Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1384: Fortune decreases and increases pros and villains

Brocks had a dream. In the dream, he was the god, the creator, and he forced his rank high enough to be brothers and brothers with the rulers of the past.

After waking up, he laughed at himself and said in his heart: "Since the cultivation of mind power has been successful, he hasn't dreamed for a long time. After all, dreams can only be done by those who lack control of their conscious thoughts. It seems that yesterday The late confrontation with the dark creatures did cause a lot of damage to myself, even my soul was damaged, maybe it was permanent damage."

In Blox's memory, he is an unfortunate traverser. There are two main unlucky points:

First, he wears the wrong era. It is now in the post-Warcraft era. The prophetic memory he has about the Warcraft universe is of limited use, and may even mislead him into misunderstanding certain concepts.

Second, in this era of humane prosperity, he happened to cross over to a half-orc. He was really unloved by his grandmother and unloved by his uncle. He was more sad than the lighthouse ghosts in his hometown.

"Master, are you okay?"

Brocks followed the sound and saw Rosalyn Crowley looking at him with attention.

"Before overrun, it hurt the soul, the state was a little unstable, it's not a big deal." Brox explained in a flat tone.

He didn't get entangled in the title of ‘Master’. He could hear Rosalin’s ‘Master’ not out of respect, but only a courtesy of alienation. People don't take it seriously, so why should he be serious?

The current Brocks can be understood as the dimensionality reduction incarnation of Kane. The layout is similar to that of Zhao Wenrui created by C Kane in the Great Star Universe.

The memory of the past that Brocks possesses is also the same. Zhao Wenrui, a man on earth, has passed through, seized the dead but not yet cool Brocks White Claw, and obtained it by reading the memory of the remnant soul of White Claw. Yiying knowledge eventually became a shaman of the'beast face and human heart'.

He also once gave himself the nickname of the'courageous lion', but this humor and optimism has long been exhausted by the years, and now it is only a little capable, but can only wander in the main civilization of Azeroth. Wanderers on the edge.

In the eyes of Brocks, in the post-Warcraft era, there is a sense of technological advancement and mysterious disappearance. More powerful ones, such as the gods, guardians, dragons, etc., have all withdrawn one after another.

The era of mythology is over, and the era of prehistoric times is over. The ancient elves that are almost equivalent to the people of gold and silver in the DND system, and later Kaldorei, Rondore, and Sindorei have all withdrawn from the stage of history for a long time and are almost extinct. .

After that, the dwarves, who are about equal to the people of Bronze, were also killed and wounded by the collapse of Azeroth. They were no longer the size of the kingdom in the early years. Therefore, the history of civilization is relatively short, but since its birth, it has shown great vitality. The vigorous people of the dark iron mankind have gradually become the main civilization of this world.

In this context, because of the problem of the skin, it is impossible to integrate, but there is another heart in the people, so the life is very stressful.

I have tried to resolve discrimination and even hostility by persistently being a proactive and helpful person, but over the years, it is important to realize that such an ideal is basically impossible to achieve.

Because the overall height of human civilization has not yet risen, and the various internal contempt chain problems are extremely serious, let alone aliens.

So over the years, I have become more and more withdrawn, and I have become accustomed to loneliness. I simply have the ability to do it, but I am not too deficient in material aspects...

Such a persona was made up by Kane within a thousandth of a second by relying on the powerful thinking ability of the Creator after he sensed that the power of destiny was about to go back.

From Kane's point of view, this situation is basically equivalent to a joint filmmaking with the Law of Destiny of the Warcraft Universe, for which he provided a main actor.

Brocks White Claw officially joined the era drama, whether he can become the true son of destiny, it is still hard to say, but there are many dramas, but it is inevitable.

Kane ran out of the eco-ship again after evading a wave of raids by the law of fate, but for the time being, he was much more honest. Basically just watch, and never end.

In addition, he also made certain adjustments to the Dharmakaya and its shadow clone. On the one hand, it completely draws a line from Brocks White Claw, and on the other hand, it has perfected their independent latent persona.

In this way, if a situation similar to this happens again in the future, you only need to activate the lurking person to deal with a surprise attack by the law of fate at a small price.

Samuel Sarres’ secret society gatherings, at first glance, seem to be very ordinary dinners and parties, without those messy group shows or curious shows.

But analyzing the details, you will find that their activity still has some unique ways to play.

For example, the first dish of the dinner is the entrails cut from Samuel last night.

Olaf didn't know where the internal organs were multiplied in any way after it was cut off. In short, when it was on the table, dozens of participants and each of them were given half of the steak.

Of course, the three of Olaf were unwilling to touch them, but depending on the attitudes of others, this sashimi-level soft tufted food seemed to be a cherished benefit. They ate meticulously and satisfactorily, and there was no leftover. Down. After a while, someone even stared at the meat that they had not moved and swallowed.

In addition, the main red wine was also warned by Yacarly, and the three of them did not touch it, but changed to juice. In a whispered conversation, Yacari pointed out that the red wine contained several blood extracts, including human blood, and more than a dozen toxins.

Other attendees are also very fond of this red wine. Under the premise of maintaining a certain elegance, drink as much as possible. Basically, if you have a toast and drink together, you must toast. Normally, it is a bite of a dish and a sip of wine. The medicine is usually rinsed with wine.

Olaf and the three of them had a single table, and during the banquet, the other participants almost despised the chain. However, this level of unwelcome treatment has long been unable to cause any psychological harm to the three of them. Although the meal for the three is not pleasant, they did not treat themselves badly.

This dinner once again made Olaf a little distraught.

Because of Samuel Sarres, he introduced the three of Olaf to the attendees.

Olaf could see it completely. The participants didn't wait to see them, but out of restraint and giving Samuel face, they were still polite on the surface, and no one provoke on the spot. At most, he expressed his attitude through actions, so the three of them took a table alone. It's simply a small table for four, and it's not awkward to open it alone.

Moreover, in the introduction, Samuel inevitably mentioned his uncle Beom Gorman. Judging from the reactions of the crowd, he was obviously familiar and did not have that obvious contempt. In Olaf's view, this means that the statement that ‘Beom is half the owner of the Sarres’ Manor’ is not a bluff of Samus.

In this way, the credibility of the words Samuel said to him last night has been raised to a new level.

He originally wanted to believe that Beom was coerced or simply controlled before joining the secret society, but now it seems that Beom is more like one of the founders of this secret society.

So after the dinner, when Sacco said: "I'm afraid, we have to prepare for the psychological preparation of'Beom and them are in a gang'", Olaf finally chose to default.

This acquiescence meant that even if he saw Beom, Beom might not be able to really help them, on the contrary, it might help Samus pit them.

After that, Olaf also proposed for the first time a final time limit for action. He said: "Brocks said that my blood is quite special. It has basically been proved now because I have been awakened according to the method taught by Brocks. Recruitment is what happened within these few days. When I am supernaturally awakened, it is our final day of action. Even if Beom has not returned, we will leave here. Solve the problem in other ways instead of continuing to indulge. In this weird manor."

Both Sacco and Yakari agree, because their current view is that Samuel is also leaning towards Olaf’s bloodline. The day Olaf’s bloodline awakens is also the time when Samuel and his team reveal their true colors. Since the collision is inevitable. , Then it is necessary for one's own side to take the initiative...

Soon after, the content of the conversation between the three Olafs was known verbatim by Samuel.

He laughed blankly and said, "This makes me want to do this."

It turned out that the most melancholy part of Samuel before was how to activate Olaf's bloodline power as soon as possible. After all, this kind of thing, even if the deity actively cooperates, is willing to endure hardships and take risks, the probability of success will not be very high, otherwise there will be warlocks running all over the street.

As a high demon world, Azeroth humans, traced back to their ancestors, awakened to the transcendence, or were corroded by the transcendence power, and there are still many cases of certain changes.

Now that Olaf can solve this biggest difficulty by himself, it will naturally save a lot of trouble.

After Samuel pondered for a while, he commanded: "Replace Soram from the prison. Perhaps at a critical moment, we need to use Soram's on-the-spot death to further stimulate Olaf."

After that, he ordered: "Look up for this guy Brocks."

After that, Samuel fell into contemplation.

Looking at the whole incident from his point of view, it is not without confusion.

The biggest confusion comes from the cognition of Olaf.

Like many people starting the project, Samuel spent a lot of energy and wealth on intelligence when he started this project.

It can be said that in terms of the roots of the 18th generation of the ancestors of the Gorman family, the Thoram and Beom brothers are definitely not as comprehensive and profound as Samus, let alone Olaf.

After finding out the roots and feet, there is further character investigation.

Although transcendental is ideal, but the materials used are sometimes very particular, and it's not even a trace.

Therefore, Samuel also spent a lot of money, including spending huge sums of money to win over Beom and help him fill in the financial holes again and again to get what he wanted.

In this complete information, Olaf brothers and sisters are basically worthless, let alone their mother.

Because of this, Samuel took the opportunity to engage Solam. After all, capturing a prisoner as a sacrifice and capturing a general as a sacrifice are very different in difficulty and impact.

Samus can swear to God that Olaf breaks the house, he really has nothing to do with him. His main goal is Solam. He bought the judge, the jailer, and so on, and waited for someone to be picked from the prison. Up.

He also faintly noticed that there are other forces or individuals who are very hostile to Soram.

But this is normal, the power circle is cruel, not to mention the excellent business ability of the troops Soram said, has made many colleagues in the face.

In fact, it's not that Solam has insufficient EQ. Since he is determined to climb within the power system of the human kingdom, he naturally does not hesitate to lower his posture and make friends with others. But everyone does not wait to see him, he is equivalent to being isolated, so he can only be a pure minister and serve the boss wholeheartedly. Whether he will hurt his colleagues because of his performance, he will not care, and then he will heal. The hair is isolated and even hated by some people.

Samus also understands this, so someone caught Soram's scandal and attacked more ruthlessly than him, and he didn't care too much.

Including later learned that Soram's house was attacked, his wife and daughter were killed, and the eldest daughter was missing, he just spit out something like "how much hatred, how much hatred".

It didn’t take long before he was beaten in the face. The key predictor in his team told him The situation changed suddenly. The stimulated Olaf showed the best blood, Bisoram and Beo. Mu added up is still strong.

Samus then temporarily added a plan to lure Olaf to come.

This kind of emergency designation plan is inevitably flawed, but Samuel trusts the prophet very much and recognizes the other party's setbacks, but it is just good for activating the blood. As long as we grasp the key points, he will eventually The argument of entering 彀.

Sure enough, even if he didn’t elaborate, monitor the whole process, or simply ask for the kidnapping, he just caught the news spreading Beom’s whereabouts and helped Olaf get through the hurdles before entering the door by doing dirty work. , Olaf entered the game step by step.

This is basically the past. Although this past has made Samus quite confident about success, as a person who believes in prophecies, he naturally has awe of fate. The series of changes that have occurred to Olaf, and even the rapid growth, inevitably make He was a little wary.

To put it bluntly, Samuel was shocked by Olaf's excessive fortune, and thought of the possibility of losing to this fortune...

Kane, who can observe the operation of the law to a certain extent, can't help but sigh at this.

Because of the addition of Brocks he played, Olaf's important choice deviated from the established trajectory, and various problems immediately followed.

Not only did Brocks suffer a backlash from the power of destiny, he was dragged into the water and became a pawn, but Olaf's own luck was also severely frustrated. Correspondingly, the villain’s IQ went online, instead of being faint and arrogant status.

This series of changes, secret and reasonable, and the law of fate, is really a good screenwriter and director.


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