Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1336: Shuttle through the dead to find the answer

After digging out the divine power gate, it took more than half a month before Kane studied and understood the principle and operation mode of the divine power gate.

The most precious thing about this peculiar door is the humble table, which is a crystalline state of a special substance. Kane called it the "Shen Jing".

Shenjing has not been resolved, at least not yet fully resolved.

It's just that Kane has understood its role and used it correctly.

With the operation of the external controller grafted through the divine power conduit, the relevant mechanism of the divine power door is activated, and the huge energy is transformed into a majestic divine power.

And the supernatural power of this characteristic led the state of the divine crystal to change, melting from solid to liquid.

At this time, the gate of Shenli looked like a pool of black water with gold edges. Not only seems mysterious, but also ominous.

Of course Kane was not afraid of this, the special detector, slowly lowered through the hanger set up above the magic door, and passed through the liquid door.

On the surface, everything went smoothly and nothing unusual happened.

The rigorous monitoring system detected the leakage of abnormal energy, at the moment when the detector passed through the door, but had not completely cut off direct contact with the world.

There is no need to say more about the airtightness of the liquid crystal, otherwise it would not be used as a special door.

In this case, leakage can only occur on the detector.

In other words, in the short instant that the detector passed through the door, it was corroded and became a conductor of heterogeneous energy, which caused a certain degree of leakage.

"It's interesting." Kane hummed while hugging his arm in one hand and touching the stubble stubble on his jaw with the other.

Thinking quickly and making a decision quickly, Kane issued instructions to Miranda to increase the security level of the palace where the power gate was located, and all equipment was replaced with Cthulhu cell quality.

The Cthulhu cell of the old dominator line, the top biotechnology of the multiverse level, and it is an extraordinary version.

So far, Kane has not encountered any energy or matter that can truly restrain the old Cthulhu cell.

His "information first" is only after he has understood the characteristics of the old rulers to a considerable extent, and chose a more convenient "cutting point", so that through the blessing of information, he has "I have no special treatment for you, but You also take the characteristic that I have nothing good. It completely overrides it.

In other words, the upper Cthulhu cell system is considered the highest standard.

If this doesn't work, Kane will seal up this place, then make a big red cross, and wait when he feels that he is more bull-breaking than today, and then turn his head back to this pit.

Yes, the Creator is not truly omniscient and omnipotent. In the multiverse, there are not many things that make the Creator feel tricky, but there are.

In another week, the Cthulhu cell was established.

At this time, the specifications of the palace hall here were no less inferior to Kane's nest in the Big Dipper district. It is the safe house in the safe house that can get in touch with the dark HP world.

It's just that this one in front of you is filled with a strong and dangerous taste, and can help its builders destroy everything that breaks into it at any time, even if it is just a ray of energy.

While the main hall’s security precaution level was raised to the highest level, the information about the leaked heterogeneous energy was basically checked out.

Kane invented two more words for this-dead energy, dead world.

Death energy is not rigid, on the contrary, it is very active and very aggressive. The reason for using this name is because of its ultimateness.

It can be said that once it is transformed by death energy, there is no room for transformation into other forms of energy. Its material state is ash-like black particles with the characteristics of volcanic ash. If people breathe into the lungs without protective equipment, they will soon This results in a'cement lung' effect.

As for the name of the "dead world", it is not because of death energy, but relative to the Warhammer 40K universe, which is like a necrotic egg.

Speaking of this, it also involves the particularity of the Warhammer 40K universe, that is, it absorbs the essence of another universe egg, and thus has a special pattern that is very different from the general universe.

And this dead world, Kane suspected, was the cosmic egg.

Based on the information he obtained from destroying the Medieval Warhammer universe, a horizontal comparison shows that there is an ‘egg membrane’ in the universe egg, which is the basis for its independent existence.

And this ‘egg membrane’ is woven by law, which can be understood as an ultra-high density primitive law network.

It is not like a pocket, but like a bun, entangled with each other, repels each other and attracts at the same time, forming an independent and closely connected fetter.

The process of the birth of the universe is to continuously accumulate energy under this special law environment, and finally destroy the entire law network and merge into the light of creation at the same time, radiating in all directions and becoming a part of the law of the universe.

Regardless of whether it is the Medieval Warhammer universe or the Warhammer 40K universe, it is because of loopholes in the rule network that the power of creation in its network cannot be accumulated. Because of insufficient pressure, it reaches a certain threshold and creates the world. The power will gush out from the loopholes, and if things go on like this, if the power of creation inside runs out, it will naturally wilt.

It is worth mentioning that the Medieval Warhammer or Warhammer 40K is itself a double yolk egg.

People who are more careful in life will find that there is also a transparent medium between the egg yolk and the egg white. It is precisely because of its existence that the egg white and the egg yolk can be separated by simple methods.

The Medieval Warhammer and Warhammer 40K have such characteristics. Egg white is the hatching nutrition shared by the two. The egg yolk representing the essence is independent, but because one of them leaks, it cannot hatch. The leaked essence is mixed into the egg white and absorbed by the other. , The current cosmic pattern was born.

In other words, this egg membrane is not an egg shell, but a medium for separating egg white and egg yolk. Its foot determines its existence and independence in the Warhammer 40K universe, as well as its inexclusionability.

The only possibility is to slowly be digested by the constantly evolving Warhammer 40K universe, provided that the Warhammer 40K universe has absorbed all the information of the cosmic egg, and there is no unrecognizable part.

But the well of eternity and the birth of the gods of light proved that the Warhammer 40K universe failed to do this, and even deliberately excluded certain information materials from evolving.

So now Kane is very interested in chatting with Tanqi, asking him where he got the Well of Eternity.

If you search for the source of the Well of Eternity according to the vaguely related memories, you will find that the Well of Eternity has been there all the time. Trick found it, and then built the Fortress of Despair, which later became the private house of Trick’s Domain. Where few people can visit.

If this statement is true, then Kane suspects that there is also an entrance to the dead world in the depths of the fortress of despair.

In Kane's eyes, the dead world looks like a cancerous tumor that necrosis first and then becomes diseased. It can end the life of this universe relatively quickly.

Then, some people have used technical means to inhibit the spread of cancer.

This person is not an ancient sage, nor does it resemble the original gods of the physical universe. As for subspace creatures, the possibility is even lower. After all, subspace is just a reflection of the physical universe, and the relationship between the two is there.

From an expedition point of view, Kane had a sense of the true value of this trip to Gradius.

But from a realistic point of view, the emergence of the dead world has further complicated the problem and made it high-end.

Originally, his creator project was mainly to confirm his series of conjectures through some information mastered by the ancient sage and space necromancers, so as to determine some basic theories, and then to understand the origin of the subspace storm, so as to solve it in a targeted manner.

But now, with the discovery of the "dead world" and related information, the nature of the subspace storm has quietly changed.

He originally speculated that the source of the subspace storm is the two ends of the balance beam, the physical universe, and the subspace. Once there is a change on one side, the other side will inevitably change accordingly to ensure that the general pattern is not broken.

So from the perspective of the creator, the subspace storm is raging, but it is actually a problem with the physical universe.

So what does the four evil gods have to do with them?

Kane previously believed that if the subspace storm is the energy state weight used to balance the cosmic pattern on the subspace side, then Cthulhu is a solid weight.

Cthulhu is not a solid state of subspace energy, but a solid state of soul power.

The core of the soul is spirituality, and spirituality comes from the true spirit.

The true spirit is an important element of the creation of the universe and represents the catalyst for the evolution of the universe.

But everything is too late, whether it is a Medieval Warhammer or Warhammer 40K, the true spirit is excessive, which is why these two universes are so noisy, and the war is endless.

The catalyst is overwhelmingly dominant, causing the universe to evolve violently and swiftly. In the physical universe, stars are destroyed, creatures are smeared, and the heat death effect is accelerated. In subspace, energy storms are raging and various aberrant creatures are spawned.

When the ancient sages were facing extinction, they unscrupulously manipulated the extraordinary powers that they could not control, and further intensified the situation, breaking through the threshold, and thus gave birth to the soul power condensate of Cthulhu.

What Cthulhu means to life in the physical universe, as long as the attributes, the law of the universe without will does not care. From the perspective of the law of the universe, from the plasma state to the solid state, it means a high level of compression, and the plasma to the gas state is double compression. From gas to liquid, from liquid to solid, each time it is doubled and compressed, so adding such a stone is indeed a matter, but at least it alleviates the current precarious imbalance and preserves the pattern of the universe.

Kane came to Gradius, originally to prove this.

Unexpectedly, there was the Well of Eternity first, and then the Dead Realm. The appearance of these very important elements immediately greatly reduced the accuracy of his previous speculations.

For example, this subspace storm may be the cause of its ravages, or one of the reasons, is to fight cancer.

This is like the human body’s immune mechanism, sending white blood cells to fight various viruses, including cancer. The ultimate erosion effect of death energy is more powerful than that of heat death. In other words, death energy allows everything to skip the process of changing around, one step in place, and death directly.

There is no longer a chemical reaction, even inert substances are not even considered, energy is dissipated from the particle level, into an ultimate state that will not change any more.

In terms of outcome, it is the same as heat death.

The characteristics of cancer viruses are similar. The normally functioning organs have become calluses of ‘dead meat’. With the loss of organ function, people will die naturally.

So things have become more complicated now, but they are also closer to the truth.

"Let's start!" Kane said, walking towards the door of divine power.

"Master, I suggest you again, give up this risk-taking." Miranda rarely discouraged.

Kane smiled and said, "There are some things that I can only do by myself. Moreover, when I look at it from another angle, when I completely lose my adventurous spirit, I am not far from holding back, eating and waiting to die. I want to do it again. Walk forward for a while."

Yes, continue to move forward, seemingly farther and farther away from hometown, climbing higher and higher, but in fact it is getting closer and closer. Because of strength, it is the cornerstone of the road to hometown. It even determines whether the road paved is a long way or a shortcut to reach.

Entering the dead world, Kane brought nothing.

Of course, from another angle, as long as he is there, he has brought everything.

Passing through the liquid crystal, Kane felt the pull of gravity. He was falling, but the speed was not fast, 2-3 meters per second.

He calmly looked up and looked at the liquid crystal.

It feels like looking at a cloud of water floating in the sky in the night without stars and moon. With a little light, you can see the outline. Most of the area is dark, and only the place where he can pass is rippling. Rippling light.

That is the last light emitted by the energy outside the dead world and the particles of matter in the process of being swallowed and transformed by the dead energy.

In fact, he himself is also glowing now, as if he was covered with flour-like luminous powder, and then blown by the continuous breeze, as he fell, forming a light tail in the air.

Not as long and beautiful as the comet tail, but in this dark and dead space, it is already conspicuous enough.

Kane did it deliberately. He really hopes to attract something through this simple, ‘luminous bait’ approach.

If there is nothing, he has to find it himself, and if there is something, he can obtain a lot of information at once through analysis, which is far more efficient than a purposeless search.

At this time, he was fully equipped with the qualities of an excellent hunter. Calm, patient, vigilant but relaxed, great power can erupt at any time.

He fell so unhurriedly, and the process, in terms of personal experience, was somewhat like sinking in a deep sea.

However, Haiyuan will continue to exert pressure. There is no such thing here. Instead, it requires a higher psychological quality. After all, the essence of fear is to scare yourself...

Kane spent the next six hours in this fall.

During this period, he did not feel anxious, after all, the whole is an acceleration, which means that he is getting closer and closer to the source of gravity.

He will not be bored. The information in his head is enough for him to be a floating object in the universe for hundreds of millions of years, and there is no shortage of things to kill time.

And this journey will eventually come to an end, because the speed of the fall is already very fast. Judging by the scientific conventions widely applicable to the multiverse, the focus is about a star with a mass that exceeds the sun. This is calculated by gravity and acceleration.

It turns out that the multiverse is universal, not universal here.

The true fall result is this:

First of all he found a little light appeared below him (the direction of the fall).

Then he changed his head and feet position to make it easier to observe.

A little light is constantly expanding, turning into a light-emitting irregular circle.

With his skills, he can see clearly from a long distance, and there should be another portal.

The reason why it shines is because the portal is not as rigid as the divine power door he used. The matter and energy on the other side of the door have been interacting with the dead energy of the dead world, so light is produced.

So the question is, what the **** is the gravity of this constant star?

Is it possible that the portal is not tight enough to cause this kind of gravity well channel?

Before he could think of a reason, it was abrupt, and the force of the fall was stagnant.

This stagnation, in terms of effect, is like a person falling into the water from a height.

But overall evaluation, Kane prefers to use the hourglass flip to describe.

Because the reaction force caused by the lag is really very, very huge, Kane can guarantee that even a legendary transcendent who specializes in body refining will definitely fall into a puddle of mud under this kind of reaction force.

He can play out the jump effect because he has a special structure and has a God's Domain force field. It is a self-contained world, ensuring that everything in the force field is not affected by external forces and most laws.

Therefore, due to inertia and the new gravitation, he changed his head and feet, and turned into a "float" above and below his head, just like rising from the bottom to the surface after diving, with buoyancy around him. .

By this time, he already understood that the dead world played the role of returning to the rabbit hole. Although he was not Alice, he also wanted to know if he passed through this unique rabbit hole, whether the other side was the famous OZ country...


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