Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1351: Love is always hurt by love

Kane felt that the human perception of gardens in Azeroth was not the same as that of people in his hometown, at least the order of the core tags was different.

When people in his hometown talk about gardens, their first concept is vegetation. If it is not shaded by trees and blooming with flowers, then this place would not be adequate to call it a garden.

As for the humans of Azeroth, the first concept mentioned in the garden is order.

It may be because in their daily life, the environment of red and willow green is uncommon, and even because of the influence of extraordinary power, it is too luxuriant, and often staged the drama of vegetation and people competing for land, so it is more fancy whether it is controlled or not. The vegetation where it is located is well organized, and the main conditions of the garden are achieved.

Quiet Garden is such a green area where only vegetation appears to be more orderly.

It is located in the southeast corner of the Twilight Forest. It is surrounded by mountains to the east and mountains to the south. The north and west are also blocked by lush green hills. The only way in and out is at the northwest corner. The terrain is a quiet place surrounded by mountains.

Of course, from the perspective of feng shui, this kind of environment can enjoy the tranquility and not be influenced by the outside world, but it is also easy to be a place where dirt and dirt are contained because of insufficient circulation.

In Kane's eyes, today's Tranquil Garden is already a dark place second only to Underworld.

Many details reveal this feature. For example, although the plants here are still green, they are particularly dark, darker than dark green, and glow with the black-gray quality of cast iron.

Another example is dew, which is more dew and colder than normal dew, which is slightly higher than the freezing point.

There is also the fog, which is not particularly strong, but it is tenacious. At 10 o'clock in the morning, the sun is falling in the air. The fog here is still fighting against the heat and light of the sun and will not disperse for a long time. Just here, other areas have long been sunny.

In addition, there are some relatively less eye-catching concrete expressions, and these concrete figures merge together to create a gloomy and heavy environment.

If you don't care much about your surroundings, or your perception is not sharp enough, you may regard this gloomy heaviness as solemnity, and even praise the cemetery for it.

It can be seen that people who are knowledgeable, vigilant, and mentally powerful, staying here for a longer time will find that something is wrong here, but it is difficult to express this feeling clearly.

Olaf is a person with strong mental power and high vigilance. He first discovered an abnormal environment, and then realized that people were not right. It was as if some monster used human skin to imitate human words and deeds, but because he did not master human beings. The essence of daily performance is too polite and polite, but it makes people feel fake.

But the other party did not deliberately make things difficult, or delay time or anything, and he is also not good to go crazy on the spot, or just rush away without saying a word.

More importantly, he wanted to confirm Poole's situation, so that he might have an explanation to Nicolas.

After all, there are still two wounded in the small group waiting for treatment. He can't always go back and say ‘I think there may be a problem with the people there’ even if he has an explanation.

So the process went on, and it didn't take much setbacks to see Poole.

"Uncle Poole, I am a good friend of Nicolas Thresh. When Nicolas knew that I was passing here, he specially asked me to visit you. This is a gift he prepared for you. Please open it in person and say it is a small surprise." Seeing that Poole seemed normal, Olaf communicated in a way that was almost an underground party connection.

Poole also cooperated very well. He took the box handed by Olaf, opened it and took a look, and said loudly: "Wow! The energy gem pendant, the craftsmanship is very delicate, Sako's kid is interested."

It turned out that the box contained Sacco’s heirloom, which was used as a token to facilitate Olaf’s interaction with Poole. This is a routine that was discussed in the treasure house.

The details of the box were also thought of at that time. There is no shortage of such things in the treasure house. Once the token is loaded with the box, it can stage the drama Olaf just performed.

Judging from Poole’s performance, Tranquil Garden really had a problem, but Poole seemed to be normal. He recognized Nicolas’ heirloom and blinked at Olaf. The rhetoric with a loud voice was obviously a hit. cover.

After answering the secret signal, Olaf will have a score for how the play should be played. It is nothing more than pretending to be a friend's trust. It depends on how Poole arranges.

Poole’s arrangement was actually simple, he gave a polite greeting, and said that he was busy with work at hand and it was not convenient to stay with Olaf for lunch, so as to send Olaf away.

Secretly asked about the situation.

Olaf explained the past concisely, and Poole really had arrangements.

Specifically, first let Olaf leave with a superficial play, Poole finds an excuse to get out, and then meets them.

In order to find them easier, Poole also asked Olaf to bring a spice on the pretext of ‘returning a gift’.

Poole’s work in Tranquil Garden is relatively low-level, including patrolling with dogs at night, mainly to guard against creatures that are interested in corpses. After all, in Azeroth in a high magic world, those interested in corpses are not only psychics. Undead mage.

So soon after Olaf and Thrall joined them, Poole found them with the dog.

"Your caution is very correct. You don't know how dangerous the Tranquil Garden is now!"

As soon as Poole came up, he started with these words, which successfully attracted the attention of the four young people and made them unconsciously regard him as their own.

Kane saw this scene in his eyes with the help of the Dharmakaya, and sighed in his heart: "It's still a young experience. In this case, compared to'out of silt but not stained','the black monologue has the biggest problem'. Something more likely to happen."

The reason for this is actually simple. You only need to ask ‘why can he make everyone drunk and I wake up alone’ to know the answer or realize that there is a doubt.

Many people suffer from this loss because of simpler emotions. Subconsciously willing to believe that this person is still the one who originally had the impression of being middle-aged.

Olaf’s family suffered from bad luck, but he was very familiar with the warmth and coldness of the world, so he still has the heart to defend against others, but the other three are worse.

Especially Nicolas, too emotional, IQ is a bit offline.

It's easier to get Grumm. This poor child can satisfy his self-esteem and vanity with only a few positive compliments, and he quickly put down his guard.

It’s hard to say that it’s because of her shyness, her wisdom, or the success of her tutor of "Don’t Talk to Strangers". She didn’t say a few words from beginning to end, even if she said, it’s basically just nonsense. .

However, Olaf's guarding heart and Yacari's little transparency can no longer help them avoid this disaster, Poole learned what he wanted from Nicolas and Grum. Then there was a hello, a dozen dark acolytes and dozens of undead creatures appeared from all directions, surrounding the four.

Faced with Sacco’s face full of unbelievable emotions, Poole changed into another look, a somber and proud temperament that was revealed: "The former exile has now become the leader of the party. Didn't expect it? Speaking of which, you have to thank your father for his kindness!"

The word ‘kindness’, Poole said rather forcefully, obviously speaking in an irony.

At this time, Olaf was the most calm. He said to Nicolas: "It seems that the actual Uncle Poole is very different from the Uncle Poole you know."

As a result, before Nicolas could reply, Poole said gloomily: "Boy, let's play the family card when you breathe early. I won't be on the net just because Nicolas is innocent, unless..."

"Unless what?" Grum's eyes lit up with hope and asked eagerly.

"Swear allegiance to me and prove my loyalty."

"Is this taking care of acquaintances, or is it for the face of the same clan?" Nicolas, who recovered from the shock, couldn't help but sneer with anger.

It’s a pity that Poole is an old river and lake who has had a hard time. If he doesn’t take this set, he still advertises in a decent way: “There are two roads in front of you, one is to become a sacrifice, the other is Become my assistant and create a great cause together."

"It's your big cause, and it looks like the law and Lunde can't tolerate it." Nicolas once again sarcastically pointed to the undead that exuded a strong grassy smell.

Obviously, Poole used a specially formulated herbaceous potion to cover the undead odor.

Poole snorted coldly, and said: "You are really smart, just like your dad. But there is a common problem with smart people, that is, self-righteousness. As an elder, I feel obligated to teach you a lesson."

The so-called last lesson was nothing more than being black, hungry, and imprisoned like an eagle. Poole hadn't planned to easily kill these four kinsmen who took the initiative to send them to the door. When they searched their bodies, they found treasures from the treasure house. At that time, he became more reluctant to kill him easily.

When people in this era travel far away, they do prepare some items that are easy to sell and exchange, but Olaf and the others obviously carry a lot of them, which is beyond the normal scope. Poole thinks there is something tricky here.

The need for money in the stall he created is simply a bottomless pit. For this reason, he has dug the grave of Quiet Garden all over, and he has sold all the valuable funerary items. During this period of time, just because the lack of money has severely delayed the development of the career, some people send money to the door and take the young body, which is really good.

The same clan is good. Due to the weak position of the orcs, the movement caused by the disappearance of the population is relatively small, and most of them will not end.

Moreover, due to lack of experience, the body he is currently using has been damaged by him. And according to the related theory of the fit of the body and soul, the new body is best to be a half-orc. With these four young kinsmen, it is equivalent to having a spare body. Maybe you can play the game of imposters, think about it. It's also a little exciting.

What Poole didn't know was that when he personally organized Olaf and his party, Kane had already turned over his old bottom thoroughly.

Based on the information on hand, Kane believes that Poole’s story is nothing more than a story of a narrow-minded camper making a deal with the devil.

Nicolas was a child and lacked understanding of adult hypocrisy.

And Nicolas's father didn't have the heart to destroy Nicolas's good memories, and he was not the kind of person who told his family that his colleagues were not.

So Poole in Nicolas's memory is seriously distorted.

The true Poole emphasizes humanity and neglects technology, and finally tasted the bitter fruit. Due to poor technology, mistakes occurred in the work, messed up the project, and paid the price of permanent semi-disability. In addition, the specific work he was engaged in was not an irreplaceable short-term job, so he was removed.

In the course of this series, Sacco’s father spoke the truth, but did not say a few words for Poor.

That's what Poole hated. He thought it was Sacco's father who didn't miss his old feelings, so he got rid of him.

In the end, he came to Serenity Garden as a tomb guard, and he was so narrow-minded. If he can stay tensed all the time, everyone before and after is the kind and patient Poole, and he won't be mixed up like this.

It's a pity that the set before others are pretends, and the ones who like to slander others are not and turn to trivia. Over time, it naturally leaves people with a bad impression of two sides, one side and one behind.

When he lost his job and spent the whole day drinking to ease his sorrows, his wife ran away. After being desolate for a while, seeing that he was about to die in a stinky ditch, Sacco's father gave him a hand.

Nicolas's father didn't have the power and love of Grandpa Nicolas in terms of technology, nor was he anxious that Nicolas was talented in this area, but with good tutoring and good ears, he became a fairly qualified master.

But Sacco's father has his own advantages, that is, he is good at organization and management, and he is rigorous and fair, and has no lack of human touch.

Those who are not top-notch but proficient and understand management are undoubtedly excellent first-line team leaders. It is still very mixed in society.

Sacco's father felt that from a moral point of view, he had a responsibility to take care of Poole, and the relationship recommended him to stay in the quiet garden temporarily.

Stay away from the hustle and bustle, live a regular life, change the problem of alcoholism, regularize your life, adjust your body, and then start a new life, instead of sending him to the poor country to exile him forever.

But this person, as soon as he has plenty of time, he likes to wonder.

Poole wondered why Sacco's father treated him this way, whether it was moral and kindness, or guilt and debt, or other reasons.

At this time, the influence of the dark power distorted his thought a little bit It started from a nightmare first. Dreaming of a group of former colleagues, neighbors in life jokes at him, and even dreaming that his wife is getting better with Nicolas’ father, and then they laugh at him together...

In the beginning, Poole still had the ability to discriminate, knowing what memory is, what is dreaming, and what he is worried, regretful, and afraid of.

Even though nightmares are absurd, they are often related to these elements.

Later, Poole said that others could distinguish these, even if he was dreaming or awake, he couldn't distinguish clearly.

Tombkeeper is a lone profession, as long as there is no major situation, even if it looks trance, no one will take care of it.

Poole just missed the last chance to save.

After that, it was fine. The transformation has been completed, Poole has started a new life, a dark life.

With his extraordinary ability, Kane not only found many clues that Poole could not wipe clean, but also found some of his sealed souls.

The darkening that started with nightmares gave Poole multiple personalities.

Later, the dark personality prevailed, and the original personality was transferred into the body for the ritual through the method of sending souls, and then the body was killed through the ceremony to complete the seal.

This operation is very similar to the operation used by Voldemort of the HP universe to make Horcruxes, and it belongs to the common dark method of the multiverse.

Poole sealed and preserved the original personality in order to sacrifice it at a critical moment, but Kane discovered it and learned about Poole's past.

Of course, whether Poole is performing'Thirty Years of Hedong, Thirty Years of Hexi' or'Little Man Dezhi', he is not interested. He is interested in triggering Poole's rapid degeneration and supporting him on the dark road and playing the role of the'devil'. 'The character...


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