts are cold, the power is falling off, and even the positions are dissipating.

The organization of the Silent Sisters was greatly impacted.

To the public, it was too mysterious. Although it is famous, it is not very grounded, and the people know mostly old things. When I say it, I feel full of mourning, as if this organization has been dead for a long time and can only be missed.

As a result, the main business was still significantly impacted, and it really just didn't work anymore. However, they still accumulated a lot of heavy gimmicks within themselves, and they became more and more surly.

Kane pointed out these things in person this time without mercy, and finally said: "Okay, you just assume that I am using my life-saving grace as capital to have this condescending vent. I know that you have always His stubbornness and pretentiousness will treat my statement as a kind of humiliating charity. But in my opinion, this is not a way to choose a clear relationship with you. You know, being thankful is also a lot of times. It’s annoying, I believe you have some experience with this statement..."

At this moment, most of the silent nuns felt embarrassed.

Because they can clearly feel Kane's attitude.

The famous silent nun was actually rejected!

Kane obviously didn't want to have more interaction with them, and even to save them, it was mostly because he couldn't get through the ‘moral’ hurdle in his heart.

Kane was not even interested in their plan to remove rape, even if this plan eventually caused the peripheral forces of the First Order to produce a lot of casualties and property losses.

Of course, they also witnessed how Kane absorbed materials from the wreckage of the battlefield, made equipment, and then digested various waste products including the corpses of members of the Chaos forces in batches to create a bottle of at least a very good-looking weapon.

There is a spellcasting team on the Burdington, which is not combat. Now, these spellcasters are showing their skills.

In addition to maintaining the operation of the equipment currently built by Kane, they are also conducting a series of engineering manufacturing.

They cast spells to combine the holy light and white sand to create a hard platform, and etch a large number of rune arrays on the platform.

The energy of the holy light is like water in a channel, flowing in the grooves of the etched rune circle, and in the circle, the newly created hybrid golem is statically charged.

Looking down from the air, these exquisite rune arrays are arranged horizontally and vertically, and the mixed golems also appear neat and orderly.

There are more than a dozen such platforms, and they are still increasing.

Half an hour ago, it was still a battlefield, but now it looks more like a construction site.

The powerful productivity of the First Order is well-deserved, and in the hands of its leaders, the effect is more than three points.

Of course, Kane still pays attention to the impact. The corpses of the dead on his side were not used as waste. Instead, they were quickly pieced together on the basis of Miranda's efficient identification and analysis, and then put into the funeral. Even those who couldn't even find the corpse, somehow collected the relics to hold the memorial ceremony.

This is naturally made for living people and very useful. The violent departments of the empire, especially the defense forces, did not do very well in this regard, so it brought out the first order's respect for its subordinates. Even if the First Order does not report on it, its reputation is widely spread through survivors.

Taking advantage of the time and space of the battlefield cleanup with the characteristics of the First Order, Kane dispatched members of the guards to conduct a carpet-like detailed exploration of the comparison of this area.

This is a land of about 130,000 square kilometers. It happens to be the core area of ​​this white-sand lagoon. The boundary is the Gobi terrain with bare rocks. There is only one side of the sea. The lagoon is because of the humid climate of the ocean, although the monsoon penetrates deep into the desert hinterland, and is locked by the mountains surrounded on three sides. Formed by abundant rainfall.

The so-called meticulous exploration is simply to measure with your feet and feel with your heart.

Because there is a god-like force field here, Kane naturally considers that nothing unusual has been found here in the past because of the cleverness of the blindfold.

Sure enough, when the detection is fine enough and the executor is strong enough, some hidden secrets are exposed.

Ruins, but not in the style of the ancient sages, and not in the space undead.

As a result of preliminary identification, the relic creation is even older than Gradius Star.

"Who is it? Or, what made this ruin? Star God." What Kane can doubt now is the Star God.

The Warhammer 40K universe, apart from them, seems to have no more ancient existence.

At the same time, the energy storm that the Guangming Gods and the Three Evil Gods had just caused fell from the peak period, and the momentum of decline was rapid.

And the dark sky is affected, and the power also drops two grades.

Kane can naturally extend the existence of its high-power energy through investment, but now this trend is what Kane wants. Let it go, there may be less fishing, but there are fewer problems and fewer variables. The key is that in this situation, he is comfortable enough to provide sufficient lessons for those who refuse to admit defeat or want to take the opportunity to do something.

The **** of light was vaguely aware of the hidden traps, so he behaved very well, even though the dark sky continued to draw energy from the light pit, he did not go back hard, but practiced his internal skills hard and strengthened his control over the light pit.

The evil gods did not move either.

So the Gradius star system showed the deadly silence after the war.

The loss of the first order is not small this time, even the star Dyson ball has as much as 43% damage. Miranda has given a conservative recovery time of eleven months. It will take 11 months for the First Order to return to its pre-war level.

But Kane ordered that it can be slower, just take two years to recover, by the way, strengthen the control of the existing site and resources.

The main reason for this is naturally to attract the attention of hostile forces represented by the evil god.

On one side is the shocking performance, on the other side is the inevitable weakness after the war. Kane believes that the combination of the two can more arouse the enemy's desire to attack.

It is precisely because the First Order is so powerful that it is daunting, it is necessary to take advantage of its weakness and not give it a chance to recover.

And Kane decided to use the most recent wealth to advance the Egg Plan. According to Miranda's estimation, in this way, the Worm's Nest, which has spread throughout the elite areas of the Warhammer 40K universe, can take 6-8 months to take shape. And the quality has been upgraded from A to A++.

The specific manifestation is that at the beginning of birth, there will be a sanctuary-level brainworm sitting on the ground.

Kane is satisfied with this estimated report. I made the decision right now and just did it.

Cai went to Ren'an, and after deciding where to start new resources, Kane felt more relaxed. It's not because I can't keep the wealth from being mentally blessed, but because the money spent is money.

The mixed golem army has been built, and the members of the Kane Guard have been transformed into commanders, each commanding a varying number of human and beast golems.

Then the magic circle is sent in batches, the destination is the newly discovered ancient ruins, not one place, but six places.

Kane waited for the news on the Burdington, and the ship mage group had already fortified the temporary manufacturing base in a systematic way, turning it into a semi-permanent stronghold.

Kane was even thinking that after many years, this stronghold will be buried in the sand like other ruins here, and become a secret in the eyes of others.

Kane on the Burdington is not idle. A new battle between the First Order and the Chaos forces has begun, not only the Gradius star, but also multiple battlefields such as Gate Star and Mine Star.

Just as Kane expected, the four evil gods paid more and more attention to the first order. It was precisely because of their attention that they refused to let go of this opportunity. Against the aftermath of the energy storm, they tore through the barriers of the material universe and poured a large amount of The Demon Legion not only wants to expand its influence, but also tries to win the share of the space universe.

For such a situation, the First Order is not helpless, but has given the Chaos forces a new surprise.

Precise positioning, extraordinary delivery, holy light nuclear fireball annihilation array.

The entire space of the Gradius star system has been repeatedly explored by the First Order, and extremely detailed data has been obtained.

In this context, as long as the first order thinks, it is possible to deliver ultra-precise items through extraordinary means.

In the past years, the First Order has tried its best to disguise itself as an organizational force backed by natural science.

Although the world is well-known as a typical transcendent organization of the Holy Light Sect, it has a close connection with the First Order, and some of the techniques of the First Order appear to be very metaphysical. But when you mention the first order, you can't help but think of high-tech labels first.

And this time, the First Order revealed its true face, telling the world what it means to blend nature and supernatural as one.

Precise positioning is directed toward natural science, and extraordinary delivery is directed toward supernatural.

The nuclear explosion plasma fireball is oriented towards natural science, stimulating the holy light and completing the annihilation circle, and it is also supernaturally oriented.

The first order allows the intelligent beings of this universe to see how gorgeous destruction can be.

Small suns appear in the deep sky of the universe, and then unite and evolve to form a spectacular luminous nebula-like annihilation zone.

Although this annihilation effect is not particularly long-lasting, and the degree of eye-catching, it is not inferior to the light pit where the light gods were born.

Especially under the background that stars have been spheroidized by Dyson, this universe is the stage exclusively for them.

The forces of Chaos have never experienced such casualties. The focus is not on the tragic, but on the swiftness. The hundreds of millions of units and millions of high-level demons will turn into fly ash and be wiped clean. No survivor, no one can be resurrected.

This time the First Order has shown a more direct and simple truth to the beings in this universe-in an extraordinary high-energy region where the technology reaches the standard, even the existence of a devil, which is almost immortal, can die cleanly.

Not even the so-called remnant soul or mind body. The ‘seesaw’ effect will still occur, but it’s not the familiar backflow of demons, but conforms to the laws of nature, where the lighter side slides to the heavier side.

In other words, while killing the demons, the Annihilation Array also dug their roots, and the part of their energy bodies in the subspace was completely drawn into the Annihilation Array, thereby completely erasing them.

This mana effect specifically involves high-end laws such as the law of causality. It was originally a high-level magic technique, but it was thoroughly researched by Kane, broken apart and shattered, and completed the deconstruction and reorganization to reduce operational requirements, so that the first order can be used without the need He did it himself.

To put it bluntly, the idea he has always insisted on has basically been realized now. Using scientific methods, deconstruct the god-level transcendental magic, and then use complex operations to allow mortals to display the power of the gods.

However, things have always been positive and negative.

Once the holy light nuclear fire annihilation circle came out, the confrontation war that had been going on all the time was no longer possible.

The Cthulhus are not stupid either. They already understand that the First Order has never done its utmost before, that is, through fighting the war, achieving troop training, obtaining local intelligence and other information.

If you really want to end the war sooner, just use this holy light nuclear fire annihilation circle is enough. The chaotic forces did not dare to attack on a large scale at all, and when the scale was smaller, they were increasingly crushed by the fancy first order and crushed.

Therefore, although there are many demons, they need to be fortunate. For unknown reasons, the First Order never set foot in the subspace for half a step. The subspace environment has become a natural umbrella for the chaotic forces. If not, I am afraid it is not the chaotic forces attacking. Gradieus is now, but thinking about how to not perish.

Nurgle appeared at the right time and said this to the other three evil gods:

"The era in which subspace life takes the material universe as its prey zone is coming to an end. In this universe, the material universe is the dominant one, and the first powerful beings appeared in the material universe (referring to the star gods). At that time, Subspace is still a desert. Our essence is only the reflection of life in the material universe. Our rise is the window period after the great disputes of powerful life in the material universe. Now, it can represent the new predators at the top of the material universe. The strong have already appeared, and this universe will enter a new era whether we want it or not..."

The reaction of the evil gods was what he expected to see within Kane's expectations.

After all, as a stage, Gradius had changed the scene from the moment the Light God was born.

And this change of play is characterized by abrupt and stunning.

Against this background, it is natural not to expect that the drama that has been performed for five or six years in the past can still win enough attention.

There is a heavyweight star at the level of Guangming Shengui, even if it is the first order, it will become a humble foil.

But Guangming Shenyi is not a guest actor of his own, and he will not act according to his own arrangements. Therefore, after taking advantage of the popularity of celebrities and completing the first wave of eye-catching, the First Order is bound to come up with new selling points in order to stabilize people's attention and prevent them from switching channels.

Annihilation circle can achieve this effect.

Although this thing came out, as long as the chaotic forces were not stupid, they would not continue to send an army to fill the bottomless pit, but they succeeded in lifting the force of the first order.

Dread, more jealous, thorough jealousy, and achieved the goal of attracting eyes.

If the four evil gods used to put their feet on the table, press the keyboard with one hand, and hold the happy fat house water in the other, while still not forgetting to brag and fight against each other, playing LOL and other confrontation games, then now they are sitting rightly. Take this confrontation game seriously.

A large-scale demon army will not appear, but high-level individual scouts and assassins will appear from various channels, and the erosion and corruption of the human empire will be doubled, so that white gloves and endorsements People help'curve warfare'.

So this is considered a successful change of play. The war movie has been replaced by a spy spy movie. It may be less vigorous and grandiose, but the struggle on the secret front has always been intense and exciting, and it is also Kane's favorite mode.

He really hopes that through this mode, more demons with real talent and potential can be eliminated. He believes that once it succeeds, its effect is no less than the effect that the middle class of the lighthouse nation will have on the country.

But this is a longer show than the last one, and the stage is not limited to Gradieus.

Kane even had a hunch that in the next period of time, the life of the First Order, represented by the Holy Light Sect, will be difficult.

But in the end it will still be him.

Through Miranda, he issued a warning to all his branches and even allies that the enemy's attacks and frame-ups are already on the way, so prepare yourself for the long night.

On his side, the first phase of the puzzle cracking has also been completed.

It has nothing to do with whether the guardian power is overbearing or not, it has nothing to do with the exquisite arrangement of the high temple, and it has nothing to do with the extravagance and majesty inside the ruins.

So in the end there is only one of the six entrances, which is worth exploring by himself.

Just when he was about to leave, he received the latest news that the silent nuns disappeared collectively.

Miranda didn't have much intelligence on this matter, but it was still critical.

And Kane looked at the process of restoring the incident as much as possible after information integration.

Kane didn't treat the silent nuns badly.

He used the existing equipment to produce a batch of ground-effect aircraft.

This kind of stuff that doesn't look so beautiful and is reminiscent of floating coffins is actually a tried-and-tested vehicle, which is very suitable for the surface world of Gradius, which is still in the aftermath of an energy storm.

The Silent Sisters, together with the First Order Peripheral Forces who worked with them and survived the incident of hoeing, **** and anti-hoeing, but eventually survived, boarded seventeen grounds under the protection of some members of the Kane Guard Using the aircraft, head to the nearest stronghold of the first order, the glorious fortress.

But before they came out of the force field of the gods, the silent nuns were suddenly wrapped in transparent energy when they were riding in the car, as if they were wrapped in blisters.

This phenomenon only lasted less than three seconds. Although the ground-effect aircraft was out of control because of this, due to the short time, after the control was regained, the aircraft was in no danger and no accident occurred.

It's just that the so-called Silent Sisters inside have all disappeared, and the three ground-effect aircraft equipped with Silent Sisters are all in the same situation.

Witnesses said that the nuns' bodies suddenly became weak and pale, and then disappeared. Throughout the process, their performance was relatively calm, just nervous, and not surprised, panicked, or horrified when ordinary people encountered accidents.

After reading the information, Kane said: "It seems that the silent nuns have found a new faith, and therefore stubbornly stay on this stage and act as green leaves. In the next journey, you may be able to see them..."


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