Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1374: Elemental barriers come into being

The Supreme Wizard of Infinity, Chapter 137

Kane staged a standard on-site teaching to solve Sasha Crowley's confusion and let him know the operation mechanism of the Dark Transcendental System, so that he can use local methods to counter the enemy without a master.

But it didn’t take much time. It gave Sasha the feeling that Kane just took her around, dismantled some objects and discarded some horrors. It looked extremely serious at first, and at the same time it was untouchable. The dark puzzle of the mind, nowhere to start, was broken. Those who are really difficult will not, those who will be not difficult.

However, even if the puzzle is broken, the environment is only going to the blood cloud and fog. The gloom under the darkness has not disappeared, but it is heavier than Sasha's perception.

Kane was very careful, and noticed Sasha’s doubts, and explained to her: "What we broke just now is a kind of'distraction'. It is a large and even super large area method commonly used by transcendents of the spell casting system. Array. There is a very important prerequisite for this type of magic array to be arranged, and that is the suitability of the environment itself. In detail, it is that the power of darkness here has reached a certain level to build such a maze."

Sasha understood now, and then said: "The power of darkness has been accumulating and brewing in this area!"


"So, what exactly did it achieve?"

Kane asked in return: "Have the caster on your side answered such questions?"

Sasha nodded. "The unanimous statement of the masters is that the dark druids held a ritual somewhere in the Miasma Forest, making it dark and dense, and the topography of the Miasma Forest itself also contributed to this."

Kane uttered an'um', and said, "I am more used to explain the problem in a direct way to the essence. The collection of extraordinary forces is divided into natural and artificial. The topography of the black forest is indeed more conducive to the dark forces. Siltation, but at this level, it is obvious that the factor of man-made manipulation is higher. And the essence of man-made manipulation is only one, that is, enough mental power to mobilize enough power of darkness."

Sasha chewed on these words, and after a while, asked: "You mean..."

"Yes, just like you think, death, war, intimidation, any activity that can generate negative emotions, is conducive to the gathering of the power of darkness, because it is the kind of negative that is compatible with the power of darkness. Of course, to be precise, the power of evil corresponds to negative emotions, not the power of pure darkness. But for most people, there is no need to go into details, just know that negative spiritual energy, It is enough to echo the universally recognized'power of darkness'."

After listening to Kane's words, Sasha Mouth paused, and she finally understood why the dark forces used the Black Pale Forest as the stage to make trouble.

In the past, she mainly felt that the other party had other plans, so she did not rush to capture Wanghai Town.

Now it seems that I am afraid it is not that I don't want to, but that I can't. After all, the rise of darkness also came from nothing. The people in Wanghai Town are certainly mysterious and powerful, but in fact they must also have their difficulties.

Kane knew her thoughts roughly just by looking at Sasha's expression. After thinking about it, he finally didn't tell the truth.

He felt that what people in Wanghai Town needed most was the courage to fight, and one of the biggest sources of courage to fight was the hope of victory.

"The higher level behind-the-scenes game, let the chess player decide."

There is no doubt that Kane is a chess player, and now the only obstacle for him to wipe the darkness from the roots is to figure out what role this darkness plays in the big event, the branch line, It is still a paragraph chapter in the main line, if it is the latter, you have to pay attention to some methods.

After breaking the partial locks, the road was clear, Kane received the core crystal of Thunderstone Totem, and the team continued on.

In the end, what I saw was the felling logging camp.

Kane stopped the instinctive search behavior of the team personnel, and then to Sasha who was at a loss, but also to everyone: "Handle it calmly, don't make low-level mistakes, and solve problems more efficiently."

Then he said: "There is no strong smell of blood, nor too many traces of fighting. What does this remind you of?"

Without everyone answering, he said: "Sneak attack, prisoner, or even the inside out."

Blox's character set itself is that kind of outstanding personal charm, a heroic role, at this moment, it naturally becomes the backbone of everyone.

People saw that Kane was so calm, and they said that they were so eloquent, and they immediately recovered a lot of sanity. They also understood that it was useless to be in a hurry at this time.

Facts have proved that there are traps, some seemingly low-level tricks, such as casting a spell on the doorknob, a poisonous thorn will grow in the mold, and there is a mixing cable in the dark part of the channel, and the wooden tooth thorn will pop out when touched .

Although these little tricks are not fatal, they can cause considerable trouble when combined with special toxins, and even cruelly speaking, the wounded often consume more manpower and material resources than the dead.

But now with Kane, these tricks were naturally cracked.

Kane conducted another on-site teaching. This time, the target was everyone. The purpose was to give them a certain degree of common sense against the dark evil system, know how to use some simple objects and techniques, and not make low-level mistakes.

Because it is adapted to local conditions, the effect of this teaching is very good. Of course, Kane's easy-to-understand, simple but not simple summary of technical experience is also an important reason.

In short, in just ten minutes, the evil traps in the camp were solved, and everyone was regarded as quasi-exorcists in the industry.

Kane said to everyone: "This logging yard was originally chosen to be built here. Obviously, there were many considerations, mainly for rough processing and convenient transportation. As everyone knows, the extraordinary system has many knowledge points and is connected to the natural system. Setting up a law formation also pays attention to channels and nodes. So this camp, even from an extraordinary perspective, is not simple. In my opinion, it means that there is a lot to do here."

Kane still adhered to the two-way style of explaining while doing things. The Thunderstone Totem was buried, and a camp was circled by him.

Careful people discovered that Kane’s craftsmanship was a real show. It seemed to be arranged randomly while walking. After all the layouts were finished, the totem was activated before they were released. The circled circle was an absolute circle, and it was not affected by the original camp. The impact of the storm, and only 10% of the thundering account, gives people a unique atmosphere. If you can't tell, it is just a feeling.

Later, when they chatted with people about this, they were still full of praise: "You haven't seen it, Master White Claw arranged the magic circle, it is completely calm and easy to come by..."

After the thunder account was built, Kane asked people to move the logs on the cart, and he, as a processor, processed these materials.

As the saying goes, it’s not tiring to watch people work.

Anyway, it gives people the feeling that Kane handles the materials alone, it is really fast, efficient, and easy, and a few axes down, a wooden totem is finished.

A dozen people carry logs, but they are vaguely unable to support Kane's processing!

Kane also summoned the earth elements to help.

This is also the first time people have seen such an alternative earth elemental creature.

The ordinary earth element is a humanoid form composed of a few stones that circulate extraordinary energy, and most of them have no lower body.

However, the earth elemental creatures that Kane summoned were golden, chubby energy bodies, with a heavy brass wrist wheel inlaid with luminous gems, majestic, festive, and a little silly. Human feelings are weird. People can feel its power in the first place, but they are not afraid, but want to be close.

The earth elements at the two ends act as coolies, nailing the totem pile with a sharpened end into the ground. In addition, they are also responsible for dismantling some facilities. Because they can cast spells, their efficiency is amazing.

For example, a Dapeng house originally used for sawing wood got in the way, but it quickly turned into a pile of profiles in the golden light flow energy to gather together, and also blessed the purification spell, the filthy energy was forced out , Flow gathered in a specially dug pit, and then transformed by a ground furnace mixed with plasma and lava.

At the beginning, some people felt that Kane didn't have the first time to search and rescue, and some lack of consideration, but later saw the efficiency of Kane's construction operations, combined with Kane's remarks, they understood Kane's intentions.

Knowing some rational analysis, Kane's operation is correct.

The back road is unstable, just thinking about saving people, even if you try to save, there is no suitable place to stay. With a group of drags, can you successfully escape from the Black Forest?

Besides, since the other party didn't come hard, but surprise attack + prisoner, obviously they still fancy the living, whether it is used as a sacrifice material or something, it should not be killed for a while.

What's more, Kane’s high efficiency makes people speechless, quite a sense of sharpening the knife and not cutting wood. Seeing a truly safe semi-permanent camp from scratch, people are more convinced that this is the real thing. The master means.

In fact, the bull is still behind.

The earth element started, the water element started, and those totem stakes, under the rain of rain, grew rapidly. The most fantastic thing is that the wooden rattan weaving that the druids may not be able to play is realized in Kane's hands.

With the woven wooden rattan as the bones and the sandstone condensed by the rising soil as the flesh and blood, the retaining wall of the camp is so fantastically built, although it is not the kind of thick wall that can walk around, but there is only a single wall behind it. The kind of wooden platform where people can stand and leave is still amazed by people.

What's more mysterious is that there are even more complicated facilities like the arrow tower.

It's not over yet. After the central energy pool is built, people will know that feelings are magical whether it is the wall of the wall or the arrow tower, or the wall of runes and the magic arrow tower.

The energy pool in the center looks like a small fountain pond, but in fact it is the upper part of the earth and the lower part of the earth.

Called by Kane's spellcasting, the lava continued to surge and shape like a spring, and finally the shell cracked and fell, exposing a metal totem pole like forged red iron inside.

This metal is the source of iron. In the cataclysm chapter, the armor of Deathwing Neltharion was made from it. Its characteristics can be simply understood as gold + mithril, strong and superconducting, and it is an excellent method. The rod material is also a high-quality magic resistance material.

This and the texture on the totem pole are naturally generated. This is the application of the law of chaos, which fits best with the environment and the system built here.

It is a thunder-triggering device and also a siphon pipe, using geothermal and thunder as a carrier to guide the collection of extraordinary forces, and its role is the core of this camp's energy source.

With such an energy source, this place immediately connected the elemental plane like a mage tower.

Kane guides energy to act on the ground, and the ground is purified and hardened to become a slate ground.

Acting underground, the roots of the wood totem are connected and entangled with each other, building a complex network, forming a special whole, like a rock pan, providing solid support for surface facilities, and at the same time having a strong defense against extraordinary erosion.

Acting on the wall, energy flows along the tendons and vines to keep the wall enchanted and form an energy field.

Acting on the arrow tower will form savings. The archer only needs to hold a special talisman. When standing in the arrow tower, the eyes will bless the thunder ray. This light allows the archer to have night vision capabilities and also has the ability to lock, as long as the eyes can stare Stay, activate the arrow tower, and the lightning bolt will definitely hit the target.

This foolish operation greatly reduces the threshold, but the effect is amazing.

"Elemental barrier, this is a battle fortress blessed by the power of the four elements. I am a shaman, the spokesperson of the four elements of power walking in the world, my generation of elements blessed this place, a thousand days and nights, its light It will not go out."

With Kane’s transformation, the four colors of light converged from the heavens and the earth to form a five-color bead with the fifth element (soul, Kane’s spirit) as the core. Kane placed this bead in the depression of the energy pool totem pole. The place, like the finishing touch, amidst the strange sounds like dragons and tigers roaring, the totem pole and the energy pool, as if frozen, are wrapped in translucent crystals, looking like a rockery.

Afterwards, Kane took back the four-element totems used for casting spells, the crystal ball of spiritual consciousness, and the thunderstone totems used to construct the casting field in the outer At this time, Sasha and others naturally met When it was really powerful, everyone became cautious, and Kane's gaze would even make these people feel at a loss.

Kane has seen a lot of similar situations. He naturally knows how to resolve it. He said loudly: "As the saying goes, you can see the moon and the moon. You must resist unyieldingly before you have the blessing of great power. Moreover, the extraordinary power will be more profound. Oddly, someone needs to control it to make sense. Do you know what to control?"

A driver plucked up the courage and said: "According to what you said before, you need to be honest."

"Yes, the negative spiritual power fits the dark and evil power. Then the positive supernatural power corresponds to the heart of integrity, love and courage, and the determination to protect the home and relatives. As long as there are these, the light of elemental barriers, It will not be bleak."

Kane didn't just talk about it casually. His divine mind was certainly enough to serve as the core of the fifth element of the element barrier, supporting its existence for thousands of years, but he felt that it might not be a good thing for the people here.

Everything is meaningful when local people participate. Therefore, the elemental key of the elemental barrier is the one that Kane put in the final finishing touch. It will continue to absorb the positive mental power in the range. If it does not absorb, the elemental barrier will close itself after the lower limit of a thousand days is fulfilled. The extraordinary dispersal becomes a relic, and will eventually disperse, otherwise, it will exist for a long time.

In fact, this can be regarded as a gift he gave to Azeroth. It can be said to be a template for the use of elemental power. As for the creatures of Azeroth, and even the star gods that may exist, they can use it. To what extent, it depends on the respective predestined methods.

He gave this gift, not for no reason, but as a reward for using part of Azeroth's legacy to build a fairy palace ecological ship.


Infinite Supreme Wizard

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