Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1375: Confusing dual circuit

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Kane lied to Sasha and other mortals in Wanghai Town.

The power of elements is the basic energy that weaves all things in the magic universe, and manipulating it has nothing to do with righteous thoughts.

Evil filth corresponds to the sacred, and only the power of the sacred can affect the positive spiritual power such as love.

In the Warcraft universe, there is another way of dividing extraordinary energy.

The power of evil is partly attributed to the void and partly attributed to chaos.

The former corresponds to the shadow and the latter corresponds to the fel energy.

The divine power is partly attributed to the Holy Light and partly attributed to the order.

The former is called Holy Light, and the latter is called Arcane.

And Kane did not follow this division system in essence. Anyway, outsiders don't have human rights, and the result of kneeling and licking is likely to be that the tiger is not an anti-dog, and it simply uses its own system.

Therefore, the elemental barriers he created are non-replicable, and there is no problem in learning, and there will be problems in copying. This can be regarded as a small threshold left by him. For nothing, he is not used to people's problems.

After the construction of the camp frame was completed, other tasks were left to Sasha and the others. The functional facilities inside the camp need to be adjusted, and the workload is not small. In addition, they have to make a series of preparations for the placement of rescued personnel.

Kane was on the road alone this time. He turned into a ghost wolf, and disappeared from people's sight after three jumps and two verticals.

People quickly began to work under Sasha's organization.

The night had fallen completely at this time, and the Sarres Farm in the Twilight Forest was past midnight.

Olaf, Sacco and Yacari returned to the Sarres mansion in the afternoon and forced themselves to cover their heads and sleep, and even asked the housekeeper to wake them up for dinner and simply prepare some food. If they wake up at night, they will serve as a supper. Just fill your stomach.

At first, the three of them could not fall asleep because of concerns. But after suffering for a while, sleepiness struck after all and fell asleep.

Then when the bell rang at midnight, he woke up naturally.

After waking up, he soon noticed the unusual.

When the clock continued to sound, it was not the bell from the bell tower of the mansion that came from outside, but the ringing of bells in their hearts.

This kind of ringing is like tinnitus, with a sharp, piercing, metallic humming sound, which makes people throb and feel particularly irritable.

Like Nicolas, he felt that the power of darkness in his body became extremely active, making him very uncomfortable.

Olaf, holding the water tank "tons ton ton", poured half of it in one breath, and he was less upset.

Yakari’s Titan system has the deepest transformation progress, her body and spirit are protected by a considerable degree of order, but because of this, she has the clearest sense of the non-order from the outside to the transcendent erosion.

The knowledge Kane had imparted made her realize that this should be regarded as a mental attack, and the protection of the power of order could not completely offset this attack, so there was a bell ringing in her mind.

In this case, the first thing Yakali thought of was to join Sacco and Olaf.

She used to lie down in her clothes before, and after a simple tidying, she was about to leave. As a result, she pulled the door but couldn't open it.

It's not that the door is locked and cannot be opened. If the door seems to be integrated with the wall, the door handle becomes an ornament.

Yakari was naturally a little panicked, but she was a bit more frightened recently, and soon calmed down, and then she tried to recall the simple and easy-to-use tips Kane taught to the three of them last night.

Not to mention, I really found something that seemed to be able to cope with this situation.

So she adjusted her breathing first, and then cooperated with the method to gather her mental strength.

Although not skilled enough, it took a long time, but in the end it was finished.

Yacari remembered that she asked a question last night: "How can I know that I am doing it right."

Brocks played by Kane replied: "If you do it right, you know it naturally."

This statement is a bit sacred, but now Yacari feels that this is really the case.

If you do it right, you will naturally have a feeling in your heart, a very complex feeling, including comfort, transparency, determination, etc. I have never experienced it before, but I just know that I got it right.

Then I opened the door again, and there was extraordinary energy flowing out of my hand, and then a faintly visible light was formed in the place where the door was originally cracked. Her wishes were executed in this way, and the door opened with a light ‘click’.

With a little joy of joy, Yacarly came to the corridor.

This is the guest room area on the third floor. Originally, Olaf lived in another area. After all, the Gomans were treated as hosts here. But Olaf insisted on living in the same area with Yakari and Nicolas, so his room was also connected by this 30-meter-long corridor.

Yakari instinctively gave priority to Olaf, after all, in her mind, Olaf is the kind of person who can be calm and composed in every big event and quickly think of feasible solutions.

But after Yakari went out, she found that the wall lights in the corridor were all off, making it extremely dark.

There are windows on the outer top of the corridor, but there are no stars or moons outside today, and the light is faint, which is of little use.

Yacarly turned around and took the oil lamp from the room. It is the kind of oil head with a thick and long bottleneck and a slightly bulging belly and base. The glass cover ensures that the lights inside will not be blown out by the wind, but the brightness is really average.

Re-entering the corridor, Yakari discovered more abnormalities.

The first is silence.

Wan Lai was silent, there was no sound, even her own footsteps, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of her heartbeat.

The second is the fog, which is not in the air, but on the ground, not over the ankle, flowing slowly.

These abnormalities made her panic.

However, she soon calmed down again.

This time even she herself was a little surprised. After all, she still knows quite a bit about herself. In her impression, she is not the kind of person who wants to be calm and can really stabilize her emotions.

Vaguely, she realized that her change should be related to the extraordinary transformation caused by the rune tree species.

But she didn't think deeply about this issue, but focused on the immediate matter.

Last night, Brocks told the three of them some common sense of the extraordinary circle.

A considerable part of this common sense is based on oneself and judges the state. Because the most common type of trick in the transcendental circle is misleading.

The most basic and most fundamental judgments are all wrong, so the way of thinking suddenly goes wrong with grandma's house.

Yacari felt that the situation in front of her was probably of this kind. She was recruited, and what she saw and heard now is not true.

Then, before she could distinguish through the tips taught by Kane, she felt a trance. When the surrounding scene became clear again, she suddenly found that she was lying on the bed in the room.

She blinked, then sat up and looked around. Make sure what you see now is true. She sniffed again and smelled the grassy smell.

After inheriting the power of Rune Seed, she has the ability to distinguish all things. She is not named, and she also knows the attributes. Therefore, she would not think that the smell of grass was produced by the green grass on the lawn outside the mansion and was blown by the night wind. What flows into the mansion is a magic weed that can cause hallucinations.

After she understood that it was a man-made trick, and she had initially cracked it, her panic went away a lot. This time she did not rush out, but started to prepare according to her own ideas.

At the same time, Olaf, who had withstood the same trick, woke up even more quickly. One is that he pays attention to details, and when he compares, he realizes that illusion is too different from reality. One more point he has a ring, Grandpa Charon.

Charon didn't allow any external forces to erode Olaf's spiritual world. After all, it was his ultimate plot, and it is now treated as his own private property.

After waking up, Olaf did not rush out, but prepared.

He is not lying in the clothes like Yacari, but how he used to sleep at home, how he sleeps here, he feels that only in this way can he truly relax and rest well.

In fact, he is indeed the most rested of the three, so after waking up, he needs more time to clean up the house.

The worst situation is Nicolas, the power of darkness circulating in his body, which has caused a lot of pressure, including mental burden. This time, the hallucinogenic trick is equivalent to helping the evil one, opening his heart.

This is a very abstract, but very influential special situation.

In the final analysis, it is Kane’s repeated deepening of the interpretation of ‘belief is true. ’

For Olaf and Yacari, it was only a strange illusion. For Sako, it was combined with the dark power in his body to form a state infinitely close to reality.

But Sako's defense was disintegrated to a certain extent, and he believed it to be true, so it became a real hurdle, referred to as the dark test!

One of the biggest features of this kind of consciousness test is the low cost of constructing the scene. That's how powerful the imagination is, the stage is so magnificent.

Nicolas is naturally tens of thousands of blocks away from Kane in this respect, but it is still very impressive. It is definitely the visual sense of Hollywood epic blockbusters.

It's just unusually messy, even absurd, just like a dream.

If Hollywood blockbusters dare to edit like this, even if he is called Zach Schneider, he will have to be beaten to death by investors and movie viewers.

It is also because it is grand and messy, to describe it clearly, I am afraid that at least tens of thousands of words of nonsense. Fortunately, looking at it from the perspective of testing, it is still a deduction. To put it simply, it is a dilemma. It is a more cruel dilemma than the mother and wife who fall into the river.

The power of darkness itself does not have self-awareness. To produce such a targeted cruel question and answer test, it will only create an environment where people can achieve self-examination.

As for why it was created, the reason is like water flowing to the ground. The power of darkness seeks and transforms a location and state that better suits its own attributes.

And human consciousness, given some meaning to it, has the so-called dark test.

No one knows what Sacco gave up during this test, and what he wants to understand. The only thing he knows is that after this time, Sacco has said goodbye to the previous Sacco almost completely.

And just to confirm this, it paid a high price.

Olaf and the three of them met about a quarter after the bell rang at midnight. After a simple ventilation, they decided to take the initiative. If they had to give this operation a name, then it would be called'Wandering to the mansion in the middle of the night, of course. Supper'.

Since Kane had the Law Bodies to stare at in secret, he basically grasped the situation of the three of them at the first time.

I have to say that he feels a little sorry for Nicolas.

He originally thought that even after Grum was seized by Poole, Sacco would drag him for a while even if he was blackened, or encounter a sufficiently exciting event. Under his incompetent rage, Sacco would explode. After changing the situation, but also saying goodbye to the past.

Unexpectedly, it was such a mixture of illusion + dark erosion that broke through the line of consciousness.

What does this indicate?

Superficially speaking, Nicolas is unbearable and lacks the key shining point of becoming a child of destiny.

To be more profound, destiny did not lean towards him, and he did not arrange suitable pedals (events) for him to complete the construction of his mind. As a result, he complied with the saying that'human nature can't stand the test'.

Looking at Olaf again, the most important period of spiritual construction was actually when his family was broken, and it began when the general's son was knocked down.

At that time, although he could be regarded as seeing the warmth and coldness of human relations, after all, he couldn't compare with the exciting and dense series after the adventure started.

However, this set of serials is very suitable for him at this stage. It can allow him to build his mind twice, or even three times, so as to achieve the key indicators of rapid promotion. By then, even if there is any strange energy, the extraordinary essence will fall into his hands. You can also live in Hold. This alone is more secure than Yakari who gets in the car first and buys the ticket later, not to mention letting off the ambition Nicolas.

Therefore, Kane felt that there was basically no suspense about who the Son of Destiny was. Although he has tried to reverse or prolong the trend of the power of destiny, Yakari and Nicolas have fallen behind to varying degrees. Especially Nicolas, is simply diving.

"I hope there is a bit of surprise here." Kane thought about it, and then he found the Dark Camp.

After all, to him, this is not a thing at all. Even if it only uses the extraordinary abilities covered by Brocks Whiteclaw's persona, it is more than enough.

Everyone knows that druids are masters of survival in the wilderness, and the forest is like their home, but they don't know that shamans are also nature's darlings.

The core of the shaman's transcendental system is animism.

This one can actually be extended to a very Eastern logical way of saying ‘you respect me a foot, and I respect you a foot.’

Believing that all things have anims is not impossible to understand as giving them spirituality.

After all, there is faith, and true faith can be born.

This is actually a kind of respect or even exaltation.

So conversely, a shaman who has the spirit of all things as a friend, said it is brothers all over the world, is it too much?

For the great shaman, it’s not too much, even better than the great druid. Wherever he goes, he will receive a “friend here and have a good wine” hospitality, even in the deserted sea, the druid can There is no such force.

Therefore, Brocks Whiteclaw does not need to be like a druid. It is to distinguish the traces and smells, and to inquire about birds and beasts. Some lead the way to serve Brocks, and of course, it also includes complaints about how some bad guys twist Nature, enslaves and destroys beings...

So Blox's changed ghost wolf ran for a while, and arrived at the place.

The so-called dark camp is actually a foothold of this dark force.

In the early days, it was a forward-looking outpost, and it was used for rest and rest, so it was convenient to go to the logging yard to do things.

Now that the dark power accumulation of the Black Miasma Forest has reached a certain level, this group of messengers use technology to increase the boat, expand the territory, and have the support to create more dynamic events.

Kane stood on the edge of the camp and watched, wondering whether to use two axes to cut the other side's ship.

Then I saw a figure who was about the leader of the troublemaker, a woman whose temperament was out of tune with the dark druid, more like a court lady.

Consciousness flickered.

This situation is unusual for him.

It can even be said that things like dreams and trances are all obvious signs for the gods, and they only appear when they are closely related to themselves and are of great importance.

Kane understood this truth, and was immediately cautious. At the same time came interest.

Because, he suddenly discovered that this matter seems not necessarily related to the line of the son of destiny he is concerned about, at least not currently.

It has nothing to do with the top series of major events of this era, but it can cause abnormalities and give him such an obvious warning. What kind of situation is this?

Thinking of this, Kane readily activated a mass of aerial roots, and these long-beard-like aerial roots quickly woven themselves into a lynx-like creature.

Kane gave him the ability and command to monitor.

Of course he can create better puppet creations. The main reason for adapting measures to local conditions is to'be grounded.'

This is for safety. Only by ‘grounding’ can the influence of ‘outsiders’ intervention’ be reduced, making it easier to get confused.

Even, from the perspective of extraordinary energy, this is not a bribe, because this puppet is time-limited, and after receiving the ground, Kane will not be able to take it away in the future, so it will give him the mysterious substance in his body. , Even if the meat is rotten in the pot of Warcraft. If WoW Universe is conscious, it will probably say: "I don't know if you are not in charge, but the legs of grasshoppers are also meat."

With the down-to-earth Lynx watcher left behind, Kane went home.

When he saw Sasha and the others, he said that the dark elements had indeed captured all the people in the lumber camp. They did not beat or scold them, but instead imprison them with a kind of dark ecstasy. This is the treatment of valuable living materials, for a while. There won't be any problems for a while, but the other party is fully prepared, and it is night, forcibly breaking the camp, it is inevitable that the other party will jump the wall in a hurry. So he planned to understand the daytime action, and when the other party escorted the prisoners to the depths of the black forest, he would choose a suitable time to take action.

Sasha and others listened to Kane's arrogance, and coupled with their own incompetence, they also delivered food when they went there. They could only rely on Kane, so they approved Kane's plan without any trouble.

Kane also said: “Rescue is different from hacking and is a meticulous task, especially if I am alone rescuing a group of people, it is more difficult. So I need your help, collect materials, and make puppets. Arrange some more traps, and strive to minimize one's own casualties."

In this way, Kane arranged a ticket for Sasha and the others, which was actually completely unnecessary, so that they had no time to think and sleep.

Tomorrow, it is natural to let them stay behind for reasons such as "lack of energy, it will become a drag".

And he himself, taking advantage of the need to recharge his energy, so that he could find a comfortable place to hide in the cause of tomorrow's war.

In fact, it is not simply hiding from leisure, but spending money.

It was another operation of the banknote power, and a lot of mysterious matter was thrown out, buying the information he wanted.

Sure enough, as he speculated based on the latest situation, this game in Gilneas Wanghai Town was not prepared for him at all.

The protagonist will be less than 20 hours late, that is, tomorrow.

The approximate plot should be that Acting Mayor Sasha will raise manpower and supplies in Wanghai Town. The result is far from reaching expectations, but she rushed back to the logging camp on the same day.

It was known there that the camp had fallen while she went back to town for help.

She first led the team to break through the dark mystery, and then in the fallen lumber yard, she was caught in a simple trap left by the dark elements because she was unclear.

So let alone saving people, they are hard to protect themselves. In the end, they finally drove a steam car with three or two people to fight the siege and return to Wanghai Town to meet them, but it was almost a complete collapse.

At this time, the protagonist of this round appeared on the stage. As for the legendary story or the epic story, Kane didn't care.

What he cares about is, is this the story of Destiny Gemini? Or is this the main event he needs?

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