Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1352: What's the price of blasting face

In Tranquility Manor, Kane was looking for the trace of the man behind Poole, the Orc, on the dark road.

Kane determined that the black hand behind the scenes existed. After all, Poole has been able to create immortal servants, and it is still a refined version. Such a skill cannot be mastered without inheritance and the guidance of the teacher, at least with Poole's age, knowledge, and objective circumstances of becoming a monk.

However, the man behind the scenes was very careful, and Kane checked all the points where he was most likely to find intelligence, but nothing was gained.

For ordinary people, in this case, they may start to question or even give up altogether. But Kane didn't, but he didn't continue to search for it.

Instead, he patiently observed Poole, waiting for him to reveal his flaws.

Kane wondered that after catching Olaf and the others, Poole would probably ask the black hand behind the scenes about technical issues.

Not only because of the addition of the BUFF of the Son of Destiny, Poole couldn't handle it, but also because of Poole's own habits and the remote control of Poole by the dark hand behind the scenes.

Using the target's dependence on oneself to achieve the purpose of control and drive is the most commonly used means of control. Kane believes that Poole was used by the behind-the-scenes tactics, and became more and more trapped, knowing that he was exploited, but could not stop.

This can be seen from the jingle of Poor's poor, not even a set of decent experimental tools.

You know, this is not the age of war. After hundreds of years of peacemaking, the folks' attention to funeral rituals is obviously much more grand.

Of course, the reopening of Wuyaling or Ping'an Town has made many people more inclined to enjoy professional funeral services, but there are still many poor people in the world.

Therefore, the performance of Quiet Garden is still possible.

As for why people in this world are so standardized and particular about this aspect, it is naturally because they are taught to be human by reality.

In Azeroth, the argument of the back garden of life is not a vanity or a kind of ridicule, but an elegant description. After all, the existence of the soul has been repeatedly proven. Who doesn't want to be able to rest in peace after death and return to the world smoothly, but to exist in pain, or to be exploited by the ill-intentioned?

In this way, the funeral and interment industry is naturally a highly valued and gradually professional business. Even the poor are willing to invest more in this area, so as to achieve the goal of “I don’t live well in my life, but I can get it after I die. The purpose of enjoying peace.

For this reason, many people began to save coffins early and borrow money for funerals, even more so.

All in all, there are endless funerals. And Poole secretly managed all the people in Tranquil Garden and turned them into puppets under his control and enslavement. It should not be bad for money.

But the reality is that even the artifacts that he cares about most, used to create undead creations, and promote skills, are ordinary goods. Where did the money go?

It should be understood that although the undead system involves many taboo non-mainstream tools and materials, many of the tools used by the casters are similar. Arcanists, alchemists, and casters of other genre systems often need a set of utensils, beakers, flasks, crucibles, etc. that are very characteristic of the original world chemical laboratory equipment.

For a spellcaster, a crystal bottle is better than a glass bottle, and a naturally polished crystal bottle is better than an artificial crystal bottle.

Poole used the defective product in the glass bottle. Is it because he lacks channels?

Kane didn't think so.

In his opinion, most of the time, there are channels where there is money. Money is the channel's stepping stone. Once it is broken, the market can output benefits to the other party. Let's talk about credibility and the channel will gradually stabilize. Even if you don’t talk about credibility, as long as the price is right, there are still people with the idea of ​​‘he’s not cheating others and can’t cheat me, I’m all with one hand and one hand’s money’ idea who is willing to provide channels.

Moreover, Poole has even produced a refined version of the immortal puppet, so he has a deep understanding of the difficulties in the creation process, and also understands the meaning of a good set of tools.

In this context, the household goods he used to eat are so shabby. The most likely reason is that he was sucked blood and all his material wealth was provided.

Kane actually has a deep understanding of this. After all, when he was a reincarnation, he was exploited by the Vientiane Gate system, as well as by the senior reincarnation and the reincarnation guild.

At that time, he even had a lot of similarities with Poole now. He didn't understand what he wanted. He wanted something good when he saw it. As a result, he was still working and paying off his debts.

The reason is not only because of greed, but also because as a latecomer, the subconscious has a ‘chasing heart’.

Just like many online games, people have even played the effect for a year, and you want to catch up after playing for a month. What should you do? Either liver, or krypton, or risk being blocked, in any case, the game experience will not be very good.

Kane's memory of that time is very deep, not because of suffering, but compared with the suffering and suffering that he encountered later, the suffering of that time is really nothing.

The memory is deep because I often think of those years later, and every time I think of it, I feel scared. Because he was really fragile at that time. He was really dead when he said he was dead. There was no suspense, because he didn't have the ability and financial resources to find a way out.

He was able to survive those years and survive until later, and the proportion of luck is very high. This is the reason for fear, and the reason for repeated thoughts and deep memories.

From this perspective, Poole's luck is obviously not good. Meeting him, according to his usual style, is mostly nine deaths, but meeting the Son of Destiny is basically ten deaths.

In particular, Kane noticed through the Dharmakaya that Pool was still awkward to Yakari, and the follow-up was because of loneliness, perhaps because of happiness, or deliberately angering Olaf and the others, which was also part of what he wanted. All in all, Poole became a monster of ghosts, the scene was a bit dirty, and the effect was very good.

Kane noticed that Olaf was stimulated, his mental power affected the body secretion, and entered a state of potential explosion. It is expected that under the guidance of the ring grandfather Charon, he can quickly pass the quasi-professionals and directly become a formal professional in the future. . Of course, the quality of the body is up to the standard, and experience needs to be accumulated, and skills need to be sharpened.

However, it is Yakari who has grown the hardest. As the humiliated party, Yakari's emotions are more intense. But this is not the key. The key is the related mechanism of the rune tree species, which is more powerful than the ring grandfather.

Of course, from a macro and long-term perspective, the ring grandfather benefits more, provided that it is sincere. In Kane's view, the stressful and emergency type of Rune Tree Species is suspected of facilitating growth.

Or to put it another way, Kane believes that the ‘law of exchange’ is the basic law applicable to the multiverse. Therefore, he is not optimistic about the kind of growth stage. After teaching to be a human, he will not be separated at night, and his backhand will greatly change the type of finding a place like a living person.

He believes that this kind of backhand hitting the face is in exchange for a huge price.

Maybe the party will say, no, there are no serious sequelae, but it is like picking up the wealth of a pen without the sequelae, there is no sequelae, it is happier to spend.

Kane has to repeat the old saying about this. That is, people have different values, and the weight of the price in everyone's eyes is also different. It's as if someone dies a cat is more sad than a dead mother.

But the old saying is not enough. As the creator, Kane needs to say something more mysterious about this issue.

Kane classified it as an'hidden price'. It is difficult for ordinary people to detect hidden costs, and even if they do, they don't care much. But Kane’s research confirms that “hidden costs” are often more valuable than explicit costs. Because its influence is greater and far-reaching.

He encountered such a case when he was still a reincarnation, which made him remember deeply.

The general process is like this. The Vientiane Gate system has issued a high-value reward mission. The goal of the mission is the destiny of a certain world, and he needs to be eliminated.

And this son of destiny was on the brink of luck at the time and was about to rise to the top. This means that the trick of'prosperity and decline, cliff-jumping tragedy ending' is not valid.

People are still climbing, not to the extreme yet, according to the routine of hegemony, it is the time when the king will swallow the world and the hegemony will be achieved.

At this time, the condensed thoughts of the people are very scary, and ordinary gods can't provoke them.

Reincarnation is tough, of course it can be done.

However, like game players, the reincarnations are a group of people who most embody ‘no profit, no early’. The price paid for hard work is higher than the reward offered by the Vientiane Gate system and no one does it.

But after all, this business was done by someone and it was done beautifully. The order recipient is a small team, and they happen to have a very restrictive space-time shuttle contract. The main restriction is that you cannot use force if you use this contract, otherwise you will be recalled, or you will get lost in time and space, and you will not be able to get it back.

As for the reincarnation, the inability to use force is equivalent to more than half of the ability. But this team is using this tasteless contract to return to the upper reaches of time and space, and then play the Sims Enterprise Overlord Edition while paying attention to the Son of Destiny.

After the Son of Destiny has already set foot on the established path, he uses the temptation of non-war to induce the Son of Destiny to "turn around". For example, if he succeeds in doing business, he was originally just selling something and entangled, but in the end he bought low and sold high; When the goods arrived, the purchase price over there skyrocketed, making a fortune. Later, there were scenes of meeting nobles and meeting Bole.

All in all, the Son of Destiny discovered that he is a prodigy in business and very lucky.

Money is also power, or it can be transformed into power. Under the reward, there must be a brave man who buys a strong team with money, and crushes the A to solve the problem, isn't it good? Why bother to force yourself to come in person and risk life and death?

The child of destiny is no exception to the human instinct when seeking good fortune and avoiding evil. As a result, the child of destiny is led astray. In the end, he failed to become the overlord of the generation who overthrew the old dynasty, and became a large businessman of a wealthy and enemy country.

However, his big businessman is man-made. It was the reincarnation team who secretly built a corporate empire through information and knowledge that overrides the entire world, and then lost money to provide all kinds of conveniences to the son of destiny, just to make him deviate. The original road.

When the son of destiny is abandoned by fate, the purpose of the reincarnation team is achieved, and naturally no longer secretly supports him. So the Son of Destiny became like Hu Xueyan, and was eventually slaughtered.

In fact, in ordinary life, there are many examples of this kind of ‘why it is made and why it is lost’. This is the manifestation of the ‘hidden price’. Do you think you make a fortune by gambling, and make a fortune by making a fortune? But what if you knew that it just prompted you to give up that path that was somewhat difficult, but ended in a more glorious, more upright and stable way? Would you still choose it for a momentary pleasure and a little money?

Those gamblers who can lose their fortunes and lose even in the future of their lives have mostly won. If they lose all the time, they will give up after a certain degree. It is precisely because they have tasted the sweetness of winning that they will fall into my return. The illusion of being able to win again and unable to extricate himself.

The situation in front of me is similar. When I feel that I don’t need to work normally, I grind my guns at critical moments. Stressful and emergency hanging will bless the safety of passing the test. The sweetness of face-slaps is not overnight. Several people can still save themselves. But behave in a down-to-earth manner? Are you stupid? Looking for abuse?

So what is the cost? Kane thought it was quite big anyway. He was very fortunate that he didn't take similar shortcuts when he was weak, otherwise he would not have the current achievements.

It is precisely because of this idea that he feels that Yacari's current situation is equivalent to consuming her own potential wantonly.

Potential is divided into physical and spiritual aspects, the latter is undoubtedly more precious, but too easy to get is a kind of waste of the latter.

Of course, for people living in the present, this kind of thing is a good thing. After all, there is still a saying called ‘fall in the bag for peace’. Only those who get it are considered their own. As for the future, we will talk about the future.

Yakari’s specific situation looks like an ancestral enhancement, but it’s not the ancestor of the orc. It’s probably because the rune tree species, as a creation of the Titans, does not have the corresponding information to activate the Draenor species. The reason for not looking up.

The ancestor of Yacari, Kane speculated, should be a ‘guardian’.

The guardians are based in Ulduar, Loken, Raiden, Odin, Mimiron, etc. They can become guardians, except for knowledge, mainly power. The power they use is in line with the Titan technology system and is suitable for various Titan creations.

And Yakari, it seems that it should be Freya's way of being called the "King of Life", in the platinum light, green and full of life.

Om, just a wave of energy explosion caused catastrophic consequences for Poole and his minions. Those immortal puppets seemed to have been hit by petrified magic, their bodies quickly turned gray, and then turned into piles of soil that could not support their own structure and collapsed.

Poole was as if he had been splashed with sulfuric acid, and his body was hot from the inside out, and he was scorched, and let out a miserable howl.

Suddenly, he was hit hard, and Poole, who had little combat experience, fainted, and immediately chose to summon more puppets to help.

As a result, these puppets, without exception, became a foil for Yacari to pretend to be a face-slapped face. As soon as they approached, they began to weather the dust and dust, but they had to execute Poole's death order, so they became a constant The pile of earth and rocks scattered with dusty powder, the total mass is consumed to a certain extent, then the activity is stopped, and then gradually disappeared.

But Nicolas, Olaf and the others, in this kind of energy explosion, felt the healing effect and gain effect that they had never had before, as if every cell of the body was cheering.

However, Grandpa Ring made Olaf resist the erosion of this power in desperation.

"Although it is beneficial to life, it is not in line with the path we planned. If you don’t know how many years you will become a sitting person in the future, and wake up and discover that everyone you know is dead, then follow I said to resist."

So Olaf is obedient, and he wants to save his family. He is even willing to sacrifice his life for this. How can he not let go of such a side effect and seem to be so cheap?

Of course, Charon deceived Olaf to some extent. But there is a bit of art of talking here. Charon deliberately didn't say some key information to mislead, so Olaf used his brain to compensate.

In fact, the erosion of this power is mainly the hidden effect of lifting the curse of flesh and blood. The curse of flesh and blood created by the ancient gods not only changed inorganic matter into organic matter, thus greatly shortening its life span, but also added elements such as chaos and free consciousness.

It is these elements that give birth to the self-consciousness of beings who have suffered the curse of flesh and blood. Otherwise, pure flesh and blood will not affect the target's mind too much. The puppet is still a puppet, but from a metal golem to a flesh and blood golem.

But now, the power of the curse has been too deeply affected. The Titans have come in person, and there is no way to format people's thoughts and turn them back into unintentional puppets who are loyal to executing orders, let alone the procedures they made.

Therefore, becoming a rock and sitting for hundreds of thousands of years is only a theoretical possibility, and the probability is very low.

But Olaf didn't know it, Charon succeeded in bluffing.

After a wave of bursts, Yakari herself was also affected by the turbulent energy and fainted.

Nicolas quickly caught the collapsed body of Jacarly, and then realized that his injured leg was all right in such a short time.

Grum was more amused. He had a **** side because Poole bullied Yacarly before. He rushed to stop him, but was threw down by the undead puppet and held him fiercely.

The undead puppets have no importance in their shots, and they will not take care of the emotions of the target. They follow the principle of hitting people without hitting the face, and come as they please.

As a result, when Grum struggled desperately, he hurt his face and made it dripping with blood. It looked serious, but in fact it was only a skin wound.

Now that the crisis is over, he remembered his Zhang Junyan, and asked anxiously, "Is there any scar on my face? Ah? It's good too quickly, the wound hasn't been cleaned, maybe it's out of place..."

After finally confirming that his face was okay, the guy ran to Poole to kick and vent.

Poole, who was slumped like a scorched corpse, suddenly moved and grabbed Grum. Grum was surprised and scared, and screamed.

As a result, Olaf rushed forward and gave Poole the final blow with a shovel that he fished easily.

When Poole's clinging hand was removed, he rolled up his trousers and looked at it. The bruises and the skin were severed, and Poole's dying claw was quite ruthless.

Kane laughed secretly. Poole’s trick of begging for life was good, and Grum cooperated well. If Poole was ignored, Poole would have died completely after the time limit was reached. Now it is Through the grasp of mobilizing all the available power, the soul was completed, and thus the possibility of resurrection was possible, and it also laid the groundwork for the future righteous extermination of the son of destiny.

So now Nicolas is left, will he continue to be so ordinary? You must know that the Son of Destiny has its own ‘screening’ skill and cannot grow up within a limited time and keep up with the Son of Destiny. Even if it is not a tragic death, it will quickly become a marginal figure, unable to accompany the Son of Destiny.

Sure enough, Nicolas did not let Kane'disappointed'. In the subsequent cleaning and searching process, with some chance and coincidence, Nicolas discovered and hid Pool's Dark Magic Book.

And afterwards, when Nicolas and Olaf chatted, “I think I can better understand your feelings now. Facing the suffering of the people you care, you can’t protect yourself. That feeling is true. It's terrible, and it will become an unforgettable torture. In order to prevent this bad thing from happening again, in order to gain the power of protection, we are willing to pay any price." It is a certain degree of exposure of Nicolas' private dark magic book. the reason.

However, Kane felt that the reasons were not only these, but also a question to herself: "Yakali has made me like it more and more, but as a mortal, do I deserve her?"

It is said that the talented woman looks very good, so now the woman is not only good, but also very talented, and will not be short of money in the future. So what weight should Lang add to himself to rebalance the right scale?

Kane believes that Sacco's idea is to become a talent.

He was originally the one with the highest level of expertise in the four-member gang, which became his confidence and even pride.

Now that he encounters this series of things, his thoughts can easily turn to "I can do it, and I can do better". Of course, he targets Poole.

You, a **** who couldn't get his professional skills and depended on popularity to support the scene, could do this level. Would I be worse than you? joke.

What's more, I have my Yacari, she is my safety peg, the power of darkness cannot twist me, but can only bow her head to her ears...

Based on Kane's character analysis of Nicolas, he is the person who can give birth to this kind of thinking.

It is not uncommon for this kind of young people who are somewhat talented and have achieved some results, so they are somewhat arrogant and arrogant.

In short, after an extraordinary encounter, the four people in the small team of the children of Destiny had their own gains, but they also all had their own little secrets, and their relationship with each other became much more complicated.

The friendship test, just started brewing.


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