Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1376: Transformation of elbow and armpit

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For his own benefit, Kane is a little less particular about doing things.

Going deeper, life is a matter of life, but he is just like a child's play here.

But it is very real. It's not just talking about becoming the one that I once hated.

The breakthrough of the bottom line is sometimes so unknowingly, naturally.

Kane will not defend himself, but he has to say something, he prefers to say: ‘I can hold it’ instead of something ‘without me, their situation is even worse. ’

Now that we are all over and we are participating, we don't have to assume that there will be no end and no participation. This kind of honest Kane is still there, but in the multiverse where outcome theory is the mainstream, this kind of honesty seems a bit redundant.

Sasha Crowley and the others, the night afterwards are naturally very depressed, the body is bitter, and the heart is even more bitter. These people who were able to organize and resist themselves for more than half a year under the background that the relevant forces of the kingdom gave up their entanglement with the dark elements. In the daily war of resistance with the risk of life and death, these people have forged a deep friendship. Having taken so many prisoners, it is naturally really worrying.

Being more disadvantaged, there is really too little they can do now.

If Kane does not appear, it is estimated that someone will try their best to return to the blooded dog slaughter and take their lives in, which can be regarded as a ‘faithful and loyal’ explanation.

But with Kane, it seemed hopeful that he would not want to go that way.

People's emotions are exposed in every bit of work, and Kane can understand and move in his eyes.

Recalling that year, he had a similar moment. If only despair is left, he will not be entangled. It is because there is hope, but very vague, that will make him uncomfortable. He hates his powerlessness and incompetence, and even hates why he chose to be shameless. To live, not to fight to death.

In the end, this emotion also became the spiritual fuel for his pursuit of power, allowing him to survive many slack moments.

But after all, we still have to face the lack of fuel. Information is the most precious wealth, but if it is too much, it will become a heavy burden on the soul.

Speaking of one thousand, ten thousand Tao, human nature has an upper limit. The thinking mode it contains cannot be said to be complete, it is not that it cannot be surpassed, but after it is truly surpassed, it will no longer be human.

He was once inspiring to become a higher being above the supremacy of mankind, but later discovered that this aspiration, even if it weren't for Ye Gonghaolong, was not too different. He was reluctant to give up his life, and knew that once he did give up, Zhao Wenrui would completely die.

"To sum it up, I still haven't lived enough. However, there are already too many visual perceptions and insensitivity, and even changes in the opposite way. It is very difficult to make up for the pits of the missing points, and it is very difficult to make people complete. After all, this multiverse is not A stage prepared around a certain existence."

Sometimes Kane feels that this may be regarded as a super rich version of ‘can’t live, can’t die’.

In comparison, Olaf and the others are far from Kane's state of mind by many, many levels. They have just entered the trajectory of legendary life, although they are also dissatisfied with the status quo, but they appear to be less hypocritical and pathological, and the relevant cognition and thinking are much shallower and simpler.

Actions like tonight are trying to take the initiative to get the secrets hidden by the owner and do not want them to see or hear, so as to better deal with various situations that may arise in the future. For this reason, it is not hesitate to sacrifice some rationality.

Inside the mansion at night, the gloomy index has obviously risen a lot, but it is still within the normal range, and there is no extraordinary abnormality.

The three of them already have a certain understanding of the internal structure, and at the moment they are indeed walking on the way to the kitchen. There is an exquisite small restaurant over there, which is usually used for afternoon tea. It is almost diagonally opposite to their bedroom area. The route that almost traverses half of the halls of the mansion is exactly what they want.

Ring Grandfather Charon further helped them perfect the plan, spoke through Olaf's mouth, and was approved by the other two. Therefore, the three of them did not look like the adventurers who entered the ancient tomb. They were overly cautious and looked wretched. , Walking like a few thieves. Rather, with your head held high, not hurried, and even chatting a few words from time to time, you seem to be the master here.

It has to be said that the choice of action mode has a considerable psychological impact. The initial anxiety and tension gradually calmed down. Of course, this is also due to the chat and decompression.

Outside the loose and inside tightly, they did not encounter any abnormalities, but in the kitchen, they were scared.

It was a dark corner with three light stars, one of which was lit and dimmed rhythmically.

When the light of the oil lamp shone through, I realized that it was an individual.

Looks like the dressing is a cook, but the size, the size, and the gloomy effect caused by the limited light source and illumination method, and the excessive shadow occlusion, reminds them of the butcher for the first time. Killing is like killing. Pig, the kind of butcher with many lives in his hands.

As soon as the other party spoke, the strange contrast was immediately there, because this super muscular aunt turned out to be a girlish voice, and she was sitting there smoking just now.

Because Mao's eyes are still lit by cigarette butts in the dark? You smoke for Mao, but there is no smoke in this room. Most importantly, at this point in time, you sit quietly in a dark and gloomy corner, what the **** is smoking alone?

Not to mention, the third question is that someone has a perfect answer. It was the housekeeper's order. Olaf and his friends might have something to eat when they wake up in the middle of the night, so they left a cook to watch.

The three of Olaf were disgusted again. It felt even more absurd than yesterday morning when he was received by a handsome man who called himself William.

Obviously he knew that he was acting, but there was no reason to explode, and more importantly, he did not have the strength to act so badly.

Of course, if Brocks, played by Kane, hadn't jumped out to supplement the common sense of the transcendental circle, the young and fierce Olaf would not be able to stand up to the foreign crimes of this old yin-beep game.

But now they have the feeling of being fed, but they still hold back. This is the corresponding attitude that the three people discussed and confirmed in advance and confirmed during the day.

Not being the one who takes the initiative to tear his face apart not only involves more growth time and time to collect information, but also involves some extraordinary exquisiteness and speaking.

In general, whoever can't stretch his face, who is in a mysterious situation involving the soul, will fall into passiveness.

However, in the middle of the night, being served by a bear-like but fierce but wicked butcher, but the voice of a girl-like cook, this supper is undoubtedly quite uncomfortable.

Nicolas tried to send the cook to leave.

But this cook’s "butler's orders, let me do my best, please don’t make it difficult for me" rhetoric, coupled with the weeping tone and demeanor, is really too transgressive and horrified, and the horrified Nicolas almost pumped himself After a few slaps, he no longer dared to provoke casually, so as not to be disgustingly sprayed on the spot.

The food is not a problem, not only is it warm, but it also tastes delicious, so that Yacari who can distinguish everything is useless.

The three of them ate the supper in a torturous manner, and then walked back. They did not follow the same route as they had come. Although it was a little detour, they basically couldn’t make mistakes. They even hoped that someone would follow them for this easy reason. Interaction, it feels better than the current kind of harvest like visiting the tomb. After all, with their current three-legged cat-level extraordinary ability, it is really not easy to spy out some secrets.

Seeing that the ‘touring show’ route was about to be completed, an anomaly occurred.

At that time, the three of them were a little discouraged, wondering if this is the case today, right? To discuss a more feasible method tomorrow day?

Still talking, the three were separated.

First, Olaf was separated from Sako and Yakari. He walked at the front, turned around a corner, and was about to go up the stairs to enter the guest room area on the third floor. As a result, both Sako and Yakari didn’t respond. No one followed, and quickly returned to the corner, and the two disappeared.

But Nicolas and Yacari were talking the same while turning around the corner with Olaf, but Olaf disappeared.

"What about people? Olaf?" Nicolas took a few steps and went up a few steps to see if Olaf had already passed the turn of the stairs. Naturally, he didn't see it, but when he looked back, Yacarly did not follow. , Look for it again, Yakari is gone.

With such a corner + turning stairs, the total distance is only five or six meters, and there is a wall lamp lighting, and people disappear strangely.

Then it was a different encounter.

Olaf was the first to understand, because the ring grandfather Charon pointed out, and at the same time corresponded to some of the statements that Kane had warned, so that he could roughly understand what happened.

This time I can't blame Charon for his post-pumping point, mainly to blame himself, as soon as he relaxed his mind, and when he made an omission, he was taken advantage of.

In fact, this can be regarded as what Kane has always emphasized. The best time to attack is to look at the moment when the opponent is about to win.

Up the stairs is the guest room area. The three people feel that this is the end tonight. Psychologically speaking, the action is over. With this subconscious, the tight heartstrings naturally relax to a certain extent, and then they are Take advantage of the void and enter.

This is really a matter of experience.

The crisis has been lurking in secret all the time, they have not been able to find out, and they have not been able to maintain the state all the time, and finally came to the road.

How to break?

Olaf has a ring grandfather, and there is no shortage of methods. Even if he does not have extraordinary power now, he still has soul power to use, vitality is combustible.

Extraordinary is not enough, life is small. Charon is aware of such methods. And it's also divided into specifics. It's just to break the illusion, and it doesn't cost much.

However, Charon reminded Olaf in advance that it is easy to crack, but Olaf may not be able to do so, because the opponent played this trick mostly to separate the three.

So he couldn't crack it in time, and the other two had to crack it in time.

Moreover, in theory, in addition to illusion, there should be other magical assistance, such as such extraordinary effects as the movable stairs of Hogwarts Castle and the entrance of the House of Request.

This type of situation, generally speaking, only those who are experienced and transcendent can solve it immediately, and there is no disorder, there is a greater probability that it will be completely eliminated. Otherwise, being separated is basically a foregone conclusion.

What happened next was exactly as Charon said. After Olaf's clumsy cracking, he still couldn't find Nicolas and Yacarly. He ran to the room of the two of them, then searched the surroundings, and then walked back again. Big cuts were not found.

In this context, Olaf finally chose to explore alone.

"That's okay. Some inconvenient methods used before can now be used."

Charon reminded: "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares at you."

"I know, but rather than superficial wandering and inaction, I am more willing to bear the price of gain."

Coincidentally, Nicolas has a similar mindset, even far better than Olaf. After all, he has completed a cliff-like blackening in the previous dark test, or the reconstruction of the dark-oriented mind. At this price, he has The control of force has made great progress. It has long since been like a child who has obtained a box of new toys and wants to play with it, but now is obviously the time.

Just because of the lack of comparison, and no veteran in the industry like Charon, Nicolas did not crack it, but began to explore in a world-like state.

In addition, the Sares Mansion, whether it is site selection or its own construction, has its merits. It can combine the status of the target person to create a suitable corresponding environment. What Sacco enters can be simply understood as Dark mode.

Correspondingly, although Yakali did not crack the illusion, she entered another dimension based on the Emerald Dream.

Her rune seeds were originally created by the Titans, and the Emerald Dream was the blueprint of Azeroth constructed by the Titans. Therefore, the extraordinary tricks of the Sarez Manor, in the name of Yacari, actually meant to be self-defeating.

Kane also sighed for this: "It is a blessing in disguise, whether it is connected, or the transformation is almost the same, it needs an internship to be stable. As a result, I enter the secret realm of Titan Relic. I am very comfortable to grasp the art industry and consolidate the extraordinary power. This is simply the treatment of dragon mothers in ice and fire. I hope that destiny will not even follow the rules of ice and fire, and it will be forced all the way, just to be shocked at the peak moment..."

In Kane's eyes, Olaf can be said to represent the upper, middle and lower third games at this time.

Yakari was lucky, kicking a stone with her foot, and it turned out to be a kind of nugget. Instead, the extraordinary layout of the Sarez’s mansion has become a bridge, and Yacari used it to enter the secret realm that she could not enter at this stage and did not know where there were. Naturally, she was no longer disturbed by the tricks of the Sarez’s house. It is another climb of the cave depot.

Olaf is a Chinese player. Although he has to deal with the various routines of Sarres’ mansion, he has the ring grandfather to mention that Samuel Sarres will not really treat him because he seeks to seize his blood, so even if he performs Stupid and awkward, there are surprises.

For Olaf, this half of the night is basically a practical lesson of long insights and experience, and applying a lot of knowledge gained in the previous period. There are surprises and no dangers. The only thing worth worrying about is nothing more than gaining more or less.

Nicolas is a typical downturn. After all, Samuel Sarres's series, although not dark and evil, can also be regarded as a strange way of slanting the sword.

Compared with the mainstream transcendent system, the biggest difference between what they pursued is that it offends many taboos.

Although many of the related taboos of the mainstream transcendental system are the products of politics and personal desires, they are more of the lessons learned in exchange for human lives.

Then breaking these taboos means teaching the tuition again.

In addition, the strange sects of Samuel's family are already extremely dangerous, so it is not wrong to say that they are harming others and themselves.

For such a group of people, the magic mechanism designed by it will naturally not be neutral and peaceful, and stop at trials, but there are really a lot of dangers, even throwing in unsolved mysteries, making the intruder automatically become Cannon fodder to solve the mystery for them.

Sacco's dark power successfully shook the dark side of the Emerald Dream, and thus led to another dark test.

If the one that Sacco faced before was a test of the personality type that destroys his consciousness, then this time it was a test of bloodthirsty.

These two tests are intensively underway. If Nicolas can pass, let's not say how distorted it is, but in terms of strength, I am afraid that it has already caught up to or even surpassed Poole at its peak.

This also gave Kane some small expectations. After all, he had always believed that Poole had a behind-the-scenes man behind him. The biggest proof is that Poole's book of black magic is not simple.

But the incident has developed to the present, and the black hand behind the scenes has not appeared. He even went to Karazhan personally for this, but there was no real progress.

Kane believes that if Nicolas can successfully break through the barriers this time, he should be eligible for the attention of the man behind the scenes.

The Black Magic Book is still in the hands of Nicolas, which means there is no shortage of channels for contact.

Kane wondered, if this doesn't make the black hands show up behind the scenes, there will be little hope behind.

So, this night, Kane was not boring.

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