Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1389: Sweep 1 wave of element forbidden spell

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In Azeroth, the switching of boundaries is difficult and simple.

But like the reinforcements of the dark elements, it is definitely not an easy task to forcefully pull elemental barriers into another realm.

Rosalind, Skard, and Ninett, through the abnormal interaction with the external energy, perceive the sudden change in the laws of nature, and rush to the ground to see that the sky is no longer night, but it is not ordinary day, but grey.

In fact, apart from the elemental barriers, all the outside scenery has no color, only various transitional colors from gray to black.

"It's the Shadow Realm!" Skard exclaimed.

Brocks, who was busy absorbing extraordinary energy, glanced at Skader in a little surprise.

The Pastor Shengguang, in the previous battle, showed calmness and veteran style. He didn't expect to have such a side.

Obviously, Skard has a tragic past story, and it is mostly related to the shadow world.

Rosalind and Ninete knew, but now is not the time to explain them. Rosalind approached Brocks and asked, "Master, is this?"

"The other party's new method only completed the boundary change in an instant." Brox replied calmly.

He really had no fear of the Shadow Realm. On the one hand, he is self-reliant, and on the other hand, he is a little ignorant and fearless.

His knowledge of the shadow world still remained at the level of encounters in the prophet's memory when the black blade knight acquired the Acherus horse.

In fact, the senior death Saranar asked the Ebon Knights to enter the shadow world, defeat a death knight there, and obtain his horse.

This mission has two key points, 1 is to defeat the owner of the Death Horse, 2 is to enter and leave the shadow world, you need to pass through the anchor point of Saranal.

As a legendary shaman, Brocks naturally has no shortage of knowledge about planes and realms. After all, when a shaman grows up, he has to deal with elemental creatures, and all elemental creatures live in their respective elemental planes.

What's more, the elemental allies he has have undergone many strengthening and shaping rituals, which means that the interaction between him and the elemental creatures is far more than ordinary summoning.

Knowledge is confidence, and in the eyes of Brocks, the shadow world is the same.

Of course, this is a wrong perception.

The root of this error lies in the fact that even Brox’s high-dimensional existence Kane has become lagging behind because of his departure from the original world and cannot keep up with the times.

In this respect, Kane can't even compare to Zhao Wenrui, who left him a treasure-class legacy.

From the perspective of time zone division, Zhao Wenrui spent most of his time in the outer regions.

It is precisely because of this that the phenomenon of'the original source is one day, the extreme outside for hundreds of millions of years' has been created. Zhao Wenrui accumulated rich family possessions through accumulation in Jiwai, and then put the inheritance in a position that Kane can reach at a very high cost. These are King Kane and Black Kane, who can dominate in the dark old days. The mechanical environment of the universe is the reason for the inheritance.

It can be said that ninety-nine percent of the heritage is spent on the consumption of delivery, and the final legacy with information as the core is still incalculable.

Perhaps it is because the time zone is old enough, Zhao Wenrui pays more attention to the information of the original world than Kane. For this reason, he once completed an information acquisition at a huge price that Kane couldn't even imagine.

Kane, who inherited Zhao Wenrui's legacy, is equivalent to an information patch package. Before this patch was applied, his version of relevant information remained at the period of working and living in the Vientiane Gate system as a senior reincarnation before rebirth.

At that time, the reincarnation could use the credit currency to make relevant information patches for himself from time to time.

Of course, you can also obtain the information you want through those new reincarnations from the original world, but this kind of private transaction, whether it is profit or loss, is more face-sensitive.

The most unreasonable part of this is that the Samsara newcomer did not have relevant psychological preparations before coming to the Vientiane Gate system, so the information he has is often incomplete, vague, and even unspoken by hearsay. Now he wants to sell it for money, no one can guarantee how credible the information is.

In any case, Kane was patched once through Zhao Wenrui's legacy. Specific to the relevant information about the Warcraft universe, he knew the Legion's second chapter, the Battle for Azeroth chapter, but did not know the Shadow Kingdom chapter.

The Shadow Realm is different from the Four Elemental Plane and even the Emerald Dream.

The four element planes were created by the guardians, the Emerald Dream was created by the Titans, and the Shadow Realm was gradually evolved from the birth of the Warcraft universe.

However, although Kane lacked this piece of prophetic memory, his cognition of plane space and his ability to discern laws were at the creator level, and his basic qualities were high enough.

Therefore, when he was building the eco-ship, he actually had a more intuitive understanding of the structure of the Warcraft universe, including the shadow world.

He regarded the shadow realm as a star realm with obvious negative characteristics.

In addition, the Shadow Realm has a lot in common with the subspace of the Warhammer 40K universe.

Looking at it from another angle, the reason why the Warcraft universe can be connected with the Warhammer 40K universe through the dead world is naturally a special reason.

Things gather together, because they have something in common, so they can be connected together.

At the same time, it is precisely because of this commonality that Kane did not rashly roam the shadow world. The reason is the same as he did not wander around in the subspace of Warhammer 40K.

And now, the event finally put this concept before him.

Fortunately, the chess piece of Brocks White Claw is his low-dimensional clone. He still has confidence in its abilities, so he can continue watching the show and don't rush to roll up his sleeves.

Brocks Whiteclaw lacks a super-macro perspective, but he is not an arrogant person. He said to the three Rosalind: "This is an extraordinary handwriting. Maybe it is the dark evil thing who is doing the ghost. We have to do the worst. intend."

Rosalind and the three of them ignored a glance, solemnly nodded to Brox, Rosalin said: "Master, what can I do to help, please give me an order."

Brocks was also not polite: "Skard, the environment here is too restrained on your strength. If you can, try not to be outside. You go to underground fortifications and lead everyone to the central area."

With that, Brocks flicked his finger and threw an oblate the size of a fingernail to Scudder. Then he subconsciously caught Skard and said: "Put it into your ears and we can talk. I will show you the way. If there is a problem, just say it, and I can hear it."


Brocks said to Skard who turned to leave: "Remember, Skard, you are now the only power of light among us. We don’t know when we will leave this world, so your duty is To protect everyone’s souls, you only need to focus on this one point, understand?"

Skard turned around and assured him: "I know what to do." k

Brocks said to Ninett again: "With your help, I can reduce the scale of underground fortifications more efficiently. Originally, I wanted to turn underground fortifications into a barracks that can accommodate 5,000 people, but now we need Sacrifice the surrounding area to obtain more elemental energy to ensure that the central area can exist for a longer time under the erosion of the power of shadow."

While talking, another resonance spar used for communication was generated in the hands of Brocks.

"I'll go!" Nainette took the order and left.

At this time, the flapping sound of wings was already heard in the air, and it was familiar. Both Brox and Rosalin realized that it was the vampire giant bat that had killed it.

"Rosalin, do you feel the restlessness of power in your body?"

"How do you know? What's going on?" Rosalinn asked subconsciously, and then waved her hand before Brocks could speak up: "Now it's not about this time, what can I do, just give it to you. "

Hearing this, Brocks also said in a simple and concise manner: "Cut the monster, cover me to complete the finishing operation, and try to collect the last wave of extraordinary energy."

"Okay!" Rosalind was a qualified fighter from all aspects, quite happy after hearing the war, not knowing what it meant to be afraid of.

Rosalind uses an unusual weapon, the claw knife, which is a kind of fist blade, which looks like a large arm armor with a short sword, cylindrical, and an arm shield.

The wrist of this weapon is movable, and the back of the hand is positioned as a whole with the arm armor. The user does not need to worry about being broken by the force transmitted by the claw blade.

Anyway, in Kane's eyes, Rosalind, who uses this weapon, is a warrior who favors the stalker, and needs to cooperate with flexible posture and coquettish positioning.

He also understood that Rosalind chose such a path because the advantages brought by the wolf transformation were used by her. This claw knife was an enlarged version of the wolf claw.

But it must be said that this type of fighter is very uncomfortable when faced with a tough battle situation or a situation where he fights alone against a group of enemies, especially not yet able to conduct mobile warfare.

Of course, the giant bat is not afraid of Rosalind's sports battles, and they have more mobility advantages.

Brocks was not the kind of person who would let others buy time for him in order to collect more energy as a reserve.

At the cost of temporarily unable to use the totem, he poured the power of the totem into Rosalind's body. Rosalin immediately left the green dragon and the white tiger on the right, ah, no, it was Feng Shui.

The wind further strengthened Rosalind's speed, and at the same time made the claw blade sharper. The water improved Rosalind's flexibility, and at the same time strengthened the werewolf's not low self-recovery ability.

But the sum of the two is not as high as the bonus of ‘heroic’ or ‘bloodthirsty’.

No matter how brave the blessing was, Rosalind also transformed directly, and activated the warrior skills of the gods.

Rosalind turned into a werewolf with heroic appearance, destructive power displayed in an exaggerated energy level, blowing wolf hair, dancing without wind, as if burning.

The Heavenly God descended to the earth to make her physique bigger by at least three times, and even the claw knife appeared to be a lot smaller, wearing it on her hand as if it were just a right glove.

Then the battle began.

In fact, it was not Rosalind who fought the battle, but Brox's gold medalist, fire element and earth element.

These two elemental creatures, one is good at long-range attack, the other is good at melee, and this time, after Blox made them appear on the field, they merged into a lava golem, both far and near, 1+1 is greater than 2.

In the Shadow Realm, the appearance of the giant vampire bat is different. The body glows scarlet, and is wrapped in black smoke-like shadow fog. Instead, it is originally scarlet glowing blood claws, as black as ink.

These vampire bats can lean on the shadow fog and become invisible in the shadow world, so they can only hear the sound of wings flapping, which is not visible, but at the moment of attack, or when diving for a long distance, the energy is concentrated on the claws, or The shadow mist is torn apart by the airflow and cannot be replenished, and the real body will be revealed.

These ghostly and flickering monsters are fast and powerful, and they can make the predators of the hunting civilization inadequate to walk around.

But now, Rosalind in her peak state is really tough, she can evade the key again and again under the strong wind pressure and lightning strikes, while seizing the opportunity, fierce output, often, the vampire bat is There were deep marks on her armor, but at the cost of being opened or cut into several pieces.

The claw knife is really cruel under the blessing of violent power. It's like cutting tofu with several knives between your fingers. Once hit by it, the limbs will be broken.

The lava golem can’t hide or avoid it, but the lava bomb it throws is area damage. If you hit one, the surrounding ones will also suffer, and it’s an alternative hedgehog. The high temperature lava will give anyone who dares to claw it. The monster hurts with terrifying elements.

With these two thugs escorting him, Brocks completely ignored the threat at hand, and concentrated on collecting energy.

For the Lord, she not only waited for strong support, but also waited for ‘Dad’.

This being called the Archbishop, with loose robes, deep hood, and shrouded in shadow mist, the only features that can show its characteristics are the scarlet eyes and the ‘tomb aura’.

The so-called tomb gas is the abbreviation of the smell of the cemetery. To be more precise, this smell is like the smell of corpses rotting in a cold and low temperature morgue. It is not a strong rancid smell, but it is impressive and delicate. Fear of thinking.

The archbishop has a human form, but his physique is similar to that of a Vrykul, at least one meter taller than an ordinary adult.

The average figure of Azeroth is even burly and sturdy. The height of 180cm is quite ordinary, while the Vrykul is about 3 meters. With such a height and correspondingly strong physique, the archbishop, supplemented by a strong mysterious style, is naturally an amazing sense of oppression.

However, this guy's military command ability is not as strong as his appearance. Or maybe it's not bad money. Anyway, he can't do things like using giant vampire bats as cannon fodder.

He also understands the combination of open and ground. So while the vampire bats attacked frantically, the ground troops rushed forward.

However, it was precisely because of his boldness, or recklessness, that the defensive means of the elemental barrier that the Lord had not been able to detonate before was detonated by him.

If he could be so late, Brocks would not bear to consume the energy and withdraw the energy, but now...

The outer wall of the elemental barrier melts down by It is like a wax block under high temperature, and the melted substance is like a ripple on the water surface, spreading in a ring shape, and it is contrary to the norm, the more outward the stronger the stronger .

This kind of strength erupted from the full fusion of the power of the four elements. Like a chemical reaction, the power surged exponentially.

The dark beast attacking from the ground was involved in this elemental wave, and it didn't take long before it fell apart and became the more violent nourishment for the elemental wave.

Looking down from the sky, after this brilliant energy wave ring spreads, it is empty within a radius of nearly one kilometer, and there is no larger stone.

Even the giant vampire bat was frightened and fled in an uncontrolled panic.

No one saw the expression of the archbishop at this moment, but his gnashing tone revealed his true emotions to a certain extent: "Yuan, Su, forbidden, curse!"

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