Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1383: Unpredictable fate is finally in the pot

Technology is in the ascendant, and it is precisely the best time to show wealth and individuality.

Productivity has come up, creation is abundant, people's thoughts have not been too deeply bound by the rules of technology, so the distance between art and graffiti appears to be thinner than paper...

Kane felt that the punk style of the human civilization of Azeroth in this era came to a large extent.

He is now watching the colorful punk-style creations-steam cars.

This is Sares Manor. The time is evening. After the sun has hidden to the west of the woods, the twilight gradually rises. However, Sarres Mansion is very eye-catching because of the large number of magic floating lights that are already lighting up.

The secret society gathering with Samuel as the leader of the organization was held today. Since the half afternoon, members have arrived one after another. By this time, they have basically gathered together. The parking of various strangely shaped steam cars is so big. The lawn areas are crowded.

At this moment, there is also the trio of the Sons of Destiny who is watching this scene. Unlike Kane’s 45-degree perspective of the gods with the help of the magic body, Olaf stands on a mound next to the farm and uses the newly mastered eagle eye technique. Looking over, Sacco was standing in front of a floor-to-ceiling window in the mansion, looking at it, while Yakari used the "eye of insight" based on the insight of all things, ignoring material barriers, drinking tea in the lounge, and The situation outside can be seen clearly.

The minds of the three are also different.

What Olaf thinks is that Samuel’s secret society members are all powerful celebrities, and their overall energy is extraordinary. If they are willing to work hard, it may be hopeful that his father will be baptized, but on the contrary, if his father One of the main reasons behind Dang's imprisonment is precisely because it is directly or indirectly involved with this secret society?

Nicolas also judged that members of the secret society were either rich or expensive, and he also learned about Samus from Olaf. He didn't care if Samus was a half-orc. What he thought was that if Samus could use a series of methods to bring these powerful people together to do things, why couldn't he?

He now also has the extraordinary means of controlling others, which makes it a bit more difficult for him to control one by one, but what if he uses the channel of Samuel? For example, making a fuss about the dinner food...

Yacari confirmed some of her previous judgments through observation. In her vision, the people who participated in the assembly have been corrupted and degenerated. A considerable part of the blood vessels in their bodies that are like tree roots have been blackened and twisted. Even the hearts of some people have been replaced by black nodules. Pumping dirty blood, this kind of person can no longer be regarded as a normal life, and being burned to ashes by the flame of purification is the salvation that he should enjoy.

Examining, adjudicating, purifying, redeeming, my own sense of mission... Undoubtedly, these are the effects of the brainwashing process of the Titan system. However, Yakari is already in this mountain and does not feel that there is anything in it. wrong.

The twilight gradually rose, but this time, Olaf did not rush into the mansion.

Under Charon's guidance, he wants to witness this peculiar land with his own eyes, changing the state of the environment at the turn of day and night, and deepen his understanding. This is also a preparation for the freedom to come and go in the future.

As the last ray of light of the setting sun disappeared into the sky, a creepy feeling went straight into the heart as the night fell.

Because of preparation, I deliberately improved my inspiration according to the method taught by Charon. The feeling is completely incomparable with the invisible and obscure experience of the elephant at the same moment yesterday. The price is that even if I have made some psychological preparations in advance, I still get The grandeur of the mighty power of heaven and earth was shocked.

In his words when he communicated with Charon afterwards: "You made me understand it carefully, but at the time, my brain was blank. If I had to say any emotions, it was fear, which came from deep in my heart and was indescribable. Fear."

Charon said with relief: "There is no need to blame yourself. This is not because you are unbearable. On the contrary, you can think normally without leaving obvious sequelae, which shows that your determination is far beyond ordinary people. Let You feel the change of the world at that moment, the main purpose is to temper your will."

Hearing what Charon said, Olaf basically understood. To temper the will, to put it bluntly, is to cultivate the soul, which is to prepare for the extraordinary awakening.

If it hadn't been for Kane's Brocks to teach the common sense and some tips in the transcendental field, Olaf would not think much about it at this time, and would even be grateful for Charon's help.

But with Kane's preaching to solve the puzzles, it is very different.

When Kane was preaching, even though the chat was only a few tens of minutes away from the subject, the gold content was quite high. It can be said that, as long as he speaks seriously, there is a saying.

Olaf was the one among the three who took these truths seriously.

He clearly remembered that Brocks told him that the easiest way to distinguish the right way from the wrong way was not to look at the extraordinary color spectrum, because extraordinary power itself has only the difference of attributes, not good or evil.

It is precisely because of this that Brocks is not like an ordinary and extraordinary person, he immediately shouted and beaten when he saw the darkness, or feared like a tiger.

Brocks said that the easiest way to distinguish between good and evil is to see gains and losses and to see progress.

The vicissitudes of the right way, steady, gradual, and mediocre gains, but the price is small, relying on the accumulation of strength over time is generally the right way.

Take the right path, even if you choose the dark path, it will not be too bad.

Brocks also emphasized that the ‘pit’ here has two aspects. On the one hand, it refers to the damage to the soul and body, and on the other hand, it is the distortion of the mind and consciousness.

The soul becomes incomplete, unstable, permanent loss of mental power, etc. This is a harm to the spirit in the general sense.

The distortion of thermal consciousness is more obscure and terrifying. For details, please refer to the changes in temperament and personality caused by depraved indulgence...

Precisely because he was deeply impressed by these statements of Brocks, Olaf at this moment knew that Charon, from a certain point of view, could be said to have cheated him a little.

In order to temper the will, hesitate to take risks, and leave a sequelae that may never be able to make up.

More importantly, Charon did not understand the pros and cons before this, but played a game of words. The cost was taken away and the benefits were repeatedly emphasized.

Guessing with malicious thoughts, Charon doesn't care whether he will leave permanent sequelae, or even cut off the path of progress, but only cares whether his comprehensive soul index can reach a certain standard as soon as possible, thus becoming an extraordinary person.

Combined with what Charon said before: "There is a huge potential hidden in your bloodline. Once activated, there is a lot to do."

And what Brocks said, "The body is the first tool, and it is also the Horcrux". If Charon also had a conspiracy against him, then the specific conspiracy would be clear at a glance.

Olaf asked: "So, should I stay here for a while?"

Charon’s answer was truly impeccable: “Opportunities are indeed rare, but there is no limit to practice. There are priorities and everything should be based on the purpose of ‘how to save your father as soon as possible’.”

Olaf was unwilling to buy it, and said in his heart: "It is very beautiful, but now on the one hand I am low in strength and can't do much, on the other hand, it seems that the timing is wrong and I need to wait patiently. Then it seems that the most correct choice is not Is it just to confuse snakes, eat and drink for nothing, and secretly increase strength as soon as possible?"

Olaf's thoughts turned, and he asked again: "Since the evening can be tempered, can it be done at dawn?"

"Uh..." Charon pondered for a moment before he said: "It's true that it is possible in theory, but I have not grasped the relevant methods, and I can't help you."

When Olaf heard this, he became more determined. Because Brooks not only explained good and evil to him, but also pointed out positive and negative.

In fact, people are sunny creatures. Whether it is from the attributes and fitness of the body, or the humanistic environment formed by the moral standards advocated by cultural inheritance, the impact on consciousness and cognition is more biased towards the right...' set.

Olaf also believes that if he chooses extraordinary attributes, he will choose a positive one.

From this perspective, it is easy to choose whether to bathe in the morning light and be shocked by the light of the day, or immerse in the dim yellow and be awed by the darkness of night.

Olaf thinks that choosing positive is more in line with his temperament and his three views, and negative, perhaps more in line with Charon?

I had this idea, but now I heard that Charon refused to teach related methods for unknown reasons, and naturally he became more and more determined to choose.

However, he did not take Charon to the opposite, but decided to take a risk on the grounds that he was anxious and willing to upgrade at any cost.

He also explained in a self-deprecating style why he didn't calm down. One is that he really needs strength, the other is that waiting for the opportunity is very tormented, and the third is that all his friends have taken off, but he is still mortal, which has become a drag. Can't bear it anymore.

He also said that he feels that although transcendental practice has different methods for different attributes of power, many principles still have similarities, especially the basic part. Therefore, he is willing to use the same method to improve perception and feel the dawn. The arrival of, so that there are two opportunities to realize twice a day, and the exercise effect is doubled! Maybe 1+1 is greater than 2.

With such a full statement, Charon was speechless. The key is that it sets its own personality, not the domineering type, but the negotiating type. At this time, saying "you have to follow me" is obviously to destroy the personality. In the end, it can only find another way.

After Olaf succeeded, he finally made an important decision.

He thinks that the light, the dark, the positive or the negative, these are not things he can control, and he can only do what he thinks is the right choice.

That being the case, he now believes that the most correct choice is to follow the principles taught by Brocks and follow the teachings taught by Brocks.

This way, for short, the idea of ​​starry sky view.

It sounds a bit tall, but in fact, it’s just normal, because it’s the right way, and progress is not the kind of immediate effect. It can even be said that it is the kind of way that most children of destiny cannot afford to wait. Hurry up.

Olaf also felt instinctively before, this Nima, when I walk this way and wait for me to achieve something, the grass of my old man's grave is several meters high.

But after a series of events stimulated, his thinking has changed greatly. He realized that no matter how strong he is, there will always be things beyond his control. There are actually only two paths he can choose. The first is to solve problems by brushing his face. The second point is that the probability of admitting that the Jedi will fight back is slim, and be an Avenger down to earth.

As Tyrande Whisperwind said after Teldrassil was burned by the Horde: "I can't revive my countrymen, but I can avenge them."

Olaf’s choice is undoubtedly extremely important. After all, the style of most of the children of destiny is to have a future recklessly, and to usher in the dark flowers in the end of the mountains and rivers again and again, using a series of miracles without any possibility of replication, flashing all the logic. Human eyes.

As a result, now that the Son of Destiny is not reckless, he wants to play with the courage, will the tide of the times slow down because of his choice? Obviously impossible.

As a director, Destiny doesn't like the protagonist of things that "I think, I think" at every turn.

This is my play. You have to play it according to my script. Do you think it's reasonable for you to play the Avenger?

Reasonable, that was never the point.

The phrase ‘what happens is reason’ can make the so-called logical and reasonable desire to cry without tears.

If you don't act according to my script, I will make you more abused than "The Ordinary World". I want to hear a big move for a lifetime, but in the end it is a stubborn ass!

Whether Olaf will lose his fate and become a scumbag, Kane is not sure, but his keen grasp of the sudden changes in the law of fate.

In the face of this supreme law that forces one of the best, even he has to give enough respect. After all, this is the home court of others, and although he is also very prestigious, he is only a poor traveler after all.

So at that instant, Kane teleported directly back to the fairy palace.

An important purpose of the fairy palace is to do this, as a shelter, to shield all laws from interference. With this barrier, Kane can even pat his **** and leave.

Rosalind, as the son of destiny, has a special sensitivity beyond the upper limit of strength, but when Kane's real body left, she had an inexplicable heart throbbing, and subconsciously looked at Brocks.

Of course, it is impossible to see what the problem is. The strength levels of the two sides are too different. Even if Kane leaves a shadow clone, misses body, and echoes, UU reading fools Rosalind absolutely.

But the law of fate is not so foolish.

Olaf's major changes were largely influenced by Blox's preaching and confusion, so the power of causality, the power of destiny backlash, etc., directly rushed towards Blox's role.

If you want to interact with the creatures in this universe, you must have ‘existence’, and for the power of law, this is a coordinate that can be targeted.

Therefore, he did not want to be polluted by the power of the laws of the Warcraft universe, and Kane, who was involved too deeply, flashed, but the role of Brocks could not escape, and he was directly ‘colored’.

Now, the existence of Brocks is like flying meat dipped in soup, and it can be regarded as a part of this stew pot. It is not small to thoroughly clean the taste in the soup. If it is not washed, fate will begin to rehearse for it, and there will be no escape from the spectator.

Kane was naturally a little angry. But I wasn't too surprised. I didn't want to follow the drama honestly, and when I had to occasionally end up as a **** stick, I was already mentally prepared for this possibility.

Analyzing from the practical point of view, there are fewer taboos. As long as people do not exceed the outline, then they can be energetically tossing.

But in the long run, a series of information related to Brocks, including technology, has become the dish in the pot of Warcraft Universe. The specific value is not valuable, it depends on how it is compared.

Moreover, Brocks also opposed this, no longer a disguise. It is not that he is powerless to control, but that Brocks has been infested by the power of the laws of the universe. If he still uses this kind of shell, the more he will use, the greater the loss. After all, his words, deeds, and even thoughts, It can become a dish in the pot in the form of information.


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