Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1382: Multi-line parallel drama

Sasha, Rosalind and others rescued the cursed and muddled prisoners back to the elemental barrier, it was already a long time.

And in the Twilight Forest, it was mid-afternoon, the sun was already west, and the sunshine was okay, but Olaf, Yakari, and Sacco each had a haze in their hearts, which could not be eliminated by the sun.

Although Yakari has not been washed into a tool person, the gift of Titan is not free after all, she has a mission that must be completed.

Even if she does not mention the punishment corresponding to the mission, the point of "loss of power" alone is not something she can bear. The sweetness of power is more than the taste of authority. If you get it, you can't let it go. In this regard, Jaka Li couldn't escape the barriers of human nature.

Not to mention Nicolas, the heavy price has distorted his heart and is further distorting. He even thought that it would be foolish to continue to act with Olaf. The top priority now is to quickly digest the treasures in the bunker, so as to not only stop the dark erosion he is currently suffering, but also Can further enhance the strength.

As for Olaf's bitter feud. When his strength reaches a certain level, wouldn't it be more efficient, more reliable, and cooler to use his strength to break through the problems?

The gloom in Olaf's heart was naturally due to the fact that he was fooled by Samuel to such a degree that he could no longer carry out the plan he originally designated.

As Samuel said: “The general’s imprisonment is a political issue first. The persecution of his family is a violation of the taboo of the powerful circle. The last is the malfeasance cases and joint cases involving related laws. Hope. Is it possible to reverse the case by resolving the third-level issue with the lowest importance?"

Olaf has been at a loss until now.

At a loss, I don’t know how to proceed with the action. In addition, Nicolas and Yakari have their own concerns. The small team suddenly fell into a kind of game that was half-played and suddenly lost interest and faced the embarrassing atmosphere of dispersing. in.

Even the ring grandfather Charon was a bit helpless. To be honest, Charon was not enthusiastic about Olaf’s father’s redress. As far as his intentions were concerned, he was now more willing to persuade Olaf to cooperate with Samuel. After all, Samus wanted to use Olaf’s bloodline power. One is to excite it all, and that is the moment Charon is looking forward to.

But Charon still knew its own strengths and weaknesses, and would not stand by Samuel because he wanted to, or at least would not act blatantly.

After the embarrassing atmosphere lasted for a while, Yacarly gave some of her own opinions: "Olav, I don’t think Samus’s words can be fully believed, nor can they not be believed. The key is to distinguish between the true and the false. And this matter is urgent. No, we can't wait. As far as our personal status is concerned, we can still be called rest and recuperation here. Progress in intelligence collection is limited, but it is also advancing. We might as well set a time limit and try to collect more intelligence during this period. , While waiting for your uncle to return, if you can’t wait within the time limit, then act decisively instead of endless consumption."

Olaf nodded, "Okay, let's discuss the specific steps of action. It is not difficult to tell from Samuel's words that there are ancient secrets hidden in the Sarez Mansion. I think it is helpful for us to understand these secrets. The Sarez Mansion has a large private collection of books, and there may be clues to unlocking these secrets. In this regard, Nicolas, you are the strongest among us, so please."

It seems that after hearing the words, Nicolas, who was wandering beyond the sky, did not appear to be unaware, but slightly nodded, "Leave it to me."

Olaf said to Yacarly again: "Yakali, you have the special ability to understand the attributes of all things. Through the tour, the task of carefully inspecting the mansion is left to you. Not only things, but also people, similar to that of Barbara. We’d better grasp roughly how many monsters there are in this mansion and what kind of strength it has."

"Well, I think I can do it."

"I am responsible for the manor outside the mansion. I still have some experience in military reconnaissance and retreat route formulation. In the future, we can't tell Samuel and the others. How to leave this weird place, we have a lesson."

At this time, Sacco reminded: "Since the villagers are semi-stupid tool people with limited minds, they may not be able to use them, and interact with them. I wonder if I can figure out the rules."

"Understand, I will actively try."

Sacco said again: "You tell me, I have made some progress on the dark road. The night here is really strange. It is almost a kind of plane space switch. I suggest that we still prepare two plans, respectively. Coping with day and night, and the intelligence exploration at night is mainly me."

"Okay, then you have to bear more."

"We don't need to say this between us." Although what Nicolas said seems a little vacant, he understands one thing, and that is that he is in the same boat with Olaf, at least in the eyes of Samuel and others. That's the case, and Samuel and the gang treat them badly.

This can be regarded as a benefit after the great advancement of extraordinary abilities. His intuition is not a bit sharper than in the past, and he has obtained the ability to constantly detect good and evil buffs.

The good and evil here is different from the evil detection techniques used by priests and paladins. It targets good intentions and malice.

In fact, this talent belongs to the welfare of the Child of Destiny, rather than a universal ability that transcendents possess. However, Nicolas is a wild way, and he can't distinguish the difference between the superhuman's ‘keen intuition’ and ‘detecting good and evil’.

As far as strength is concerned, among the three people at this time, the one with the strongest overall ability is actually Yacari. Although Nicolas paid a high price, the Dark One is indeed good at destruction, but it can’t compare to the benefits of systematically mastering the knowledge of the Titans. Even if there is a phase division, Yacari is no longer a burden to the team, and even the ability to cast spells. It is much stronger than Saco, because Yakari is able to enter the Emerald Secret Realm, which is a safe house, a training ground, and a monastery.

However, Yacari did not reveal these secrets and all her secrets. An important reason was that she noticed Sacco's abnormality.

Combining the extraordinary knowledge of the Titans, the knowledge taught by Kane as Brocks, and the special induction of extraordinary powers on the attributes of the opposing faction, Yakari knew that Sacco’s darkness value was already very high, far beyond it. The endurance value of soul strength.

It stands to reason that, as a playmate who has not had a bad relationship since childhood, and a comrade-in-arms who was born and died together, she should remind and even help Nicolas to get out of the darkness.

However, and unfortunately, after all, Yakari was affected by the brainwashing process of the Titan System to a considerable extent.

As for the urinary nature of the Titan System, in fact, one can see one or two things from the attitudes of Ulduar's well-known Titan Toolmen towards the sentient beings of Azeroth.

Take Observer Agalon, for example, who almost activated the Pantheon, Amansur and the others left behind in the past, bringing Azeroth into a fully formatted state.

To put it simply, although the three views of the Titan I series are not white or black, they are absolutely harsh. They can't see the kind that swings between black and white, let alone black. It is also with this attitude that even if the great intelligent creatures of Azeroth are generally positive, they have their own original sins due to the'curse of flesh and blood' and are regarded as weeds that need to be removed. It’s not hard to understand that the grass was so overwhelmed that the experimental field was completely destroyed and the formatting operation was started.

Therefore, if it hadn't been for Kane's cross-cutting to reduce the completion of the Titan System's brainwashing, Jacarie would have turned his face with Nicolas, not just using the suspicion to die.

The most subtle thing is that the technology of the Titan system is high enough, and Sacco's detection of good and evil has no practical significance under the name of Yakari. However, the extraordinary power system of the Titan system made Nicolas very upset. Coupled with the darkening of his personality, he no longer had the love of the young guy for the beautiful opposite sex, but was full of conquest and assimilation. Distorted desires and the heart to beware are naturally there.

Therefore, although the relationship between the two is not tense, and it seems that there is no reason to turn against each other, it is actually very subtle.

However, Olaf is not extraordinary now, and his current level of care alone is not enough to understand this level of entanglement, coupled with strong enough external pressure, so this little gang just keeps it up and runs.

In contrast, Kane is highly efficient. As far as the event is concerned, his progress has surpassed that of the children of destiny.

For example, they ran to Olaf and their hometown, Burning Plains, to investigate the dharmakaya of love and their roots. Now they have separated their shadow clones and stared at Olaf’s father Solam, who is in the prison of Stormwind. 'Kama, the eldest sister of Olaf who was separated.

Olaf’s family members include his parents and two younger sisters. The eldest sister is fourteen and the second sister is nine years old. "Broken Family Night" Olaf was still studying in Greycastle of the Redridge Mountains. The servants in the family were brutally slaughtered. His mother was also killed for shielding the two children from fleeing and fighting fiercely, and took her two The body of the old servant who escaped from the secret road by the younger sister, his body and the body of his second younger sister were finally found by the river not far from home.

The forensic doctor and the transcendental person who traced back in the past found that his second sister was killed because of uncooperative and yelling.

The eldest sister Carmen disappeared, the related information was passive, and the extraordinary means of tracing the past could not be detected. Taking into account Carmen's age and already some attractive appearance, most of them were captured and trafficked.

Olaf faced the situation where his family was destroyed and his father was unable to meet. The only way he could think of was to find his uncle, get rid of his father's guilt, and then start from the perspective of who the enemy is to find out the whereabouts of Carmen.

But in fact, Carmen has another chance.

Olaf's second sister, because of her age, was a little bit sloppy at critical moments, yelling, and not listening to anyone. This was indeed the main reason for her killing.

But the shouting was not without results. It attracted the attention of a passing extraordinary person, and Carmen was tricked away by this extraordinary person.

Of course, a higher probability is not a good thing for an extraordinary person who wanders the wilderness in the middle of the night. Carmen fell into the hands of the transcendent, and it was quite miserable. When Kane's body found her, the strangeness on her body had been misappropriated a lot.

Kane secretly summed up, it was all like this, but there was no need to rush to shoot. After all, the fate line and the line of cause and effect are implicated, and enough awe must be given. Generally speaking, the immediate family members of the Son of Fate, who has been tortured but did not die in the first place, have a high level of drama, and there may be a few dog-blood dramas performed anytime.

Of course, Kane didn’t do nothing. He took a complete gene and put a label on his soul. This is equivalent to insurance for both the soul and the body. If necessary, he will give Carmen a complete body, and even go back in time. It can be done to restore its old thinking and consciousness. The difference lies in how much'money' is spent and whether it is necessary.

Soram did the same thing.

For this kind of characters with a high probability of having a role, use the outsiders of "out of the three realms and not among the five elements" to force the character to be a unique soul symbol that cannot be identified by the law of the universe, and collect a complete gene that cannot be traced by the law of the universe. , Be regarded as the safest means of handling.

It's a pity that the cost of this method is relatively not low, and it can only be a key supporting role to enjoy such special insurance.

Since Carmen, who could not even be detected in the ‘retracement’, can be found, Kane has naturally found the whereabouts of the murderers who made Olaf’s home.

As expected, he did the dirty work professionally. He even lost a lot of money to the employer because he failed to complete the initial goal and lost some manpower.

And the identity of the employer is indeed in line with Samuel's statement to Olaf that "generals in jail is first of all a political issue."

A powerful man in the Kingdom of Stormwind.

The current progress of Kane's investigation stays at the question, "What is the real intention of the powerful man to mess with Solam?" ’This step.

When it comes to dramas of the times, it is not convenient for Kane to directly deal with the key information holders too blatantly, and the roundabout analysis is more time-consuming. It seems a bit fascinating at the moment, so I have advanced to this level.

From the overall perspective, there is no doubt that it is even more fascinating.

After all, just taking out what happened to the Olaf family, this kind of **** drama, that is, revealing the degree of political sordidness, the big deal is that it is an old society and involves racial discrimination, which is more brutal and cruel. This level of things, looking at any civilization, has a lot of it, and it simply doesn't match the compelling standards of the times.

It can even be said that even if it is the independence of the orcs race that ultimately leads, Olaf becomes king, leading the orcs to conquer Azeroth, and staged something like "We were dogs thirty years ago, thirty years later you It's a dog's hegemony drama, and its force is far from satisfying Kane.

The change of dynasties and the rise and fall of races are nothing in the natural universe, let alone in the extraordinary universe. If it can't involve a major event of the universe's birth and death level, it will not be worth his expectations.

Of course, considering the actual situation and objective factors, it would be almost enough to turn Azeroth upside down. The rest belonged to the fights of the gods, relying on the force of the world of Azeroth itself in the Warcraft universe, leading to larger or more in-depth events, which could not be played by the son of destiny.

Kane predicted the outline of the major events of the era, and it was almost like this.

But now, it is obviously still tossing about in the worldly stage, not rising to the level of world destruction. The key is, what is the opportunity to connect the two? Kane didn’t know. If he knew it, he wouldn’t have to follow the steps of the Son of Destiny like this, so that he could go it Interestingly, the appearance of Rosalyn Crowley made the incident. The meaning of so many main lines.

This analysis from the perspective of the overall situation is also logical. A son of destiny can't afford Azeroth's era drama. After all, Azeroth is the eyeball of the entire Warcraft universe, where the essence lies. Looking back on the past, it has never appeared. A single hero, leading the way, completes the situation of the era drama. Then, ‘every time there are heroes’ is reasonable.

It's just that, according to Kane's first operation, the potential son of destiny should be a one-time sweep. After all, the creator-level "fate peeping" magic is aimed at the law of the great road. It is a macroscopic view, let alone Azer. Russ, even a certain unknown person in a certain galaxy in the Warcraft universe, will inevitably be reflected.

As a result, only Ofra and his party were locked, but now Rosalind suddenly popped out.

Butterfly wings?

Kane is not very sure, but he prefers to believe in his own abilities. If it is really because of his intervention that caused such a big change, it is impossible for him to not even feel a little bit.

So, he tossed within the fault-tolerant rate of the fate director's drama, but fate opened a new line that is almost independent at present. His first reaction was that Olaf's series and Rosalind's series were about different sections of the drama of the corresponding era.

This is like a movie divided into several unit dramas, independent but organically integrated.

For now, the key concept that finally integrates these units is probably the power of darkness.

Therefore, on the whole, he did not go wrong, stepped on the tune, and even felt that if the incident moved forward a little bit, he might be able to "a leaf know the autumn" and see the true face of the troublemaker behind the crisis...


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