Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1335: Aftermath makes all beings cold

Nearly 12,000 freshly baked hybrid golems.

They are positioned in order of priority.

1. Engineering coolies.

2. Patrol scouts.

3. War cannon fodder.

Kane acted and brought three thousand golems. The rest will eventually withdraw to the newly built sand sea stronghold, and make it a strategic fulcrum for the First Order on Gradyus.

Its only special feature is that since all hybrid golems are equivalent to experimental items, they will not interact too frequently with other combat units of the First Order, but operate independently.

Through this round of experiments, Kane has gained some gains, but he is not very satisfied.

At the same time, he also realized that environmental factors are already an indispensable focus if he wants to achieve satisfaction in this regard. To put it bluntly, he has to take the research experiment to subspace to operate.

So he planned to delay this project for a while, and his divine intuition told him that the opportunity to enter the subspace has not yet come.

Kane, along with the puppet battle group, arrived at the destination through directional jump delivery.

This is a valley-like oasis. The translucent wind wall forms a barrier, which reduces the degree of influence from the outside to a very low level.

Kane just glanced around and lost interest. The environment here is naturally formed, and there is no creation that can provide the information he wants.

Even the archaic-looking buildings at the end of the valley are not much to see in his eyes.

According to his analysis and judgment, this building should have been built by the servants of the ancient sage. As for where the servants went, he inferred that most of them were gone.

In the eyes of most of the existing intelligent beings in this universe, the ancient sage clan is synonymous with loftyness, and some races even simply call them the Celestial Clan.

But in the eyes of Kane, the old sages were nothing but that.

Not to mention the sub-space storms and the birth of the evil gods that they have contributed to, they say that their creation experiments are all condemned.

Before the Orcs and Eldarlings were created, the Old Sages tirelessly played the role of civilization booster for many years. For this, many races are grateful to the ancient sages. After all, there is no ancient sages. Even if they do not perish in ignorance, it will take a long, long time before they can embark on the road of civilization.

But just like Sarnagar did in the SC universe, helping a population quickly raise the level of civilization is actually a matter of uprooting.

A lot of experience can only be truly gained through personal trials or even repeated trials.

And a population that reaches a higher level of civilization too early and too smoothly is like a child playing with a gun, with a high probability of accident.

Looking at the operation of the Old Sages with a darker vision, they achieved their fundamental purpose through being "helpful", and collected enough information and data to lay the foundation for the creation of the Orcs and the Elda Spirits. What about the races that have been nurtured?

After all, no one survives to this day, which is more complete than the previous ice age species extinction on the earth.

Some people would say that the Star God played a very bad role. Crazy reaping lives.

That's right, but the Star Gods count on reaping repeatedly, so they instinctively won't be extinct, but wherever the crops are prosperous, they will be there. The spawning water of the ancient sages is scattered everywhere, after all, they need the diversity of species to repeatedly verify some theories.

All in all, no matter whether the Ancient Sages are aware of the harm they have caused to the species in this universe, the life populations that pass them have all kinds of fatal problems.

Kane is completely uninterested in this kind of intelligent life, or even the civilization it has established, and even feels that there is a risk of being biased in his thinking if there is more research.

So Kane waved his hand, and the hybrid golem, who played the role of engineering coolie, demolished the building in the valley one after another.

The specific method is similar to that of the well-known fossil in the Transcendental Circle, but the mixed golems went further and simply turned into smaller powder particles, which were blown away by blowing wind.

The operation of the hybrid golems reflects Kane's exploration ideas.

Most people spend a lot of time exploring the grass with their faces, solving puzzles, and fighting wits with various organ monsters.

He took advantage of his own strong productivity and came to a demolition-style exploration.

He does not lack that time, not to mention the demolition style may not necessarily be the inefficient and slow one.

After demolishing the surface building, the underground part began.

The specific operation is actually not much different from the demolition of surface buildings. The main added difficulty is nothing more than the transfer of earthwork, which is the establishment of a teleportation array.

Even under the guidance of Miranda, the hybrid golems played the consistent characteristics of the First Order, used the dismantled materials, and quickly set up the camp.

Kane just needs to stay in the room, drink tea, read the documents, and wait.

Such a dungeon exploration is obviously boring and boring, and most of the organs have been destroyed before they have time to function. And those well-prepared defensive units were also in a disadvantaged position due to the loss of their geographical advantages and were encircled and annihilated.

Fortunately, Kane himself is not interested in playing any adventure games, and even if he can enjoy the half-day leisure state, he is always not too much.

In this way, morning and dusk alternated, three days and nights, plus half of the day, on the evening of the fourth day, the exploration progress was stuck and Kane needed to take action.

Take the trackless maglev train and hover down the tunnel. The scale of this dungeon is not that big, the depth is average, and the main body is within the crust.

The deepest place, the vertical height from the ground, is only 17.5 kilometers.

Under the background that the entire dungeon has basically been dug into a mine, the scenery along the way is naturally lackluster.

If you have to say that something is worth mentioning, then Divine Power Conduit is one.

In the process of demolishing the dungeon city, Kane's subordinates discovered that the divine power system of the dungeon city operates according to a certain fixed mechanism. There is no will, only procedures.

So Kane quickly gave a countermeasure, through the divine power node device and divine power conduit, drainage, so that the divine power system can always ensure the operation.

Divine power nodes are not common, and divine power conduits can be seen everywhere, just like the roots of a big tree, densely divided, covering the entire dungeon.

Of course, Kane’s subordinates did not over-accommodate him just because he needed to preserve its integrity. Therefore, Kane can see several parallel divine power conduits from time to time along the way.

As far as the divine power mechanism of the dungeon is concerned, these scattered divine powers are still managed separately, but in fact they have been sorted out and no longer have practical significance.

But what puzzled Kane a little is that relying on this mechanism and energy output power alone, there is no way to construct a god-like force field that protects 130,000 square kilometers of land in time.

Obviously, the secret hidden under this land is not only the portal, but also a giant that has not been discovered yet.

In fact, after the hard work of the coolies, the entire dungeon has been attacked. The so-called difficulty of card progress is just the last suspicious thing. Apart from it, it can be said that the dungeon has been completely stripped off and the original is lost. Some patterns.

After seeing this suspicious thing, Kane quickly judged that it was a special door.

Although it looks more like a stone platform with gold edging.

In the underground palace hall of more than 5,000 square meters, this golden stone platform with a diameter of nearly 100 meters is very conspicuous. The placement of objects in the hall, and even the layout of the entire hall, are built around this high platform.

At first glance, people think of functions such as stage, podium, and sacrificial platform, but if you remove the floor of the hall, you will find that the divine power mechanism maintains an extremely close relationship with it, which can be said to be an extraordinary version. Where the cables gather.

The holy light ball suspended in the air brought plenty of light to the main hall, without shadows, and every corner was illuminated in detail.

Kane paced, walked around the round table, and sometimes stopped to look at the runes etched on the edge of the gold envelope and the corresponding divine power clusters below.

Even for Kane, this device is the kind that requires a lot of time and energy to crack.

This was the first real high-tech creation he encountered since he came to this universe, and it was also the number of ways of fusion of science and magic.

Of course, judging from the current performance, the depth and breadth of the technology may still be far from the complete technical system he has mastered, but they have different experiences and different climbing paths. Therefore, if you compare it, you will find Some of the opponent's technical points are higher than his mastery, and even blank points for him.

However, Kane is also confident. He is a hybrid multiverse, and today, there are no major leaks in general technology.

Therefore, even the technical blank spots for him are basically niche, that is, they are easy to use in individual universes, and they are basically not recognized by other universes.

But he also admitted that niche things are sometimes very attractive.

With it as the core, it is possible to do a fresh trick.

Therefore, a cautious and awe-inspiring attitude cannot be lost.

Taking the special divine power portal in front of him, he wouldn't try to use it easily before completing the analysis.

The powerful creation ability of the First Order once again played its advantage, that is, within a few hours, a qualified research institute was established near the main hall.

In addition, using the excavated topography and materials, semi-permanent multi-functional facilities will also be completed within 24 hours.

The Burdington is already anchored in the new shipyard.

At high altitudes, Synchronous Starport is under construction.

The powerful production capacity determines the amazing resilience of the First Order. In addition, the chaotic forces have abandoned the Legion War mode after seeing the Holy Light Nuclear Fireball Annihilation Array, and the small elite invasion is still on the way. The First Order has a rare window period and can devote most of its energy to post-disaster recovery, so it quickly entered a state of acceleration.

While studying the relics of the divine power gate, Kane also constantly interacted with the empire's senior officials, and even received some special visitors.

For example, the Eldarling clan, as well as representatives of the titanium clan.

The First Order and the Holy Light Sect derived from it have made such a big move. As the veteran interstellar civilization race, the Elda Spirit Clan, and the Titan Clan that attaches great importance to intelligence collection, it is naturally impossible to be ignorant.

In fact, they have been paying attention to the sudden rise of this new force in the human empire a long time ago.

When the Gradieus incident happened, the attention was even more advanced.

They even tried to approach First Order.

It's just that Kane returned and was absent at that time, and Miranda took charge of daily affairs.

When Miranda presided over the affairs, the starting point for considering things was the perspective of strengthening and developing the first order.

From this point of view, neither the Elda Spirits nor the Titaniums are the objects with higher cost-effective cooperation.

However, the Spirit Race and the Titanium Race also came to interact with a sense of pride and reservation, and some conditions.

The result is naturally unhappy.

But what happened recently in Gradieus has once again subverted everyone's perception.

The Spirit Race and the Titanium Race, this time completely let go of pride, and ran over to build a relationship with low eyebrows.

In Kane's words: Everything comes from power.

The high-level empire has been closely interacting with him during the recent period, which is actually because of this.

Even if there is no way to prove the direct relationship between Kane and the birth of the **** of light and the appearance of the dark sky. But as soon as he got to Gradieus, he made such a big move. Is this not enough to explain the problem?

If you say something that doesn't sound good, just use the ability to make trouble. Who will take it?

This is no longer a matter of how many fleets and military strengths there are, one can yell and speak loudly.

It was also through this incident that several empire bosses truly understood what Kane said: In an extraordinary world, technology is a younger brother.

Kane did not say much about preaching.

Before, these bigwigs didn't say anything on the surface, and it was inevitable that they were disgusted in their hearts. They felt that Kane was a little floating and took himself too seriously.

Now, the actions of a certain boss are very representative. He asked people to collect what Kane said as much as possible, even if they weren’t preaching, just vomit or express opinions, they would also collect them. A dedicated team was organized to analyze and understand these words.

Is it poor understanding? Is it so complicated?

No, it is important!

The meaning of the same sentence may not be the same in different contexts and contexts. Therefore, what this boss wants is to accurately analyze the meaning of what Kane said.

And this is not only caused by Kane's strength, which further increased his weight in people's hearts.

It’s also because, apart from preaching more at the beginning, Kane talked less and less, especially after so many years, he basically played "silence is golden" after coming back, without sharp accusations, no harsh vicious tongues. .

Even if you are interacting with the big guys, you will no longer neglect people or things.

Smart people know that this is actually a kind of alienation, or disappointment, which is not a good thing anyway.

Correspondingly, the empire is now increasingly dependent on the First Order.

Not to mention anything else, the two projects of the Holy Light Sect and the Non-Asian Space Transition Engine, the empire has reached the point where the first order cannot be separated.

Although it is a trial flight, the empire has actually begun to taste the sweetness of the non-subspace For example, the route from the solar system where the capital star is located to the hazy gothic star area Kulna.

With the God-level confrontation of the Gradius star system, the battle in the Gothic zone has actually ended.

Abaddon took his expeditionary fleet and ran away in embarrassment.

But this time, unexpectedly, the chaotic forces had a face with a face. Basically, they didn't laugh at Abaddon, and they praised very few.

Especially when the Holy Light Nuclear Fireball Annihilation Array appeared in the Gradius star system, the chaotic forces who are qualified and able to understand the battle situation in the first time can be said to have low eyebrows and drooping eyes and collectively lose their voice.

Death, complete death, and as small as cosmic dust, can be easily erased.

High-level demons, devil princes, princes, and even the great demons, clearly felt that the life of cannon fodder was worthless, and what was under the general situation was insignificant.

Many demons feel uncomfortable, and even have a sense of unreality as if they were in a dream.

It's like waking up and the paradise has become a jungle of death.

Time allowed them to calm down and relax. They realized that the paradise is basically still a paradise, but if it is connected with the first order, then you have to be careful. As for the pure first order territory, it is definitely a first-class dangerous death jungle. Whether you have accumulated for millions of years, or accumulated for thousands of years, you will die out directly and completely.

The longer you live, the more you fear death. This statement can be seen as truth among demons.

Since even the demons have felt that the world has changed, it is conceivable that they will be touched by other creatures.

Of course, it must be those intelligent races who are qualified to be on the table, like those who can't even get out of the gravity well, or those who are not stingy like the Orcs, and are basically insensitive to this general change.


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